Coding Explained (for non Developers)

posted in: General 1

A bunch of random numbers, gibberish that doesn’t make sense but can produce life-changing applications in desktop, mobile and webspace.

This is usually the flow in conversations I have with my non-developer friends when discussing computer programming. For non-developers, this world can be quite intimidating and understandably so I will use a simple Console App program, that calculates the end user’s age.

Let’s first identify all the tools we need to assemble a Console App program. So, all we need to install is Microsoft Visual Studio on our Windows system that meets the minimum requirements. Once installed, we can launch Microsoft Visual Studio and then create a Console Application project, selecting C# as our preferred programming language.

After which we will be presented with a similar code snippet, as below:

.Net Class Library – The “using” statement is used to import the .Net Framework modules that are required to run code on a Windows system.
Open & Close – We use containers a lot to segment code and these segments are scoped by open “{” and “}” close curly braces.
Namespace – This is a container that encapsulates classes.
Class – All code needs to be logically defined in a module called a “class”.
Method Name – This is the code block that contains all the statements and in a Console App program, this is the code block that gets executed first.
Comment – This is the non-executed text that is used to explain the source code.
Console.Write/WriteLine – “Console.Write” renders text inline and “Console.WriteLine” renders text on a new line.
Console.ReadLine – Gets user input.
int yourBirthYear – We declare a variable called “yourBirthYear” that stores an integer(numeric) value.
Convert.ToInt32 – A method used to convert text to an integer.
int yourAge = todaysYear – yourBirthYear – Finally we calculate your age, we take today’s year derived from the Windows system and then subtract the year captured by the end-user. The result gets stored in an integer variable called “yourAge”, which gets printed on the next line.

We can now press F5 to execute the above Console App program. Pending there are no errors in our source code, the below snippet will pop up. Prompting the end-user to enter the year there were born.

At this stage, we have successfully built our first computer program.

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About Andile Shange

I'm a Software Developer at Leads 2 Business since 02 June 2014.

Featured Project: 390MW Atinkou Power Plant, Jacqueville, Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast – PPA 23174

Construction and operation of the Ciprel V 390 MW natural gas-fired power plant in Jacqueville, 50 km west of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The Project is designed as a combined cycle including: a 265 MW gas turbine and a 125 MW steam turbine as well as the balance of plant including the closed-circuit water-cooling system (forced-draft), water treatment plant (including demineralization processes), effluent treatment and sewage treatment plant, lubrication system, compressed air system and fire extinguishing infrastructures and administrative buildings. The plant will be connected to the network through a 400kV switch yard that will be constructed on a parcel adjacent to the project site. The raw water will be supplied from boreholes and stored within the raw water/fire water tank. The entire project is to be built on a new site and will be constructed and operated under a 20-year Build-Own-Operate-Transfer concession agreement. The project cost is valued at €404 million. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is 5.2568001, -4.3295238


Status Region
Underway Ivory Coast
Category Value
Building R 200 Million+
Industry Timing
Power Grid 2019 onwards (duration of contract 27 months)
Sector Class
Public Private Partnership Invited/Negotiated


If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details about this Featured Project here.
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About Minnie Zondi

I am an insanely optimistic ambivert that does everything from the heart instead of the mind. Deeply interested in people and matters that pertain to mankind.

L2B Opportunities created in the last 30 Days – October 2021

posted in: General 0

Our comprehensive, online, resource platform delivers daily leads to help you make informed business decisions. Find construction Tenders and Projects within the building, infrastructure, mining, and industrial sectors. Opportunities are researched throughout South Africa and Africa. We put new business prospect leads within your reach.

Leads 2 Business Opportunities we have created in the last 30 Days: for more information check out our Pricing Page.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

L2B Subscription Form FAQs

posted in: How To 0

The purpose of the L2B Subscription Forms is to collect relevant and required information to

  • A: Load company details onto our database
  • B: Set up the users profile to ensure that clients receive leads of interest ergo derive maximum value from the L2B Subscription
  • C: Ensure correct billing info (Tax Invoices) preferred and agreed to bill terms (frequency and method) are followed
  • D: To record the client’s acceptance of L2B T’s and C’s with regards to the use of information, account arrears, and cancellation procedures

“One of the internet’s strengths is its ability to help consumers find the right needle in a digital haystack of data” – Jared Sandberg

It is imperative to provide L2B with accurate company information when completing subscription forms.

This information is vital in building a unique profile for receipt of relevant leads and ensures an accurate and true listing of your Company on L2B. This, in turn, represents your company to the public and private sector in the construction and related industries across SA and Africa, therein awarding clients the added benefit of accurate exposure which results in additional opportunities.

FAQs surrounding L2B Forms for Debit Order and Direct Deposit Billing

1. Do we have to complete all fields?

Yes: all fields should be completed in full.
All fields on the L2B Forms are there for a reason – by design, to obtain the most important and relevant information for Account, Profile, and Directory.
Depending on the Subscription Choice and Billing option Forms consist of 2 to 4 pages on average, which can be completed in under 15 minutes.

2. Our scanner/fax machine is not working/no access to scanning/fax machine facilities (A) can we take photos of the Forms and email them? (B) Do you accept forms in any format?

(A) Yes: in specific circumstances, we will accept photo’s of each page, provided that the image is clear, and in good condition with all the text readable, and the form signed
(B) Yes: we accept various formats to accommodate clients. The only condition is that Forms are completed clearly and legibly.

*Unclear/incomplete Forms cause incomplete/incorrect capturing of information, resulting in misrepresentation, missed opportunities/leads, and errors on Tax Invoices

3. What additional/supporting documents should be submitted?

No additional/supporting documents are required: unless it is proof of payment for Direct Deposit to ensure immediate activation.

4. What/who qualifies as an Authorised Signatory?

Direct Deposit: The Company Representative responsible for payments/signs off and approves payments on the company’s behalf
Debit Order:  The Company Representative with signing power on the Company Bank Account (if deductions are on a Personal Bank Account then only the Account Holder can sign off as Authorised Signatory)

5. Do you accept the Signatory Name and Surname details completed as initials and surname?

No: Initials with Surname Format will not be accepted (‘J.J. Soap’  is invalid)
Signatory details have to be completed with the First Name/s and Surname written out in full (‘John Joe Soap’ is valid)

6. (A) Do you accept Digital Signatures? (B) Can we digitally complete subscription forms?

(A) No: All Forms have to be signed by hand and initialed in the relevant fields by hand (no typed/digital Initials/Signatures)
(B) Yes: You may complete forms digitally, BUT you will still be required to then print the forms to sign and initial as per above.

7. Is a ‘PP’ signature accepted in place of the Authorised Signatory’s signature?

No: Signatures in PP capacity isn’t permitted. The Signature/Initials has to match details listed as Authorised Signatory on the forms (no exceptions).

8. Can we run our Debit Order on any day of the month?

No: Debit Order Deduction runs twice a month only (Mid-Month (15th) and Month-End (last working day).

9. Where do we add the info for Invoicing?

The section below ‘Details Completed by Accounts Department’ heading on Pg 1 of all Subscription forms is the information that will reflect on Tax Invoices.

10. Billing Frequency: Monthly vs Month-to-Month notes

Direct Deposit Forms indicate Annual Rates only. To sign up on Monthly Billing (or Quarterly/Bi-Annual), stipulate ‘Monthly Payments’ in the notes.

All subscriptions remain ongoing with 14 days written notice for cancellation even though the billing frequency is on a monthly basis. There is no ‘Month-to Month’ payment terms whereby a subscription runs on a “no payment equals no access” basis.
If payment is not received, with no written notice to cancel/suspend in advance, the monthly subscription will remain active, and the account will be billed in arrears which then has to be settled in full with a 1-month payment in advance before re-activation.
“Month-to-Month’ notes on subscription forms will not be accepted as it can be interpreted as something other than billing on a monthly frequency and on an ongoing basis, thus it is required to add “monthly billing/EFT” in the notes for sign-up on Monthly Billing Terms.

11. Can we subscribe for a set period only?

Yes: This option is available and can be indicated in the notes, for example: ‘6 Months Subscription Period’ and/or ‘Annual Subscription: 12 Months Subscription Period only’. You may define further by stating your subscription period, at per month billing or once off payment: ‘6 Months Subscription Period at 6 x Monthly Payments’ or ‘6 months Subscription Period at once off bi-annual payment’.
Should you wish to continue after the set/limited subscription period expires, a new agreement will need to be signed, reverting account billing to the standard ongoing subscription terms for which 14 days written notice will be required/applicable for cancellation.

12. Can we remove Terms and Conditions that we feel are not applicable to our company?

No: Regretfully not. No alternations to Terms and Conditions will be accepted
Should you have any reservations with regards to the Terms and Conditions, and wish to discuss and obtain more information before signing, please contact L2B Accounts or Registrations Department.

13. If we are subscribing for a set/limited period, the 14 days written notice would not apply. Can we remove this from the Terms & Conditions?

No: Terms and Conditions cannot be altered under any circumstances. If you have instructed a set/limited subscription period in the notes of your signed subscription forms, stating “cancel after 6 months subscription period” – then this will substitute as your written notice to cancel. For ease of mind, clients can email L2B Accounts after activation, requesting written confirmation that the request on the agreement to cancel the subscription after the set subscription period has been received and accepted as written notice to cancel, ensuring no additional charges will incur after the limited subscription period.

14. My subscription choice and/or preferred billing option are not indicated on the subscription forms. How do I proceed?

Stipulate custom packages and/or specific billing requirements in the notes section next to the subscription choices. Add detailed notes which reflects the Service, Billing Option and Frequency plus the Rates defined as EX VAT or INCL VAT (Please check with your L2B Representative, or Contact L2B Accounts or Registrations for direction in adding accurate notes)

15. What is the importance of the Company CK/CC Registration Number and the Authorised Signatory ID Number?

*Completion of both Company CK/CC Reg Number and the Authorised Signatory ID Number is preferred if applicable, however by MINIMUM requirement it is compulsory to complete at least 1 of the 2 fields.

(A) In the event you have no Company CK/CC Reg Number, it is compulsory to add the Signatory ID Number in the field provided below the signatory details
(B) If the Authorised Signatory does not have an ID Number or does not want to disclose their ID Number it is then compulsory to complete the Company CK/CC Registration number in the field provided.

(C) In the event you have no Company CK/CC Reg Nr and no Signatory ID Number available to add (non-SA Subscribers) the Signatory can then add their Passport Number in the ID Number field as a substitute.

  • L2B Sub Forms are a legal document, therefore, it is compulsory for the Authorised Signatory to initial next to any/all alterations and/or corrections made to the document
  • For a Scheduled Start Date – complete the ‘Subscription Start Date’ field with the preferred date for activation (If left blank activation will default to immediate)
  • Complete all contact and company details fields. If a field is not applicable to your company specify ‘n/a’ (Forms with blank fields will be resent as incomplete)
  • The contact signing as Authorised Signatory is responsible to initial in all ‘Initial Here’ fields, and next to any alterations/corrections (Signatory details has to be completed in full listing the First Name written out with the Surname, Email, Designation, and ID Number)
  • Cancellations must be submitted to, in writing with 14 days notice and a reason for canceling
  • L2B Accounts will respond to confirm receipt of cancellation with a final deactivation date (If not received within 7 days, a follow-up confirmation is recommended)
  • If a credit on the account exceeds the value of fourteen (14) days subscription period, then the account will be deactivated at the end of the paid-for period
  • To unsubscribe a Debit Order Account we require fourteen (14) days notice prior to the next debit run
  • Cancellations made directly with the Bank (debit instructions) won’t suffice as a cancellation of your L2B Agreement. The L2B Account will remain active and possibly run into arrears which then has to be settled.

Please visit Leads 2 Business for more information | View Services & Rates | Explore Leads | Download Subscription Forms

We respect your privacy and will not disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes if you have requested us not to do so (which you are able to do at any time).  The manner in which we use your information is regulated in more detail as described in our Privacy Policy.

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About Jackie Van Zyl

My epic journey at Leads 2 Business started September 2008, as a Researcher / Data Capturer in the Tenders Africa Department. I joined Customer Relations in 2011, where I have had the great pleasure of being part of the Dynamic L2B Admin Department [From 2011 to present]. I deal with the Registration and Administration details of New Account Activations, and Existing Account Upgrades, etc. I also assist with client & staff queries. I’m a ‘think-out-of-the-box’ individual and an excellent problem solver. I am hardworking, meticulous, efficient, friendly and always happy to help! I look forward in assisting you with any queries you might have

Stay Driven & Plan for 2022

posted in: General 0

In order to stay driven and motivated at year-end, think back on what you have accomplished throughout the year so far.

Look at the goals you are near to achieving. Remind yourself how well you have done and how close you are to completing your goals. Motivational self-talk helps.

Lean on your Support System. Stay connected, stay in touch with friends and family that will keep you motivated and support you.

Remember to ask for help if you need it. Asking for help develops relationships, improves resilience, develops a growth mindset, improves mental health, and shows maturity.

When planning for 2022, don’t get discouraged; take smaller steps, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Make sure to give yourself time and space to accomplish your goals, be realistic.

Whenever you are setting goals, be willing to change the direction. Remember to plan and prioritize in order to keep things manageable.

Ask yourself: Is this goal relevant? Is this something I intend to accomplish in the future? What is the purpose of this goal? Is this goal reasonable and attainable?


Remember, motivation starts within. Find what works for you.

Never forget that you may fall and trip along the way, but keep your head up high and keep going! Stay focused on the bigger picture and visualize yourself succeeding.

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About Robyn Moffett

I am a relaxed person that likes to get to know the people around me. I am independent and strong-willed but kind.

Featured Tender: Construction of Silulu Secondary School

Mpumalanga – DTA 890369

Contract Number:

PWRT/2487/21/MP – Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport


Bids are invited for the Construction of Silulu Secondary School, in Naas Kamaqhekeza, Nkomazi Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province.

Category Industry
Building Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Mpumalanga 18 October 2021 at 10:00
Closing Date Contract Period
15 November 2021 at 12:00 No Details

Please visit Leads 2 Business for more information on this Tender Notice.
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To view more Featured Tenders, please visit our Leads 2 Business Blog.

How To: View Billing Info

View this quick video tutorial from The How-To Series – How To: View Billing Information
(Duration 1 min 22 seconds)
View All your Billing Information including current Invoices, Payment History, Make a payment and uploaded a POP.

Do you have a ‘How To’ you’d like us to cover? Leave a comment and let us know.

Check out more content here

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To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Staff Spotlight: Wendy de Wet

posted in: Staff Spotlight 2

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About Wendy De Wet

I joined Leads 2 Business as an Account Executive in July 2011 and was part of the dynamic sales team in JHB for 2 years. I relocated to the beautiful city of Durban in 2013 and absolutely love KZN. I am very proud to be part of the L2B family and Legacy!

Technology for Small Businesses

posted in: General 12

The best thing about technology is that we are able to connect and communicate with people from all over the world, right at our fingertips. Not only do we use this for ourselves but our business as well. Technology is an easy and great way to touch base with employees and clients. This gives your company a competitive edge and puts you in the lead. It is convenient, simple, cost-effective and economical for all companies.

Even something as simple as sending a company newsletter or email to customers can lead to the growth of your business.

Small businesses rely on technology to help them operate on a daily basis. This includes computers, printers, online storage and web-based applications.

10 Ways to Enhance a Small Business using Technology

1) Marketing Tactics

Small businesses would need to look at and compile some marketing techniques for their new business. Technology can assist you in honing in on those techniques/skills and help your company grow.

Simple and easy marketing ideas include the creation of a company website, reviewing and mastering your email skills, use of social media to promote your company etc.

Building your own company website will provide prospective and current clients with an idea of what your company does, where to locate you and how to contact you. A website makes your company look reputable, creditable and well established.

2) Social Media

In my opinion, using social media and digital marketing is the BEST way to grow a small business. Businesses are no longer physically advertised as there is no longer a need. It is more cost-effective and easier to use online technology.

Social media not only allows you to connect with people in your area but the whole world. Anyone is able to easily locate your company online and make contact with you at the click of a button.

With social media platforms, you can advertise and promote your business online. A new small business should create pages on various platforms whereby people can like, share, follow and interact with you. The most used platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Google +

Whatsapp is also fast becoming a way of communication for a small business. Whatsapp has come up with a Business Whatsapp especially for this. Small businesses can track clients queries, orders and payments. You can also have your product list available for viewing or downloading.

Start a Company Blog, like us here at Leads 2 Business, where we relate to our business and clients.

Link all your apps and use your mobile to stay connected while on the go.

3) Remote Working

Thanks to the internet and technology, we are able to work from home and connect with like-minded people. With a new emerging small business, this is fantastic news as you are able to keep your start-up costs down as there is no need to rent a separate office space for you and your team.

The COVID-19 pandemic has added to the working remotely trend which has a range of pros including lowered costs, increased flexibility, greater productivity and increased wellbeing.

Technology allows you to connect with your team via Zoom or Teams or any other online platform where you can touch base or assist where need be. Not only with employees but clients and customers as well. You could also make use of a virtual phone number.

4) Productivity Techniques

Time management has always come into play when it comes to a business. There are many tools and apps available for time management/time tracking for small businesses. You can also make use of to-do lists, reminders and online calendars.

5) Technology Security

There are many benefits for a small business owner using technology to benefit and grow their company. One of the other benefits is improved security. The technology could be used to prevent hacking or any breach of security with active passwords and firewalls. It protects small businesses valuable and private information.

6) Cloud features.

A very beneficial tool of technology is the Cloud and Cloud features. This can reduce the number of software and computer applications your company needs in the long run. The Cloud is essential for data storage, backups, collection of documents, spreadsheets and images not only for the individual but for team collaborations/projects as well.

It is easily accessible by a shareable link which can be accessed by yourself and your team at any location on any device such as your mobile, laptop, PC or tablet.

7) Customer Service

I believe that customer service is a lifeline of any business. Clients are the ones who are investing their energy, time and money into your business. It is essential to take care of these clients and make them a priority and follow up with them making sure they are happy with the products and service they are receiving.

You can make contact with your clients via telephone or achieve this by using technology and social media. With Facebook, Linkedin other platforms there is an inbox messaging system that customers can use to enquire about your product. Facebook also is linked to your WhatsApp, so the customer can choose to whatsapp your business directly.

You can also set up a feedback or ticket system to handle customer concerns. Some features allow clients to request appointments online. You can also compile questionnaires & surveys to obtain customer feedback.


8) Emailing

An email is an ongoing form of communication that everyone uses. We need to look at how to control the influx of emails and work on improving our productivity. How to organise, tag, flag and reply to emails. Create a system that is tailor-made to your needs and suits you.

8.1. Turn off email notifications, on both your computer and mobile, after office hours to avoid disruptions and distractions.

8.2. Decide how to use your inbox. Using personalised colour coded tags works for me.

8.3. Update your Whitelists & Blacklists frequently. You can blacklist or block spam addresses as well as list safe addresses to ensure all important messages come through.

8.4. Unsubscribe to unwanted emails. Limit newsletters and automated messages that flood or take up your inbox.

8.5. Set up your email signature. Having a company email signature is super important and makes your company stand out. Start with the basics by including your full name, job title, company address, phone number and link to your website. In here you can add the social media icons of which platforms your company is on. You could also add an image, banner or GIF.

8.6. Email Etiquette can set you apart from the rest. It is simple yet effective.

– Use a simple catchy subject line.

– Use a standard font.

– Address your new customer formally

– Structure your message clearly.

– Always proofread your email carefully and use spell check

– Include your signature

9) Financial

There are many tools that you can use in your small business from helping you to identify wasteful spending within the company as well as provide diverse payment options.

– Credit cards are a great way of conducting money transactions. They are not connected to your bank accounts, making them very safe to use. A small business can apply for a Business Credit Card from their Bank or a preferred credit provider. FNB offers a great Business Credit Card solution with benefits and rewards. If there are any disputed transactions, your card issuer can freeze these transactions. If your card has been compromised, you will be notified via a fraud alert however, chip technology makes it harder to steal your credit card information.

– Online invoice service. This can reduce the costs incurred when collecting payment from customers

– Online budget app. Can help you keep onto of your expenses and see where all your money is going.

– File your taxes online and on time

– Create a new income stream by selling your products online on your website, Facebook and other platforms previously mentioned.

– Download accounting software to streamline your business finances. You can also share digital files with your accountant or bookkeeper.

– Offer your customers an online payment option for ease of payment.

– Use your phone to make payments. FNB offers a Virtual Card option whereby you tap your phone at places of business to make payments.

Close up hand of customer paying with a smartphone. Cashier hand holding credit card reader machine and wearing protective disposable gloves at the bar counter, while client holding the phone for NFC payment. Women wearing a face mask while paying bills with mobile phones during the Covid-19 pandemic.

10) Influencer Marketing

Consumer habits are moving away from the more traditional media like TV and Radio towards online content. The methods of promotion have also shifted and modernised. There are loads of influencers are on Facebook small businesses should take advantage of this opportunity and collaborate with these influencers to promote their company online. Like the comedian Kevin Fraser who promotes Westpack Lifestyle on Facebook.


While some people may not like change and find that this can confuse or be difficult, it also creates opportunities. Small businesses that use new technology have achieved a lot of positive outcomes such as happier clients and employees, efficient and streamlined processes, and lower costs and higher quality content.

Get with the times 😉

The Balance MB
Small Business
Industry Today

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About Michelle Crosby

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in the Directory Department in 2012. I was then promoted to the Private Projects Department in 2014 and was recently promoted to Projects HOD this year.

Reasons to Feature your Company with L2B

Why should you Feature your Company with Leads 2 Business?

Well, why not?

It is a free service we offer our clients to be noticed!

As a supplement to our blog, we have the Featured Company slot which introduces you, an L2B subscriber – who you are and what you do. Featured Company slots are s a great opportunity for you to promote your company while informing readers which industry you operate in, what your core services or products are, etc.

Your Featured Company can be shared on your social media profiles and work circles – resulting in more views with the added bonus that others in similar industries will be alerted to these offerings too.

Don’t wait, contact us now to Feature your Company so that others can get to know you too.

What we need from you for a Featured Company (Subscriber):

The required information can be completed telephonically or face-to-face during a CRM call, or via email. It is all up to you. Questions can also be adapted to your unique profile.

Firstly some basics:

  1. Full Company Name (as you wish it to be displayed include cc, pty, ltd if relevent)
  2. Company Logo (large png or jpeg & on a transparent background is preferred)
  3. Picture of Person/Contact (large, clear & professional)

Secondly more in-depth:

  1. Contacts Name & Designation
  2. Contact Details (Tel numbers, website, Address/Branch locations, and serviceable regions)
  3. A little about Yourself: personal and/or professional information about you
  4. Job Description: what your work entails
  5. Company Description: products/services offered
  6. When you joined L2B
  7. Why you joined L2B what prompted it/what service you use/ or feature/s you may like
  8. How you use L2B for your business – i.e. find Projects in Africa/Key Contacts/Market Intelligence
  9. Recent awards/projects you were involved with.
  10. Favourite thing about working in the Building & Construction Industry? *
  11. Something light-hearted: Have you ever driven a TLB? Are you afraid of heights? / How many hard hats do you own / etc.
  12. Do you have any relateable industry-relevant experience you’d like to chat about or share?


What we need from you for a Featured Company (Product/Service Only):

The required information can be completed telephonically or face-to-face during a CRM call, or via email. It is all up to you. Questions can also be adapted to your unique profile.

Firstly some basics:

  1. Full Company Name (as you wish it to be displayed)
  2. Company Logo (large & on a transparent background is preferred)
  3. Picture of Person/Contact (large, clear & professional)

Secondly more in-depth:

  1. Product/Service Range
  2. Industries you market your product/service to
  3. Where/How your products/services are used
  4. How does your company make or intend to make use of L2B? which L2B features do you like/use the most or are most excited to use
  5. Benefits and points of differentiation? What makes your product Unique

Once the necessary is supplied, we will send the article to you to proof prior to publishing.

View our previous Featured Companies here or submit your details today to be Featured:

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About Christine Brooks

My journey started in 2015 with Leads 2 Business, as an Account Executive, and gradually grown to take the role of being the Client Liaison Officer (CLO) since 2018. Assisting in the delivery of our services and insuring our clients expectations and requirements are exceeded.

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