The Importance of Social Responsibility

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There are four types of social responsibility (Generally followed by Corporate Companies):

  • Environmental responsibility
  • Human rights responsibility
  • Philanthropic responsibility
  • Economic responsibility

All of the above-named form in what we call “Social responsibility”, The below is a break down of what they are and why they are important:

Environmental Responsibilities:

  • Comply with environmental legislation.
  • Hazardous substances covered by Environmental legislation.
  • Waste and recycling.
  • Conservation and Biodiversity issues for Businesses.
  • Prevent and remedy pollution incidents.

As we all know our world is in danger with regards to pollution, it is vital that we prevent that we use natural resources in the most effective and efficient manner in order to reduce environmental impacts.

Here are a few things we can do to help protect the Earth:

  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  • Plant a tree.
  • Conserve water.
  • Volunteer for clean-ups in your neighborhoods.

Human Rights Responsibilities:

  • To treat people with respect and Dignity
  • The right to live your life free of Discrimination
  • The Right to Liberty and Freedom

Human rights are important because it gives all of our society fairness, dignity, equality and respect.

Philanthropic responsibility:

  • Philanthropic responsibility is an act of Charitable acts or volunteering time and efforts.

Companies giving to charity is important because a lot of the charities would not exist if they did not get funding from companies as they are not supported by the Government. Charities often do not have a voice and having big corporate companies backing them helps them get the word out that there are people in need. Companies enhance their reputation and demonstrate their good citizenship.

Economic responsibility:

An example of Economic responsibility is when a company uses recycled products in their manufacturing processes to potentially lowering the cost of materials and also benefiting society by consuming fewer resources.

Economic Responsibility is important because companies can find a solution that can grow their business as well as generate profits with is also beneficial to our community.

Be Kind to the planet and all who live in it.

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The Art of Delegation

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The Art of Delegation

Great Leaders Perfect The Art Of Delegation

Delegation is the act of empowering others to accomplish a task, it is a core or critical skill all leaders must have to be successful, delegation may be one of the most fundamental managerial skills, a great leader possesses the ability to enable through delegation to get things done. Good delegation gets great results if you are delegating effectively.

Managing is all about building a team. if you are going to build a team, your team members must be engaged in moving the team forward. That means giving the team meaningful work, giving team members enough room to take on that work on their own (or with their own team), and holding them accountable for the outcomes, in other words, it means effective delegation.

When you lead others, it is important to know that there is an art to delegating, if done correctly, you will find that your staff is more productive and happier as a result. When your people know you trust them enough to delegate an important task, it boosts their motivation to get the job done. Good delegation not only gets results but also increases the capabilities of the team.

Delegation is a key skill for all leaders, and necessary for any person wanting to get ahead. If you ever feel stressed and overwhelmed or feel as though your career or business has become stagnate, then it’s time to sharpen those delegation skills.

Here are A few tips to master the art of delegation:

  • Leaders sometimes view planning as a hindrance to getting their best work done, but planning to delegate is an investment in your people, your company’s culture, and in your business.
  • Contribute both positive and negative feedback so the person you’re giving responsibility to will understand what he or she is doing well and how they need to improve. The exceptional performance will likely continue if it is acknowledged and rewarded.
  • Monitoring the work of people will both motivate them and help identify problems areas.
  • A delegated task must be accompanied by a delegation of authority–that is, the power and resources to get the job done.
  • When assigning a task, consider each person’s demonstrated skill, interest in the task, and current workload. Know his or her record of success on similar assignments–how they work with others, when they operate best, and how well they work under pressure.
  • Set clear expectations, make sure the goals are specific, attainable, relevant, and measurable.
  • Briefing- take the time to explain to your people why they were chosen for the task and be clear in your expectations of them.
  • Give details about what exactly needs doing by when including any flexibility there is.
  • Make sure the result you are looking to achieve and how the task fits into the wider picture is understood. What difference will the outcome make?
  • Define the decision-making processes. What can the staff member decide, and when should they defer to you? Clarity on authority is essential.
  • Find out how they feel about the task. Are they happy to rise to the challenge? Do they have any fears or concerns?
  • Say when you need progress reports and agree on how monitoring will occur.
  • Delegating effectively is a balancing act. You have a set of requirements, the staff member requires instructions they can understand, support, the authority to proceed and confidence.

Sometimes you may find yourself in a space between giving enough room for people to use their abilities for the best possible outcome, while still staying close enough to ensure that the job is done correctly.

Make or break your success on the management path by the way you delegate. The best managers are surrounded by willing staff who are not only able to get the job done but are also concerned about quality and who are prepared to go the extra mile.

If you are concerned about losing control or giving someone else the credit, then you’re managing from ego and that’s never the best way to lead. Seek joy in watching others achieve a task that was once yours, you are giving a gift of empowerment and that is a beautiful thing. Good delegation not only gets results but also increases the capabilities of the team.

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About Lola Govender

My name is Lola Govender. I have been working at L2B for 14 years and am very passionate about our business.

The Effects of Regular Exercise on Productivity

The Effects of Regular Exercise on Productivity

Here at Leads 2 Business, we strive to make sure you get the most out of your service. For many of us, exercise is one way for us to get our minds focused and our work flowing.

As someone who tries to get 1-hour exercise in a day, I know that whether it be a swift walk or a full body work out on returning to my computer, My “brain fog” is clear and I am ready for the rest of the day.

Besides the obvious benefits behind exercise (ie. Weight loss). Taking anywhere between 10-30 minutes out of your day to go for a walk outside, run or gym has its physiological benefits. Royal College of Psychiatrists published an article stating that exercise can help cope with mild depression as it lifts your mood and gives a sense of being in control and In touch with people.

For some people the Word Exercise may make them cringe at the thought of being sweaty and tired, However, you can also exercise to relax, You may be wondering how can exercise be relaxing? Alexander Pope wrote a poem called “An Essay on Man” in the year 1733-1734, saying Strength of Mind is exercise, not rest.” doing things likes Yoga can help you to realize this.

Almost any type of exercise can help your mind think freely and Creatively. Upon speaking to Darren Smit owner of IMF High Performance Centre in Ballito who studied BA spots Science at Stellenbosch and finished his BSC Honours Degree in Biokinetics at the University of Zululand, He told me that the following, “You need to value the importance of your long-term health in order to fully understand the importance of exercise, Most of the time people have a health scare before they find the time to get in the gym or outdoors and move. Regular Movement can help Keep your body at a healthy weight and your mind in a positive place, and Exercising regularly can lower the risk of disease, including type 2 diabetes and High Blood Pressure.” Darren also went on to say that exercising regularly will not only help you but help those that you interact with.

Saying that Some of our Leads 2 business ladies recently did the Spars Women’s Race (see Image above). Many of us have walking Groups that we are part of, and you will often see us walking outside for a breath of fresh air, This helps us to keep our positive attitudes when dealing with subscribers and encouraging others to subscribe as well. Being that our company is web-based and we deal with people mostly over the phone We have to make sure that we are thinking fast and clear in order to give our subscribers that best.

Here are some ways you can incorporate exercise into your day:

  • Stretch – Standing up and stretching your back and legs can increase blood flow and help your posture after you have been sitting at a desk or in a chair for a long period of time.
  • Lose the Chair – Try getting rid of your normal office chair. You may find your back may ache or your shoulders. Try sitting on a medicine ball(Stability Ball). A simple medicine ball instead of a Chair can help your core abdominal muscle and promotes better posture.
  • Take a Break – Get your blood flowing and your legs moving. Whether you stroll to the kitchen for tea or you take a walk outside and take in all the things around you. This will help you clear your mind of what stress you have and help you to refocus on things going on
Get moving today and you will be amazed as to how quickly you can feel and see a difference.


An Essay on Man – Wikiquote

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About Caroline Clark

When I am not at work you will find me spending quality time with my family. You will always find a smile on my face and a snack in my bag.

Did You Know #DYK: Fire Escape Rules in South Africa

Fire Escape Rules In South Africa

So, after reading many different articles and doing some intense researching regarding fire escape rules in our beautiful country, I have come up with the following and hope it will somehow assist you, should you catch yourself in a heated situation 😉

Just a bit of history…Did you know that one of the very first fire escapes was invented in the 18th century in England? David Maseres invented the machine in 1784 called the “Fire Escape”.

This machine was fastened to a window which allowed a person to descend to the ground, as per the below picture.


Abraham Wivell then created an improved design, which included an escape chute.

Furthermore, the “Enclosed Tubular Chute Fire Escape” became accepted in schools, hospitals and other institutions in the 1930s. It was a very easy form of escape as people would literally just slide down it.

And as time went by, it evolved and became more modernised, such as a modern type of evacuation slide which is the vertical spiral escape chute and is commonly used for bigger buildings and structures. Buildings are getting taller and new fire escape techniques are developing. Elevators have been thought of as a possible fire escape for high-rise buildings. Further high-rise fire escape methods include parachutes, external collapsible elevators and slides.


Now that we’ve looked at the history and where and when fire escapes came into place, let’s have a look at what it means today.

No one wants to see their house or company go up in flames, therefore there are very strict rules and regulations when it comes to fire safety in South Africa. According to SANS 10400: Part T – the Fire Protection Act says the following: “In order to protect your property and the people in it, South Africa has implemented building regulations to ensure that the buildings are designed, constructed and equipped adequately in the event of a fire”. The Fire Protection Act states the following:

  1. The occupants of the building, including disabled people will be protected;
  2. The spread of fire within the building and to other buildings will be minimised;
  3. Sufficient stability must be insured so there is no major failure of the structural system;
  4. The spread of smoke shall be controlled and minimised; and
  5. Adequate means of access for detecting, fighting, controlling and extinguishing shall be provided.

The SANS Act 10400 Part T can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. Safety Distances;
  2. Fire Resistance: Relating to building material such as structural walls.
  3. Requirements for effective fire protection include:
    • General requirements,
    • Regulations relating to safety distances,
    • Fire performance
    • Fire resistance
    • Fire stability of structural elements or components,
    • Protection of openings,
    • Provision of escape routes,
    • Exit doors,
    • Feeder routes,
  • Emergency routes, dimensions of components of escape routes,
  • The width of escape routes,
  • Basements,
  • Stairways and other changes of level along escape routes,
  • Ventilation of stairways in emergency routes,
  • Pressurization of emergency routes and components,
  • Openings in floors,
  • External stairways and passages,
  • Marking and signposting,
  • Provision of emergency lighting,
  • Fire detection and alarm systems,
  • Provision and maintenance of firefighting equipment,
  • Water reticulation for firefighting purposes,
  • Hose reels,
  • Hydrants,
  • Automatic sprinkler and other fixed extinguishing systems,
  • Portable fire extinguishers,
  • Mobile fire extinguishers,
  • Fire-stopping of inaccessible concealed spaces,
  • Protection of services shafts,
  • Smoke control,
  • Air-conditioning systems and artificial ventilation systems,
  • Lift shafts,
  • Lifts,
  • Firemen’s lift,
  • Stretcher lift,
  • Access for fire-fighting and rescue purposes
  1. Rational Designs: Designing of a structure to ensure the level of safety is sufficient by a qualified person.


Now, I think it is very important to have the correct fire safety equipment in your building.

We probably walk pass some of the above items at work every single day and don’t even realise it, but it is vital to know that they are there, where exactly they are and how they are used. It is good to have the necessary equipment to protect the building as well as the people inside it. Therefore, the following equipment will always be helpful:

Alarms – Whether they are heat detectors, smoke alarms or even panic buttons. Heat detectors are generally slower to detect fire than smoke detectors; they are preferably used in smaller spaces where there are higher risks of fire. Smoke alarms are recommended by experts as they detect fires and heat much quicker. Different types of smoke alarms are used such as ionization smoke alarms, which responds to raging fires; photoelectric smoke alarms which respond to a light source; and lastly a combination alarm which is the best recommendation. Ensure that you know where your panic buttons are.

Fire Reels – When outdoors these are generally connected to fire engines or fire hydrants and when inside it is attached the building’s plumbing system.

Fire Extinguishers – Always ensure that you know where these are kept in your workplace as you never know when you might actually have to use one. There are different types of fire extinguishers and the number and type you require would depend on certain circumstances in your building.

Sprinkler Systems – According to Wikipedia, over 40 million sprinkler heads are fitted in buildings each year. Buildings that are completely protected by fire sprinkler systems, over 96% of fire were controlled by fire sprinklers alone. There are different types of sprinklers such as wet pipe systems, dry pipe systems, pre-action, deluge, foam protection, just to name a few.

Fire Exit Signs and Doors – Fire exit signs are a crucial part of an emergency. Proper signage is critical for all fire exits and fire doors. Fire Regulations have stated that fire exits are very clearly marked and should show even when there are power outages.

In the case of an emergency, the last thing you want is for people to run around hysterically. The calmer the people, the calmer the entire situation. Next, let’s have a look at what precautions we can take in the event of a fire:

  • Plan your escape plan. Learn your building’s evacuation plan and ensure that fire drills are done regularly;
  • Ensure that your building’s evacuation routes are displayed;
  • Never lock or block fire exits or doorways, halls or stairways;
  • Know the sound of your building’s fire alarm;
  • Display emergency numbers near telephones;
  • Know where your assembly point is.


In conclusion, ensure that you follow all the rules and regulations required by the government and that your fire equipment and systems are regularly tested and serviced. If you ever do find yourself in a heated situation, always be prepared, react immediately, get out of the building and stay out…



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About Bianca Edgcumbe

I started working at Leads 2 Business in May 2013 in the Africa Tenders Department. I worked my way to the Leads 2 Quotes Department in September 2016 and have been there ever since.

#10Best Blog Posts for the year

Leads 2 Business : #10BEST


So its roundup time. End of year contemplation combined with a healthy amount of mayhem. But as we close off and tie up all the loose ends in a pretty bow, I wanted to present you with a neat package of all the best the year has had to offer. Well, strictly speaking, the 10 best blog posts we have had to date (which trickles just over a year) voted by your foot traffic.


Without further ado…


  1. Wanting to save resources? Here are some top tips – “Ways to reduce your Carbon Footprint
  2. Looking for a means to getting your tender on in a better manner?  Look no further than “Is there Value in attending Tendering Workshops?
  3. Keeping our country pristine is not easy.  But being able to do something about our resources is priceless. The follow up to a popular post with local news “Too close to Home! What the frack!”
  4. You have heard about the growth of … well almost everything… in Africa. Get some fact here “Developing Africa….is Africa the new China?
  5. Covering industry exhibitions as we visited a popular “Cape Construction Expo
  6. Our campaign to create awareness of the desperate plight of our black rhino in Southern Africa – “Heart of a Ranger
  7. The story of our team trip to Timbavati Private Nature Reserve to film the Heart of a Ranger video – “Rhino dreaming in Timbavati
  8. Taking a look at our country and it’s colourful journey is Sherina Swart with “South Africa … just how far have we come?”
  9. Looking around us and following the trends “Trends in Africa
  10. Some inspiration from history with our witty Claire Donaldson’s “Ancient Inspiration for Modern Motivation



Now that you have had your fill of a good combination of facts and humour, I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you well for a fantastic festive season and peaceful New Year. Our offices will be closing on the 15th December and re-opening on the 6 January 2016.


Until then, have a wonderful break and hopefully rest.





About Carmen Barends

Social Media adventurer exploring new frontiers and learning how to survive. Tongue in cheek and mischief are the order of any good day topped with a sprinkling of laughter.