By Road or by Rail ….

By Road or by Rail



According to Wikipedia : “Transnet Freight Rail is a South African rail transport company, formerly known as Spoornet. It was part of the South African Railways and Harbours Administration, a state-controlled organisation that employed hundreds of thousands of people for decades from the first half of the 20th century.”

Transnet Freight Rail is a freight logistics and passenger transport railway. It is the largest freight hauler in Africa.

The company comprises several businesses:
GFB Commercial (General Freight Business) – Transnet’s largest division; handles over 50% of its freight;
Coal Line, serving coal exporters on the Mpumalanga – Richards Bay line; second largest coal railway in the world, delivering 62 million tonnes of coal (also known as “Black Gold”) in the year ending 31 March 2010;
Ore Export Line – dedicated to iron ore transport on the Sishen to Saldanha line;
Luxrail – The operation of the Blue Train, which is designed as a five-star hotel on wheels.

After doing some in-depth research on this subject (thanks Google!) as why transporting of goods is currently preferred by road over rail. I managed to source the following information :

Offering greater flexibility, speed and adaptability than the alternative of rail, transporting goods between cities by road has long been the chosen mode for most industries. However, the impact of heavy vehicles on the roads is considerable and the cost of maintenance and upgrades is increasing as traffic demands grow. Whilst work on the national road network may be keeping up with the demand, not so on the provincial roads.

The benefits of shifting freight from road to rail would have other transport-related spin-offs such as reduced road congestion and accidents, and less maintenance on road surfaces. Costs, particularly for movers of bulk commodities, would also drop. Rail transport also is regarded as three to four times more efficient than road.
But whether South Africa’s rail system will cope with increased freight demand is questionable. If there was a reliable, safe, efficient, and cost-effective rail service that could meet the need of customers then goods would definitely travel by rail. But there isn’t, so that is why 80% of goods are currently transported by road for the efficiency, cost, reliability, tracking and door-to-door service.

Improving the country’s 20 247 km rail network is now a top government priority and rail volumes are expected to grow to about 350 million tonnes by 2020.
According to Transnet’s website: “ Expanding the country’s infrastructure by successfully implementing the Market Demand Strategy (MDS) will see Transnet’s revenue almost triple from R46 billion to R128 billion over the next seven years.” Transnet’s MDS is a fine-tuned strategy to expand and modernise the country’s ports, rail and pipeline infrastructure with a view to achieve a significant increase in freight volumes, particularly in commodities such as Iron Ore, Coal and Manganese over a period of seven years to promote economic growth in South Africa.

Through investment, Transnet Freight Rail will be able to optimise it’s capital portfolio, build a world-class capital execution function and leverage capital procurement and localisation. In accordance with the strategy, the company has committed itself to railing more than 350.3 million tons of cargo a year by 2018 / 2019, the financial year when the MDS will reach its maturity.

Bearing that in mind, If we do a comparison of Fleet Management tenders on our database, compared with Transnet tenders :
Currently on our database we have 11 live tenders for Fleet Management versus 40 live tenders for Transnet.

Rail vs Road…what would your choice be?




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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

On time, Online with Transnet

On time, Online with Transnet


These days it’s the norm to find most businesses online. I don’t know about you but if I’m looking for company info in any form should it be trading hours, contact info, services they offer or any news regarding that company, I head straight to Google. The easier it is to find the company website the better and if it contains all the relevant info I need it definitely goes a long way toward a first impression. Suffice to say a company’s online presence not only saves you time but in the end money too and that is no different when it comes to business, the well known phrase ‘time is money’ comes to mind.


Some of the Key reasons to have your business online are:


Anyone can ‘visit’ your business

Portrays your Company’s Image

Offers Customer Support

Availability of information


24 hour access

Relatively low start-up costs


Going Global


If you have ever ventured over to Transnet’s website you will notice there is a huge amount of information provided from the usual contact information to investor relation reports and a whole lot of tender related info. The website looks organised and seems to have all the relevant details one might need. Now I must confess that I am not very familiar with Transnet’s website as we don’t deal with the website much in my department. Thus I looked outside for review/comment from the Tenders Department who regularly peruse the website. According to my sources in our Tenders Department they haven’t had any issues regarding the website and check it as frequently as possible. Additionally Transnet also publishes their tenders on CIDB and eTenders timeously which makes it easier for interested parties to obtain the relevant information they seek.

At L2B we research all the relevant websites and divisions within Transnet that publish tenders and publish them on our site daily for easy access and updates for our subscribers.

Do you feel that Transnet meets the above aspects of an online business and does it assist you with being on time? Do you have any feedback or views you would like to add regarding Transnet’s online presence? Contact us in the comment section below.

Interested in Transnet Tenders and want an easy way to find them online, in one place, daily? Contact me on




If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Keep on track with Tender opportunities


Tracking Tender Opportunities that will derail your competitors


Like most things in life, knowing is half the battle. If you don’t know about a potential tender or opportunity, your option to take advantage and pursue it has been removed. To ensure that you’re always in the know, at least with Leads 2 Business, your Advisory Settings need to be set up to meet your needs. Leads 2 Business hinges on two parts; the daily Advisory email and the website (


The Advisory email is sent out each afternoon and delivers that days’ information straight to you. The email is based on the your Advisory Settings, so it stands to reason if the Advisory Setting isn’t set up satisfactorily then the Advisory email isn’t going to meet the your needs. Our subscribers have two complaints concerning the information we provide; there’s too much and there’s too little. Understandably this is a very precarious line to walk. Too little runs the risk of missing pertinent information; and too much means an information overload. I tend to favour ‘too much”. Better I decide what’s best for me rather than have someone or something else do it for me. But that’s just me. To reach a happy medium, is a combination of training (given by L2B staff), communication on the part of our subscribers (telling us what you want/ need & expect) and working through what you receive each day. You have full access to alter and update your Advisory Settings at any time, so if your company has expanded or diversified in some way; it follows that your Advisory Settings need to be updated to meet the new changes. The Advisory is sent out each day. This is extremely important because time is money. The earlier you are aware of a potential tender notice or new project; the more time you have to prepare for it.


The Leads 2 Business website is where you work through the information you’ve received. The most important aspect would be the ability to Search. The Search is now a global search, meaning one search field searches through our entire database (Private Projects, Daily Tenders, Directory and News). From this you can filter down further and get more specific. Why search when you receive the Advisory email? It’s a good safety net. It allows for the Advisory email to be super specific (so you aren’t scrolling for days), and the searches to be very general. Reaching that happy medium spoken of above. You even have the ability to “Dismiss” a tender from your search result should it not be what you are looking for, and never have to see it again. My advice when searching? Always ensure you’ve got “Newest” selected. L2B has been around for awhile, and information is our business, and we have a lot of it. “Newest” ensure the most recent results appear first.


Once you’ve found a tender you are interested in, whether tendering directly or subcontracting, you have the ability to Monitor the tender notice. Once you’ve Monitored a tender notice, you will receive updates on that particular tender notice, should there be any. Examples of these updates are addendums: changes to site inspections and closing dates. When documents are attached (for example: Site Inspection and Bidders Lists), you will be notified. These are helpful for pricing and subbies. Then you’ll be notified in the change of Status of the tender notice. Has it been cancelled or has it been retendered prompting you to go to the new tender notice. Has it been awarded, and you now have the awarded companies details. You can Monitor a tender yourself, or assign one of your Monitors (a colleague perhaps) to monitor a tender. The Monitors you add to your Profile will have access to those tender notices you assign to them. This allows you to assign potential opportunities to your colleagues and reps, and they will have all the necessary information at their disposal.


The various features available on the individual tender notices, are as follows:

Email the Researcher that created the tender notice for assistance.

Set reminders on Site Inspection dates and Closing Date

Request Site Attendance Registers & Bidders Lists – If there are Documents already attached, they are available to the right of the tender notice.

Request BoQ (Bill of Quantity) – If there is a BoQ already attached, it is available to the right of the tender notice.

Make your Own Notes

Download the Tender Notice

What’s the point of all of these features? To work the information. There are a variety of companies out there can benefit at a variety of stages in the procurement process. Consultants are required very early on, and sometimes through out the process. Contractors are interested in the tender stage and subcontractors and vendors can benefit from putting forward their company details even after completion.


What you put in, is what you get out. To be competitive is to be in the know. That involves being pro-active in all things. Leads 2 Business is a tool that can be hugely beneficial when used correctly. Talk to us. Training is free and there are various avenues to contact us. Email directly off of the tender notices and projects; LiveHelp allows you to chat to a L2B researcher directly; call us or submit Feedback. Suggestions are always welcome. The more we learn about the companies that subscribe to us, the more we understand how the information we provide is used. We work and learn together to keep on the right track.

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Which Municipalities produce the top Tenders in Gauteng?


Gauteng which means “place of gold”, is one of the nine provinces of South Africa. It was formed from part of the old Transvaal Province after South Africa’s first democratic elections on 27 April 1994. It was initially named Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging (PWV) and was renamed “Gauteng” in December 1994.

Situated in the Highveld, Gauteng is the smallest province in South Africa, accounting for only 1.5% of the land area. Nevertheless, it is highly urbanised, containing the country’s largest city, Johannesburg, its administrative capital, Pretoria, and other large industrial areas such as Midrand and Vanderbijlpark. As of 2015, it has a population of nearly 13.2 million, making it the most populous province in South Africa.

As of May 2011 Gauteng is divided into three metropolitan municipalities, and two district municipalities which are further divided into seven local municipalities.

Metropolitan municipalities:

  1. City of Tshwane (

  2. City of Johannesburg (

  3. City of Ekurhuleni (

District municipalities:

  1. West Rand ( containing Randfontein (, Westonaria (, Mogale City ( and Merafong (

  2. Sedibeng containing Emfuleni, Lesedi and Midvaal

Westonaria Local Municipality is set to amalgamate with Randfontein Local Municipality after the 2016 Local Elections, set to become the new Rand West Local Municipality.

Below are some Tenders and Projects of interest involving the Municipalities of Gauteng:

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality:

DTA 589550 – Construction of Phomolong Multi-Purpose community centre.

PPA 12354 – Tshwane Hammanskraal BPO Park – Phase 1 to 3

City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality:

PPA 16853 – Construction of roads and a stormwater management system for Vlakfontein Extension 2 in Gauteng.

PPA 16068 – Upgrading of road Intersections in Matholesville extension 1 and 2 in Gauteng.

City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality:

DTA 588075 – Technical Resource Teams (TRT) consisting of a multi-disciplinary professional team to render full built environment related consulting services

PPA 15240 – Ekurhuleni IRPTN / BRT – Infrastructure (Phase 1)

PPA 17402 – Etwatwa Sewer Pipes

Randfontein Local Municipality:

DTA 585051 – Rehabilitation of Roads in Mohlakeng and Toekomsrus Phase 4

Westonaria Local Municipality:

DTA 591181 – Simunye: Construction of Internal Streets with associated Stormwater for Westonaria Local Municipalty – Phase 7

DTA 591176 – Roads in Zuurbekom (Phase 2)

DTA 591187 – Construction of Westonaria Borwa Switch Station (Phase 4)

Mogale City Local Municipality:

PPA 15434 – Magaliesburg WWCW

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Do Private Tenders exist….


Pfft….everything exists…you just need to know where to look!

There is going to be a 30 000m² mall situated on the N3 / London road interchange within Alexandra township, Gauteng. The mall includes 5 entrances, extensive taxi rank facilities, ample parking, two flood-lit mini soccer courts surrounding a 250 seater feature restaurant plus a children’s play area within the food court. And contractors are sitting around scratching their heads wondering “how did I miss this tender”??

Quite simple really. Firstly you have to be invited to tender for it. It is not a Government funded project. It is being done by a Private Developer who already has contractors in mind that will be invited to submit prices. So, yes, Private Tenders do exist. They are just known in construction circles as “Invited Tenders”.

So…. how can you get invited to tender on this mall? You would have to approach the developer or the professional team involved and sell your company to them. But firstly you have to find out who is developing the mall? Who is the architect? Who is the consultant and quantity surveyor…not to mention you have to find the contact details for them too…phew…that is quite a lot of work just to be invited to tender.

At Leads 2 Business we make this easier for the contractor. We source all this information for them. We source these private leads from conceptual stage to procedural stage, where the feasibility and EIA consultant are appointed to ascertain whether the project would be feasible and to ensure environmental authorisation is applied for and received. Yes, yes, we source this information too. Then, once all this is approved the architects are appointed to design the mall. They and the developer put their heads together to see which construction companies they should send the invited tender to. Here you put your foot in the door, a spanner in the works and say hey…what about me…this goes for the vendors too. You can say to the architects and quantity surveyors, well we have this amazing roofing, flooring, walling, windows etc and get your products listed on that BoQ.

It all boils down to … Sell your business. We can only provide the Leads but it is up to you to be “Invited to Tender”.

So to recap…do Private Tenders exist? Yes they do, but do not expect them to come knocking on your door. Go out and find them.

About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

Developments in KZN under Construction



This month on the Blog we have covered Trending Tenders in KZN and the Municipalities which produce the Top Tenders in KZN.

By now I’m sure you’ve guessed our theme for the month of May is KZN.

Do you know which Tenders were awarded recently, which developments are underway or nearing completion in KZN?

Knowledge about current events can allow you to decide where you stand on developments and other issues impacting your city, region and country. This knowledge can provide you with the ability to start discussions with friends, colleagues and the community about issues and the economy. Professionally speaking this kind of knowledge can be extremely beneficial for business allowing you to get ahead of the competition by getting in contact with the relevant key players and as an individual it’s vital to set yourself apart from your peers by displaying a broad understanding of current events among others.

With that said, I thought it would be apt to highlight some of the developments in KZN currently under construction that will soon be part of the KZN landscape.


DTA 491631 – Construction of a New Wellness Centre (Durban Station) related to PPA 15337

DTA 409809 – Emapheleni Phase 1 Housing Project (Mhlabunzima Ridge) related to PPA 12591

DTA 501521 – Rectification of 486 units Shallcross related to PPA 15697

DTA 458636 – Construction of Amajuba Disaster Management Centre related to PPA 11052

DTA 428462 – New 3 storey, 192 Bed Adult in Patients Accommodation including New Crisis Centre, Perimeter Fencing and Demolish Wards E,F,G,H and Relocate Crisis Centre Parkhome related to PPA 13069

DTA 479270 – Home Affairs: Hluhluwe: Construction of New Offices related to PPA 14823

DTA 504069 – Construction of 150 rental housing at Ndumo related to PPA 15956


Want to know more about Projects and Tenders on Leads 2 Business? Access this information right now with us. Contact me on

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Which Municipalities Produce the Top Tenders in KZN? (Segment Volume, Award Info & ease of Contact)….. AKA WHO’S the Coolest!

No offense to the person who comes up with these blog topics – “But who comes up with this stuff?!!!”

I think I may have nodded off between the words “Municipalities” and “ease” but luckily for you I am a master of skim reading, so what I took from this topic is, they want me to tell you who is the best in the land! (KZN)…

so that is what I’m gonna give you:)

Buckle up, this should be riveting!!!

Let’s begin by giving you a comprehensive list of  the District and Local Municipalities in KZN –  (Knock yourself out!)

OK so what I thought I would do is start by throwing them all into a pit – a dog fight if you must and see who are the “Big Spenders”

Criteria: Developments R100 Million + and from stages of Conceptual through to Underway. (Information compiled from Leads 2 Business)


Lets do this!

Conceptual – Procedural:  And straight out the gate well we have some contenders!

Technology Hub Pietermaritzburg Airport – Msunduzi Local Municipality (Pietermaritzburg)

New Central Library in Durban – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)
Ok….so far we have a tie but I’m not worried yet, its still very early in the game…..Next is…..
Right of Way from the Piesang River to Malandela Intersection – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)
Msunduzi Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network IRPTN – Msunduzi Local Municipality (Pietermaritzburg)
I’m sensing a pattern here…..
Moses Mabhida Road Upgrade Km 88 to 103 – Msunduzi Local Municipality (Pietermaritzburg)
And finally someone takes the lead!! – Way-to-Go PMB!
Awarded: And it looks like we have some new contenders!! Welcome Ixopo & Escort !!!!
Buhlebethu Community Housing – Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality (Ixopo)
Jika Joe LowCost Development Infrastructure – Msunduzi Local Municipality (Pietermaritzburg)
Paapkuilsfontein Housing Stages 1 2 and 3 Infrastructure – Umtshezi Local Municipality (Escort)
And then our last category but most definitely not the least and where I suspect the “Big Spender” will be revealed…
Usuthu Water Purification Plant – Zululand District Municipality (Ulundi)
Hilton Water Reticulation Replacement – Umgungundlovu District Municipality (Hilton)
City Fleet Redevelopment Phase 1 – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)
Right of Way from Bridge City to Proposed Bus Depot – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)  
Ntuzuma D Phase 2 and 3 Housing Project – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)
Right of Way Lanes in Anderson Road – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)
Right of Way Lanes in Beviss Road Qashana Khuzwayo Road – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)
Right of Way along MR577 Inanda Malandela Intersection to Umgeni Viaduct – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)
Right of Way lane Along MR577 M25 to InandaMalandela Intersection – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)  
Western Aqueduct – eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban) 
Whoop! Whoop! to our Big Spender eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)!!!
big spender
Ok so that’s settled, but let’s not count out the rest of the province just yet, let’s lower the bar a little and open the “ring” as it were and find out who exactly is putting out volume in terms of tenders…..
(Please be advised that these figures are ever changing and are taken from the day I composed this blog post and not necessary the moment you read it 😉 also I took this information from the Leads 2 Business website, which is focused on the Construction and related industries – for the current up to date figures, feel free to subscribe to Leads 2 Business )



Criteria: Number of Live Tenders in each region

And the results are:
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban) – 30
Okhahlamba Municipality (Bergville) – 18
uMzimkhulu Municipality (uMzimkhulu) – 9
uThungulu District Municipality (Richards Bay) – 8
uBuhlebezwe Municipality (Ixopo) – 7
uMhlabuyalingana Municipality (Kwangwanase) – 5
Nquthu Municipality (Nquthu) – 5
uMngeni Municipality (Howick) – 4
Zululand District Municipality (Ulundi) – 4
Hibiscus Coast Local Municipality (Port Shepstone) – 4
Emnambithi / Ladysmith Municipality (Ladysmith) – 4
Richmond Municipality (Richmond) – 3
The Msunduzi Municipality (Pietermaritzburg) – 2
Dannhauser Local Municipality (Dannhauser) – 2
Umgungundlovu District Municipality (Hilton) – 2
Nongoma Local Municipality (Nongama) – 2
uPhongolo Local Municipality (Pongola) – 2
Jozini Municipality (Jozini) – 2
Ndwedwe Local Municipality (Stanger) – 1
Mkhambathini Municipality (Camperdown) – 1
Ntambanana Municipality (Empangeni) – 1
Mtubatuba Municipality (Mtubatuba) – 1
Maphumulo Local Municipality (Maphumulo) – 1
Big 5 False Bay Municipality (Hluhluwe) – 1
Newcastle Municipality (New Castle) – 1
Mandeni Municipality (Mandeni) – 1
Endumeni Municipality (Dundee) – 1
So there we have it folks, no big surprise with the 1st place winner eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban) considering it is the largest of all the Municipalities, but the number two spot I was sure would go to The Msunduzi Municipality (Pietermaritzburg), but no, this went to the little town of Bergville!!! Well Done Bergville!
Now lets get down to the nitty-gritty – ease of contact…..frustration
I’m not sure how many of you have had the pleasure of trying to call a Municipality…..but let me tell you, this can truly be the most frustrating exercise you will ever do…sober!
You either get cut off during transfer, left on hold for days or have the endless ringing, which you hold onto with every last strand of hope that someone, just anyone will pick that ringing phone up and put you out of your misery…. but no, you generally have to, just HAVE to, eventually take a toilet break, coffee break or just simply wash your now sticky sweaty phone holding hand!!!
And when you are back, it all starts again……150-dpi-2008-vera-on-the-verge-009
Now that I have explained how I feel about this, let me tell you that in the name of good “Journalism” I will take on the task and I will report back on each of the Local Municipalities, I will start by clicking though to their websites and see if those work, then I will call the prescribed contact numbers and see if those work and if so, how long does it take them to answer my call!
Municipality Website Contact number Ring Duration
IMPENDLE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works 1Min50Sec & Disconnected
INGWE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works I gave up after 3Min
EZINQOLENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Doesn’t Work Works I gave up after 3Min
MAPHUMULO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works 23Sec & Disconnected
MFOLOZI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works I gave up after 3Min
MTUBATUBA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works I gave up after 3Min
NDWEDWE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works I gave up after 3Min
NONGOMA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works 9Sec & Disconnected
RICHMOND LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Doesn’t Work Works I gave up after 3Min
UMNGENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works I gave up after 3Min
UMVOTI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Works Works 1Min & Disconnected
 21-comics-that-capture-the-frustrations-of-depres-1-8251-1443638180-6_bigAnd I’m Done!!!
Now just so you know, I only called the switchboard of each of these and I didn’t try connecting with anyone in Procurement #NotCrazy, so the numbers look a little better than what I’m sure you were expecting after my earlier “rant”, however I would like to add that anything after 10seconds is far too long!
But after all is said and done, I realise I can no longer generalise about the efficiency of the Municipalities in KZN, there were some clear “Ball Droppers” during this exercise and, well, the rest weren’t all that bad:)
So there are the facts people – I personally find it hard to pit these guys up against each other over procurement as such, purely because of the vast differences in size of their regions etc. but I gave it a good shot;)
Where I think the real measure would be found, is in their capabilities in terms of service delivery……hmmmmmmm
But that’s another topic for another day!
So, until next time 😉

About Sherina Shawe

"You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining." from: Silver Linings Playbook.

A Few Quick Tips to Help You Find the Best Tender Resources


The Most Useful Tools for A Few Quick Tips To Help You Find The Best Tender Resources…

Many businesses in South Africa rely on Tenders as a gateway to landing contracts. To qualify as a bidder, there are requirements that need to be met before tenderers can submit their bids. Another very important aspect of the tender process is knowing where tender notices, and any supporting information or documentation, can be found.

The resources that I am about to tell you about could make your tendering experience much simpler, and more rewarding.


The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) – “The role of the CIDB is to facilitate and promote the improved contribution of the construction industry to SA’s economy and society.” –
The law states that contractors are required to register on the CIDB database (Register of Contractors), should they wish to tender for contracts advertised by government establishments.
Clients undertaking construction developments, which are valued at more than R200 000 in the public sector or above R10 million for state-owned entities or private sector contracts, must register their contracts on the CIDB Register of Projects. This guideline excludes home building, as these contracts are regulated by the National Home Builders Regulatory Council (NHBRC)


For entities that wish to tender for contracts, as well as those entities who wish to advertise invitations to submit bids, there are certain requirements (e.g. tax clearance certificate requirements) that need to be followed, and certain documents that need to be completed (e.g. invitation to bid or declaration of interest). These important documents can be found on the eTenderPublication website.


As of 01 April 2016, the Central Supplier Database will be the single source of supplier information for the South African Government. Prospective suppliers who are interested in supplying goods and/or services to the government are encouraged to register on the CSD. Entities’ details will first be assessed, before being added to the database.

To register, please click here.


“The Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO) will modernise and oversee the South African public procurement system to ensure that the procurement of goods, services and construction works is conducted in a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective manner in line with the Constitution and all relevant legislation.” – Kenneth Brown
The OCOP is made up of two functional areas – policy strategy and client support. The OCOP refers to the core principles of behaviour – the five Pillars of Procurement, which are followed in order to uphold the procurement system.

These five pillars are: value for money; open and effective competition; ethics and fair dealing; accountability and reporting; and equity.
Legislation which applies to procurement, as well as standard bidding forms, can be found on the OCOP website.


Saving the best for last, the Leads 2 Business system is certainly one of the most user-friendly, convenient and up-to-date websites for Tender notices. Our tender department works tirelessly to source and publish tender notices for our clients in the construction industry. The notices are conveniently delivered to our clients’ via email at the end of each working day, saving them valuable time and resources. Our “tender ladies” also communicate any changes to the tender details, and follow up on the award information.


I hope that the above-mentioned resources will answer a few of the questions that you might have had about the procurement system in South Africa.

Happy Tendering!


If you are not already subscribed to Leads 2 Business, I would be happy to provide you with more information about the benefits of the system.

Contact me via email ( or give me a call on +27 33 343 1130.

About Bianca Warwick

I had the privilege of joining the Leads 2 Business content team in January 2012. I work in the exciting Projects department, following the progress of construction developments in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State.

Top 10 Tendering Mistakes to Avoid

Top 10 Tendering Mistakes to Avoid


What are the Top 10 Tendering mistakes?


Most things in life revolve around the dos and don’ts; the game of tendering is no different. It may seem exciting to push the boundaries in life sometimes but deviating from the requirements when tendering can cost you a valuable tender that your business desperately needs.



There are many examples of tendering mistakes some of which may seem minor or harmless but could cost you a tender. Let’s be pro-active!


Here are the Top 10 Tendering Mistakes to Avoid:



1. Don’t be late – For the Site Meeting or the Closing Date. Mark the dates on your Calendar, set reminders and know where you are going, preferably before and not on the day. Submit the tender with time to spare. Account for things like traffic, unknown locations or any other obstacles that could result in a last minute rush.

2. Site Meeting – Attend and sign the Register. The purpose of a Site Meeting is for you to have a detailed understanding of the tender requirements and is also significant as you will be able to see who else is planning to tender. When evaluating your tender the Client may check whether you attended and if it’s a Compulsory Meeting you will most likely be disqualified. Either way it makes sense to attend to get useful info regarding the tender.

3. Don’t Assume – if you have questions, if you are unsure, if you think something is incorrect or missing, communicate with the relevant contacts and get clarification, chances are you’re not the only one asking. On that note if your tender is unsuccessful ask why so that you can use the information when applying for future tenders.

4. Don’t be Irrelevant – Keep all your answers clear & concise and most importantly relevant.

5. Copies, Copies, Copies – remember to submit the correct number of copies required and keep an extra copy for your own records.

6. Don’t be Untidy – Imagine how frustrating it is for the person evaluating or adjudicating a tender to try and decipher poor handwriting, or make sense of pages which aren’t in order. An organized and legible document creates a positive impression. After all, you want to present your company in the best light and a well presented tender creates the impression that contracts will be handled with the same care and attention to detail.

7. Don’t Misrepresent – Stick to the facts. Don’t make false statements about your company or its ability. A Tender Document is a legal document and therefore enforceable by law. Misrepresentation or unsatisfactory practices could lead to your company being placed on the National Treasury Restricted List. “Some of the common practices that lead to the restriction of suppliers are poor performance, breach of contract, failure to obtain permission to do remunerative work outside of employment, supply of counterfeit products, and collusion.”

8. Follow the Requirements – Meet all the minimum requirements. Go through the requirements carefully ensuring you meet them. Tenders that do not meet the minimum requirements otherwise known as non-responsive are disqualified.

9. Check, Check & Check again – Admittedly not the most exhilarating task but vitally important. Get someone with fresh eyes to check your tender a final time while making sure all the required documents are attached. Be 100% confident that the tender you are submitting is complete and accurate.

10. Delivery Location – Make sure you know exactly where your tender needs to be delivered to, right down to the Tender Box number, before the Closing Day.



Bonus tip:
Keep abreast of the developments in your sector. Subscribe to a service that provides direct, simple access to valuable building and construction information delivered daily directly to your Inbox, thereby ensuring consistent wealth of new business leads. A service which also provides Support Services if you need assistance or have a query. Want to know more? Contact me on




DYK (according to
“A bidder must not quote more than R1 million when the bid document stipulates that the bid is an 80:20. This means that proposals cannot exceed R1 million. Bidders must be aware that 90:10 bids, on the other hand, are valued above R1 million, but bid issuers are not allowed to indicate how much they have budgeted for a project. However, bid issuers are required to indicate whether a bid is a 90:10 or 80:20 in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA). So this serves as a good indicator of how much the bid issuer has set aside for the project.”



The business of tenders

10 top tender tips for small business owners


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What you didn’t realise about the difference between Public and Private Tenders


Public Tenders vs Private Tenders


The difference between public tenders and private tenders is that public tenders are advertised in the public domain and are open to the public, and private tenders aren’t.


Can I go home now?




The first problem is the terminology. Public vs open, private vs closed etc. I tend to favour “Public” and “Invited” when describing the difference between these two types of tenders. “Private” can be misconstrued. When someone asks me after a “private” tender, my first question is; are they looking for tenders from Private entities (which could be public or invited) or do they mean “invited” tenders? Private entities make use of publicly advertised tenders as well. Not a lot to be perfectly honest, but it is a way for them to freshen up their supply chain. So for the sake of clarity, I’m going to stick to “Public” and “Invited”.

Public tenders are predominately Government. That is literally the entire point of Government Procurement. The Government is spending the “People’s money”, so it better be out in the public domain where everyone and their uncle can have their say. [tweetthis]The five pillars are: Value for Money, Open and Effective Competition, Ethics and Fair Dealing, Accountability and Reporting, and Equity.[/tweetthis]  “Open and Effective Competition” is represented by the public aspect of advertising your tender notices. These tender notices are advertised in newspapers (not for very much longer, apparently), eTenders, Government Tender Bulletin, Provincial Tender Bulletins, Government websites, Provincial websites, Municipal websites and Notice Boards. The information is out there to be found. If you can find it, then you can participate. Anyone can rock up to a site meeting or a tender closing; no one can stop you. However, the award is very much dependent on how you fulfill the specific criteria required. Anyone can play the game, but only the professional and serious have an actual shot at winning. Plus, generally fly-by-nights and chancers are not appreciated or tolerated. So don’t be one of these. Just don’t.


Public tender notices can be advertised by private entities/ companies as well. It isn’t very common, like I said; but it does happen. Most private entities have their own Supply Chain Management Department and processes. This department handles the supply chain process for that company. Does the company need a cleaning company or a new security company? Does the furniture need replacing? Are they considering building a new headquarters? These are the same types of questions that Government has to deal with, but it’s not out there for all to see. The private entities will usually utilise their tried and tested methods that they’ve been using for years. This rarely involves advertising to the public. The most common tool I’ve come across, is the Supply Chain Database. Private companies would have their own database that they maintain. They approach those companies listed, as they would already have a history with that company so there’s a certain sense of trust and expectation of product or service. Private entities, just like Government, do not want to be wasting their time and money on chancers. How do you get listed on a private entity’s database? Ask! Do you have a Supplier Database? Yes, awesome. Who do I send my company details to? What’s the procedure? You will never learn, if you don’t ask.


Unlike public tenders, invited tenders are generally only heard about after the fact. You tend to hear about them from your mates’ brother’s sister-in-law who overhead it at a bar brawl. Like bread crumbs scattered in the wind, and you have to chase them back to the source. Invited tenders are held very close to the chest. This, unfortunately, gives them a bit of a shady reputation. Not necessarily the case, since companies nowadays have time considerations and budgets that don’t really allow for un-invited delays and inclusions. The sad fact is, if you weren’t invited; then be prepared to be bounced from the party.


Government utilises invited tenders as well. Which is a neverending source for debate and scandalous speculation. When it’s all on the up and up, simply time and money are against going out to public tender. For example: an Emergency. When an actual emergency occurs, say a natural disaster, nobody is going to tolerate the Government or a Municipality going out to public tender. Why? It takes too long. So tenders are invited. Where would the contractors be sourced from, you ask? The applicable Supplier Database. Verbal quotes, or more likely written quotes are called for. In emergencies, the aim is to fix the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible to prevent further issues. Bear in mind, that all decisions related to this situation would have to be recorded. All decisions concerning Supply Chain Management, have to be recorded. Otherwise, a certain word starts surfacing “misappropriation”.


It’s also interesting to note, that “lack of planning” does not constitute an emergency. If suddenly a pen cannot be found in your Municipality for love nor money, then this is not an emergency but terrible terrible planning. It’s pencils for you, until the tender can be awarded.


Invited tenders can be the chosen form of procurement when specialty works or products are required. Supply Chain Departments are supposed to have an idea of who can do what for them. It they know that there’s stacks of suppliers of a certain product, then it’ll be open competitive bidding for them. But if they know there’s only two companies that can supply a certain product, it’s not viable to go out to public tender. Both companies are invited to tender, and one is awarded. There’s cases where there’s only one supplier/ contractor. That guy gets asked to price. It’s too costly and too time consuming to go out to public tender, when you already know who your suppliers could be. This actually implies that there’s a bit of common sense being utlilised in the Government. Someone actually hoped to save money and time, by not relying on mindless bureaucracy. Treasury Regulation 16A6.4 comes into play, but it has to be recorded and reported. Everything has to be recorded and reported.


Invited tenders can also be the result of other supply chain processes: Panels, Pre-Qualifications and Expression of Interests (EOI). These are the most common. Think of it as a gathering of potential suppliers/ contractors. They are assessed and then invited to tender. Generally, the pre-qualification/ EOI are out in the public domain. But the invited tenders will be behind the scenes. I tend to see these for long term projects, where a certain aim is hoping to be achieved. The idea being that if the Government wants to refurbish an entire Province’s schools (for example), then going out to tender for each individual school is just nuts. Get a group of potential pre-qualified contractors together in one go, and then divvy the jobs out as budgets and time allows.


When hoping to do business, hedge your bets.


If you want to work with a private company, talk to them. If you want to continue working with the Government, talk to them as well. Whether it’s public tender notices or invited, information is key.


About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

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