Featured Project: Jangamo Mineral Sands Project, Mozambique

Jangamo Mineral Sands Project, Mozambique

Jangamo Mineral Sands Project, Mozambique

Description: Jangamo Mineral Sands Project is a 180 km² area heavy mineral sands project, located in a mineral sands province in southern Mozambique. Geological reconnaissance and scout drilling work has confirmed that the project is covered by a series of north-east trending quaternary dunal and fluvial systems. The area has three morphological zones, composed of two inland dunes (red sands), which are the areas with the highest elevation, separated by a low lying area (alluvial sands), with different sedimentary characteristics.

Status: Tender

Industry: Mining

Region: Mozambique

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+ 

Timing: 2014 onwards.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click here for more information on this Tender.

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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Tender: Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies

Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies

Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies

Contract Number: SCM17-21/S – Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Description: Tenders are invited for the following: Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies.

Category: Infrastructure

Industries: Institutional

Region: Eastern Cape

Site Inspection: Compulsory Briefing Meeting: 01 December 2017 at 11:00; Venue: Aurecon, Lion Roars Office Park, Corner of Heugh Road and 3rd Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth. Tenderers arriving 10 minutes late will not be allowed for a clarification meeting.

Closing Date: 11 January 2018 at 11:00

Restrictions: CIBD Grading: 5 CE or Higher. All tenderers must be registered on the Municipality’s supplier’s database through NMBM database. The Municipality reserves the right not to consider the tenders of tenderers not registered on the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s supplier’s database. Please phone NMBM database to register, If not yet registered.Submission of Opening and Opening of Tenders: Tenders must reach the Municipality by not later than the closing date and time.The tenders in sealed envelopes, clearly stating the contract number and description, Tenders will be publicly opened simultaneously in the boardroom, Supply Chain Management Office, Harrower Road, North End, Port Elizabeth and the Conference Room, first floor. Municipal Offices. Market Street. Uitenhage, Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 11:00 on the application.The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tenders and late tenders will not be accepted.The Council promotes the use of previously disadvantaged small and medium contractors. Details of the preference formula appear in the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Municipality and can be obtained from the Director: Supply Chain Management, Harrower Road, North End, Port Elizabeth. Bid Validity Period: 180 days.


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About Lauren Davids

I am a Content Researcher for the Western Cape Region in the Daily Tenders Department.

Did you know #DYK: RFQ? Pricing? Drawings…. What?

posted in: Did You Know 0


Picture this scenario… the phone rings…
a rather flustered voice comes through the phone..
Michelle!!! what’s this RFQ thingy…?
Who sent me this?
What must I price on?
Where can I find the Drawings…?
…. Specifications…? huh!?



These are just some of the questions I am asked on a daily basis. So let’s start from the beginning and break them down.

Leads 2 Business has an online pricing system, Leads 2 Quotes (L2Q), that is designed for Main Contractors to send out Request for quotes (RFQ’s) to suppliers and subcontractors (Vendors).

So you might be asking how is this going to bring in new business to my company? Once you receive an RFQ, you can download the drawings and specification from the Vendor home-page or RFQ mail. This will enable you to add your own terms and conditions, attachments and any important information the Contractor would need. The RFQ can be priced online and in return increases your rating on L2Q which will work in your favour when Contractors are sending out new RFQ’s as your company will be ranked higher.


We provide you with the Contractors details, so if you have any of those important questions about a specific section in the bill you will already have all the tools you need to get into contact with the right people.


If you are not subscribed to any of L2B’s services we have amazing staff that would be more than willing to assist you. Alternatively, you can subscribe to Open Quotes for a minimal amount, this will give you access to new opportunity’s to price to Contractors without them requesting you to price.

Now that’s what I call being proactive!

With a fresh approach to pricing and retrieving what you need to price efficiently and on time. Are you as excited? I am!


Let’s sum it up:

  • RFQ’s are sent via L2Q directly to Preferred Vendors.
  • Documentation and Specifications or any additional information that you might need regarding the RFQ can be found either on the L2Q website or by contacting the Contractor directly.
  • You can add your terms and conditions to your RFQ.
  • The more you price online, the higher your rating on L2Q.
  • New Open Quotes feature enables you to forward your pricing to other Buyers without them even asking you for a price.


Happy Pricing Everybody!!!!!


Image Sources:

Question Mark #1

Question Mark #2

Thumbs Up




About Michelle Herbst

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2014. I'm a Senior L2Q Account Executive for the Cape Town Region.

Featured Event: The Road Infrastructure and Development Congress 2017

The Road Infrastructure and Development Congress 2017

 The Road Infrastructure and Development Congress 2017


The Road Infrastructure and Development Congress 2017



28 November 207 – 30 November 2017


Event location:

Avenue Conference Centre,

V&A Waterfront,

Cape Town


Event Description:

The Congress will analyse new public-private partnership projects (PPPs), new infrastructure projects that promote regional integration and competitiveness of countries, new technologies and financing challenges in the road and highway industry across Sub-Saharan Africa


Contact Person:

Gaurav Koul

E-mail: gaurav.koul@bitumenexchange.com


Event Website:

The Road Infrastructure and Development Congress 2017


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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.

To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: How to study to become a Facilities Manager? A look at internships and universities


If you are looking to study to become a Facilities Manager, then I imagine you already know what might be involved. If not, please see below:


What is a Facilities Manager?

A facilities manager is the ultimate organiser, making sure that a workplace meets the needs of employees by managing all of the required services.


A Facilities Manager will be responsible for the management of services and processes that support the core business of an organisation and ensures that an organisation has the most suitable working environment for its employees and their activities.

This is a diverse field with a range of responsibilities, which are dependent on the structure and size of the organisation.
Facilities managers are involved in both strategic planning and day-to-day operations, particularly in relation to buildings and premises. Likely areas of responsibility include:
• building and grounds maintenance;
• cleaning;
• catering and vending;
• health and safety;
• procurement and contract management;
• security;
• space management;
• utilities and communications infrastructure.
The duties will probably vary depending on the nature of the organisation, but will generally focus on using best business practice to improve efficiency, by reducing operating costs while increasing productivity. A facilities manager can be employed in all sectors and industries and the diversity of the work is reflected in the range of job titles, for example, operations, estates, technical services, asset or property manager.



I’m sure the end result when deciding to study to become a Facilities Manager, is to be employed as such and have some idea of the competitiveness of the salary. Obviously, this would depend on your experience and the organisation you end up working for. According to Payscale Human Capital: “Facilities Manager Salary (South Africa): A Facilities Manager earns an average salary of R357,994 per year. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down significantly for the few employees with more than 20 years’ experience. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this career.” Let me reiterate, this a statistical average that takes all manner of different variables into account.



The next question is, are there opportunities for Facilities Managers out there? When doing my research, I found any number of vacancies advertised on any number of advertising sites. The job descriptions varied from company to company, as would be expected. Duties ranged from budgeting and routine site inspections to managing staff and getting your hands dirty, with handyman skills and qualifications. The remuneration offered ranged from R16,000.00 a month to R30 000.00; often dependent on qualifications, experience and the extent of the duties required.



It’s at this time of the year, that I see a lot more Learnerships and Bursaries being advertised in the media. However, when looking specifically for “Facilities Management”, I can’t say any jumped out at me. Due to the diverse and varied nature of the job, I can’t imagine it’s as clear-cut as some professions. Based on the variety of formal qualifications required/requested and the heavy lean on actual experience; Facilities Management definitely requires adaptability and a
diverse skill set.


Study Options:

I did find courses for Facilities Management offered by a variety of educational entities, namely:

The University of Cape Town (UCT) offers a Short Course in Facilities Management, through Getsmarter
Enterprises University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd offers a Short Course in Facilities Management

CEA Career Excel Academy offers a Facilities Management Programme (FMP), a course held over three days

The Academy for Facilities Management (A4FM) is a specialist higher education institution that specialises in facilities management.


It goes without saying that when you decide to study, you ensure that you are studying with a reputable and qualified organisation.

The South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA) recognises the need for training within the industry and offers endorsements for reputable training providers. Please see http://www.safma.co.za/Training


Facilities Management is as diverse and varied as the organisations that require it. And with the right qualification and experience, you can find the right fit.





About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Featured Project: Illovo 96 – Building

Description: Construction of the new 5 100m² office development to be located on 15 Chaplin Road, Illovo, Sandton, Gauteng. Scope of works includes the construction of a 6 level office building with 2 floors of basement parking. 

Status: Tender

Industry: Office & Commercial

Region: Sandton

Sector: Private

Value: Unknown At This Stage 

Timing: 2018 Onwards

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

About Michelle Crosby

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in the Directory Department in 2012. I was then promoted to the Private Projects Department in 2014 and was recently promoted to Projects HOD this year.

Featured Tender: Construction of 56 Housing Units and Associated Infrastructure Works and Amenities on Undeveloped Land on Existing NHDC Housing Estates


Contract Number: NHDC/0413/LOT10 – National Housing Development Co. Ltd

Description: Construction of 56 Housing Units and Associated Infrastructure Works and Amenities on Undeveloped Land on Existing NHDC Housing Estates

Category: Building

Industries: Institutional

Region: Mauritius

Site Inspection: A pre-bid site visit/meeting will be held as follows: Date: Thursday 30 November 2017, Time: 10:30, Place: On Site Calebasses at main entrance.

Closing Date: 18 December 2017 at 14:00 (Local Time)

Restrictions: Bids received after the specified date and time will be returned unopened. Bids will be opened on the same day as from 14:30 (local time) in the Board Room, at the above address in the presence of representatives of the bidders who may choose to attend. The NHDC reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to any bidder.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

Did you Know #DYK: 3 Fundamentals you need to Know about Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities in 3 Steps


Sometimes you have to start at the end to get to the beginning.

I have always found that worked better for me. Like anything worth it, there is a price to pay. So I wanted you to know from the start what most people would tell you at the end. You can have the Open Quotes subscription for R60 per month (which is the equivalent of two double cappuccinos a month).

Stick around and let me tell you three fundamental steps to finding and getting more construction work.  Yes, I am talking Tenders, RFQ’s, Bill extracts and finding Awards. All that good stuff. So here we go….

Open Quotes

Step 1

Respond to RFQ’s Online


If you are in our Construction directory, you may well receive RFQ’s from Buyers when they are Tendering. You can price back via email, fax (does that even still exist??) or do it online and gain a host of other benefits.

Aside from the benefits in the abovementioned picture, you can access Drawings, Specifications, and Bill extracts. You also have our handy calculator to add your rates when pricing online with the ability to stipulate whether labour is included in pricing. You can add comments to the Buyer as well as attach additional documents if you wish.

When you are in your account, your pricing is only visible to you, so what you price is confidential but still available 24/7 online via your secure password. Pretty neat hey? This means you can pretty much price anywhere quickly and efficiently and beat the deadlines, leaving you with extra time to get life done.

Think of all the trees you are saving too! No need to piles of paper that are easily blown away by the aircon in Summer.

A screenshot from behind the scenes gives you a bit of insight into your future pricing platform.

Got it? Step one – Check!

Step 2

Be in the Know

You heard it here first!

The power is in your hands. Now you can be like the Batman, Spiderman or Hulk of finding new business opportunities.  You have an area on your Dashboard reflecting the most recent Bills that are being priced by Buyers that match your trades. From here you can price online, download the Bill and Drawings/Specifications too.  Or if you are not keen, delete the opportunity from your Bills being priced Dashboard. You can use this to your advantage by proactively pricing to these Buyers to gain new work that you may not even have known about previously. You can also contact them and network. Let them know who you are and what your Company provides. It’s no longer passive marketing, but an active approach. All laid on a silver platter before you. Go get em, Tiger!

Got it? Step two – Check!

Step 3

Knowledge is Power

The Awards section. Yes indeed. Knowing who you can approach is all important. Now not only do you know that, but you can send your prices directly to them! Exactly. The Power is once again in your very eager and proactive hands. To price, all you have to do is identify which award matches what you can provide and click on it. You will recognise the distinctive pricing pages along with the options to insert your T&C’s, notes and documents you may need to send.

Got it? Step three – Check!

Funnily, as knowledge goes, it really isn’t all that difficult or complicated. It basically comes down to converting opportunities. Who better than to do it than you? The one who has the experience, passion and drive to succeed.  So take the opportunities and run with them. Run Forest Run! Go get those business opportunities and lock them in.

Like I said at the start, sometimes it is easier to start at the end. You can have this all for R60 per month fee.



If you are keen to find out more, you can fill in the form below and we will contact you. Easy Peasy 🙂

Mail Me More Info on Open Quotes


[contact-form-7 id=”6025″ title=”Open Quotes Contact forms”]

About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Industry Events: Esor Exhibition + Manufacturing Indaba – Western Cape

1. Event:

Esor Exhibition



23 November 2017

11:00 – 16:00


Event location:

Esor Construction Offices in Germiston


Event Description:

Esor specialises in the civil engineering and construction, with particular focus on construction solutions in water, infrastructure and township developments. Due to Esor’s involvement in a variety of industries, this exhibition is a perfect platform for visitors and exhibitors involved in water, pipeline, sanitation and construction among others.


Contact Person:

Andrew Macnamara

Tel: +27(0)82 720 0083

E-mail: andrew@interactmedia.co.za


Event Website:

Esor Exhibition



2. Event:

Manufacturing Indaba – Western Cape



22 November 2017


Event location:

Century City Convention Centre, Cape Town


Event Description:

The annual Manufacturing Indaba Western Cape roadshow brings together provincial manufacturers and businesses to explore growth opportunities, find out about the latest manufacturing incentives and trends, and provide a platform for networking and collaboration.


Contact Person:

Tel: +27(0)11 463 9184


Event Website:

Manufacturing Indaba – Western Cape

About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: Who are the biggest Facilities Management Companies in South Africa?

posted in: General 4


Before we establish who the big facilities management companies are, Let’s recap of what facilities management is.


What is Facility Management?

• All services required for the management of buildings and real estate to maintain and increase their
• The means of providing maintenance support, project management and user management during the
building life cycle.
• The integration of multi-disciplinary activities within the building environment and the management of
their impact on people and the workplace.


What is the role of a Facilities Manager you ask, their number one priority is keeping people alive and safe. They operate on two levels:



1. Strategically-tactically: helping clients, customers and end-users understand the potential impact of their

decisions on the provision of space, services, cost and business risk

2. Operationally: ensuring corporate and cost-effective environment for the occupants to function



Let’s look at the BIG Facilities management companies within South Africa. When I was asked to write this Blog, I could only think of two and I thought they are the biggest and most popular, little did I know.



Who is Sanitech and What do they do you ask?

Sanitech was founded in the early 1980’s. They are the first portable toilet hire company in South Africa to supply sanitation facilities to areas where no sanitation infrastructure exists

Sanitech’s Toilet Hire division has over 20 branches nationwide and 2 branches in Africa (Zambia and Botswana) with the largest rental fleet in the country with over 25,000 units and 200 vehicles.

They Specialise in :
Integrated Hygiene: this is a seamless solution catering for large industrial and mining companies up to small corporate offices
Daily Cleaning: this their core business.
Deep Cleaning: heavy duty cleaning utilising specialised chemicals that focus directly on removing built-up body fats, grease and grime.
Specialised Cleaning: Sanitech has expanded their unique offering of Integrated Services with Specialised Cleaning Services.
Washroom Products: supplies a comprehensive range of effective, durable and reliable hygiene products.
Pest Control: removing a wide range of undesirable insects, rodents and other pests on a regular basis necessary to maintain good hygiene levels in the workplace.




Who is broll and what do they do – You probably thinking that Broll is a Property Management Company… well guess again,

Broll Facilities Management is dedicated to the coordination of and functionality of space thus letting you focus on your core business. In addition to Broll being property managers, they are also one of the many few Facilities management companies responsible for day-to-day operation and care of prestigious educational institutions and world-class sports stadia.

Broll offers a wide variety of services for companies in terms of Facilities management below are some examples:


Within the corporate environment

• Turnkey outsourced management
• Space planning and asset tracking
• Fleet management and courier services
• Risk management of the business-critical computer centre
• Hard and soft-service provider management


Within Schools

• Maintenance of boarding facilities and staff housing- Project management of expansions
• Coordination of all school events in association with the Occupational & Safety Act
• High-volume usage of all facilities
• Maintenance of all sporting facilities
• Conservation programmes for the upkeep of grounds and other key facilities
• Management coordinated around peak times
• Water-treatment plants and swimming pools


Within Sport facilities
• Action plans for event operations and emergency procedures
• Management and coordination of corporate hospitality
• Working with international sporting bodies regarding legislative requirements
• Working with the host broadcaster for audio and visual feeds
• Working with various security-service providers, particularly for international teams


Bidvest Facilities management

Bidvest Facilities management? Who are they? And Do they really do Facilities management you ask….. they will YES!!!!


Bidvest Facilities Management is one of the largest Facilities Management solutions companies in Southern Africa. They have a contact centre which operates 24/7/365. Bidvest offers End-End Services. Bidvest’ Facilities management solutions include Facilities Solutions, Engineering Maintenance, Property Management, and Professional Services.


Their Focused solutions include the following :

Mobile Generators
24-hour servicing, maintenance, and refuelling support, even in remote areas
Utilities Management
outsourced administration service with end-to-end financial management of large volume utilities billing queries.
Mobile Maintenance
Basic electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and general building maintenance on a scheduled contract or a planned project basis by multi-skilled staff
Training Academy
State-of-the-art technical training centre, MERSETA accredited, with various training initiatives offered to clients’ facilities staff as well as the wider public
Telecommunications Services
Maintenance and servicing of telecommunications facilities including data centres, network buildings, telecommunications, masts and towers, and all network supporting infrastructure.
Structure Integrity Inspections
Integrity Inspection services of structures that comply to statutory requirements, such as billboards, masts


Eris Property group just like Broll Property also offer the service of Facilities management and not just Property management.

Listed below are some of the services Eris Facilities Management Division offers:
• Technical services (Building structure interior and exterior)
• Business support services
• Soft services
They commit to excellence and allow them great control over the quality of service delivery, flexibility and the ability to maximize efficiencies to reduce costs



Ok, Ok before you ask who, what, where and how…is FFM??

FFM stands for Full Facilities Management. They are a self-funded Black-Owned & Managed Facilities Management Company. They provide Turnkey Facilities Management Solutions. They’re founded in a rural KwaZulu-Natal. They also provide a full and comprehensive Asset, Facilities and Property Management Services, ranging from Planning to Implementation.

Their services are aimed at the Government departments, Quasi-Government Institutions, Regulatory Bodies, Corporate and Private clients.

Their services include:

1. Building Management (Design, Adjacencies, Tenant Installations, Office Designs, Drywall partitioning, Glazing and Frosting, Painting)
3. Furniture Design, Supply and Rental
4. Security and Access Control Equipment specification, Configuration, Supply and Support
5. Project Management
6. Building Fabric Maintenance
7. Space Management
8. Office Automation Rental Services specification, Configuration, Supply & Support
9. Managing Building Services
The below diagram shows how FFM is different from all other Facility management companies, or as they would say, this makes FFM unique


Servest seems to be one of the well-known facilities management companies that I know of.. think about it, the hand dryer, the sanitary bin in ladies bathroom is all Servest.
Servest is one of South Africa’s Leading Integrated Facilities Management
Company. They are a multidisciplinary business positioned to coordinate all of your facilities-related services.

Servest offers a variety of different services:
Pest control
They provide effective solutions in the commercial and industrial markets.

Pest Control  ACME Pest Control


Servest treat and control all forms of structural pests including:
• Cockroaches
• Rodents
• Flies
• Ants
• Fleas
• Bedbugs
• Silverfish
• Mosquitoes
• Wasps
• Midges/fruit flies
• Termites

Other specialised services for pest control include:
• Rodent monitoring and control (avoiding infestation, damage and health risks)
• Insect monitoring and control
• Bed bug control (using unique, innovative and proven techniques)
• Insect identification services
• Independent pest control technical audits
• Compliance with South African legislation and international quality standards


Hygiene by Servest is found mainly in the Washroom – at malls, office parks.
The services provided include hospitals, some schools.


Chemical Deep Clean
The Ablutions are a big hot spot for bacteria build up and viruses. This is and probably will be the most unhygienic environment. They put us, our colleagues, and visitors at risk with this.
This explains why this is one of servest’s main focus.
Below are some of the services they offer under Hygeine:
• Urinal traps
• Long urinal drains and gulleys
• Underneath toilet rims
• Showers walls and drains
• Basin overflows, drains and piping
All equipment is used according to HACCP standards, this is to ensure that there is no cross between high-risk units (such as Toilets & urinals) and low risk unite (such as basins and showers)


Kitchen Solutions

Servest also offer specialised deep cleaning services for your kitchen, to simplify the process for effective results. Specialised deep cleaning services for your kitchen, to simplify the process for effective results.
These services include:
• The cleaning of extractor fans (this is what attracts a grease build-up on the canopies, filters and extractors that can become a serious fire hazard)
• Cleaning of stove areas (this is especially important as grease on floors means slippery conditions that can result in injuries)
• Cleaning of deep fryers and surrounding work surfaces (this is where grease and dirt build up. This is an ideal breeding ground for carrying diseases.
• Cleaning of wall plugs (areas, where dirt build-up, promotes increased cockroach activity)


Office Plants

Office plants also form part of the servest Facilities Management.
Not only will your office be clean, but it will also look beautiful.

 Office Plants  





Services offered:
• Beautifully designed natural and artificial plants
• Eye-catching designs and impressive indoor displays
• Scheduling service plans for all plants
• Specialised designs, installation and maintenance of atrium and special events



Servest also offers water purification services. There are two types of systems they offer:

Manually Filled Systems:
The filtration of on-site tap water.

Inline Systems:
The filtration connected directly to a water supply where tap water is automatically filtered and available for use.




Below are different types of water purification they offer.

• Desktop water dispensers and purifiers
• Free standing water dispensers and purifiers
• Water fountains and industrial water fountains
• Mineral pots (portable desktop water purifiers)
• Reverse osmosis systems and under counter filtration systems
• Water treatment systems
• Replacement water filters
• They install it and you enjoy it
Servest also offer bottled water – (500ml) in cases of 24 bottles per case, or 18.9lt PC bottles.

A Quote on their website: “Quality water you can trust” – Servest


Compass Group

This is a first for me ..I have never heard of Compass Group – Probably been living under a rock…. EEEEK… So who is Compass and what do they do…

Compass group is owned 75% by Compass Group PLC and 25% by Thebe Investment Corporation.
Compass Group PLC is one of the largest food services and facilities company in the world, They operate in over 50 countries and providing their services to over 30 000 clients locations.
Thebe Investment Corporation is the oldest most established BEE organisation in South Africa.

Supercare is part of Compass group and deals with the facilities management.


They provide a range of specialised services, including maintenance and regular refilling of products so that hygiene facilities and operations are hassle-free and effective.

• Wall Mounted Soap Dispensers
• Toilet Hygiene Services
• Air Freshener Dispensers
• Hand Dryers
• Dust and Industrial Floor Mats


This is a complicated and difficult cleaning processes such as deep cleaning or floor cleaning. There is nothing they cannot clean – from upholstery to ceilings to from escalators and high windows. There are no impossible jobs or hard to reach spaces.


Something to think about:

Does a clean office impact productivity?













Image sources:



Question Mark


Office Plant Tree

Pest spray


Helping Hand


About Audene Harris

I started working at Leads 2 Business in August 2014 in the Telesales Department as an Accounts Co-coordinator. I am extremely privileged to be apart of a dynamic Sales team and an empowering Company. I am a very out-going person with many characteristics, and love to help when a client needs any assistance.

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