3D Concrete Printing

posted in: Did You Know 0

3D Concrete Printing

Wow…so looking at pictures of 3D concrete printing, I was like:

Is this even possible…and yes, it is.
So let’s have a bit more of an in depth look at exactly what 3D Concrete Printing entails.

Definition: 3D Concrete Printing refers to various technologies that use 3D printing as a core method to fabricate buildings or construction components.

So basically, construction units such as walls or columns can be pre-fabricated off site by means of 3D printing. The completed wall parts will then be transported to the construction site, installed on traditional foundations and reinforced with traditional steel structures or cement. The unpolished walls can then be supplemented with different finishes.

There are numerous 3D printing methods used on a construction scale, which include the following main methods:

  • Extrusion (concrete, cement, wax, foam, and polymers),
  • Powder Bonding (polymer bond, reactive bond, sintering)
  • Additive Welding.

3D printing at a construction scale will have a wide variety of applications within the private, commercial, industrial and public sectors.

Advantages of these technologies include:
• Faster Construction
• Lower labour costs
• Increased complexity and/or accuracy
• Greater integration of function and less waste produced
• Could improve the quality of the end product
• Another advantage is the freedom of design, whereby buildings can be tailored to suit customer needs.

Demonstrations of these technologies have included fabrication of housing, construction components, bridges and civil infrastructure. This technology has increased in popularity in the recent years as new companies have emerged onto the market, such as Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai) Co. Ltd or Winsun as it is known. Their entry into 3D printing started in 2005, with the intervention of the spray nozzle, one of the main elements of its first 3D printer. The spray nozzle was used to experiment with cement and other materials. Winsun also set up the world’s biggest 3D construction printer, which is 10 metres wide, 6.6 metres high and 150 metres long…pretty awesome hey 
In 2013, Winsun successfully printed a batch of ten 3D residential houses, whereby they used a special ink made of cement, sand and fibre with a proprietary additive. Winsun has increased productivity and made it possible to save costs, a standard house can now be built for plus minus $30,000. Then the increase in the speed of construction is a huge factor as well, for example, the construction of a two-storey 1,100 sqm mansion took one day to print and two days to assemble…yes I know, incredible right!!

Winsun’s technology is also a lot more environmentally friendly. They source 50% of their ink material from construction waste and mining tailings.
The company’s most important showcase project was the company’s first 3D office. It opened in May 2016 in Dubai for the Dubai Future Foundation. The building was printed in Suzhou, cut into pieces for shipping and transported to Dubai. It was assembled and finished within a few weeks.

Now, the main challenge that faces 3D printing is the scepticism of designers, governments, project developers etc. For some it seems just too good to be true. Winsun then realised that they can win clients over by inviting them to their factory to view the prototypes with their own eyes. They are also collaborating with architects such as Cornell Design Institute, Tongji Design Institute and Jiaotong University to educate designers to incorporate the 3D-printed design into their work, as well as training architects with its textbook on 3D printing.
Below are a few amazing 3D buildings that have been built

Europe’s first residential 3D printed house
World’s first 3D hotel

And that is 3D concrete printing as I understand it and a bit of background into one of the world’s biggest 3D concrete printing companies, Winsun.

I hope your mind is as blown away as mine at the moment 😀

Now get cracking on your new 3D printing building.

Future of Construction

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About Bianca Edgcumbe

I started working at Leads 2 Business in May 2013 in the Africa Tenders Department. I worked my way to the Leads 2 Quotes Department in September 2016 and have been there ever since.

Industry Events: Interbuild Africa 2018 & International Information Security South Africa Conference

Industry Event: Interbuild Africa 2018 & International Information Security South Africa Conference

Construction Events


Interbuild Africa 2018


15 – 18 August 2018

Event location:

Expo Centre Nasrec, Johannesburg

Event Description:

The definitive showcase for the full spectrum of building, construction and related industries. These shows offer exhibitors unparalleled access to an international audience of key industry buyers and influential decision-makers. Take advantage of the opportunity to launch your latest products and innovations to a captive and specifically targeted industry audience. Come and meet the Leads 2 Business Team at Hall: 6 / Stand: D27.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 (0)10 003 3063
E-mail: https://www.interbuild.co.za/contact.php

Event Details:




17th International Information Security South Africa Conference


15 – 16 August 2018

Event location:

University of Pretoria, Hatfield campus

Event Description:

ISSA2018 is the annual conference for the information security community that continues on the successful recipe established in 2001.

Contact Details:

E-mail: loockm@unisa.ac.za

Event Details:


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

The Tiny House Movement

posted in: General 2

The Tiny House Movement BIM

When I thought of the Tiny House Movement, I thought of a smaller carbon footprint, lock-up and go, less cleaning, solar panels… Savings, savings, savings!
But, I wanted to know more about this very possible, future version of living!

So, off to trusty Google I went. Reading article after article about these little works of art…

There really is so much more to these little homes, than I imagined! On top of all of the above already mentioned incredible advantages, it is the labour and love that goes into these small structures.
I highly recommend following some of the links for further discovery of the opportunities that exist within this emerging real estate solution.

This is what I have gathered so far:

The Tiny House Movement

The Tiny House = Small (make that teeny, I mean anything smaller than 37 Square Meters, on the smaller studio size, but built with green and eco-mobility and sustainability in mind.
These Tiny houses, are not prefabricated, precast, container made residences. These are homes made with love, respect and have been created by some of the best problem solving minds in the industry.
The idea of the ‘home’ is evolving these days. Gone, are the days of buying the dream home, living there for 30-40 years, leaving the home to your kin to bring up with their kin and so it went on…

Nope! These days, people are upward and mobile! Millennials don’t buy homes with the plan of paying them off for the next 30 years, they buy homes with the idea of flipping them for a quick profit.

(This thinking has occurred with an unrealistic confidence born of regulatory practices within the financial industries over the last few decades). Instead of improving their lives as hoped and dreamed some quickly have found themselves in the quicksand of such long term loans with exponentially, expounding interest rates sky-rocketing into debt, ploughing into an uncertain future. The economic crashes we have seen in our lifetime, have been far more reaching than those of our predecessors.

Enter, these new Tiny options that could change that landscape.

Built with BIM (Building information modeling), these Tiny Homes, are finally offering some alternative options for people to have the opportunity to “own” their own space, They are well built, thoughtfully designed and paid off within two to five years.

It is a bachelor’s studio, but mobile, with the environment in mind, economic freedom and pretty much as low maintenance as you can get.  It is a marrying of machine and man, to be able to perfectly create liveable and sustainable living areas. Creative, functional, flexible, sustainable and environmentally more responsible. These homes could very well hold a massive stake in the housing market for our future generations.

Bear in mind, these tiny spaces may not be the answer for growing families, but for young individuals, and the elder alike, there now exists a real opportunity for one to have their own space – without the worries of a 30 year debt.

Most of these homes are bespoke in nature, and great detail is observed in creating these incredibly compact little residences.

Whilst still in infancy stages in South Africa, have a look at some of the below numbers and some of the pics of these little gems from the growing movement abroad. 😀



Business Insider
The Tiny Life
PBC Today

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About Nikki Blake

I am an Account Executive in our Gauteng branch. I have been with L2B for almost a year now and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am so passionate about people and being able to assist them grow their business with the use of our amazing system. It has not only given me an overwhelming sense of self fulfilment, but has also become my motivation to be the best person I can be each day. Thank you L2B and to all of our awesome clients!

Featured Tender: Upgrades and Additions of Dingukwazi Secondary School

Upgrades and Additions of Dingukwazi Secondary School

Qualified Electrical Contractors

Contract Number:



Independent Development Trust Kwa-Zulu Natal invites tenders for the Upgrades and Additions of Dingukwazi Secondary School.


Category Industry
Building Institutional & Renovations
Region Site Inspection
KwaZulu-Natal 2018-08-17 11:00
Closing Date Contract Period
31 August 2018 at 11:00 No Details


Please visi Leads 2 Business for the Upgrades and Additions of Dingukwazi Secondary School tender.
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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

All you need to know about Drone Surveying

All you need to know about Drone Surveying

What is surveying?

Surveying refers to the detailed inspection of an object or area. It is commonly used to investigate infrastructure, developments or to assist with mining activities.
There are many different forms of surveying, infra-red, aerial photography and sensing tools just to name a few.
These methods can be very costly and time consuming and in today’s times we need to be fast and cost effective. Drones now allow us to save time and money.

One of the more effective tools that allow you to obtain data a lot quicker and easier.

Today’s drone technology has many benefits.

  • Lower operational costs
  • Real-time reporting
  • Reliable data collection
  • A birds-eye-view of any terrain.

Here are a few ways drone surveying can save time and money, making any project more cost effective:


Now the question that everyone is asking…. What are the pros and cons of Drone Surveying??


  • EASE OF DEPLOYMENT: Drones are able to complete survey projects in half the time of any traditional surveying method. Traditional surveying that took several weeks can now be done in a few short days, allowing projects to be done in less time.
  • REDUCED RISK: Drones are able to go into harsh and hazardous terrains, allowing better collection of any data in any environment.
  • DETAILED DATA: Drones are able to capture high-resolution images as they are equipped with imaging software which makes it easy to turn images into a wide variety of geo-referenced 2D maps and 3D models.
  • WILDLIFE: Leads 2 Business are very passionate about saving Rhinos. Drone surveying greatly assists in the fight against rhino poaching and the protection of the environment.

There are some concerns when it comes to drone surveying.
Government can restrict drones to only fly in certain areas. There can be legal and financial implications for any persons that are found to be in violation.

Thus, in short, the Pros out way the Cons by far, as long as you have all your legalities in order!


Click here to watch Heart of a Ranger.

Airborne Drones
DC Geomatics
Planet In House
Grind Drone

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About Connie van Tonder

I started working at L2B in April 2017 as an Accounts Executive. Not knowing too much about the construction industry. Learning new things every day and enjoying every second of it. Loving what I do!

Industry Events: 100% Design South Africa & Interbuild Africa 2018

Industry Events: 100% Design South Africa & Interbuild Africa 2018

Construction Events


100% Design South Africa


8 – 12 August 2018

Event location:

Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand, Johannesburg

Event Description:

The design-led experiential show features office, residential and hospitality designers, with a focus on interiors.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 (0) 11 549 8300
E-mail: 100percent@reedexpoafrica.co.za

Event Details:




Interbuild Africa 2018


15 – 18 August 2018

Event location:

Expo Centre Nasrec, Johannesburg

Event Description:

The definitive showcase for the full spectrum of building, construction and related industries. These shows offer exhibitors unparalleled access to an international audience of key industry buyers and influential decision-makers. Take advantage of the opportunity to launch your latest products and innovations to a captive and specifically targeted industry audience.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 (0)10 003 3063
E-mail: https://www.interbuild.co.za/contact.php

Event Details:


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Where Construction & Technology Converge

posted in: General 0

Where Construction & Technology Converge

We live in a world where there is a technical solution for most of our problems.

You need fast communication, you no longer send a pigeon or letter, you pick up the phone or open your laptop and call, email, fax or send a message to someone. It is slowly becoming the same concept in the construction industry not only with technology but machinery as well.

Technology has reduced our life cycle as well as cost of a project drastically. Completion time, quality as well as safety have all improved through technology. Such improvements could not have come at a better time since construction projects are becoming increasingly complex and expensive putting construction teams under a great amount of pressure to reduce costs, time-lines and efficiency.

Many construction companies have begun incorporating new construction technologies into their daily activities and most of these daily activities consist of software or programmes for digital collaboration. A perfect example of this would be our very own Leads 2 Business information platform. Subscribers all over Southern Africa relay on Tender and Project information being published daily in order to attend Site meetings, meet Closing dates, obtain Bidders Lists, Site Attendance Registers and Bill of Quantities (BoQ’s).

Following Projects from Conceptual through to Completion on the L2B information platform can save a great amount of time, energy and costs.

A simple laptop or computer allows contractors as well as consultants to install many costing, design and performance programmes which allows them to use design, pre-construction or operations and management programmes, minimizing many obstacles along the way. Computer aided designing helps in flawless buildings as computer stimulation problems can be found and resolved before constructing buildings physically. Can you imagine building a whole puzzle only to find that you had one single puzzle piece place incorrectly? This would include you taking the whole puzzle apart only to reshuffle the whole puzzle to create your perfect complete picture.

With the economic challenges that are being faced, typically it is the companies that have the ability to adapt and utilize technological change that hold a huge competitive advantage over the rest of the construction companies. Technology has and will continue to become a strategic and long term asset for any construction company.


“Where can we find greater structural clarity than in the wooden buildings of old? Where else can we find such unity of material, construction and form? Here, the wisdom of whole generations is stored.”


Beyond Design
Construction Exec

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About Roxanne Mustard

My Name is Roxanne Mustard and I started working at Leads 2 Business in September 2016. My role in the Leads 2 Business team is as a Regional Content researcher in the Projects Department.

Featured Project: Pretoria Head & Neck Hospital

posted in: Featured Project 1

Pretoria Head & Neck Hospital

Golden Gate Dinosaur Centre

Construction of the proposed new 11 000m² special surgical Pretoria Head and Neck Hospital in Menlyn, Pretoria, Gauteng.


Status Region
Awarded Gauteng
Category Value
Building R100 Million+
Industry Timing
Healthcare August 2018 – February 2020 (18 Months)
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated


Pretoria Head & Neck Hospital


Please visit Leads 2 Business for more information on this Hospital.
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About Nadia Milln

My journey at Leads 2 Business all started back in September 2014 as a content researcher in the Daily Tenders Africa Department. In March 2018 I was promoted to content researcher in the Private Project department. I am a fun loving, bubbly person and mom to a beautiful baby boy who is the absolute light of my life.

Featured Tender: Panel of Cleaners for the Provision of Cleaning Services

Panel of Cleaners for the Provision of Cleaning Services

Qualified Electrical Contractors

Contract Number:

JDAFM-PoC-002/2018 – JDA


Panel of Cleaners for the Provision of Cleaning Services on an as and when basis for the Johannesburg Development Agency’s (JDA) Offices at The Bus Factory.


Category Industry
Facilities Management Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Gauteng 2018-08-07 10:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
31 August 2018 at 12:00 No Details


Please visit Leads 2 Business for more information on the Provision of Cleaning Services tender.
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About Antonette Claassens

I am a fanatical researcher who takes immense pride in the information I publish and those all-important finer details. When I'm not "researching up a storm", I love the ocean, fab music, and fine dining.

Disastrous Demolitions and Dodgy Detonations…

posted in: Did You Know 3

Disastrous Demolitions and Dodgy Detonations…

That old adage, ‘failing to plan, is planning to fail’ certainly has merit – but sometimes, no matter how well planned, things don’t go to plan.

You know how it goes… that coffee machine you installed, instructions so carefully followed, gurgles and empties it’s contents on the floor, your meticulously prepared presentation goes awry because of connection issues…
or the office printer keeps printing in a foreign language! “konnichiwhaaa..t?”

Things do go wrong, sometimes catastrophically… but there’s very little that’ll top a disastrous demolition.

Imagine watching your carefully laid plans fail and instead of a spectacular demolition, you're forced to stand by as the multi-story building topples over and starts rolling – towards another development!!

An 80-foot-tall factory building in Cankiri, Turkey topples over like a giant somersault instead of being demolished as expected.



Should I stay, or should I go…?

This 22-floor apartment building in Liuzhou, China was demolished to make room for a new real estate project in the city.

However, (who would have thought?) things didn't go exactly as planned.

Seconds after the initial blast, half of the building crashed to the ground as planned... but the other half remained standing, leaning ever so slightly to the side.

The second half has since been demolished with a crane.







The Red Road flats – Glasgow City.
Built in the 1960’s the Red Road flats in Glasgow City were earmarked for demolition in 2015.

Two of the six buildings in Red Road estate remained standing after they proved too resilient for planned demolitions.

Disruptions were caused for about 2500 residents living in the exclusion zone, who then faced delays in returning to their homes.

The demolition contractors confirmed the remaining two blocks were stable and would be demolished using routine machine demolitions.





Say again?   Repeating in Russia.

Trying – and failing – to demolish a building in Crimea Sevastopol.

 In a botch job of bad exploding, demolitionists rigged a 16-story building in Sevastopol, Crimea to blow, and could only make it lean.

Undaunted, the demolition team set another charge and succeeded in a second failed attempt.

The building was left teetering at a 70-degree angle.

The crew responsible for the controlled demo blamed the presence of nearby civilians for the failure, saying the structure was too close to a residential area, and the team couldn't use quite as much BOOM as they'd wanted, whereas another report from RT.com, a worker stated the reason being reinforced concrete, claiming the building could withstand a 10-magnitude earthquake.
Ultimately, a third explosion finished the job.

Wow - talk about a bad day at the office!

Hello Google…?:

Opening  up a whole new keg of dynamite are home demolitions.

In this next scenario, they were following instructions… literally, to the book;

Coming a close second to worst-scenario demolitions is getting a call from your neighbor… to say your house is being demolished!

Turns out the demolition company was misdirected by Google Maps…

It’s not an easy job for a demolition company, demolition work is one the most dangerous jobs in construction, with the highest injury rates. It’s never an exact science and difficulties arise from various factors, one being older developments, where there’s not a lot of historical information on the building.

Structural principals of the building are key for planning a demolition, the type of structure, where the supports are based, what types of demolition to best use, etc.

Deconstructing a building and allowing the contents to be sold for recycling or removing fixed machinery are factors that need be taken into consideration. Added to this, explosions can be caused by accidental detonations, gas build up (especially in the case of plants) or leaks from pipes.


Yip, there’s lot’s that can go wrong with demolitions… should you ever need a demolition job done, make sure you use a reputable company, so you won’t feature in the host of ‘Demolition fail’ videos on YouTube!

Please visit the Leads 2 Business Blog for more information on demolition.
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About Lee Finch

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in 2004 as an account executive. In 2006 I moved over to MAPRO (Marketing, Advertising and PRO), and in 2012 I became a Director. It’s exceptionally rewarding being a part of the Leads 2 Business team. I’m incredibly proud of the achievements and business ethos and I’ve always firmly believed we offer a valuable service, fine-tuned to our subscriber needs. I am a Mom of two beautiful children, a lover of human interaction, laughter and light, sprinkled with a generous dose of fun.

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