Construction of the hospitality component for the Cecilia Park Development, located on Remainder of the Farm Cecilia no. 2352; Remaining Extent of the Farm Bloemfontein no. 645 and Portion of the Farm Kwaggafontein no. 2300, on 166 ha of vacant land, near Langenhoven Park in Bloemfontein, Free State. The Project is to deliver 643 stands, consisting of a mix of residential; recreational and retail facilities; a hotel and boutique hotel, a place of assembly, business premises, a gymnasium and offices. Approximate GPS Coordinates: -29.121186, 26.158906.
Free State
Unknown at this stage
Hospitality & Leisure
2018 onwards
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Invited / Negotiated
If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details about this Project here
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Construction of a 100MW plant with parabolic troughs and a thermal energy storage capacity of 4.5 hours and will be located in the town of Kathu, near Upington, in Northern Cape Province. The project is situated on Farm Kathu No. 465, Kuruman RD. The property is situated approximately 3km to the north of Kathu (town). The access turns off to the property is situated approximately 11km from the Kathu town centre (via the N14 national road).
The question I get asked the most being a Projects researcher is… ‘What are Projects all about?‘.
It is early days in 2018 and my understanding levels are still rebooting after the holidays. I thought I would try and provide an explanation that may be a little tongue in cheek and also help people remember easily what Projects are all about. So, in my analogy, I decided to do a comparison between Projects and Fishing (in my head this means only fly fishing, but you can use most fishing for this analogy).
Projects vs Fishing
What happens in a Project? Well, we follow the full life cycle of the Project (think of it like your life, from birth until your eventual end). Now a Project can be broken into a few defining stages, which is how we put our information into groups to make it easier to follow, understand and find your best area of benefit from a business perspective. So without further adieu, here are the various stages broken down for your ease of reference.
This consists of the appointing of the Client or Developer, Feasibility study, acquiring of funding and Request for Proposals (RFP).
Your mind starts hatching a plan for getting away and going fishing. You are looking at your bank balance and wondering if this is a feasible decision.
Here the basic design is conceived along with the geotechnical study, EIA process, Town Planning and appointment of Professionals who will carry out these and other duties.
You begin to look at the calendar and note when the public holidays are, what the weather is expected to be at the time (we all know how that effects fishing), the distance needed to travel and the people that will be involved in this trip.
The detailed design is completed and the Bill of Quantities prepared.
You search fishing forums and websites, as well as Trip Advisor, Lodges and Google reviews for the best places to visit that, will supply your (fly) fishing needs.
The Project is sent to an Invited list of Bidders to Tender or goes out to Open Tender and once the Bids are received, negotiations with Contractors proceed.
You make a decision on where you are going to fish and stay; book and pay. You alight in your chariot with all the correct tackle and head to your destination.
The Main Contractor is Awarded and applies for permits to begin on site.
The weather is perfect, the fishing permit is in hand and as your line sinks into the watery depths, you feel a definite tug as you hook what feels like a bus of a fish.
The project is either classified as Complete, Cancelled or is Postponed.
You successfully land the fish, or you lose the fish. The line wraps around either a tree, gets stuck in the weed or the hook breaks and the fish lives to fight another day.
And there you have it! Projects explained in a fresh and easy way. Parcels of information that help your business get a foot in the door at the right time. If you want to find out which stages are the best for what you do, take a look at ‘At which point in the Project Life Cycle can your Business find Value‘.
If you want to take a look at the other services we provide, you can take a look at ‘Snoop our Services‘.
How many fish are you planning to catch this year? Which of those fish will keep your Business in the black? Maybe taking a look at our Project service will help your Business and get you out fishing more often. If you are interested, pop me a comment on the Blog with your mail address or mail me at and I will be sure to be in contact with you.
Construction of infrastructure and services for a cultural village including accommodation and tourism facilities located on Farm Moiloa 412-JO, Dinokana Village, near Zeerust, North West. GPS Co-ordinates: 25°27’22.74”S; 25°51’07.40”E
Hospitality & Leisure
Unknown At This Stage
If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here
Sometimes you have to start at the end to get to the beginning.
I have always found that worked better for me. Like anything worth it, there is a price to pay. So I wanted you to know from the start what most people would tell you at the end. You can have the Open Quotes subscription for R60 per month (which is the equivalent of two double cappuccinos a month).
Stick around and let me tell you three fundamental steps to finding and getting more construction work. Yes, I am talking Tenders, RFQ’s, Bill extracts and finding Awards. All that good stuff. So here we go….
If you are in our Construction directory, you may well receive RFQ’s from Buyers when they are Tendering. You can price back via email, fax (does that even still exist??) or do it online and gain a host of other benefits.
Aside from the benefits in the abovementioned picture, you can access Drawings, Specifications, and Bill extracts. You also have our handy calculator to add your rates when pricing online with the ability to stipulate whether labour is included in pricing. You can add comments to the Buyer as well as attach additional documents if you wish.
When you are in your account, your pricing is only visible to you, so what you price is confidential but still available 24/7 online via your secure password. Pretty neat hey? This means you can pretty much price anywhere quickly and efficiently and beat the deadlines, leaving you with extra time to get life done.
Think of all the trees you are saving too! No need to piles of paper that are easily blown away by the aircon in Summer.
A screenshot from behind the scenes gives you a bit of insight into your future pricing platform.
Got it? Step one – Check!
Step 2
Be in the Know
You heard it here first!
The power is in your hands. Now you can be like the Batman, Spiderman or Hulk of finding new business opportunities. You have an area on your Dashboard reflecting the most recent Bills that are being priced by Buyers that match your trades. From here you can price online, download the Bill and Drawings/Specifications too. Or if you are not keen, delete the opportunity from your Bills being priced Dashboard. You can use this to your advantage by proactively pricing to these Buyers to gain new work that you may not even have known about previously. You can also contact them and network. Let them know who you are and what your Company provides. It’s no longer passive marketing, but an active approach. All laid on a silver platter before you. Go get em, Tiger!
Got it? Step two – Check!
Step 3
Knowledge is Power
The Awards section. Yes indeed. Knowing who you can approach is all important. Now not only do you know that, but you can send your prices directly to them! Exactly. The Power is once again in your very eager and proactive hands. To price, all you have to do is identify which award matches what you can provide and click on it. You will recognise the distinctive pricing pages along with the options to insert your T&C’s, notes and documents you may need to send.
Funnily, as knowledge goes, it really isn’t all that difficult or complicated. It basically comes down to converting opportunities. Who better than to do it than you? The one who has the experience, passion and drive to succeed. So take the opportunities and run with them. Run Forest Run! Go get those business opportunities and lock them in.
Like I said at the start, sometimes it is easier to start at the end. You can have this all for R60 per month fee.
If you are keen to find out more, you can fill in the form below and we will contact you. Easy Peasy 🙂
Description: Construction of infrastructure and services for the Blydeville Extension 4 mixed use development located on Portion 1 of Farm Rietdraai 51 IP, North West Province.
Status: Procedural
Industry: Infrastructure
Region: North West
Sector: Private
Value: Unknown At This Stage
Timing: 2017 onwards
Notes: The EIA report is being compiled.
If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here
Have you ever had the experience when you pop onto a website on your mobile (cell phone) or tablet and have to constantly keep scrolling left to right and up and down just to get around? You keep adjusting the fields making them bigger and smaller to type your data in? It can be a real pain. I know, #firstworldproblems right? But it can be truly frustrating for a Client or prospective Client. One that may just end up having them decide it is all too much like hard work and leave your website in search of something simpler. So what is mobile friendly? In layman’s terms, it means that you can view the website on various devices, i.e. cellphone, tablet, laptop, note…. So how do you get the website to do that? This is referred to as Responsive Web Design.
Responsive Design
According to Wikipedia responsive web design can be defined asan approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop web pages to be viewed in response to the size of the screen or web browser one is viewing with.
Just what I said 🙂
But to make it easier for those that are a little more visual…
So what does this mean for you?
Basically, L2B’s development team got together and went through our website page by page, feature by feature and designed our new website to be responsive. What this in essence means is that we made sure that you have access to all your favourite bits as well as the other favourite bits that you couldn’t access on the previous app. We want to make sure that wherever you are (provided your cell network providers are giving you Internet access) and whatever you need to do on our website, you have access to it. That is exactly what our team have done. Now, it doesn’t matter if you have a cellphone or a laptop or a tablet or a Note …. you have us in the palm of your hand helping you keep up with the Industry.
Just in case you want to test it out… why don’t you try our handy help video library and see what you think. You can access it by clicking here – Help Library
Otherwise, call us on 0860 836 337 or mail us on .
Until then, see you next time 🙂
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.
I think most people like to think of themselves as Artists. Or at least like to feel they are creative in some way (don’t burst my bubble). There are some people who make finding and doing business a work of art. It is done with such eloquence and momentum that it feels seamless. I often wonder what it would feel like to have that skill?
With that in mind, I decided to put some facts together to keep a reminder for myself on how finding business can be an art form I can cultivate….
Without further ado ladies and gentleman, please find your creative notes below :
I hope this has been helpful to you. Please feel free to share this to any business groups and please comment on anything you utilised to find business in your industry. Until next time … 🙂
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.