What do you need to get the job?
The Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) – a Schedule 3A public entity – was established by Act of Parliament (Act 38 of 2000) to promote a regulatory and developmental framework that builds:
- Construction industry delivery capability for South Africa’s social and economic growth.
- A proudly South African construction industry that delivers to globally competitive standards.
The cidb’s focus is on
- Sustainable growth, capacity development and empowerment
- Improved industry performance and best practice
- A transformed industry, underpinned by consistent and ethical procurement practices
Enhanced value to clients and society
Construction companies is South Africa are required to register with the CIDB for various classes of construction works, if they want to be awarded Government tenders, and are assigned ratings based on their financial capability. CIDB ratings, when required, are listed on tender notices and perform two functions: The most obvious being that if a company is not registered in that particular rating or class of work then that company can not be awarded that contract (unless they form a Joint Venture); and the second is that the Rating gives a estimated value for the contract concerned. This is helpful for subcontractors to determine whether it is worth their while to approach those companies tendering.
Below is a breakdown of the various Construction works and how the various ratings are determined:
Class of Construction Works
GB General Building
CE Civil Engineering
EB Electrical Engineering Works – Building
EP Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure
ME Mechanical Engineering
SB Asphalt works (supply and lay)
SC Building Excavations, shaft sinking, lateral earth support
SD Corrosion protection (cathodic, anodic and electrolytic)
SE Demolition and blasting
SF Fire prevention and protection systems
SG Glazing, curtain walls and shop fronts
SH Landscaping, irrigation and horticulture works
SI Lifts, escalators and travellators (installation, commissioning and maintenance)
SJ Piling and specialised foundations for building and structures
SK Road markings and signage
SL Structural steelwork fabrication and erection
SM Timber buildings and structures
SN Waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialist systems
SO Water supply and drainage for buildings (wet services, plumbing)
SQ Steel security fencing or precast concrete
Class of Construction Works
Civil Engineering (CE): Construction Works primarily concerned with materials such as steel, concrete, earth and rock and their application in the development, extension, installation, maintenance, removal, renovation, alteration, or dismantling of building and engineering infrastructure.
Basic Work Types: Water, sewerage, roads, railways, harbours and transport, urban development and municipal services.
Examples: Structures such as cooling tower, bridge culvert, dam, grand stand, road, railway, reservoir, runway, swimming pool, silo or tunnel. The results of operations such as dredging, earthworks and geotechnical processes. Township services, water treatment and supply, sewerage works, sanitation, soil conservation works, irrigation works, storm-water and drainage works, coastal works, ports, harbours, airports and pipelines.
Electrical Engineering Works – Building (EB): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with the installation, extension, modification or repair of electrical installations in or on any premises used for the transmission of electricity from a point of control to a point of consumption, including any article forming part of such an installation
Basic Work Types: All electrical equipment forming an integral and permanent part of buildings and/or structures, including any wiring, cable jointing and laying and electrical overhead line construction.
Examples: Electrical installations in buildings. Electrical reticulations within a plot of land (erf) or building site. Standby plant and uninterrupted power supply. Verification and certification of electrical installations on premises.
Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure (EP): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with development, extension, installation, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of engineering infrastructure: a) relating to the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity; or b) which cannot be classified as EB.
Basic Work Types: Electrical power generation, transmission, control and distribution equipment and systems
Examples: Power generation. Street and area lighting. Substations and protection systems. Township reticulations. Transmission lines
General Building Works (GB): Construction Works that: a) are primarily concerned with the development, extension, installation, renewal, renovation, alteration, or dismantling of a permanent shelter for its occupants or contents; or b) cannot be categorised in terms of the definitions provided for civil engineering works, electrical engineering works, mechanical engineering works, or specialist works.
Basic Work Types: Building and ancillary works other than those categorised as: Civil engineering works; Electrical engineering works; Mechanical engineering works; Specialist works.
Examples: Buildings for domestic, industrial, institutional or commercial occupancies. Car ports. Stores. Walls.
Mechanical Engineering Works (ME): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with the development, extension, installation, removal, alteration, renewal of engineering infrastructure for gas transmission and distribution, solid waste disposal, heating, ventilation and cooling, chemical works, metallurgical works, manufacturing, food processing and materials handling.
Basic Work Types: Machine systems including those relating to the environment of building interiors. Gas transmission and distribution systems. Pipelines. Materials handling, lifting machinery, heating, ventilation and cooling, pumps. Continuous process systems, chemical works, metallurgical works, manufacturing, food processing such as that in concentrator machinery and apparatus, oil and gas wells, smelters, cyanide plants, acid plants, metallurgical machinery, equipment and apparatus, and works necessary for the beneficiation of metals, minerals, rocks, petroleum and organic substances or other chemical processes.
Examples: Air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation. Boiler installations and steam distribution. Central heating. Centralised hot water generation. Compressed air, gas and vacuum installations. Conveyor and materials handling installations. Continuous process systems involving chemical works, metallurgical works, oil and gas wells, acid plants, metallurgical machinery, equipment and apparatus, and works necessary for the beneficiation of metals, minerals, rocks, petroleum and organic substance and other chemical processes. Dust and sawdust extraction. Kitchen equipment. Laundry equipment. Refrigeration and cold rooms. Waste handling systems (including compactors)
Specialist Works
SB: The extension, installation, repair, maintenance or renewal, or removal of asphalt.
SJ: The development, installation, removal, or dismantling, as relevant, of piles and other specialised foundations for buildings and structures.
SC: The development, extension, installation, removal and dismantling, as relevant, associated with building excavations, shaft sinking and lateral earth support.
SK: The installation, renewal, removal, alteration or dismantling, as relevant, of road markings and signage.
SD: The development, extension, installation, repair, renewal, removal or alteration of corrosion protection systems (cathodic, anodic and electrolytic).
SL: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of structural steelwork and scaffolding.
SE: Demolition of buildings and engineering infrastructure and blasting.
SM: Timber buildings and structures.
SF: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of fire prevention and protection infrastructure (drencher and sprinkler systems and fire installation).
SN: The extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation or alteration, as relevant, of the waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialist systems.
SG: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of glazing, curtain walls and shop fronts.
SO: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, alteration, or dismantling or demolition of water installations and soil and waste water drainage associated with buildings (wet services and plumbing).
SH: The development, extension, installation, maintenance, renewal, removal, alteration or dismantling, as relevant, of landscaping, irrigation and horticultural works.
SQ: The development, extension, installation, repairs, dismantling of precast walls, installation of wire perimeter fencing, diamond perimeter fencing, palisade steel fencing with posts and stay at intervals.
SI: The development, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of lifts, escalators, travellators and hoisting machinery
How contractor grading designations are determined
Your contractor grading designation is determined by your financial capability and your works capability.
Your financial capability relates to your financial history (turnover), and the amount of working capital you can muster to sustain a contract, i.e. available capital. Available capital is the sum of total equity, retained income, shareholders or member’s loans and any form of acceptable financial sponsorship.
Your works capability is determined by the largest contract you have undertaken and completed in your class of construction works (completed during the 5 years immediately preceding the application).
Your contractor grading designation will be used by Government (national, provincial, municipal and state owned enterprises) to qualify your tender to be considered for a particular construction works contract. For example: if you are registered as a 5CE, you will be considered for public sector civil engineering works contracts of a value not exceeding R6.5 million. You may register for different classes of works, for example, you may be registered as a 5CE and as an 8ME. This means that you will also be considered for public sector mechanical engineering works contracts of a value not exceeding R130 million.
Determining Financial Capability
The specific requirements that need to be satisfied in respect of the contractor grading designation being applied for, depending on the contractor grading designation applied for, the financial capability will be determined from:
- the best turnover from the two financial years immediately preceding the application;
- the available capital that you are able to mobilise;
- the contractor must satisfy all the criteria relating to financial capability.
Determining Works Capability
The specific requirements that you need to satisfy in respect of the contractor grading designation applied are:
Grade 2: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R130 000.
Grade 3: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R450 000 and either have best turnover not less than R1 000 000 or have available capital not less than R100 000.
Grade 4: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R900 000 and either have best turnover not less than R2 000 000 or have available capital not less than R200 000.
Grade 5 and higher: Must have works and financial capability not less than that tabulated in Table C(i) below, for the contractor grading designation applied for.
Determining Financial Capability
Potentially Emerging Enterprises
A registered, potentially emerging contractor may be awarded a contract at one level higher than the enterprise’s registered contractor grading designation, if the client or employer:
Is satisfied that such a contractor has the potential to develop and qualify to be registered in that higher grade; and
Ensures that financial, management or other support is provided – in the context of a targeted development programme
- to enable the contractor to successfully execute that contract.
Joint Ventures
A joint venture is a grouping of two or more contractors who jointly undertake to perform a construction works contract.
Any enterprise that tenders or enters into a contract for construction works with the public sector, must be registered.
Once-off joint ventures do not have to register. Each partner of the joint venture must be separately registered and the lead partner must have a contractor grading designation not lower than one level below the required grading designation in the class of construction works under consideration.
The contractor grading designation for a once-off joint venture is assessed by the client, based on:
the sum of the best annual turnover of all the members of the joint venture;
the sum of the available capital of all the members of the joint venture; and
The cidb has developed a calculator to enable assessment of joint ventures. This calculator is available on the cidb website at www.cidb.org.za
Leads 2 Business subscribers have the option to filter by CIDB ratings as well as set up their Advisory settings, so they only receive the Ratings that they are interested in. My advice in this regard, would be to go “one above and one below”. The idea of the CIDB ratings is progression. New companies start out with a CIDB 1 and as the company grows in experience and financial standing, they would progress up the ratings. So a subscriber would select “one above” (as in a Rating above their current Rating) and select “one below” to make sure that they are notified of any tenders where only the PE (Potentially Emerging) rating has been specified on the tender. Keeping an eye on the next rung up the ladder, but ensuring your foot is still firmly in place on the rung below (if you like metaphors).
Examples of tender notices of various CIDB Ratings and Classes:
cidb HELPLINE | 086 100 2432 | CIDB
Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No 38 of 2000) | Application for Contractor Registration Grade 2 – 9 (July 2016) |
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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.
About Claire Donaldson
I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.
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- More Posts(66)
Loyiso Moni
I Am so intrested to recieved tenders on cidb. My grade of constrution work is 1GB and 1ME. My company name is AYALOYD TRADING.
Eldary Carpenter
Good morning Loyiso
Thank you for your interest in Leads to Business. I will e-mail our brochure to you shortly.
I am Simon Dube the Managing director of Siyakhusela roller shutters and security barrier manufacturers we are an level one BEEE company and we are operating the whole of Africa we are interested in receiving tenders for roller shutters , security gates and expandable doors
Eldary Carpenter
Good morning Simon
Thank you for your enquiry.
A representative will e-mail you shortly to attach our brochure and assist with any additional questions you may have.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
good day my name is Solomon kekana director and owner of MME pty(ltd)and my cidb grading is 1SH and i would like to receive tenders around gauteng because my company is based on the province
Eldary Carpenter
Good morning Simon
Thank you for your enquiry.
A representative will e-mail you shortly to attach our brochure and assist with any additional questions you may have.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Sandile Vilakazi
Hi,Eldary Carpenter
My Name is Sandile Vilakazi,Director of new Mahle-Amaphupho (Pty) Ltd newly developed company,CIDB Grade 1 CE,we are very agog,ambitions of this new journey of business venture with full of young ideas and big dreams.
We are interested in learning more about tender and hoping to receive tenders in DBN.at the very moment we sell chorcaol and supply firewoods in the local township Bp garages but we hoping for advice and growth.
Thanks in advance
Sandile Vilakazi
Eldary Carpenter
Good morning Sandile
Thank you for your interest.
I will ask one of our Account Executives to e-mail our brochure to you.
Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Nomzukiso Booysen
Good day my name is Nomzukiso Booysen of Racha World Trading Nterprise my company is grade 1CE,1GB and 1SQ i am a residing in Uitenhage in Eastern Cape would love to be sent tenders around Eastern Cape the company is flexible to be appointed anywhere around Eastern Cape.Thank you in advance
Yours regards
Nomzukiso Booysen
Eldary Carpenter
Good afternoon Nomzukiso
Thank you for your interest.
I will ask one of our Account Executives to e-mail our brochure to you.
Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Daniel danie Mokhomatha
Good morning my name is Daniel Mokhomatha and our company name is Setsing Projects Pty Ltd we are based in Soweto currently and our company has been rendering services of pavement layers in Soweto and we have also done some building work on June 16th memorial Arch in central western jabavu and RDP s houses in Klipspuit under Inkanyeli Projects .Our grading is CE1 GB1 may you send us tenders in Gauteng and North West thanks
Eldary Carpenter
Good afternoon Daniel
Thank you for your interest.
I will ask one of our Account Executives to e-mail our brochure to you.
Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Hi I want to know how to tender and how it works
Sasha Anderson
Good Day,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Dan Thom
Hi my name is Dan Thom, my problem with cidb is that they are not honest with the information that they circulate to contractors, my cidb is 5ce-pe and in 2016 they had a roadshow is in Kimberley, we raise very serous issues, regarding the degrading of our grades due to lack of work, and they promise not degrade companies due that fact, they said we will keep our grades as they are, but to my surprise I couldn’t renew my grading last year they want financial statements, which I don’t have, because I was not getting work.
so now I have to start from grade 1, what a waist of time, the problem is they don’t stick to mandate, e.g. companies with grade7- 8-9 do works of smaller grades and we can’t compete with them price wise and they allow client to us them, more especially Municipalities.
For me cidb is meant for black emerging contractors only, and this is a way of discriminating and the Department of Small Business is really not helping in this regard.
Eldary Carpenter
GOod morning Dan
We publish information for Projects and Tenders to send to our subscriber and don’t have an influence when it comes to the decision of whom the Tenders gets awarded to. We only provide the information to our subscribers.
Please contact CIDB or the relevant Municipality/Municipalities to bring your grevience to their attention.
Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Hi Dan
contact me please…
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Lee,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Dan Thom
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Eldary Carpenter
Hi Dan
Please contact CIDB or your local Municipality in this regard.
Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Hi my name is Ntuthuko and I am one of the directors for Ibonge INtuthuko Construction and our CIDB grade is 1 GB, we would like to grow our grade. Tenders will be highly appreciated, we are based in Durban Umlazi
Eldary Carpenter
Good morning Ntuthuko,
Thank you for your enquiry. I will send your details to one of our Accounts Executives to e-mail our Brochure and details to you and answer any questions you may have.
Have a lovely afternoon.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Good day,my name is Salome Nkuna,am the director of Mavotani Construction i could like to be sent tenders,am in gauteng(pretoria and Johannesburg),i could be very grateful to hear from you soon.
Eldary Carpenter
Good morning Salome
Thank you for your enquiry. One of our Representatives will send you an e-mail shortly to attached our Brochure and assist with any questions you may have.
Have a lovely day.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Lunga Dlamini
Hi Eldary.
I would also love to be sent tenders too. 🙂
Sasha Anderson
Hello Lunga,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Great post. I used to be checking constantly this weblog annd I’m inspired!
Very helpful information particularly the closing part :
) I care for such information much. I was looking for this particular info for a long time.
Thank you and good luck.
Eldary Carpenter
Good morning Marcy,
Thank you for your valued feedback. Please see our latest blog post related to CIDB Gradings: https://blog.l2b.co.za/l2b-blog-cidb-grading-works/ (the link post you were looking at was published in 2016).
You might also find the following blog post from today relating to BEE helpful:
Have a lovely afternoon.
Kindest regards
Eldary Carpenter
Hi i have civil engineering grade1i am interested to get a contract in tshwane pretoria.Company name hendrick and sons pty ltd
Claire Donaldson
Afternoon, Hendrick.
Thank you for your interest. A representative will be in contact with you by email. Have a great day.
Yours sincerely
Claire Donaldson
Mokamedi Tikane
good day sir , i have a cidb grade 1me. I’m struggling to get jobs i even subscribed at tradeworld but the tenders that they always post are for higher grades which i don’t qualify and i’m based in northern cape but any place i’d go since i want to start my dream. i have personally 12 years experience in engineering field doing boilermaking job and any advise will really come handy .
Claire Donaldson
Morning, Mokamedi.
Thank you for your interest. A representative will be in contact with you by email. Have a great day.
Yours sincerely
Claire Donaldson
It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’d without a doubt donate to this excellent
blog! I suppose foor now i’ll settle for book-marking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account.
I look forward to brand new updates and will talk
about this site with my Facebook group. Talk soon!
Claire Donaldson
Good Morning, Myrtis
Thank you for your interest. It is appreciated.
Have a great day.
Yours sincerely
Claire Donaldson
Sarayi Marufu
I am Sarayi Marufu from Rufas Belab Construction And Engineering our cidb grading is GB1, ME1,SL1 and SQ1 we are also registered with NHBRC. We would like to be assisted in the tender application process. Our company is 100% owned by a black South African female.
Claire Donaldson
To Sarai
Thank you for your interest. A representative will be contacting you shortly. Have a great day.
Kind Regards
Zandile Sithole
My Name is Zandile Sithole,Director of Ezojobe business interprise (Pty) Ltd newly developed company,CIDB Grade 1 GB,we are very agog,ambitions of this new journey of business venture with full of young ideas and big dreams.
We are interested in learning more about tender and hoping to receive tenders in Durban.
Thanks in advance
Zandile Sithole
Claire Donaldson
To Zandile
Thank you for showing interest in L2B. A representative will be in contact shortly. Have a great day.
Yours sincerely
David Kolobe
Hi my name is David I am the owner of DWCP (Pty) Ltd my company is CIDB grade 1CE I would like to grow my company please send me tenders around Mpumalanga.
Thanks and Regards
Claire Donaldson
Good Day, David
Thank you for your interest. A L2B representative will be in contact with you soon.
Have a great day.
Yours sincerely
hello my name is lenyakallo samuel i have Cleaning services,Land Escape and Garden company & civil construction company i need help of Tenders in South Africa i am new i have grade1 of CE & So
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Samuel,
Thanks for getting in touch with us.
We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
My name is Nontembeko Matiwane I’m interested of learning more about tenders and also to get jops its been three years full now without jop We are having 1GB and 1CE we are together with Melikaya Ncamiso 50% and 50% .We so desparate for a jop even if its a small jop because we only dpending to this company our company name iis Elileletthu Trading( LTD) PTY
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Nontembeko,
Thanks for getting in touch with us.
We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
gladwell tshiembe
HI my name is gladwell tshiembe am Director of Thadimpho (pty) ltd we have grade 1 gb,also interested
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Gladwell,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
good morning my name is makgowa lephaila,i am the director of leepm projects im currently new in the construction industry.i am in need of a grade 1,eb class tenders.
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Makgowa,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
ayanda makeleni
good morning sir my name is ayanda makeleni from khonkwa civils and building pty ltd, cidb grading 1ce and 1gb ,i want to grow up my buisness plz help me
Sasha Anderson
Good Day,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Hi sir my name is selaelo Richard Mamabolo i need a job around limpopo
Sasha Anderson
Good Day,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Samuel Zwelimangele Magushana
Good morning
My name Samuel Zwelimangele Magushana I like tenders/quotes from ward 6/7 Kanana Park Grasmere my company is Magushana Mzondi General Services CRS Number: 10145949 Grade 1GD PE
I thank you
Sasha Anderson
Good Day,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
aktuelle Brettspiele getestet
Every weekend i used to pay a quick visit this web site, for
the reason that i want enjoyment, for the reason that this this
site conations truly good funny information too.
Sasha Anderson
Good Day,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We appreciate your feedback.
Good day
My Company is NHBRC registered and have the following CIDB grading 1GB, 1CE, 1EP, looking for tenders. I’m looking for tenders in this category hopefully you will be able to assist.
Kind regards
Sasha Anderson
Good Day,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Mmuso Powe
Hi, I would like to have jobs through you as a growing company in GB 2 and EB 1 with experience of 4 years in these field in construction. What are steps to follow and what is contract fee per annum
Sasha Anderson
Good Day,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Nlateko Mashava
Good day.
I would love to know how grade 1 ME job is obtained because there is no tender being advertised that requires grade one to do jobs.
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Nlateko,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We have sent you an email with all the details.
Simon mabasa
Iam building construction i me director for salaniandvanwanati pty Ltd I have gb grade 1.and nhbrc I look forward to build my company please help me with tenders or projects to build houses I me ready for anything
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Simon,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We have sent you an email with all the details.
Michael pandohe
Good morning my name is Michael Pandohe Ian locking for help form cidb Have construction grade 1GB and 1so locking for work anywhere in the Eastern cape hoping to get my company on its feet and Ian colified in building and Plumbing working for a company at the moment
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Michael,
Thanks for getting in touch with us.We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Jacob malete
As a first timer business I would like to register with CIDB and CSD , what crateria should I meet for it ?
Sasha Anderson
Good Day Jacob,
Thank you for your comment.
Please see https://blog.l2b.co.za/who-needs-to-register-for-construction-industry-development-board-cidb/ and https://blog.l2b.co.za/csd-how-where-why-to-register/ for more information
Good day, my name in Andries the director of Amogelang and kgotlelelo projects under my company I manage to register for the following: CIDB; 1 GB, 1 SE and 1SQ and also registered with the National Home Builder Registration Council (NHBRC) as im very interested mainly in construction and I want to grow my company to the fullest as I want to work with experienced companies so I like to receive tender under level 1 contractors and venture with other companies for various projects.
Sasha Anderson
Hello Andries,
Thanks for getting in touch with us. We provide construction related project and tender information for our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe please email us on support@l2b.co.za
Ntokozo Hlatshwayo
Good day, my name is Ntokozo Hlatshwayo representing AEFRICA (PTY) LTD based in the Western Cape. We currently have the following grades
1 GB
1 CE
1 ME
We are interested in your services as we want to grow our business within the grades mentioned above. your assistance will be highly appreciated. Kindly send us more information in order to subscribe to your services.
Sasha Anderson
Hi Ntokozo, Thank you for your comment! We have emailed you information on Leads 2 Business.
Hi Sasha,
I am interested to receive construction leads. My company is on grade 1 with Cidb namely GB PE,EC PE, CE PE. The company name is Striving Mind Trading 1376.
Sasha Anderson
Hi Lesedi, Thank you for your comment! We have emailed you information on Leads 2 Business.
MJ Mlombo
Good day!
I am a director of Mastering Networking and Joint Venture Electrical company ,I would appreciate it if i can get an updates on tenders concerning Electrical Works in Limpopo as we are based around Waterberg district .My CIDB grades are 1EP PE and 1EB PE.
Kindly send us more info to subscribe to your services
Sasha Anderson
Hi MJ, Thank you for your comment! We have emailed you information on Leads 2 Business
Olwethu mboji
My name is Olwethu Mboji owner of allene and gray group construction company which was registered in 2019 iv been struggling to get jobs ever since simply i dont know what to do or to go. My is still grade 1 anything will help.
Sasha Anderson
Hi Olwethu, thanks for your comment! Please check out https://www.l2b.co.za/Pricing for more info on receiving leads from us.
Hi this is Shabatech holdings we are interested on Tenders around Mpumalanga and Kwazulu-Natal.we supply various services to the mining,local municipality and government departments.Thereof we would really appreciate updates on Tenders regarding the above mentioned.we really have interest on this page and it is really helpful.
Sasha Anderson
Hi Shabatech, Thank you for your comment! We have emailed you information on Leads 2 Business
Hi, great content thanks for sharing this with the public and continue writing informative and educative content.
Marlaine Andersen
Thanks for your comment! Please check out https://www.l2b.co.za/Pricing for more info on receiving leads from us.