Featured Tender: Senwabarwana Bulk Water Supply

Contract Number: INF-W18/2017/2018 – Capricorn District Municipality

Description: Capricorn District Municipality invites service providers to bid for the following services: Senwabarwana Bulk Water Supply.

Industry Sector: Water + Institutional

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Senwabarwana

Site Inspection: Compulsory briefing session: 06 September 2017, Blouberg Fire Station, Senwabarwana at 12:00. NB: Bidders must note that we also require the business registration number during the briefing session.

Closing Date: 06 October 2017 at 11:00

Restrictions: Minimum CIDB Grading: 7CEPE / 8CE. Evaluation criteria: 80 / 20 preferential points, 60 minimum points for functionality. NB: Bidders are encouraged to attend the opening of bids (opening will be done on the specified closing date and time). Bids sealed in an envelope clearly indicating the bid number and the Project Name and the address of the bidder should be placed in the tender box at Capricorn District Municipality, 41 Biccard Street, Polokwane not later than the specified closing date and time. Telegraphic, telefax or e-mail bids will not be accepted. The Council is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information.

About Roxanne Mustard

My Name is Roxanne Mustard and I started working at Leads 2 Business in September 2016. My role in the Leads 2 Business team is as a Regional Content researcher in the Projects Department.

Did you Know #DYK: DWAF

Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou

Ons lewe in ‘n tydperk van globalisasie en waar kwaliteit tyd nie meer bestaan nie. Waar is die dae toe ons nog die prag van die natuur om ons waargeneem het?

As jy vassit in die verkeer, sien jy nog die wonderwerke van ons Skepper om ons raak? My antwoord is onwillekeurig nee. Ons lê op ons toeters vir die stadige trok voor ons om na die linkerbaan toe te beweeg, sodat ons kan verbysteek en jaag na ons volgende afspraak. Ons kla so graag as die wonderlike reëndruppels begin val want net gister is my motor gewas. En dan aan die anderkant, watter ongelooflike gevoel om kaalvoet in die reën te dans. Die bekoring van nuwe lewe, geure en kleure na die eerste reënval is diep in my geheue vasgeprent. As jong dogtertjie sal ek nooit die ritme van reëndruppels op die grondpad vergeet nie, daarvan dan my bynaam ”Kaalvoetklonkie”


Soos die koms van elke nuwe seisoen, met nuwe groei en verwagtinge besef ek weereens watter groot rol die Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou beter bekend as DWAF speel.


DWAF is die bewaarder van Suid-Afrika se water en bosbouhulpbronne. Dit is hoofsaaklik verantwoordelik vir die formulering en implementering van beleid wat hierdie twee sektore beheer. Dit het ook die verantwoordelikheid vir waterdienste wat deur die plaaslike regering verskaf word. Terwyl hulle strewe om te verseker dat alle Suid-Afrikaners toegang tot skoon water en veilige sanitasie verkry, ontwikkel die watersektor ook effektiewe en doeltreffende waterhulpbronbestuur om ekonomiese en sosiale ontwikkeling te verseker. Die bosbouprogram handhaaf ook die bestuur van die land se natuurlike bosbronne en kommersiële bosbou vir die blywende voordeel van die land.


DWAF het talle projekte / programme en Tenders gelys wat waardevol vir ons kliënte kan wees.


Hier is slegs ‘n paar Projekte wat op hul webwerf genoem is, naamlik:

+ Groot Letaba Water Development Project
+ Groundwater
+ Hydrology (Data, Dams, Floods and Flows)
+ Integrated Water Planning Portal – Strategy Portal
+ Integrated Water Resource Planning
+ Integrated Water Quality Management Plan (IWQMP) For The Olifants River System
+ Integrated Water Quality Management Strategy
+ Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
+ Mokolo and Crocodile River (West): Water Augmentation Project (MCWAP)
+ Mzimvubu Water Project



Ons weet beide water en bosbou speel ‘n groot rol in ons lewens. Indien nie die grootste nie. Ons neem dikwels ons pragtige land as vanselfsprekend en daarom moet ons ook die verantwoordelikheid neem om water te bespaar en na ons bosbou te kyk.
Ek kan boeke en verhale skryf oor die onderwerp, maar gaan net so vlugtig ‘n paar goedjies noem. Ek sal ‘n bietjie van alles skryf, so jy sal beslis iets interessants vind om te lees.


Lekker “het jy geweet” feite?

  • Het jy geweet as jy 5 minute stort, in plaas van bad, sal slegs sowat ‘n derde van die water gebruik word. Dit kan in ‘n week tot 400 liter water bespaar.
  • As jy verkies om te bad eerder as om te stort, moenie die bad op die rand vul nie. ‘n Bad gebruik tussen 80 en 150 liter water per bad.
  • Het jy geweet Internasionale Bosdag val presies dieselfde dag as Menseregtedag in Suid-Afrika, dus word dit meestal geïgnoreer.


Fassinerende Gesondheid feite oor water:

  • Slegs 1,1% van die water op aarde is geskik om te drink soos dit is.
  • Ons liggame bestaan uit 55 – 75% water.
  • Depressie en moegheid kan dikwels die simptome van dehidrasie wees.
  • Dit is gesond om water met etes te drink, aangesien dit die verteringsproses bevorder
  • Die beste manier om ontslae te raak van waterretensie is om baie water te drink. Water retensie kan ‘n teken van dehidrasie wees.
  • Water laat die liggaam toe om vette meer doeltreffend te metaboliseer.
  • Goeie water inname verhoed dat die vel sak.
  • Water is die hoofvoedsel wat die liggaam benodig.
  • Die dorsrefleks kom slegs voor wanneer ons liggame reeds gedehidrier is.
  • Kinders dehidreer vinniger as volwassenes, ‘n opname het getoon dat 65% van die skoolkinders te min water drink.
  • ‘n 2% vermindering van die water vlakke in die liggaam kan lei tot ‘n 20% afname in geestelike en fisiese prestasie.
  • Dehidrasie kan kontraksies in swanger vroue veroorsaak.


Vyf feite rakende die bosboubedryf

  • Natuurlike woude dek ‘n derde van alle grond op aarde. Soos ons weet, absorbeer bome koolstofdioksied en gee suurstof vry, wat die absolute noodsaaklikheid van ons voortbestaan maak.
  • Plaaslik is slegs 0,4% van ons landmassa gedek deur natuurlike woud. Dit is net 500 000 ha, ondersteun deur 39 miljoen hektaar wat deur savanne stelsels gedek word.
  • Daar is drie hooftipes bome wat op Suid-Afrikaanse plantasies groei. Hulle is dennehout (44%), Eucalyptus (44%) en Wattle (12%).
  • Die Suid-Afrikaanse bosboubedryf het 158 000 mense in diens en is verantwoordelik vir 11% van die land se landbou-BBP en 5% van die BBP.
  • Daar is sowat 26 000 houtkwekers in Suid-Afrika. Dit sluit in die groot multinasionale korporasies, die regering en duisende kleinskaalse maatskappye.


Laaste maar nie die minste nie….

Dit is goed om ons self ‘n bietjie meer wys te maak op ons reënvalle en damwatervlakke. Ons sien dikwels dat iemand iets oor hul watervlakke op Facebook plaas.
Wel, ek gaan jou ‘n paar interessante grafieke van ons Provinsiale Reënval asook ons Dam vlakke wys. Spesiaal vir die ernstige hengelaars daar buite. Ken jou watervlakke!














Noord Wes:






Provinsiale Dam en Rivier watervlakke
Data laas opgedateer
Volle kapasiteit in miljoen kubieke meter

Wes – Kaap

Noord – Kaap

Oos – Kaap
= 1832.4

= 15968.0

Noord Wes
= 15968.0

= 2538.8

= 1522.3

Kwazulu- Natal


Onthou, elke druppel water tel, en dink voor jy op ‘n stukkie papier ink!



Projekte / Programme


Water Feite


Rainfall pictures

Dam levels


If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.

To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.

To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Christine Brooks

My journey started in 2015 with Leads 2 Business, as an Account Executive, and gradually grown to take the role of being the Client Liaison Officer (CLO) since 2018. Assisting in the delivery of our services and insuring our clients expectations and requirements are exceeded.

Industry Events: Homemakers Expo


Homemakers Expo



31 August 2017 to 03 September 2017


Show Times:

Thursday – Saturday: 10:00 – 20:00

Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00



R80 Adults

R70 Pensioners

Children Under 12 Free


Event location:

CTICC, Cape Town


Event Description:

HOMEMAKERS Expo is where you’ll find inspiration, advice, great new ideas, and thousands of products


Contact Person:

Sandy Edwards

E-mail: Cape@homemakersonline.co.za

Tel: +27(0)861 466 321


Event Website:

Homemakers Expo

About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: Waste Water Management

posted in: General 0

According to statistics recorded from August 2008 to July 2009, South Africa has 852 wastewater management plants. The question is though how many of those plants are still fully functional and how many work efficiently and fulfill their vital process? Below I will describe what the wastewater management process is as well as discuss some of the challenges faced.


What is waste water management?

Wastewater management is an extremely important process that removes all the harmful components that may cause diseases from ‘sewage’ (as most South Africans would call it) water, in order to reproduce usable water again

  • Alarming fact: Around 289,000 children under the age of five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That’s almost 800 children per day, or one child every two minutes.


Steps to Wastewater Treatment:

1. Collection

  • This is the first step whereby the municipality collects water through the collection system in place so that it all comes to and from a central point. (Drainage systems) Thereafter the wastewater is directed to the treatment plant.


2. Odor Control

  • This is an extremely important step due to wastewater having many substances in that cause a stench over time and if not controlled it can affect the surrounding areas. Chemicals are used to reduce the smell.


3. Screening

  • This is where all large objects are removed, such as nappies, sanitary towels, face wipes or earbuds as this may damage the equipment. This waste is transported to landfills once removed.


4. Primary Treatment

  • This is where the macrobiotic (larger particles to be broken down) solid matter is removed. Wastewater is then transferred into tanks where the ‘sludge’ then settles on the surface in order to be removed by scrappers, moved to the centre and then extracted for further treatment


5. Secondary Treatment

  • In this process, air is added to activated sludge (sewage containing micro-organisms) in order to further break down the particles. Air is pumped into tanks and mixed with the sludge. The oxygen consumes the remaining particles which cause the large particles to settle at the bottom of the tank. Wastewater passes through for a period of 3-6 hours


6. Bio-Solids Handling

  • The solid matter gets directed to digesters which are heated to room temperature and treated for a month. Methane gases are produced which form nutrient rich bio-solids, this methane can be recycled and be used as a source of energy.


7. Tertiary treatment

  • This stage has the ability to remove 99% of the impurities and is able to produce water at the standard of drinking but is extremely expensive and requires high skill and equipment as well as steady electrical supply, which we know is not readily available at this point.


8. Disinfection

  • The water needs to be treated for at least 20-25 minutes in chlorine and sodium hypo chloride to remove the last bit of disease causing organisms. This is an integral part, hereafter the water is released for use.


Now that we have that long process out of the way, phew! We look at the fact that our water is not up to standard.


In a report, the DWS stated that there are extremely high levels of sewer pollution in our water due to the fact that we have dysfunctional treatment plants. How does this happen? I mean, I feel exhausted just reading that process, but it is pointed out how important each step is! Well… the following factors come into consideration: Plants are being poorly maintained, communities are growing at a rapid rate and infrastructure falling behind so these plants are operating above their capacity causing them to be overloaded.


Carte Blanche also recently did a program on the state of the treatment plants where they were following up on previous discussions they had had and most of these plants had failed because either nothing was done, or a facade was put up for a few months and then the plant returned back to normal or even worse than before.


Now my question is, how does this get resolved? Number one priority, in my opinion, is for these plants to firstly have some major upgrades done on them but obviously, that’s easy to say if you take the financial aspect out of it. Where should this money come from…

There are definitively some organisations trying to make a positive change and implement strategies and projects in order to succumb these challenges so feel free to check out the links for a positive change.



The Process:




The sad Truth:








Let’s bring back Positive change!



Featured Project: Bridge Power Project, Phase 1, Ghana

Description: Bridge Power Project, Phase 1, Ghana

Status: Underway

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Ghana

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+ 

Timing: 2017 onwards

Notes: The President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has cut the sod for the commencement of construction of the 400-MegaWatt Bridge Power project, the world’s largest LPG-fired power plant. Construction has commenced. Contract period has not been stated.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

For additional components relating to this Project, please also see PPA 19755

About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Did you Know #DYK: What is a PPP

posted in: Did You Know 0

During the initial nerves and stress of finding out that I had to write a blog, I was asking myself WHAT IS A PPP anyway? How am I going to write about this, when I don’t even know what PPP stands for!? Don’t fear, once I pulled myself towards myself and looked at it with a stress-free and nerve free mindset it hit me! Public Private Partnership, PPP stands for Public Private Partnership aka P3 or 3P 😉 so here goes:


A Public Private Partnership (PPP, P3, 3P) as defined in South African law is a contract between a government institution and a private company, in which the private company bears significant risk and management responsibility, and payment is linked to performance.


The main objective of PPP’s all over the world is to ensure the delivery of well maintained, cost-effective public infrastructure or services, by leveraging private sector expertise and transferring risk to the private sector.


In traditional procurement of public services or infrastructure, the government pays for capital and operating costs and carries the risks associated with cost overruns and late delivery etc. While the expertise and experience of a private company may be procured for the design and construction of infrastructure, once the asset is delivered the private company is paid and then leaves. The public sector is then responsible for staffing, maintenance and operation.


In a PPP procurement, the public sector buys a full set of services, including infrastructure and other services, from the private sector. It pays for these over the term of the PPP agreement, based on successful delivery. The private sector usually puts its own capital at risk, funding its investment in the project with debt and shareholder equity. Because of the financial risk the private sector takes, it is motivated to provide a high level of service, as good returns on equity will depend on the quality of services it delivers. The public sector is then responsible for operation once the project is complete.

PPP’s are on the rise as it has been found that there is an increasing number of countries that are enshrining a definition of PPP’s in their laws, each tailoring the definition to their institutional and legal particularities.


Characteristics of PPPs

  • A PPP is a clearly defined project, where the procuring institution carefully defines its objectives.
  • The contractual relationship spans a set length of time, which may range from 5 to 30 years.
  • The private party plays a key role at each stage of the project: funding, development, design, completion and implementation.
  • The funding structures of a PPP sometimes combine public and private funds.
  • Payment arrangements in PPPs are based on outputs, related to the provision of services and/or infrastructure and services.
  • PPPs are not a way of avoiding payment for capital projects. They allow the procuring institution to spread payments for large projects over the project’s lifetime.
  • Direct user charges, like road tolls or water fees, may also contribute to a project’s revenue.
  • Risks are allocated to the party most able to carry them.
  • Fixed and operational assets are adequately maintained over the project’s lifetime.



There is no one widely accepted definition of public-private partnerships (PPP) however the above covers what they are basically all about.


On our Leads 2 Business website we have Public Private Partnerships projects listed, below is 2 examples of many:

South Africa:

Tourist Development – Ebizweni Development, Algoa Bay

PPA 4315 – Embizweni Development, Algoa Bay – Infrastructure
PPA 4316 – Embizweni Development, Algoa Bay – Offices
PPA 4317 – Embizweni Development, Algoa Bay – Residential
PPA 4318 – Embizweni Development, Algoa Bay – Hospitality & Leisure

Roma Valley Development, Lesotho

PPA 17450 – Roma Valley Development, Lesotho – Student Hostel
PPA 17451 – Roma Valley Development, Lesotho – Student Centre
PPA 17452 – Roma Valley Development, Lesotho – Computer Centre
PPA 17453 – Roma Valley Development, Lesotho – Shopping Centre
PPA 17454 – Roma Valley Development, Lesotho – Wellness Centre
PPA 17455 – Roma Valley Development, Lesotho – Infrastructure
PPA 17456 – Roma Valley Development, Lesotho – Business School


If you’d like to know more about the current or upcoming projects on our database please feel free to contact me on +27(0)33 343 1130 or SallyN@l2b.co.za.

About Sally Nell

I joined Leads 2 Business in November 2011. I started in the Daily Tenders department and later moved to the Directory Department in May 2014.

Industry Events: Cape Construction Expo + My Business Expo (Cape Town) + Infrastructure Africa

1. Event:

Cape Construction Expo



Wednesday, 23 August 2017 from 09:00 – 18:00

Thursday, 24 August 2017 from 09:00 – 16:00


Event location:

Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town


Event Description:

The Cape Construction Expo 2017 is an unprecedented opportunity to access the entire Western Cape built environment ecosystem from project owner to contractor in a unique setting allowing for prestigious visibility, interactive networking and on-site demonstrations.


Special Offer, (Contact Josh Lawrence):

As a valued client, we would like to offer you the following complimentary marketing services to maximise your exposure leading up to the event:

· Please send us recent press releases / white papers to publish on our various platforms i.e. social media, websites, newsletters

· Please send us details of your PR / Marketing / Advertising agency contact details or media contacts so that we can see where we can possibly partner to create extra exposure for you about your participation in the event

· Please find attached a digital banner advertising your participation at the expo for you to use in your email signatures, website, newsletter and social media


Contact Persons:

1. Josh Lawrence

E-mail: josh.lawrence@cape-construction.co.za

Tel: +27(0)21 700 4356

Mobile: +27(0)61 498 2519




2.Andrew Evans from Hypenica

E-mail: andrew.evans@hypenica.com

Tel: +27(0)21 700 4300


Event Website:

Cape Construction Expo



2. Event:

My Business Expo (Cape Town)



24 August 2017


Event location:

Cape Town International Convention Centre,


Event Description:

For anyone starting or growing a business. The show is also to, Access to Finance Indaba, The Franchise Show and Trading Across Borders. With more than 25 000 visitors, 250 exhibitors and more than 50 top of the line seminars, it’s the most successful show of its kind in South Africa.

At this expo you will be exposed to valuable entrepreneurial insights about small businesses in South Africa.


Contact Details:

E-mail: Events@nsbc.org.za


Event Website:

My Business Expo (Cape Town)



3. Event:

Infrastructure Africa



21 August 2017 – 22 August 2017


Event location:

Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg


Event Description:

Where infrastructure connects people, places and opportunities. The 6th annual Infrastructure Africa Business Forum will host Project Developers who will provide insights into project development opportunities in their respective countries focused on the following industry sectors:  energy, transport, ICT & Telecoms, finance and water.


Contact Person:

Tel: +27(0)11 463 9184

E-mail: liz@infrastructure-africa.com


Event Website:

Infrastructure Africa

About Lee Finch

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in 2004 as an account executive. In 2006 I moved over to MAPRO (Marketing, Advertising and PRO), and in 2012 I became a Director. It’s exceptionally rewarding being a part of the Leads 2 Business team. I’m incredibly proud of the achievements and business ethos and I’ve always firmly believed we offer a valuable service, fine-tuned to our subscriber needs. I am a Mom of two beautiful children, a lover of human interaction, laughter and light, sprinkled with a generous dose of fun.

Featured Project: New City, Egypt – Shopping Mall

Description: Construction of shopping malls for a new city near Cairo in Egypt. Eagle Hill is planning to invest US$80 billion in the construction of this city that will become the country’s new capital. The new city is meant for the low and middle income earners and will include an airport, shopping mall, hotels and amenities such as schools and hospitals as well as providing homes to low and middle-income buyers. The new city is still to be named and will be built near the Suez Canal.

Status: Awarded

Industry: Building

Region: Egypt

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+ 

Timing: 2015 onwards.

Notes: A project by Chinese state companies to help build a new capital for Egypt is back on track after running aground earlier this year in a dispute over contract terms. The Egyptian investment and housing ministries have begun talks to finalize an agreement with Shanghai-listed developer China Fortune Land Development under which the company is to invest up to $20 billion to build an upmarket residential district, an industrial zone, schools, a university and recreational centers in the new capital. the final agreement could be reached by year-end, with construction beginning the following month. Local Egyptian contractors have commenced on construction of Phase 1.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here


For additional components relating to this Project, please also see PPA 15601, PPA 15602, PPA 15604, PPA 15605, PPA 15606, PPA 15607 and PPA 15608

About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Tender: Construction of the Lushushwane Bulk Water Supply Scheme Phase 2 and 3

Contract Number: GSDM10/2017 – Gert Sibande District Municipality

Description: Gert Sibande District Municipality invites tenders for Construction of the Lushushwane Bulk Water Supply Scheme Phase 2 and 3 in Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality.

Industry Sector: Water

Industry: Infrastructure + Electrical & Instrument + Plant & Machinery + Mechanical

Region: Mpumalanga

Site Inspection: A compulsory clarification meeting with representitives of the Employer will take place at the offices of Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality in Mayflower from where the prospective tenderers will be directed to the site. Tenderers are advised to read and understand the tender conditions. on 17 August 2017 starting at 10:00.

Closing Date: 08 September 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: It is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading of 8CE or 8ME or higher. 7CE or 7ME Potentially Emerging Enterprises who satisfy criteria stated in the Tender Data may submit Tender offers. Telephonic, Telegraphic, Telex, Facsimile, Emailed and Late Tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivering, opening and assessment of Tenders are stated in the Tender Data.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information.

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Industry Events: APMP South African Annual Conference + African Petrochemicals Sasolburg Roadshow

1. Event:

APMP South African Annual Conference



23 Augusut 2017


Event location:

Bytes Conference Centre, Bytes Business Park, 241 Third Road, Midrand


Event Description:

Movies and proposals have a lot in common. You get good ones and bad ones and the recipe that won you the Oscar last year may not even be sufficient to get you nominated this year. So what goes into a box office hit or a winning proposal? There may not be a
magic recipe but there are film schools and best practices that teach us the basics…

Join us for our 8th annual conference where we will be exploring the lights, camera and action associated with proposal management. Learn, network and grow with over 100 likeminded people from all industries.


Cost: Member: R1950, Non-member: R2600 Special: Pay for 5 and get the 6th one free. Cape Town delegates get 10% discount and pay for 3 and get the 4th one free. Time: 07:30 – 16:30, Networking and drinks thereafter


Contact Person:

To register for this event, please e-mail events@apmp.org.za. For sponsorship opportunities and enquiries, please call Annelize Smit on +27(0)83 380 2317 or email events@apmp.org.za


Event Website:

APMP South African Annual Conference



2. Event:

African Petrochemicals Sasolburg Roadshow



31 August 2017


Event location:

Flavius Mareka TVET College, Cnr Hertzog Road and Fraser Street, Sasolburg


Event Description:

The African Petrochemical Roadshow offers a diagonal slice of the industry, showcasing and highlighting multiple products, services and expertise available to the Petrochemical Industry, General Engineering, Mining and Power Generation sectors. This show includes Instrumentation and Control, Health and Safety, Environmental, Mechanical, Plant Optimisation solutions and much more…


Event Website:

African Petrochemicals Sasolburg Roadshow

About Lee Finch

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in 2004 as an account executive. In 2006 I moved over to MAPRO (Marketing, Advertising and PRO), and in 2012 I became a Director. It’s exceptionally rewarding being a part of the Leads 2 Business team. I’m incredibly proud of the achievements and business ethos and I’ve always firmly believed we offer a valuable service, fine-tuned to our subscriber needs. I am a Mom of two beautiful children, a lover of human interaction, laughter and light, sprinkled with a generous dose of fun.

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