Did you know #DYK – Cost to build Roads

Cost to build Roads

Cost to build Roads

What is a road?


A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places that has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by foot or some form of conveyance, including a motor vehicle, cart, bicycle, or horse) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road which costs a vast amount of money to build


The question “Cost to build Roads” was ignited from Trevor Manual’s speech to CESA (Consulting Engineers South Africa) dated 08 October 2009 (#throwback) where he had mentioned the high cost of building of roads in South Africa.


Please Click on link to view the speech: http://www.cesa.co.za/cesaway_presentations/Trevor_Manuel_%20Speech.pdf

Flanders Drive Intersection – Mt Edgecombe:

This is a very difficult question to answer as road construction costs may vary as there are many factors to consider when building a road, please view the list below:

  • Design
  • Amount of environmental mitigation required
  • Terrain
  • Soil Conditions
  • Type of Roads
  • Width of Roads
  • Road Standards
  • Machine and Labour Costs
  • Skill of operators and labours
  • Accommodation
  • Contractors operating cost (such as fuel, labour, interest rates, insurance)
  • Traffic Management
  • Safety Aspects of pedestrians, detours
  • Time available to complete the task
  • Time of the year
  • Construction materials used
  • Availability of materials (shipping material outside the province vs using local materials)

“Road construction techniques are similar throughout the world, you can possibly achieve cost estimates once the main conditioning factors have been identified, by applying figures from similar Road construction projects. For reasons of comparing costs, it is advisable to break down labour and machine costs into different elements. The following breakdown is suggested: Surveying, staking the alignment and clearing right of way; formation of the road; rock blasting; Draining facilities (ditching, culverts); Crushing gravel; Gravelling, grading and compacting; Construction and environment protection works (bridges, retaining structures and soil stabilisation works). The cost of construction; Miscellaneous works (such as transport, delivery and minor earthworks; Projects servicing costs). Once the costs have been calculated for the different elements, unit costs (costs per m, per square m, per piece of construction work) should be developed to facilitate in estimating costs in future road projects and for comparative purposes. http://onlinecivilforum.com/site/index.php/2016/10/27/road-estimate-excel-sheet/


What does 1 km of road cost to build in South Africa? Up to R25 million per km according to CSIR (this information is sourced from the link below if you beg to differ please let us know): http://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_1km_of_road_to_build_cost_in_south_africa


The question still remains to be answered why are the construction cost of roads still so high and are they paved with “gold”?


For your information from OUTA (Organisation undoing Tax abuse): Please see Paper on High Pricing, Collusion and Capture of National Road Construction.


Please click to view active (Road) Projects currently on our system:

About Pauline Rainbird

I have been working at L2B since March 2011 and my current position is Deputy Head of Department - Africa. When I am not working I am either riding my bicycle or spending time with my dogs.

L2B Blog: 5 Ingredients in the Constructions of a Road

5 Ingredients in the Constructions of a Road

5 ingredients in the Construction of a Road

Have you ever baked a cake and realised you forgot to add the flour or the baking powder? What tends to happen? Your cake flops or does not rise. Building a road is similar, but a lot more complex. There are so many ‘ingredients’ and important aspects that need to be considered before and during the construction of a road.

The first step to constructing a road would be planning. Your engineer/consultant would come on site and decide what type of road will be built and what materials would be used to construct the road. This will all depend on how much traffic will occupy this road. Even the simplest of roads can take up to months or possibly even years for the planning of the road. The engineer will need to evaluate many factors such as the environmental impact of the road, the availability of materials needed to construct the road, will the road be safe and, the most important factor, the cost of the road. These plans will be written into a final proposal where the consultants will need to evaluate these plans. Meetings will take place with all parties concerned and all the pros and cons will be discussed in vast detail. Without proper planning and careful consideration of all these factors, there is a chance that the foundation will collapse.

Shortly after careful planning and long and tedious meeting’s the plan will either be approved or rejected. We are going to assume that the planning was approved. The next step would be the construction of the actual road.

Ingredients used to construct a road:


1. The standard Foundation:

Bulldozers and graders, which are two types of machinery, will be used to flatten the ground surface. This ground layer will make up the bottom layer of our road



2. Gravel:

The gravel will be added in layers where a roller machine will be used to roll over this surface to ensure that the surface is compact and flattened



3. Drainage facilities:

Drainage facilitates play a huge role in ensuring that the road is safe at all times from water backlogs. We are not able to control the weather and for this reason, we need to ensure that the road never gets saturated and water-logged. Firstly it is not safe for drivers on the road and secondly, the road will soon disintegrate and start deteriorating over time. Examples of drainage facilities would be drain and storm water sewers.


Once the foundation is complete and compact and has been inspected by the consultant, it is time to pave the road!

4. Asphalt / Bitumen

Asphalt uses an oil based substance called bitumen to make sand and crushed rock stick together like a glue-like substance. The asphalt is heated to +- 300 Degrees Fahrenheit (148,88 Degrees Celsius), where it

will be transported to the site where the construction team will spread the mixture evenly across the smooth gravel service. The mixture is rolled over the gravel surface where it will form a solid layer on the top.



5. Concrete Slabs

The finishing touches will be the concrete slabs that are laid on the side of the roads. Workers will pour liquid concrete into a steel mould called forms. A finishing machine is used to shake these moulds to ensure the mixture is distributed evenly for an even finish. The concrete slabs are laid alongside the road where incisions in the road are made to allow the concrete to expand and contract depending on the temperature, this will ensure that the road does not crack



Every day we take our course of life, may it be a trip to the shop or work and take for granted these roads that we drive on. Most people think they just appeared or are set up overnight by machinery. The planning and work that goes into these roads are far more complex than most can imagine.


Sources used:




About Roxanne Mustard

My Name is Roxanne Mustard and I started working at Leads 2 Business in September 2016. My role in the Leads 2 Business team is as a Regional Content researcher in the Projects Department.

L2B Blog: What is the importance of appointing an architect?

What is the importance of appointing an architect?

What is the importance of appointing an architect?

What is the importance of appointing an architect?

What is Architecture?

Architecture is the art of building. It satisfies a basic, universal human need for shelter.

An architect is an artist who designs structures to enclose residential, commercial, or public space. Architects work with construction technologies, building materials, topography, contractors, and governmental regulations within a project budget to satisfy their clients’ wants and needs.

To practice architecture means to provide services in connection with the design of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings, that have as their principal purpose human occupancy or use.

Professionally, an architect’s decisions affect public safety, and thus an architect must undergo specialised training consisting of advanced education and a practicum (or internship) for practical experience to earn a license to practice architecture. Practical, technical, and academic requirements for becoming an architect vary.

In the architectural profession, technical and environmental knowledge, design and construction management, and an understanding of business are as important as design. However, design is the driving force throughout the project and beyond. An architect accepts a commission from a client. The commission might involve preparing feasibility reports, building audits, the design of a building or of several buildings, structures, and the spaces among them. The architect participates in developing the requirements the client wants in the building. Throughout the project (planning to occupancy), the architect co-ordinates a design team. Structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers and other specialists, are hired by the client or the architect, who must ensure that the work is co-ordinated to construct the design

General Points

  • Architects are trained to take your brief and can see the big picture.
  • Architects look beyond your immediate requirements to design flexible buildings that will adapt to the changing needs of your business.
  • Architects solve problems creatively
  • When they are involved at the earliest planning stage, they gain more opportunities to understand your business, develop creative solutions, and propose ways to reduce costs.
  • Architects can save you money by maximising your investment.
  • A well-designed building can reduce your bills now and increase its long-term value.
  • Architects can manage your project from site selection to completion.
  • In many building projects, the role of the architect includes co-ordinating a team of specialist consultants such as landscape architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, interior designers, builders and subcontractors.
  • Architects can save you time.
  • By managing and co-ordinating key project elements they allow you to focus on your organisation’s activities.
  • Architects can help your business.
  • They create total environments, interior and exterior, which are pleasing and functional for the people who work and do business within them.

And hopefully, you end up with a building that is considered both beautiful and functional. Some Architects are hired for their creativity and bold designs, which result in buildings and structures that dominate the skyline. See 30 St Marys Street or more commonly known as The Gherkin. These buildings can often become tourist attractions and works of art in themselves. See Park Güell in Barcelona, which was designed by architect Antoni Gaudi.

Unfortunately, like all art; the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In some cases, buildings can be judged by “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. Some buildings with the striking designs are considered eyesores or worse. Worse being “badly” designed. There are stories of highly polished exteriors of buildings setting fire to people and things when the sun hits them at the wrong angle. See Vdara Hotel, Las Vegas:

Or huge skyscrapers, that apparently were designed and subsequently built with no space left for the elevators shafts and the machinery required for them. See the Intempo Skyscraper in Benidorm, Spain with its 47 storeys:

Hiring an architect can save time and money, and allow you access to expertise and creativity, and results in the art that we live in and experience daily. But ensure you hire the good.

“The space within becomes the reality of the building” – Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect





About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

L2B Blog: Ways that technology is helping to build the Construction Industry

Ways that technology is helping to build the Construction Industry

Ways that Technology is helping to build the Construction Industry:

As technology continues to progress, it is not hard to see how it spills over into the construction industry. From machinery to apps on your phone and the advances in materials, each has an integral role:

To name a few groundbreaking Construction Projects from all over the world: In 2015, a Chinese company built a 57 story building in 19 days. The Burj Khalifa, the current world’s tallest building at 828m, completed in 2010. In my opinion, one of the most awesome feats of technology: the underwater dining room of the Kihavah Maldives. A house being built by a 3D printer in a record breaking 24 hours. If it was not for technology evolving, these Projects would not be done quickly, or even be possible.

As people, it is in our DNA to be creative, which leads to people continuously developing technology to be bigger, better, smarter and faster. The same applies to the construction industry.

Pre-1904, if you were building a house you would be mixing your concrete by hand. In 1904 Richard Bodlaender patented what we know today as the portable cement mixer, which has since been modified with an engine attachment. 1917 saw the birth of the cement mixing truck, which only reached its full potential in 1957 with the invention of the cement pump, allowing us the capabilities to pour concrete at an incredible rate: this cement pump has micro-evolved since the 50’s. I suppose all methods of mixing concrete are still used today depending on the budget of the project, however, the most effective method would be the use of the truck with a cement pump.

In our lifetime, we have seen “new technology” turned into dinosaurs, like dial-up internet (thank goodness that is gone). We’ve got smartphones, that have come a long way since its brick size predecessor and at the rate we are going, tablets will completely eradicate the entire species of the laptop computer. We have access to apps and websites on our phone, as long as we have a positive credit in our data bundles. Thanks to apps we are able to carry around a set of building plans and specs in the palms of our hands. By adding in a few figures, apps can work out the costs of the project for us. The diary industry (classic quoting system) is slowly eroding as we have our whole world on our phones. Advertising has progressed from newspaper classifieds to flyers/banners to social media (The newspaper is online these days as the world calls for a more paperless society). If you are avoiding social media, you will be left in the dark ages as your online presence is vital to your survival. Which is easier? To Google a phone number from your device or to look for a number in your phone book when you get home later, real world people want real-time answers.

Where does that leave us as South Africans?

We need to move forward, to adapt: Which has more life in it, the river or a pond with no inlet or outlet? To change our marketing strategies, to buy or develop new technology, to be more effective with the little time we have in the day. If we are not developing or inventing our own technology we will always be behind those who do. I think there is plenty of money to be made for those who can think ahead, keep up with technology, invest in development or purchase machinery so we can keep it local and sow into our own economy. Let us not be stuck in our ways, but keep adapting. I’m not saying throw the baby out with the bathwater, but be willing to embrace technology. Most importantly build your online presence.

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About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: Commercial Construction & Renovation

Commercial Construction & Renovation

According to itsallaboutbusiness.com, “Commercial construction is the business of building and selling or leasing manufacturing or assembly plants, medical centers, retail shopping centers and standard space for offices. The business varies primarily in the size and scale of the operations. Typically, the commercial builder either contracts with a company or organisation to build the facility or builds the facility on speculation that it can be leased or sold at a later time.”

Taking the above into account lets look at some of the commercial properties making headlines in South Africa.

In 2011 Aurecon’s Offices in Century City, now known as Aurecon East, was the first building in South Africa to be awarded a 5-Star Green Star SA Office Design v1 rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) but they didn’t stop there. In 2016 Aurecon West was completed, the second phase of Offices which also went on to receive a 5-Star Green Star SA Office Design v1 rating. Aurecon’s investment in Century City has inspired a number of other large corporates to relocate to the area.

In 2011 there were only 5 buildings in SA with Green Star accreditation from the GBCSA, to date there are 113 buildings with a Office Design v1 rating and 202 buildings in total with a Green Star Rating.

When you mention Kyalami most will think of the Race Track that was purchased by Porsche South Africa in 2014. Indeed, it is an historic track and recent construction and renovation at the Race Track was completed May 2016 after which it was awarded a Grade 2 racetrack certification by the Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA) and is the only current motor racing facility on the African continent to have the prestigious accreditation. But the Race Track is not the only property making headlines, Kyalami Corner, a 28 000m² retail development is due for completion in March and anticipated to open in April this year and forms part of the larger Kyalami Main on Main development in the area which includes retail, motor showrooms, offices and residential.

Another commercial development close to home is the Liberty Midlands Mall Phase 3 Expansion which will include offices and a value retail centre which was initially announced December 2013, construction was planned to commence in early 2014 and completed by mid-2015. However it seems that there were various delays and Phase 3 looks like it will be going ahead during 2017. Residents in the area have been waiting a while for the expansion and I’m sure many look forward to witnessing the progressing going forward. Watch this space.

The list of commercial construction and renovation could go on…

It’s evident that there is a significant amount of commercial construction & renovation happening in SA and what’s more all the developments I mentioned above can be found on Leads 2 Business. Want to know more? Comment below or contact us.




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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

L2B Blog: Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Over the ages, there have been many buildings and structures built that have an absolutely amazing design. Some of these buildings and structures have withstood the test of time in ways that newer buildings / structures have yet to experience and only time will tell if they will be able to withstand the forces of nature. Today, I am having a look at some of these brilliant buildings and structures that have captured my imagination.


  1. Bridge of Eggs, Lima, Peru

Puente de Piedra (the Bridge of Stone), was built around 1610 by the architect. Juan del Corral, and is referred to as the Bridge of Eggs, due to the belief that the mortar was mixed with egg whites as opposed to water. The bridge is still standing today.

 Photo Credit: Mangal Home Builders

References: WikipediaDid You Know?


  1. Cathedral of Brasília(Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida), Brazil

The Cathedral of Brasília (Portuguese: Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida, “Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of Aparecida”) is the Roman Catholic cathedral in Brasília, Brazil, designed by Oscar Niemeyer. Construction started in 1958 and was completed in 1970.

Photo Credit: Author – Victor Soares – ABr

References: WikipediaMost Amazing Facts.

  1. Yunak Evleri Cave Hotel, Urgup, Cappadocia, Turkey

Yunak Evleri is a 5-star hotel built into ancient Turkish caves that were carved out of the rocky hills. The combination of the renovated caves (7) with the private cave rooms (40 in total), dating back to the 5th and 6th century, capped by a 19th century Greek Mansion, would entice anyone to go exploring.

Photo Credit: Yunak

References: YunakMost Amazing Facts

  1. Air Force Academy Chapel, Colorado, United States

Construction on this amazing building started in 1957 and it was completed in 1962. Designed by Walter Netsch of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and constructed by Robert E. McKee, Inc., it provides the following worship areas: Protestant chapel (Protestants), Catholic chapel (Catholics), Jewish chapel (Jews), Buddhist chapel (Buddhists), Falcon Circle (Followers of Earth-Centered Spiruality, which includes Wicca, Paganism and Druidism) and All-Faiths rooms (these are for smaller religious groups and faith specific accoutrements are available for use).

Photo Credit: Author – Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

References: WikipediaDocomomo-USMost Amazing Facts

  1. Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Of course, one of the most famous buildings in all of time, is the Eiffel Tower. Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower, also became the namesake. Construction started in 1887 and was completed in 1889.

Photo Credit: Benh LIEU SONG (License)

References: Wikipedia

  1. Fallingwater House, Pennsylvania, United States

Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, designed this astounding house for Liliane and Edgar J. Kaufmann in 1935. Construction started in 1936 and the main house was completed in 1937. In 1966 it was designated a National Historic Landmark. The Lego product range, Lego Architecture, features Fallingwater as a landmark set.

Photo Credit: Author – Daderot

References: Wikipedia

  1. La Sagrada Família, Barcelona, Spain

This minor basilica was designed by Antoni Gaudi and construction commenced in 1882. Due to reliance on private donations and being interrupted by the Spanish Civil War, it has an anticipated completion date of 2026.

Photo Credit: Author – Bernard Gagnon

References: WikipediaMost Amazing Facts

  1. The Big Pineapple, Bathurst, South Africa

Built between 1990 – 1992, the Big Pineapple is a tribute to the agricultural success of the fruit in the region. It is almost 20m high and has three floors.

Photo Credit: NJR ZA

References: Buzz South AfricaAGU Blogosphere

  1. The Shoe House, Abel Erasmus Pass, Mpumalanga

Ron van Zyl designed and built this house for his wife, Yvonne, in 1990. Today the house is a Museum and also includes a chalet guest house, restaurant, bar, a camp site, curio shop and pool.

Photo Credit: FunPic

References: Buzz South AfricaTraveler’s Log.

  1. Alice Lane Towers, Sandton, South Africa

Designed by Paragon Architects and completed in 2010, this is definitely one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen. This is the first high rise building with a curved façade, being completely glazed and made from low energy glass and utilising glass printing technology.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

References: Wikipedia

These are some of the structures and buildings which have caught my interest, but there are still so many other amazing, popular, strange and fantastic buildings and structures in the world.

Do you have any that have caught your interest?

Feel free to leave a comment.

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About Cecile Van Deventer

I joined the L2Q Team in 2006, as a L2Q Support Assistant and have been the HOD since 2010. I supervise L2Q Bills, Daily Tender Bills, Control Lists and Directory.

Featured Project : Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence (Triangle House)

Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence (Triangle House)

Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence (Triangle House)

Description : The former Safmarine Building, now known as Triangle House, on the corner of Riebeek and Long Streets, Cape Town, in the Western Cape, will be transformed into the 5 star Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence. All 166 flats will have dedicated parking bays. Currently used as offices, the building will be transformed into upmarket apartment units starting at 40m² and going up to 160m² for the penthouse apartments. GPS Coordinates: -33.9196757, 18.42239429999995.

Status : Underway

Industry: Building

Region : Cape Town

Sector : Private

Value : R 100 million+

Timing : January 2016 to April 2017. (15 months).

Notes: Construction is ongoing with completion estimated April 2017.


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Tender Industries

Tender Industries


There are many many tender industries all over the world. We at Leads 2 Business concentrate mainly on the building and construction industry which in itself has many other industries that we follow in both South Africa and Africa. We have about 14 main industries with regards to tenders listed on our website.

These 14 Industries are easily located on our website and you are able to select which industry you are looking for tenders in, narrowing down the search and obtaining tenders that pertain specifically to you and your company.




Factory & Warehousing
Search Results on 14/11/2016
304 Tenderssecond-image
3 Newly added current tenders

This includes the construction of new factories & warehouses, rehabilitation, alterations, additions, maintenance and expansions. As well as supply of furniture, equipment and or services relating to this industry.

Mini factories
Storage Facilities
Processing facilities
Manufacturing facilities
Loading facilities
Logistics facilities
Pack houses
Big Factories
Factory fitouts

Search Results on 14/11/2016
533 Tenders
12 Newly added current tendersthird-image

This includes the construction of new retail facilities / buildings. As well as the provision of furniture, lighting, equipment, escalators and / or services such as pest control, cleaning, hygiene services, landscaping etc.

Retail outlets
Line Shops
Shopping Malls
Smaller shops
Retail Kiosks
Trader Stalls
Shopping Complex
Retail Park
Value Centres
Multi-purpose centres
Vehicle showrooms

Any tender relating to retail would fall under this specific industry.

Power Gridfourth-image

Search Results on 14/11/2016
6742 Tenders
374 Newly added current tenders

Power Stations
Transmission Lines
Wind farms
Hydro power
Commissioning and testing
Electrical equipment, installation or services
Electricity generating equipment
Power supply
Street Lighting
Traffic Signalsfifth-image
Circuit breakers
Energy Centres
Generators (Supply or repair / maintenance)
Alternative power
Coal offloading facilities

The list goes on and on.. but anything to to with electrical tenders will fall within this industry.


Search Results on 14/11/2016
993 Tenderssixth-image
33 Newly added current tenders

This includes the construction of new mines as well as the provision of mining equipment, furniture, vehicles and services such as lubricants, sprays, ladders, pipes, pumps and consumables.

Sintering plants
Asbestos mines
Rehabilitation of mines
Supply of mining equipment
Maintenance of mining equipment
Vehicles and or tractors etc (heavy plant)
Vent shafts
Chrome mines
Mine offices (new / refurbish / expand / cleaning

Anything relating to Mining or that a Mining company has gone out to tender for, will be found under this Industry on our website.

Office & Commercial

Search Results on 14/11/2016
2276 Tenders
50 Newly added current tendersseventh-image

This includes the construction of new office and commercial developments as well as the provision of office and commercial equipment, furniture, vehicles and services such as access control, hygiene and cleaning, desks and computers, stationery, networking and cabling, chairs, lighting and tiling etc etc.

Various Offices
Police offices
Municipal offices
Satellite offices
Office Face-lifts / Refurbishments
Office Blocks
Office hubs
Meeting Rooms / Offices
Business Estates
Commercial Parks
Commercial Precincts


Search Results on 14/11/2016
417 Tenders
15 Newly added current tenders

This includes the construction of new Industrial developments as well as the supply of industrial equipment and services as well as the maintenance and repair of various tools and machinery.

Light Industrial
Investment parks
Industrial developments
Industrial Park
Supplier Park
Logistics Hub
Industrial Hub
Business Park
Industrial Facilities
Industrial Business Park
Industrial Cluster
Nuclear Power Plant
Manufacturing Plant
Coal plant
Technology Park
Industrial Plant
Auto Service Hub
Business Hub
Processing Plants
Asphalt plants
Assemblies / Assembly lines
Internal waste management
Oil processing plants
Milling plants
Wool processing plants
port infrastructure
marine structures
rice processing mill
liquid bulk terminal
industry workshops (training)
Bakery / Confectionery
pump stations
production facilities


Search Results on 14/11/2016
12098 Tenders
405 Newly added current tendersninth-image

This includes the construction of new Healthcare buildings as well as the supply of healthcare equipment, furniture and services such as cleaning / sanitary and hygiene services or supplies, building fixtures, heat pumps, generators, tables, lighting, guard house / security, access control, medical equipment and furniture.

Medical Consulting rooms
Treatment facilities / centres
Wellness Centres
Rehabilitation centres
Frail Care
Medical institutions
Doctors rooms
Waiting rooms
Emergency units

Transport Terminals

Search Results on 14/11/2016
2790 Tenders
98 Newly added current tenderstenth-image

This includes the construction of new transport terminals as well as supply of equipment, furniture and services relating to transport terminals. This includes airport escalators, airstrip markings and lighting, airport security and access control, air navigation services, ablution facilities, cleaning and hygiene services etc.

Loading Dock
Terminal sheds
Rea Vaya BRT
Airports (new / maintenance, airstrips, airport equipment / furniture)
Trains and train terminals
Buses and Bus terminals
Taxi Ranks
Container Terminals
Automotive hangers
Disaster Recovery centres
Cargo Area
Airport Escalators
Airport Runway Taxi Ways
Transport Facilities
Delivery / supply of Fuel (Diesel / Petrol / Jet fuel)


Search Results on 14/11/2016
15351 Tenders
489 Newly added current tenderseleventh-image

This includes renovations, alterations, additions and expansions to various buildings.
Roofs / ceilings
Floors (Tiling etc)
General repairs
Solar systems
Doors (aluminum, wooden, roller shutter)
Windows (Glass chipped or broken, burglar guards or replacement etc)
air conditioners
Board Houses
Ablution facilities / Ablution blocks
Town Houses


Search Results on 14/11/2016
113916 Tenders
3654 Newly added current tenderstwelfth-image

This includes the construction of new institutional buildings as well as supply of equipment, furniture and services relating to this such as fencing, tiling, ablution facilities, cleaning and hygiene, roofs, security, fire detection, new halls, walls, water tanks, computers / laptops, stationery etc

Police Station
Training Facilities
Community Centres
Fire Station
Research Facilities
Lecture Halls
Precinct Stations
Churches / Religious buildings
Educational Facilities
Tertiary education
FET colleges
Municipal buildings
Government facilities / buildings / offices
High Schools
Remedial work
New classrooms

Hospitality & Leisure

Search Results on 14/11/2016
1509 Tenders
47 Newly added current tendersfourteenth-image

This includes the provision of a new hospitality & leisure development which also includes the provision of furniture, equipment, lighting, paving security, cleaning services, fields, turf, pitches, pavilions, fencing, landscaping, gate and online ticketing.

Fitness Gym
Golf Course
Theme Parks
Art & Crafts centre
Art Galleries
Dinosaur Interpretive Centres
Conference centres
Nature reserves / National parks
Game Lodges
Wedding Venues
Caravan Parks
Civic Centres
Sports Complex
Recreational Park


Search Results on 14/11/2016
17581 Tenders
911 Newly added current tendersfifthteenth-image

This includes the provision of new roads / bridges as well as maintenance, furniture and services relating to this industry. Road barriers, concrete blocks, road signs, street lights, road markings and painting, signage, signals and traffic lights

National Roads
Access roads
Main roads
Widening of roads (dual carriageway)
Resealing of roads
fixing potholes
resurfacing of roads
upgrading from gravel to tar
maintenance or roads
street lights and amenities
Road fixing
River crossing
pavement rehabilitation / construction (walkways)
Road Junction
Storm-water and Road


Search Results on 14/11/2016
15282 Tenders
369 Newly added current tenderssixteenth-image

This includes the provision of new water related developments or the maintenance and provision of equipment and services.

Bulk infrastructure
Ablution Facilities
Dams (including dam walls)
Water Supply Schemes,
Waste water treatment works (WWTW)
Waste water care works (WWCW)
Water supply network
Water mains
Bulk water pipeline
Water metering
Water leaks
Pumps and Pipes
Chemicals and consumables
Outfalls and sewers
Control valves
Rainwater goods / equipment
flood risk
water storage tanks
Sprinkler Systems
Pipe laying


Search Results on 14/11/2016
3424 Tenders
115 Newly added current tendersseventheenth-image

This includes the provision of a new residential development as well as maintenance, rehabilitation, additions and alterations to existing residential developments. In this we also find provision of equipment and services within the residential industry which includes furniture, garden services, pool maintenance, light fixtures, aircons, generators etc.

Retirement Estates
Lifestyle estates
Low cost housing
RDP Housing
Apartment blocks
Residential Towers
Staff quarters
Boarding establishments

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About Michelle Crosby

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in the Directory Department in 2012. I was then promoted to the Private Projects Department in 2014 and was recently promoted to Projects HOD this year.

Tenders by CIDB – What do you need to get the job?

What do you need to get the job?


The Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) – a Schedule 3A public entity – was established by Act of Parliament (Act 38 of 2000) to promote a regulatory and developmental framework that builds:

  • Construction industry delivery capability for South Africa’s social and economic growth.
  • A proudly South African construction industry that delivers to globally competitive standards.

The cidb’s focus is on

  • Sustainable growth, capacity development and empowerment
  • Improved industry performance and best practice
  • A transformed industry, underpinned by consistent and ethical procurement practices
    Enhanced value to clients and society

Construction companies is South Africa are required to register with the CIDB for various classes of construction works, if they want to be awarded Government tenders, and are assigned ratings based on their financial capability. CIDB ratings, when required, are listed on tender notices and perform two functions: The most obvious being that if a company is not registered in that particular rating or class of work then that company can not be awarded that contract (unless they form a Joint Venture); and the second is that the Rating gives a estimated value for the contract concerned. This is helpful for subcontractors to determine whether it is worth their while to approach those companies tendering.

Below is a breakdown of the various Construction works and how the various ratings are determined:

Class of Construction Works

GB General Building

CE Civil Engineering

EB Electrical Engineering Works – Building

EP Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure

ME Mechanical Engineering

SB Asphalt works (supply and lay)

SC Building Excavations, shaft sinking, lateral earth support

SD Corrosion protection (cathodic, anodic and electrolytic)

SE Demolition and blasting

SF Fire prevention and protection systems

SG Glazing, curtain walls and shop fronts

SH Landscaping, irrigation and horticulture works

SI Lifts, escalators and travellators (installation, commissioning and maintenance)

SJ Piling and specialised foundations for building and structures

SK Road markings and signage

SL Structural steelwork fabrication and erection

SM Timber buildings and structures

SN Waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialist systems

SO Water supply and drainage for buildings (wet services, plumbing)

SQ Steel security fencing or precast concrete

Class of Construction Works

Civil Engineering (CE): Construction Works primarily concerned with materials such as steel, concrete, earth and rock and their application in the development, extension, installation, maintenance, removal, renovation, alteration, or dismantling of building and engineering infrastructure.

Basic Work Types: Water, sewerage, roads, railways, harbours and transport, urban development and municipal services.

Examples: Structures such as cooling tower, bridge culvert, dam, grand stand, road, railway, reservoir, runway, swimming pool, silo or tunnel. The results of operations such as dredging, earthworks and geotechnical processes. Township services, water treatment and supply, sewerage works, sanitation, soil conservation works, irrigation works, storm-water and drainage works, coastal  works, ports, harbours, airports and pipelines.

Electrical Engineering Works – Building (EB): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with the installation, extension, modification or repair of electrical installations in or on any premises used for the transmission of electricity from a point of control to a point of consumption, including any article forming part of such an installation

Basic Work Types: All electrical equipment forming an integral and permanent part of buildings and/or structures, including any wiring, cable jointing and laying and electrical overhead line construction.

Examples: Electrical installations in buildings. Electrical reticulations within a plot of land (erf) or building site. Standby plant and uninterrupted power supply. Verification and certification of electrical installations on premises.

Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure (EP): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with development, extension, installation, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of engineering infrastructure: a) relating to the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity; or b) which cannot be classified as EB.

Basic Work Types: Electrical power generation, transmission, control and distribution equipment and systems

Examples: Power generation. Street and area lighting. Substations and protection systems. Township reticulations. Transmission lines

General Building Works (GB): Construction Works that: a) are primarily concerned with the development, extension, installation, renewal, renovation, alteration, or dismantling of a permanent shelter for its occupants or contents; or b) cannot be categorised in terms of the definitions provided for civil engineering works, electrical engineering works, mechanical engineering works, or specialist works.

Basic Work Types: Building and ancillary works other than those categorised as: Civil engineering works; Electrical engineering works; Mechanical engineering works; Specialist works.

Examples: Buildings for domestic, industrial, institutional or commercial occupancies. Car ports. Stores. Walls.

Mechanical Engineering Works (ME): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with the development, extension, installation, removal, alteration, renewal of engineering infrastructure for gas transmission and distribution, solid waste disposal, heating, ventilation and cooling, chemical works, metallurgical works, manufacturing, food processing and materials handling.

Basic Work Types: Machine systems including those relating to the environment of building interiors. Gas transmission and distribution systems. Pipelines. Materials handling, lifting machinery, heating, ventilation and cooling, pumps. Continuous process systems, chemical works, metallurgical works, manufacturing, food processing such as that in concentrator machinery and apparatus, oil and gas wells, smelters, cyanide plants, acid plants, metallurgical machinery, equipment and apparatus, and works necessary for the beneficiation of metals, minerals, rocks, petroleum and organic substances or other chemical processes.

Examples: Air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation. Boiler installations and steam distribution. Central heating. Centralised hot water generation. Compressed air, gas and vacuum installations. Conveyor and materials handling installations. Continuous process systems involving chemical works, metallurgical works, oil and gas wells, acid plants, metallurgical machinery, equipment and apparatus, and works necessary for the beneficiation of metals, minerals, rocks, petroleum and organic substance and other chemical processes. Dust and sawdust extraction. Kitchen equipment. Laundry equipment. Refrigeration and cold rooms. Waste handling systems (including compactors)

Specialist Works

SB: The extension, installation, repair, maintenance or renewal, or removal of asphalt.

SJ: The development, installation, removal, or dismantling, as relevant, of piles and other specialised foundations for buildings and structures.

SC: The development, extension, installation, removal and dismantling, as relevant, associated with building excavations, shaft sinking and lateral earth support.

SK: The installation, renewal, removal, alteration or dismantling, as relevant, of road markings and signage.

SD: The development, extension, installation, repair, renewal, removal or alteration of corrosion protection systems (cathodic, anodic and electrolytic).

SL: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of structural steelwork and scaffolding.

SE: Demolition of buildings and engineering infrastructure and blasting.

SM: Timber buildings and structures.

SF: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of fire prevention and protection infrastructure (drencher and sprinkler systems and fire installation).

SN: The extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation or alteration, as relevant, of the waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialist systems.

SG: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of glazing, curtain walls and shop fronts.

SO: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, alteration, or dismantling or demolition of water installations and soil and waste water drainage associated with buildings (wet services and plumbing).

SH: The development, extension, installation, maintenance, renewal, removal, alteration or dismantling, as relevant, of landscaping, irrigation and horticultural works.

SQ: The development, extension, installation, repairs, dismantling of precast walls, installation of wire perimeter fencing, diamond perimeter fencing, palisade steel fencing with posts and stay at intervals.

SI: The development, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of lifts, escalators, travellators and hoisting machinery

How contractor grading designations are determined

Your contractor grading designation is determined by your financial capability and your works capability.

Your financial capability relates to your financial history (turnover), and the amount of working capital you can muster to sustain a contract, i.e. available capital. Available capital is the sum of total equity, retained income, shareholders or member’s loans and any form of acceptable financial sponsorship.

Your works capability is determined by the largest contract you have undertaken and completed in your class of construction works (completed during the 5 years immediately preceding the application).

Your contractor grading designation will be used by Government (national, provincial, municipal and state owned enterprises) to qualify your tender to be considered for a particular construction works contract. For example: if you are registered as a 5CE, you will be considered for public sector civil engineering works contracts of a value not exceeding R6.5 million. You may register for different classes of works, for example, you may be registered as a 5CE and as an 8ME. This means that you will also be considered for public sector mechanical engineering works contracts of a value not exceeding R130 million.

Determining Financial Capability

The specific requirements that need to be satisfied in respect of the contractor grading designation being applied for, depending on the contractor grading designation applied for, the financial capability will be determined from:

  • the best turnover from the two financial years immediately preceding the application;
  • the available capital that you are able to mobilise;
  • the contractor must satisfy all the criteria relating to financial capability.

Determining Works Capability

The specific requirements that you need to satisfy in respect of the contractor grading designation applied are:


Grade 2: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R130 000.

Grade 3: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R450 000 and either have best turnover not less than R1 000 000 or have available capital not less than R100 000.

Grade 4: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R900 000 and either have best  turnover not less than R2 000 000 or have available capital not less than R200 000.

Grade 5 and higher: Must have works and financial capability not less than that tabulated in Table C(i) below, for the  contractor grading designation applied for.

Determining Financial Capability

Potentially Emerging Enterprises

 A registered, potentially emerging contractor may be awarded a contract at one level higher than the enterprise’s registered contractor grading designation, if the client or employer:

Is satisfied that such a contractor has the potential to develop and qualify to be registered in that higher grade; and

Ensures that financial, management or other support is provided – in the context of a targeted development programme

  • to enable the contractor to successfully execute that contract.

Joint Ventures

A joint venture is a grouping of two or more contractors who jointly undertake to perform a construction works contract.

Any enterprise that tenders or enters into a contract for construction works with the public sector, must be registered.

Once-off joint ventures do not have to register. Each partner of the joint venture must be separately registered and the lead partner must have a contractor grading designation not lower than one level below the required grading designation in the class of construction works under consideration.

The contractor grading designation for a once-off joint venture is assessed by the client, based on:

the sum of the best annual turnover of all the members of the joint venture;

the sum of the available capital of all the members of the joint venture; and

The cidb has developed a calculator to enable assessment of joint ventures. This calculator is available on the cidb website at www.cidb.org.za

Leads 2 Business subscribers have the option to filter by CIDB ratings as well as set up their Advisory settings, so they only receive the Ratings that they are interested in. My advice in this regard, would be to go “one above and one below”. The idea of the CIDB ratings is progression. New companies start out with a CIDB 1 and as the company grows in experience and financial standing, they would progress up the ratings. So a subscriber would select “one above” (as in a Rating above their current Rating) and select “one below” to make sure that they are notified of any tenders where only the PE (Potentially Emerging) rating has been specified on the tender. Keeping an eye on the next rung up the ladder, but ensuring your foot is still firmly in place on the rung below (if you like metaphors).

Examples of  tender notices of various CIDB Ratings and Classes:

CIDB 1: Upgrading of School Ablution Facilities – DTA 609616 CIDB 4: Construction of a large Ablution block at Thusego Intermediate School – DTA 609710 CIDB 7: Upgrade and Extension of the Warrenton WTP (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and C&I) – DTA 609603
CIDB 2: Supply, Deliver and Erect 6000m wire Barbed Wire Fencing for Bambanani co-op – DTA 609446  

CIDB 5: Replacement and Maintenance of Traffic Signal Equipment  – DTA 609486

CIDB 8: Reseal of National Route N1 Section 29 between Km 70 and Musina – DTA 608049

CIDB 3: Construction of a bridge at Alberton Campus – DTA 609447

CIDB 6: Resurface and Upgrade Boksburg Athletics Grounds – DTA 609500  

CIDB 9: Observatory Forensic Pathology Laboratory: Replacement – DTA 609086


cidb HELPLINE  | 086 100 2432  |  CIDB


Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No 38 of 2000)  

Application for Contractor Registration Grade 1 (July 2016)

Application for Contractor Registration Grade 2 – 9 (July 2016)


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About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Market Intelligence: Tenders by Category

Tenders by Category


There are many tenders out there, but Leads 2 Business specialises in the supply of tender notices related to the Building and Construction Industry. Even in this industry, there are different tenders for the different work required. Consequently, we have Tender Categories that are divided as follows:

The Tender Categories assist in making sure that our subscribers can choose to receive the tender notices relevant to them and prevent an inundation of irrelevant information. If the company’s services fall into a very broad category, they can narrow down the tender information, by making use of our “Keywords” function to assist them in receiving the correct tender notices according to their scope or when they are searching on our website.

Are you involved in any of these Tender Categories and interested in receiving leads?

Contact me on CecileD@L2B.co.za for more information.

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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Cecile Van Deventer

I joined the L2Q Team in 2006, as a L2Q Support Assistant and have been the HOD since 2010. I supervise L2Q Bills, Daily Tender Bills, Control Lists and Directory.

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