Create a Tender that gets Results

Create a Tender that gets Results

In the world of construction, we often hear the word “tender” being used more often than ever…”Who was that tender awarded too?”, “X & Y have just put out a tender for the building of A”, “I wonder which company got awarded that tender?”…the big question then becomes, what is a Tender?

A tender is a process where an offer is put out to do work or supply a service/goods at a fixed price. Usually given by government and financial institutions they invite bids for large projects and have to be submitted in a finite deadline.

Creating a tender that will get the desired results may seem rather impossible but the reality is its all dependant on a few but relevant pointers will have a look at below:

  • Ensure that you are registered on the supplier database – find a sector that works for your line of business and register to be informed of the tenders that would be published.
  • Attend the briefing sessions so you would know what’s expected for the project.
  • Have the correct documents – it’s standard to have the correct documents as a company. Have a valid and current tax clearance and BEE certificate.
  • Have a good banking record, credit history and relationship with your clients and suppliers.
  • You must have the cash flow and necessary resources to bid for the tender.
  • Price in a competitive manner with proof – avoid pricing extremely low, get the pricing just correct.
  • Provide references – this will assist in boosting your chances of being awarded
  • Source out partnership – completing a project without assistance is always a bonus but it always helps to get assistance if needed.
  • Keep note of the of the closing date and submit before that time.
  • Keep a copy of your tender documents
  • Never give up – the tendering world isn’t easy at all but just because you didn’t get the first doesn’t mean the ones to follow won’t be a success.

Do remember that tenders are a lengthy process which may take a while before they are awarded, this doesn’t mean you should just bid for one and sit back waiting for the work..put in the effort and do as much research as you can in order to create a tender that will get you the results you desire.

It’s not so much that it is a difficult task but it needs you to be specific and pay close attention to the finer detail.





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Demolition Techniques

Demolition Techniques
You may assume demolition is simply blowing things up. Some involve explosions but it is however way more technical than that. There are various demolition techniques that are considered as ‘demolition’.


It must be noted that before any demolition takes place the following practices need to be completed according to The Constructor

1. Surveying
2. Removal of hazardous materials
3. Preparation of plan
4. Safety measures


Taking the above into account the following (according to Civil Engineering News) are selected.

1. Non Engineering Demolition also known as Manual.

a) Refering to tools such as Sledge Hammers, Jack Hammers and Drillers which are used by workers.

Jackhammer - Demolition Techniques.jpg
Jackhammer Technique















2. Engineering Demolition which is split into 3 categories.

a) Mechanical Method:

Wrecking Ball (think Miley Cyrus but without the theatrics)

Pusher Arm technique (a specialised hydraulic arm used for smaller buildings)

Thermic Lance Technique (using flaming temperatures of 2500 0C to melt reinforcement)

Non-Explosive (drilling and filling with expanding slurry)

Concrete Sawing

Deliberate Collapse (significant structural items are removed)

Pressure Jetting (thanks to H20)


b) Implosion: Inward disintegration using explosives

c) Deconstruction: Non-structural and structural

Wrecking Ball - Demolition Techniques.jpg
Wrecking Ball Technique















Demolition encompasses many techniques and is often used in conjunction with new construction or renovation.

In conclusion, I’ll take inspiration from Rumi, ‘In this life many demolitions are actually renovations.’


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

The key role of Safety Officers

The key role of safety officers

Safety Officers and Their Functions:

Safety officer… Brrrrrr.… Just the mere words alone are enough to send cold shivers down any foreman’s spine.
This important professional can close down a construction site within an hour if proper safety and precaution measures are not adhered to.
They do, however, form probably the most vital part of the whole operation – And that is ensuring the safety of all personnel on site.

We all know how quickly and easily accidents can happen, especially on a dangerous construction site, where accidents are almost inevitable. These officers detailed, pedantic and precautionary planning is an essential part of ensuring the safety of everyone involved in the project.


Not to mention the financial losses that are incurred with the insurance claims which lead to more financial losses caused by delays and it just grows exponentially worse from there.


Reputations can be tested and destroyed, and the hardest hitting reality of it all…

People can die!

Remember the bridge that fell down over Grayston Drive in Sandton, Johannesburg, not that long ago? The first point of contact for the investigation was the Safety Officer!

Not sticking to the safety regulations is simply a lose-lose situation.

OK, now that I have scared everyone and put you all in a sombre mood, let’s get serious and highlight just some of the important functions of a Safety Officer.

1. Creating and Implementing Safety Policies:
The Safety Officer with the assistance of managers and construction workers determine what policies are needed to help employers reduce the accident-related costs and prevent losses
due to any decline in productivity. They then finalize these policies and are responsible for alerting workers about any changes and monitoring of compliance.

2. Workplace Inspections:
Safety Officers are responsible for inspecting the interior and exterior work areas to determine if there are any safety hazards. In these inspections, they look for any broken equipment, damaged or unstable equipment, slip-and-fall hazards and any other potential hazards. They also observe workers to ensure that the required personal protective equipment (PPE) is being worn and machinery is operated in the correct manner and that the employees themselves are adhering to the company’s safety policies.

3. Accident Investigations:
Should a workplace accident occur, a Safety Officer will conduct the investigation to determine why and how the accident happened. This includes questioning witnesses, accident site inspection and pictures may be taken of the scene for the comprehensive report he or she must write. They also then provide recommendations to prevent future accidents.

4. Training and Coaching:
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requires employers to provide training on multitudes of safety topics, ranging from fire prevention plans, hazardous materials handling to machine operations. Safety Officers need to identify training needs, develop the correct programs and then deliver these programs to the employees.

5. Last, but not least… Regulatory Compliance:
These standards have already been put in place by OSHA and Occupational Safety Agencies, and are a necessity on construction sites. This involves reviewing these already set out standards, implementing plans to meet those standards and follow all of the correct record keeping procedures.

So as you can clearly see, these professionals play an integral part of keeping you and your workers safe.

Their job is your well-being!






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About Nikki Blake

I am an Account Executive in our Gauteng branch. I have been with L2B for almost a year now and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am so passionate about people and being able to assist them grow their business with the use of our amazing system. It has not only given me an overwhelming sense of self fulfilment, but has also become my motivation to be the best person I can be each day. Thank you L2B and to all of our awesome clients!

L2B Blog: Fire Risks

Fire Risks

Since the early dawn of man, the discovery of fire has brought us progress in every way. A discovery that has pushed the human race beyond grunting and digging for roots, catapulting us into the future. It has provided us with warmth, transport, cooked meals and a living environment that is far more convenient and healthy.
Fire brings a risk of injury and/or death. The importance of treating fire with respect and a mental presence is pertinent to everyone’s wellbeing. This article will give you an overview of some of the risks that fire brings.

Fire requires three elements to start; heat, fuel & oxygen. Stupidity might be added as a fourth for a safe measure as this seems to be a common factor. Examples of fire hazards will include but are not limited to: objects generating heat, faulty electrical equipment, overloading of power supply sockets, smoking, human error and negligence as well as meteorological events (lightning).


Hoarding is considered to be one of the major contributors towards fire hazards. Hoarding is defined as the persisted collection and accumulation with an inability to relinquish a large number of objects. Hoarding might include variable objects and materials that humans collect and store causing clutter that will be the fuel for any fire. The rule of thumb is that if you haven’t used it for two months then get rid of it. It is not worth getting your mono-brow or ponytail singed by fire as a direct cause of your hoarding.

Whilst the list of materials posing possible fire risks is endless, the common list would include: flammable liquids of all kinds, gas, and fabric etc. It is of value to know the flash point of flammable material that you might utilise and or store on your premises.

The flashpoint of a volatile flammable material is the lowest temperature at which the vapours of the material will ignite when given an ignition source. The flash point is often confused with the autoignition temperature, which is the temperature at which the vapour ignites spontaneously on its own without an ignition source. The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the vapours of the material will continue to burn after being ignited and the ignition source has been removed. The fire point is higher than the flash point because at the flashpoint more vapour may not be produced rapidly enough to sustain combustion. Flammable materials almost always have a Material Safety Data Sheet that will include information in regards to the particular materials flash/ignition point. It is of value to take the time to read and familiarise yourself with this data if you are inclined to handle the material in an environment that could cause it to ignite.


 Whilst it is common knowledge as to the danger linked to well-known flammable materials, the risk of fire is hidden in materials that we do not commonly associate with fire. Ordinary cake flour is one of these products. In its original solid form, it has no risk of ignition. However, when converted into a fine dust, the risk of ignition increases exponentially. Other organic materials that fall into this category will include but are not limited to: grain, starch, sugar, powdered milk, cocoa, coffee, and pollen.

Fireball spreads rapidly:
A cloud of flour is ignited:









So, if waking up from a “Rip Van Winkle” coma with your favourite little dog named “Skippy” imprinted as a vague Bushman drawing on your kitchen wall doesn’t appeal to you, then rather don’t celebrate your perfect ginger-bread man biscuits by applauding yourself with a hand full of flour over your ignited gas stove.

Be aware and educate yourself on all aspects of fire.


Examples of Fire Hazards in the Workplace


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About Richard Venter

I joined the property division as the Financial Manager in 2017 and oversee the management and investment aspects of all properties owned.

L2B Blog: History of Hard Hats

.History of Hard Hats

History of Hard Hats

Hard Hats; a common symbol of the Construction Industry, but have you ever stopped to wonder about the History behind this safety accessory?


According to Prescot Valley Tribune, “The Hard Hat originated with Edward Bullard, a WWI veteran. He brought a steel helmet home after the war. This metal headgear was the inspiration to revolutionize industrial safety. Bullard’s father worked in the industrial safety business for 20 years and sold protective hats, but they were made of leather.

Construction of the Hoover Dam, which began in 1931 was the first project in which construction workers were required to wear Hard Hats. Later, in 1933, the construction site of the Golden Gate Bridge became America’s first “Hard Hat Area”.”

The first Hard Hats were made from:

  • Leather
  • Canvas
  • Steel
  • Aluminum
  • Fibreglass
  • Plastic
  • and finally today’s High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE).

The function of the Hard Hat is pretty obvious. If worn and fitted correctly it provides limited safety from shock, perforation, fire, water and heat.

Hard Hats also provide a form of identification.

A wearer can use colour coded Hard Hats to differentiate between job titles/responsibilities:

  • White – Managers, Engineers, Supervisors/Foremen
  • Blue – Electricians, Carpenters and other technical operators (besides civil workers)
  • Green – Safety Officers
  • Red – Fire Fighters
  • Yellow – Labourers
  • Brown – Welders and workers with high heat application
  • Grey – Site Visitors

These colour codes are general and could change according to the Project.

Over time Hard Hats, like most things also need replacing. As a wearer, you should inspect your Hard Hats before each use.  Your support strap should also be replaced annually and the entire hat every five years. Hard Hats may also allow for the attachment of safety accessories; most noteworthy are face shields, respirators, hearing protection and work lamps.


Today’s Hard Hat hasn’t changed much since the 1960’s and has become a staple of safety, but they may be getting an upgrade in the future.

According to Sourceable, “In Australia, RMIT has developed a system whereby sensors can be embedded onto safety glasses, helmets or boots and can monitor and inform workers of impending danger…”
Sounds really interesting, after all, technology is a part of our every day lives and why not safety too.
Industry leaders can achieve much by ‘upgrading’ the Hard Hat. For example, by monitoring and assessing stats you can take precautions; not only in the present but also in the future through behavior analysis. But this may also present issues; like how much monitoring is too much when it comes to privacy and tracking? What are your thoughts?

In conclusion, the future sure looks safe when it comes to Hard Hats. The History of Hard Hats was certainly an interesting topic to research and blog.


Do you have any Hard Hat stories or facts you’d like to share? Or do you frequently use one?



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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

L2B Blog: The Most Important Tender / Project of your Career

The Most Important Tender / Project of your Career

The Most Important Tender/ Project of your Career

This can be up to interpretation. The most important tender or project could very well be your first tender or project. Being given the responsibility and trusted to compile a project or submit a tender on your own, can be a huge turning point in any career. Regardless of whether it’s a huge failure or a blazing success, the odds are that the lessons you learnt when working on your first are the lessons you carry with you for the rest of your career, and hopefully serve you in good stead.

“It’s fine to celebrate success, but more important to heed the lessons of failure.” — Bill Gates

The argument can be made for the most successful tender or project, being the turning point of a person’s career. It could be a tender or project that’s unique or innovative, and gets the attention of those in your industry or captures the public imagination. Success is measured in many ways and can come in just as many incarnations. The pat-on-the-back job that steers you towards grander goals, can be a stroke of luck or the product of unrelenting perseverance. The stress and pressure of such an endeavour can make or break you. And like all things in life, your attitude towards the success defines the lasting effect of it.

“Don’t aim for perfection. Aim for success.” — Eike Batiste

The most important tender or project could be the one that saves you. Many industries are increasingly under pressure, competitive and quite ruthless. Not all companies survive or go from strength to strength without there being periods of grasping desperation. Whether it’s the new start up or an established company battling to adapt to the changing times; that tender or project could be a lifeline that saves dreams, jobs and spirits. As long as you’re paid within 30 days, right? The most important might be the opportunity to keep hope alive and to carry on.

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”  — Henry Ford

The lucky dodge. Hell, perhaps you were passed over with regards to a particular tender or project. Perhaps you wanted it really badly and you had worked your butt off to get to be part of the team, and you were left out. Not all tender or project teams are good or experienced. Or honest. Or share your work ethic. It might be that it all looked perfect like the stars aligned and then life happened. There are many horror stories out there, with buildings falling down or the word “collusion” being thrown around. A natural disaster or a bad turn in the economy. Does anyone really want to be associated with any of that when it all hits the fan? Dodging the bullet is the lucky break no one wants at the time, but is thankful for when it all comes to light. Unfortunately, in society people are tainted by association. It’s unfair, but unwaveringly true. “Be careful what you wish for” – the most important tender or project of your career might be the one that does not appear on your resume.

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” — Warren Buffett

The one you missed, can define your career. The focus might be on the successes, the big payday or the photo opportunities when breaking ground or cutting the opening day ribbon; but none of that compares to the quiet of the missed chance. If you fail; you know. If you succeed; you know. But if you don’t even get a chance to try; you’ll never know. Not to be dramatic, or anything but being in the loop, and knowing what and when is vital for there to be any chance at landing that big payday or that career-defining project. Information is power. The importance of this is not lost on us and is our bread and butter. Get in the know early, and you can reap the reward later.

“The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competitors, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose.” — Bill Gates

So whether it’s the first go, the shining success story, the dodged bullet or the missed chance; hopefully these all form part of long and enduring careers, with just a few colourful stories to tell.

What do you consider your most important tender or project? Leave a comment below.




L2B Blog: How to make the most of our Tender Leads

Did you Know #DYK – How to search for trending civil tenders?


About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

L2B Blog: CIDB Grading (How it works)

CIDB Grading (How it works)

CIDB Grading (How it works)


Today, I will be chatting about CIDB and how it works. Yes, I know…CIDB, what? Let me assure you that when I first started at Leads 2 Business I had no clue what CIDB was, what it stood for or how it even worked. Rest assured though, I will go slow.


Definition: CIDB

Construction Industry Development Board. Big words, I know, but all it means Construction companies that are required to be registered to CIDB for numerous types of construction work. That is correct. So if you are an owner of a Construction Company and you are applying for tenders, you need to be registered under the Construction Industry Development Board in order to qualify for the necessary requirements for a tender.


Many times in the Construction Industry, when Municipalities are advertising tenders, one of the requirements are being registered under CIDB.

Alright, now that we know what CIDB is, let us have a look at the CIDB Class of Construction works that fall under CIDB. There are about twenty different Classes of Construction Works. Do not worry…I will not bore you with all the details. I am simply going to list them:

Class of Construction Works:
  1. GB – General Building
  2. CE – Civil Engineering
  3. EB – Electrical Engineering Works – Building
  4. EP – Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure
  5. ME – Mechanical Engineering
  6. SB – Asphalt Works (Supply and Lay)
  7. SC – Building Excavations, shaft sinking, lateral earth ear support
  8. SD – Corrosion Protection (cathodic, anodic and electrolytic)
  9. SE – Demolition and Blasting
  10. SF – Fire prevention and Protective systems
  11. SG – Glazing, curtain walls and shoplifts
  12. SH – Landscaping, irrigation and horticulture works
  13. SI – Lifts, escalators and travellators (installation, commissioning and maintenance)
  14. SJ – Piling and Specialised foundations for buildings and structures
  15. SK – Road marking and signage
  16. SL – Structural steelwork fabrication and erection
  17. SM – Timber buildings and structures
  18. SN – Waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialised systems
  19. SO – Water Supply and drainage for building (wet services, plumbing)
  20. SQ – Steel security fencing or precast concrete


Now we are going to take a look at the Values of the Rating for CIDB gradings.

Here they are:

CIDB 1: R 0 – R 200.000

CIDB 2: R 200.00 – R 650.00

CIDB 3: R650.00 – R 2 Million

CIDB 4: R 2 Million – R 4 Million

CIDB 5: R 4 Million – R 6.5 Million

CIDB 6: R 6.5 Million – R 13 Million

CIDB 7: R 13 Million – R 40 Million

CIDB 8: R 40 Million – R 130 Million

CIDB 9: R130 Million Plus

Okay, that was quite a mouthful. The Class of Construction works is basically an indication of what your business does.

Now we will take a look at how your company determines their grading. This is called the Grading Designation Calculator and can be done on the CIDB Website. All that is required of your business is the financial documents. Well, you are looking at your Profit and Loss for the Financial Year, the largest contract value that was awarded to your company and you will also need the capital value of the business.

Below is an example of a how a Grading Designartion Calculator is done. Trust me, it really simple and just takes a few minutes:



Please note that the CIDB is only for Construction Companies that do Construction work for non–residential areas. That would be your Office Buildings, General Building and Maintenace of government property (Hospitals, Fire Stations, Municipal Buildings, etc).

Construction companies that deal with Residential areas, your company has to be registered under the National Home Building Council (NHBRC). The NHBRC is very different from CIDB in the sense that, the Construction Company has to prove to the NHBRC the number of houses they have built to date.

To register on CIDB, it is very simple. All you need to do is submit an application and select the applicable Grade. The construction company also needs to indicate the maximum value of work permissible in their registered grading level. There are different requirements for track record and financial capability depending on the grades and classes. The application criteria need to meet both the requirements in order to satisfy the grading assessment criteria. The CIDB Provincial Offices offer free help desk support to contractors.

The application only takes 21 working days to be registered. The 21 day waiting period is the turnaround time for applications that are complete and compliant with the requirements of the grade the contractor is applying for. Grade 1 applicants only take 48 hours to be processed and for registration to reflect on CIDB. Once the 21 working days have passed and the contractor is compliant, the contractor is then registered on the CIDB website and now have access to tender opportunities that are in their CIDB grading. In order to register you can go to the CIDB Website:


Note: Your registration expires after 3 years


CIDB also publishes tenders that have been awarded on the system. That would mean if a contractor has applied for a specific tender, and once that tender has been awarded, one of the first places it gets published is on the CIDB website. Here, the name of the Awarded Company has listed as well as the contract value and the contract period. Below is an example of what the Award Information looks like:



Alright, so that concludes my discussion for the day. I must admit that it was quite fun sharing my information with you today. I can only hope that somewhere out there, a subscriber has learned something new today, I know I did.





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About Lauren Davids

I am a Content Researcher for the Western Cape Region in the Daily Tenders Department.

L2B Blog: The ins and outs of Town Planning

My definition: “A creative artist with the city as their canvas.”

A town planner is professional who deals closely with architects, designers, landscape architects and engineers in order to create, manage, define and renew our cities. They work to plan human settlements and come up with long term plans for cities and regional areas, to try and reduce congestion and alleviate transport congestion and one of the ways of doing this is planning for public transport.

A town planner needs to have an understanding of population trends and the demands of the community. They are able to handle the influx of people and their needs. They encourage growth and change and enrich the lives of everyone. To be a good town planner you would need to have a vision of how you would like the city to look and feel. You need to be a good listener and understand how the community feel about their city, sometimes they may have ideas that are more valid or even better. You also need to have patience and understand that some of the plans you are working on may take 10 sometimes 20 years to eventuate. Other skills needed would be problem solving, negotiation, communication, management, team work and flexibility.



They plan to make full use of space in such a way not to be wasteful and to be mindful of the environment and old historic buildings that are of architetrual importance. There are also rules and regulations that need to followed as well as a municipal budget.

Not only do they plan new exciting buildings, bridges and roads, but they also plan extensions and alterations of the existing areas.
Town planning seems to be very stressful, but also very rewarding.

If you want to make a real difference and have a keen interest in geography and the city, then this might be for you. You could make an impact on the world and the city you live in.

To me, the fun part would be using the tools and technology to do the designing, planning and layout of the city. I mean I love drawing. Town planning isn’t just drawing images of buildings all day. There is a lot of hard work before putting pen to paper.


According to GK Hiraskar the 3 main planning principals with regards to town planning are health, convenience and beauty.

  • Health – Creating and promoting a healthy living environment for the poor and the rich to work, relax or live in. Land can be subdivided and zoned for various uses. Live – work – play seems to be the trend for 2018 and the future. Another big thing in health is walkability.
  • Convenience – Meeting the needs of the community. Social, cultural, economic and public utilities would be needed to fulfill these needs. Again live work play.
  • Beauty – The attractiveness of the city. Making the city look appealing, meeting demands and keeping up with trends. Going green.


Steps in the Town Planning process

1. Identifying the issues that need to be addressed

2. Stating the goals and how to achieve them.

3. Data collection. Market research could be done by gathering data from the environment and economic studies as well as surveys and interest groups.

4. Plan preparation. Look at and review the possible site plans that have been submitted. Look at the feasibility of these proposals and see if there are any changes needed to be made. A recommendation would then need to be submitted on whether this should be denied or approved.

5. Community. Liaise with and present the plan to public officials, professionals and the community for review and comment (only once approved). This is done in newspapers, online, websites, social media and newsletters.

6. Evaluation alternatives. What impact does the proposal have on the city, town and community? Assessments and investigations are needed to be done. Impacting factors could be living conditions, traffic, the built environment and nature itself. The comment received by the community would need to be processed and addressed. Decisions on the way forward would need to be made with possible alternatives discussed.

7. Adopt and implement the plan.

Basically a town planner must be able to foresee, predict, address and interpret the changes and transformation that took place and successfully accommodate changes in order to carry out the plan


Duties of a Town Planner
Drafts and plans the departmental budget
Represents the town
Attends, staffs and plans board meetings
Prepares notices and documents
Takes minutes
Provides technical assistance
Establishes guidelines and plans
Liaising with public officials, professionals and the public
Formulate and plan the city layout, street design and green spaces


I myself am not a Town Planner but I do follow the progress of building and construction related projects. I deal closely with the client, EIA consultant and Town Planner on early conceptual projects when it’s just an idea. It’s always do amazing to be able to watch the development unfold and the plan comes to life and molds our city.


I am currently researching and following the 30 new planned Mega Cities for Gauteng. Curenntly the Montrose Mega City is available on Leads 2 Business. This is a huge mixed use Mega city which includes residential, offices, public transport facility, a private and regional hospital, schools, a government complex and industrial and warehousing facilites. I can only imagine the hard work and planning that went into these mega cities and am lucky enough to be tracking the progress of these.




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About Michelle Crosby

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in the Directory Department in 2012. I was then promoted to the Private Projects Department in 2014 and was recently promoted to Projects HOD this year.

L2B Blog: What are Projects all about?

What are Projects all about?

The question I get asked the most being a Projects researcher is… ‘What are Projects all about?‘.

It is early days in 2018 and my understanding levels are still rebooting after the holidays. I thought I would try and provide an explanation that may be a little tongue in cheek and also help people remember easily what Projects are all about. So, in my analogy, I decided to do a comparison between Projects and Fishing (in my head this means only fly fishing, but you can use most fishing for this analogy).


Projects vs Fishing

What happens in a Project? Well, we follow the full life cycle of the Project (think of it like your life, from birth until your eventual end). Now a Project can be broken into a few defining stages, which is how we put our information into groups to make it easier to follow, understand and find your best area of benefit from a business perspective. So without further adieu, here are the various stages broken down for your ease of reference.



Projects Planning



This consists of the appointing of the Client or Developer, Feasibility study, acquiring of funding and Request for Proposals (RFP).


Your mind starts hatching a plan for getting away and going fishing. You are looking at your bank balance and wondering if this is a feasible decision.

(Click here for examples of this Project stage)




Here the basic design is conceived along with the geotechnical study, EIA process, Town Planning and appointment of Professionals who will carry out these and other duties.


You begin to look at the calendar and note when the public holidays are, what the weather is expected to be at the time (we all know how that effects fishing), the distance needed to travel and the people that will be involved in this trip.

(Click here for examples of this Project stage)




The detailed design is completed and the Bill of Quantities prepared.


You search fishing forums and websites, as well as Trip Advisor, Lodges and Google reviews for the best places to visit that, will supply your (fly) fishing needs.

(Click here for examples of this Project stage)


Projects Construction Design



The Project is sent to an Invited list of Bidders to Tender or goes out to Open Tender and once the Bids are received, negotiations with Contractors proceed.


You make a decision on where you are going to fish and stay; book and pay. You alight in your chariot with all the correct tackle and head to your destination.

(Click here for examples of this Project stage)




The Main Contractor is Awarded and applies for permits to begin on site.


The weather is perfect, the fishing permit is in hand and as your line sinks into the watery depths, you feel a definite tug as you hook what feels like a bus of a fish.

(Click here for examples of this Project stage)


Projects Awarded



The process goes ahead with Site Handover, Site Establishment and the commencement of the actual construction work.


Your experience and skills come into play in fighting your fish, cleverly steering it away from weeds and avoiding logs and rocks.

(Click here for examples of this Project stage)




The project is either classified as Complete, Cancelled or is Postponed.


You successfully land the fish, or you lose the fish. The line wraps around either a tree, gets stuck in the weed or the hook breaks and the fish lives to fight another day.

(Examples can be found on the following links: Complete, Cancelled, Postponed Project stages)


Projects vs Fly fishing



And there you have it! Projects explained in a fresh and easy way. Parcels of information that help your business get a foot in the door at the right time. If you want to find out which stages are the best for what you do, take a look at ‘At which point in the Project Life Cycle can your Business find Value‘.

If you want to take a look at the other services we provide, you can take a look at ‘Snoop our Services‘.

How many fish are you planning to catch this year? Which of those fish will keep your Business in the black? Maybe taking a look at our Project service will help your Business and get you out fishing more often. If you are interested, pop me a comment on the Blog with your mail address or mail me at and I will be sure to be in contact with you.


Until then, have a fantastic day.


Picture sources







About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

L2B Blog: Innovations In Smart Home Technology

With advancement in technology, scores of cool gadgets are finding their way into more and more homes and changing the way people live. These gadgets are not just fancy, they are providing quick solutions to everyday problems, making our lives so much easier. The simple designs and improved functions reduce human effort and conserve space. I am always interested in new gadgets and gizmos that are being developed, to make our home lives easier and I regularly surf the net looking for cool gadgets.

So, what can we look forward to in 2017?

Here are 5 of the best (in my opinion) that are going to make our homes a little smarter and our lives a little easier…….

1. Best Cookware

Now this is smart – WeMo wireless smart home platform, Belkin’s Crock-Pot is the first smartphone controllable slow cooker. Via the WeMo iOS or Android smartphone app, you can adjust the crock pot’s settings from anywhere, receive reminders, change the cook time, adjust the cooking temperature, use the timer to calculate cook times and process, or even check the status of your dish so you can come home to a perfectly cooked meal. How smart is that? And who wouldn’t like one? Me.. me.. me!

2. Best Refrigerator

Samsung (who else!) Family Hub. 4-door Flex Smart French Door Refrigerator – this connected refrigerator has everything but the kitchen sink. Its large touchscreen on the front door lets you view family member’s schedules, leave notes for each other, order groceries, play music and even watch TV! In addition, the fridge has three cameras inside which take a picture and email it to you every time you close the door. No more guessing or trying to remember if you need to buy more milk! Pricey of course, but this is the most innovative fridge. Ever!

3. Best Smart Garage Door Opener

Searching or reaching for that elusive garage door remote while trying to navigate a dark street at night or around children’s discarded toys or even sometimes your children often proves awkward and dangerous, to say the least. Chamberlain’s garage door opener lets you tap your device’s screen to open or close your garage door. The company is also planning to add geofencing capabilities so it can sense when you are approaching your driveway and automatically open the garage door and then once your car is safely parked inside, to close your garage door. This gadget has been designed to be utilised on most existing garage doors.

4. Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is not new with many designs already having an app component for remote control. Believe it or not, though, a new smart lights system can actually sense when you (and your phone!) are on your way home and will react accordingly by turning the lights on or off, This type of automation is achieved by tying your lighting system into your phone’s geofencing features. Geofencing taps into the phone’s GPS system, in order to alter your lighting system when you’re in the area. If you are always carrying your phone, you may never have to enter into a dark driveway or doorway again, and all happens without programming, scheduling or actually touching any buttons. So smart!

5. Smart Faucet (tap)

This environmentally friendly faucet (tap) saves up to 57 litres per unit, per year. That’s a big smart saving! This innovative technology helps conserve water sources and also conserves energy with its intelligent design. By conserving water and energy, you leave behind a reduced carbon footprint. It can be used easily by everyone, including children, the elderly and the disabled.

There is so much new, interesting, useful and smart technology out there, that I found it hard to keep it to just 5, I just had to add this last one as this is something I would really want…

and…… (drumroll)…….. Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Floor cleaning and vacuuming are now easier with a range of Deebots from Ecovacs, a pioneer in the field of engineering robotic vacuum cleaners. The D77, the latest Deebot is a 3-dimensional cleaning solution that has smart technology to detect and navigate obstacles! It even has the capability to automatically empty its own dustbin (so smart!). It has different modes for cleaning different types of flooring. And the best … even when you are not at home, you can pre-set it to clean your floors with its intelligent time scheduling feature. Smart, so very, very smart.

While most of this smart technology is already available and installed in homes overseas in the USA and UK, we, unfortunately, will have to wait a while longer for it to reach our shores. I am waiting in anticipation…….

Information sourced from the following sites:,review-2008.html

About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

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