Featured Project: Tlhabane Square – Retail

Reconstruction of the Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome

Corobrik Megafactory

Construction of a shopping centre 30 000m² for the Rustenburg mixed use development known as Tlhabane Square located in Rustenburg, North West


Status Region
Tender North West
Category Value
Unknown at this stage
Industry Timing
Retail 2019 onwards
Sector Class
Public Private Partnership Open Tender / Possible Pre-Qualification

Tlhabane Square - Retail


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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

Contractors, Ensure You’re Insured!

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Contractors, Ensure You’re Insured!

Accidents, theft, negligence… the list goes on. All of these events could cost you dearly and insurance has become somewhat of a necessity in protecting companies and individuals from the harsh financial implications.
I have spent the past few days studying the various construction-related insurance products that are on offer from the many insurance companies in South Africa, as well as some of the scenarios where insurance could come into play.

Sadly, many injuries and deaths have occurred on construction sites and it is so important that contractors have insurance to cover for these unfortunate events. In one incident in South Africa this year, construction workers were hospitalised after formwork collapsed on them. In a separate incident, in 2017, a construction worker died after falling from scaffolding. Where loss, damage, injury or death has occurred as a result of a structural collapse or any other type of works failure on site, the insurer is likely to determine whether or not the structure or construction works complied with the National Building Regulations (NBR). South Africa’s National Building Regulations are a set of guidelines for construction. Failing compliance, insurance claims could be rejected.

Theft of construction equipment and machinery; damage caused by strike action, riots and violent protests as well as machinery breakdown are other examples of risks that contractors are facing. Thankfully, all of these events can be covered by insurance.

Read on to learn about a few of the insurance options that offer cover against the above-mentioned incidents.

Contractors All Risk (CAR) Insurance
CAR policies cover construction companies against loss or damage caused by fire, seasonal risks, natural disasters, vandalism, theft, liability and other possible incidents, depending on the cover that your preferred insurer offers you. It is important to note that not all CAR policies offer the same amount of cover. The duration of the cover commences at the start of the construction works and ceases when the contract is complete.

Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance can be included in CAR policies or taken out as a policy on its own, and covers against death or injuries to third parties as well as damage to the property of third parties. The main contractor assumes liability for activities carried out on site by any representatives of his company.

Plant All Risks (PAR) Insurance
This type of insurance is also referred to as Contractors’ Plant and Machinery (CPM) insurance and Contractors’ Plant and Equipment (CPE) insurance and covers construction plant, machinery and equipment against loss or damage caused by unforeseen circumstances. A CAR policy can cover plant, however, specific types of plant are only used for a small portion of the total construction period and are then moved to another site. PAR insurance would be a more suitable type of cover for these specific machines, in comparison to CAR insurance. Often, contractors will opt for a PAR policy that can be renewed on an annual basis, covering the various plant that is in operation on different sites during the course of the year.

Machinery Breakdown Insurance
Contractors can insure against unexpected mechanical and/or electrical breakdown of machinery. Under this type of cover, claims cannot be submitted for any expected breakdown arising from general maintenance requirements.

Special Risk Insurance
The South African Special Risks Insurance Association (Sasria SOC Ltd) is a state-owned entity offering short-term insurance and provides cover against loss or damage caused by violent protests, riots, terrorism and similar circumstances. SASRIA cover can only be arranged by a broker.

The aforementioned insurance policies are most-certainly not the only options that contractors have, as there are many other policies that can be taken out. That being said, contractors have a range of options to choose from in order to protect their companies and assets by ensuring they have the necessary insurance policies in place. Contacting a broker who specialises in construction insurance could pave the way for hassle-free insurance claims, should the need for a claim arise.


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Carl Greaves Brokers
Master Builders Insurance

About Bianca Warwick

I had the privilege of joining the Leads 2 Business content team in January 2012. I work in the exciting Projects department, following the progress of construction developments in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State.

Featured Tender: Strengthening of the Northern Staircase at Duvha Unit 3 Boiler

Strengthening of the Northern Staircase at Duvha Unit 3 Boiler


Contract Number:

MPGXC005374 – Eskom


Eskom Holdings Soc Limited Gauteng invites tenders for the Provision of Strengthening of the Northern Staircase at Duvha Unit 3 Boiler for a Period of Eight Months.

Category Industry
Building Power Grid
Region Site Inspection
Mpumalanga 2018-11-08 10:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
27 November 2018 at 10:00 No details


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About Lauren Davids

I am a Content Researcher for the Western Cape Region in the Daily Tenders Department.

Featured Tender: Mawa Block 12 Low Level Bridge

Mawa Block 12 Low Level Bridge

Mawa Block 12 Low Level Bridge

Contract Number:

SCMU30/2018 – Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality


Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality invites tenders for Mawa Block 12 Low Level Bridge.

Category Industry
Infrastructure Road
Region Site Inspection
Limpopo 2018-11-07 10:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
21 November 2018 at 12:00 No Details


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About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Common causes of Construction delays

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Common causes of Construction delays.

What is a construction delay? Well in lamens terms anything that prevents a site from moving forward is a delay.

There are many different causes of construction delays However many of them can be prevented.

Weather, well we all might be thinking that we cannot control the weather, which is 100% correct, however one can watch the weather forecasts closely and plan ahead as far as possible.
There are many reliable weather sites available to us now days, so one should make use of them and plan accordingly IE one cannot lay roof sheets if you are expecting gale force winds, and you cannot pour concrete when it is raining.

There is however an old saying in the industry “ rain before 7 clears by 11” not too sure how true this is but it’s something I have heard many times before.

  • Insufficient funding, Oh yes MONEY can make or break a site. If the budget is not sufficient enough then this can have an enormous impact on the project, or if funding is not adequately released during the correct phases of the project then this too can have a huge impact, as this impacts delivery of goods, wage payments etc.
  • Decision making, Yip you heard right, if the Client cannot make up their mind during the project then this will cause serious delays, as well as if the client is changing their mind constantly, as the contractor and their subbies must now sit and wait for the final decision because if the contractor make his own decision then the client might not pay.
  • Poor Coordination. Now I am sure that we have all heard contractors blaming subbies and subbies blaming contractors , however it boils down to poor coordination / Time planning, if a contractor does not order their materials timeously the manufacturer cannot produce it on time , causing delays. If the Subcontractor or manufacturer does not plan ahead, and manage their own production correctly this too will cause delays.
  • Unskilled labour, Many people think it’s quite easy to lay bricks, or to tile, piping etc. when in actual fact if you do not know what it is that you are doing it will cost the site time and money to break done what has been done in order to fix it if it has not been done correctly leading in the obvious Time delays.
  • Incorrect designs, Yes designs…. If the professional consultant has not done all the correct designs, just a simple error can cost a huge time delay on site to try and correct or amend to make the design work again…
  • Then there is the ever popular Labour issue which is so common in South Africa. If you’re Labourers or SMME’s are not in agreement with regards to rates or wages, they often shut down an entire site and no further construction will commence until the dispute has been resolved.
  • Community related issues, this can cause huge delays , especially if there has not been a community buy in on the project, because the project is been done within their community, it needs to be of benefit to them, and if they do not feel it is for the better of them, they will be stopping the project as well.

This leaves me to the conclusion that it’s definitely quite a stressful job being in the construction industry as everything needs to run like a well-oiled machine.



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About Jennifer Ellis

I Started working with Leads 2 Business in 2007 and been based in Port Elizabeth as a Senior account Executive. I oversee the Subscriber base in the Port Elizabeth and surrounds region as well as some National subscribers.

Featured Project: Reconstruction of the Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome

Reconstruction of the Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome

Corobrik Megafactory

Reconstruction of the Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome. The new building will have a 3000-seat capacity.


Status Region
Underway KwaZulu-Natal
Category Value
R 100 million+
Industry Timing
Institutional June 2018 to August 2019 (14 and a half months)
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated



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About Bianca Warwick

I had the privilege of joining the Leads 2 Business content team in January 2012. I work in the exciting Projects department, following the progress of construction developments in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State.

10 Things Successful People do before Breakfast

posted in: Did You Know 2

10 Things Successful People do before breakfast

There are 86400 seconds in a day, how you use them are critical. The habits you cement on a daily basis create and define the building blocks of who you are. So what differentiates the ordinary from the extraordinary? If you are in the realms of just being comfortable at the bottom, consumed with the day to day humdrum, what should you change it so that success becomes your habit?

Let’s take a look at the common list of things successful people do before breakfast:

1. Wake up early

The dawn always holds the potential for greatness. It is uninterrupted time to focus, it maximises the day and enforces the habit of good sleep to boost productivity, which means a consistent bedtime, something which most of us are guilty of not getting right!

2. Prioritise

Using your mornings to do big-picture thinking helps you prioritise and set a defined trajectory for the day. Equipped with the details of what needs to be achieved you are setting yourself up for a successful and productive day. The important thing is not the paper, GTD app or other software you use, it is the consistency to ensure you do it every day. As you complete tasks, check them off so you know what you have achieved and what is still outstanding.

3. Express gratitude

When I researched this topic I found this fascinating, it did not require too much digging to establish that it’s not just about being thankful or positivity, but also about not being resentful about the things that aren’t perfect. Its often easier to blame a system, poverty or circumstance as a reason for not achieving success. The reality is, it was more about your attitude, determination, and tenacity against the odds. It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not.

4. Connect

Most of us are exhausted at the end of a day’s activities and it is not uncommon for the time to be hastened away between TV or screen time and dinner preparations. This is why many successful people make connecting with their significant other, part of their morning routine. If sex, can make you smarter, boost your income and burn calories, then it might just be another great way to energise your day. It’s not just limited to being frisky, using the time as a couple to talk about your lives, finances, tasks, and week-long plans all serve to build connection and security. All of which promote success.
The all-important connection with others is not just limited to your spouse. Additionally, there are golden time treasures to be found at the breakfast table with your kids, ask them about their day and find out what is happening in their world – it will make you feel more positive about your parenting efforts too.

5. Network

Networking with others appears almost as an extension to connection and supports the mantra of “When you have a million dollar vision, don’t surround yourself with 1 cent minds.” As human beings, we have a tendency to emulate those around us, so finding innovative minds to spark off of can create the critical element which becomes a catalyst for success.

6. Self-care

Exercise, hydration, and meditation are common threads in the lives of the great. A-Type personalities demand from others as much as they do from themselves, as a result, they find it challenging to disconnect from their mental to-do lists and calm their minds. Exercise and meditation are just two examples of the tools that driven personalities use to help clear their minds, create calm and enhance focus. The benefits of exercise are not exclusive to the physical benefit of a stronger healthier being, it counteracts the effects of high-fat diets, helps to reduce stress and promotes deep sleep! Certainly, a plus if you are getting up early to prioritise your day! Increased hydration boosts your concentration levels, and gives your metabolism a lift.

7. Emotional intelligence

Emotionally Intelligent people are constantly looking for ways in which to add value and contribute to their immediate environment. This skill feeds progressive thinking and stimulates active solutions to unique challenges. Interestingly this quality helps them to inspire others to be successful too.

8. Read

Whether expanding your own knowledge base or aligning yourself with the events of the world from a newspaper. This empowering habit augments your own intelligence and of course, quickens your mind with the task of how it can change the world in all the headlines!

9. Personal Passion Project

Fervor and joy add a certain zing to your day and when you are truly passionate about anything it automatically translates into more enthusiasm and energy. So what are the essentials of identifying this kind of project? A passion Project will be bigger than you – it will extend beyond your own interests, agenda or need for recognition it will push you beyond the call of duty and will be driven by self-motivation in the face of adversity. The secret to this is that it carries passion into their profession. In the words of TD Jakes, “It is your passion that empowers you to be able to do the thing you were created to do!”

10. Make their bed

It amused me immensely that this was something that most successful people do! It may seem mundane and not something that can necessarily cause you to get more work done,  but interestingly this “keystone habit” can spark a chain reaction that helps the formation of other good habits.

I hope that some of these inspire you to greatness. When I read through this list, it is energising, but it does have me wondering what time successful wake up in order to get a task list as long as this done – every single day!

Wishing you every success! Out of curiousity let me know in the comments below how many of these you check the boxes on or is there anything else you believe contributes to success?


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About Taryn Duckham

I am a lover of awesome design, customer centricity and the art of influence. Being able to effect this through analysis, written or visual content and front-end design is part of my work, my great love of creatively solving problems that reach across as many parts of Leads 2 Business as I can.

Featured Tender: Upgrades and Additions to Lloyd School

Upgrades and Additions to Lloyd School

meter reading

Contract Number:



Independent Development Trust KwaZulu-Natal invites tenders for the Upgrades and Additions to Lloyd School – KwaDukuza.

Category Industry
Building Renovations


Region Site Inspection
KwaDukuza 2018-10-25 10:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
09 November 2018 No details


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

The Art of Delegation

posted in: General 0

The Art of Delegation

Great Leaders Perfect The Art Of Delegation

Delegation is the act of empowering others to accomplish a task, it is a core or critical skill all leaders must have to be successful, delegation may be one of the most fundamental managerial skills, a great leader possesses the ability to enable through delegation to get things done. Good delegation gets great results if you are delegating effectively.

Managing is all about building a team. if you are going to build a team, your team members must be engaged in moving the team forward. That means giving the team meaningful work, giving team members enough room to take on that work on their own (or with their own team), and holding them accountable for the outcomes, in other words, it means effective delegation.

When you lead others, it is important to know that there is an art to delegating, if done correctly, you will find that your staff is more productive and happier as a result. When your people know you trust them enough to delegate an important task, it boosts their motivation to get the job done. Good delegation not only gets results but also increases the capabilities of the team.

Delegation is a key skill for all leaders, and necessary for any person wanting to get ahead. If you ever feel stressed and overwhelmed or feel as though your career or business has become stagnate, then it’s time to sharpen those delegation skills.

Here are A few tips to master the art of delegation:

  • Leaders sometimes view planning as a hindrance to getting their best work done, but planning to delegate is an investment in your people, your company’s culture, and in your business.
  • Contribute both positive and negative feedback so the person you’re giving responsibility to will understand what he or she is doing well and how they need to improve. The exceptional performance will likely continue if it is acknowledged and rewarded.
  • Monitoring the work of people will both motivate them and help identify problems areas.
  • A delegated task must be accompanied by a delegation of authority–that is, the power and resources to get the job done.
  • When assigning a task, consider each person’s demonstrated skill, interest in the task, and current workload. Know his or her record of success on similar assignments–how they work with others, when they operate best, and how well they work under pressure.
  • Set clear expectations, make sure the goals are specific, attainable, relevant, and measurable.
  • Briefing- take the time to explain to your people why they were chosen for the task and be clear in your expectations of them.
  • Give details about what exactly needs doing by when including any flexibility there is.
  • Make sure the result you are looking to achieve and how the task fits into the wider picture is understood. What difference will the outcome make?
  • Define the decision-making processes. What can the staff member decide, and when should they defer to you? Clarity on authority is essential.
  • Find out how they feel about the task. Are they happy to rise to the challenge? Do they have any fears or concerns?
  • Say when you need progress reports and agree on how monitoring will occur.
  • Delegating effectively is a balancing act. You have a set of requirements, the staff member requires instructions they can understand, support, the authority to proceed and confidence.

Sometimes you may find yourself in a space between giving enough room for people to use their abilities for the best possible outcome, while still staying close enough to ensure that the job is done correctly.

Make or break your success on the management path by the way you delegate. The best managers are surrounded by willing staff who are not only able to get the job done but are also concerned about quality and who are prepared to go the extra mile.

If you are concerned about losing control or giving someone else the credit, then you’re managing from ego and that’s never the best way to lead. Seek joy in watching others achieve a task that was once yours, you are giving a gift of empowerment and that is a beautiful thing. Good delegation not only gets results but also increases the capabilities of the team.

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About Lola Govender

My name is Lola Govender. I have been working at L2B for 14 years and am very passionate about our business.

10 Steps to Customer Service

posted in: Did You Know 3

10 Steps to Customer Service

I think it would be safe to say that great customer service is the key to any successful business.

When was the last time you received a complaint about customer service? Do you think there is a chance that your customer service might not be up to par?
Looking at the next 10 steps to customer service might just be what your company needs to go from average customer service to impeccable customer service.

1. Communication is key!!

Now that is a statement that I can get behind.
How will you or your staff be able to give your customer impeccable customer service if you cannot communicate with them properly?
Communication has a lot to do with how you well you listen to your customer. It is quite simple actually. When your customer has a complaint listen to them and decide from there what your best way forward will be.
Nothing irritates a customer more than an employee that does not feel the need to listen to them. By listening to your customer you will be able to establish a much clearer line of communication.

2. Know what your customer wants

This is quite simple. If you truly believe in customer service you’ll know that if you listen to the finer details of what your customer is saying, you can figure out what they actually want and need before they have to say it out loud.
Now that will definitely impress anybody and is sure to get you some recommendations and compliments.

3. Make them feel at home

Don’t you just love it when you walk into a store and you instantly feel at home?
Why not do the same for your customers?
Instead of teaching your staff a text book greeting or response to customers teach them that each customer is different. Get to know your customer.
Make them feel comfortable by going the extra mile even if it is with something as simple as helping them carry a bag or asking if they need any extra assistance.

4. Respect

Treating your customer with respect can be the difference between getting return business from them and never seeing them again.
We all want to feel respected when visiting other establishments and even in our own. It is imperative to remember that you cannot expect your customers to respect you, your employees or your business if you cannot show then respect first.

5. Happy & Helpful

Whether you’re greeting a customer or assisting with a problem, always try your best to be as helpful and friendly as possible.
When a customer is faced by an employee who looks like they would rather be anywhere but there it makes them feel that they would also rather not be there.
So remember always smile and go the extra mile wherever and whenever possible.

6. Never delay your response

If your customer approaches you with a problem do your best to resolve it as quickly as you can. Get all the information you can and might need to resolve the problem as best you can.

The quicker the problem is resolved the better the outcome for yourself and the customer.

7. Keep to your word

There is nothing more disappointing than visiting your favourite outlet to discover that the service is no longer as great as it used to be.
It is imperative to deliver the same service at all times, never over promise and under deliver

8. Be more skilled

If you’re going to be selling a product or service, make sure you know all there is to know about it.
If you have all the knowledge there is on that specific product or service you will be able to answer all your clients’ questions and also help them make a better informed decision.

9. Everyone is equal

Treating all your customers the same sends a great message. People like visiting establishments where they know that they will be treated in the same warm and friendly manner as the previous person.

10. You can make a mistake

You are human just like any other person you will make mistakes.
The way you handle those mistakes is what is important. Instead of ignoring the problem or saying that it was not you, try admitting to it. You customer will be more at ease with you once you admitted your mistake and apologized for it.



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The Next Web

About Genevieve Smith

Genevieve Smith, I have been working at Leads 2 Business for just over a year now. I work in the Johannesburg office as an account coordinator.

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