FEATURED TENDER: Procurement of a Prospective Independent Power Producer (IPP) to Design, Finance, Construct, Own, Operate, Maintain and Decommission at the End of Its Economic Life, a 100 MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Letlhakane, Botswana

Botswana – PPA1035073

Contract Number:

MME/PEDU/3/4/24-25 – Ministry of Minerals and Energy


A Works Contract for the Procurement of a Prospective Independent Power Producer (IPP) to Design, Finance, Construct, Own, Operate, Maintain and Decommission at the End of Its Economic Life (Minimum 25 Years) a 100 MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Letlhakane Botswan.

Category Industry
Consultants, Alternate Energy Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Botswana 2024-08-02 9:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
04 September 2024 at 10:00 (Local Time) No Details

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Featured Tender: Construction of SADC Fisheries Monitoring Control and Surveillance Coordination Center (MCSCC)

Mozambique – DTA 997104

Contract Number:

MZ-PROAZUL-358784-CW-RFB-2 – FP Blue Economy Development Fund (ProAzul)


The Government of Mozambique (GoM) is implementing the Sustainable Rural Economy Project (MozRural), which is the first phase of a programmatic and multi-phased approach, which aims to increase productivity and market access for target beneficiaries and improve natural resource management practices in selected project areas. The Blue Economy Development Fund (ProAzul, FP) intends to apply part of the financial resources from the MozRural Project to the construction of the SADC Regional Fisheries Coordination, Monitoring, Control and Inspection Center (MCSCC). ProAzul, FP invites potential eligible bidders to submit sealed proposals for the construction of the aforementioned center.

Category Industry
Building Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Mozambique 2023-11-06 11:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
13 November 2023 at 11:00 (Local Time) No Details

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Featured Tender: Revised Open-Pit Contract Mining Services to Namdini Mine

Ghana – DTA 984336

Contract Number:

CNML/WRKS/2023 – Cardinal Namdini Mining Limited


Cardinal Namdini Mining Limited (CNML), owners of the Namdini Gold Project located near the village of Biung within the Talensi District in the Upper East Region, intends to apply part of its funds to cover payments for Revised Open-Pit Contract Mining Services to Namdini Mine. CNML now invites sealed tenders from eligible tenderers for the above works.

Category Industry
Infrastructure Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Ghana No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
11 September 2023 at 17:00 (Local Time) No Details

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Featured Tender: Procurement of Migration of E-Services System

Botswana – DTA 975274

Contract Number:

MESD/DTEF/SERV/02/23-24 – Department of Tertiary Education Financing in the Ministry of Education and Skills Development


Sealed tender offers are invited for the provision of migration of E-Services System, Integration of Student Loan Management System (SLMS) and E-Services System into a new System, enhancement of proposed new system and the provision of thirty-six (36) months system support and maintenance service for new system for the Department of Tertiary Education Financing (DTEF).

Category Industry
IT & Telecom Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Botswana 2023-07-07 10:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
31 July 2023 at 10:00 (Local Time) 36 Months

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Featured Tender: New Permanent way Tamping Machine

Tanzania – DTA 941834

Contract Number:

AE/130/HQ/2022-23/G/05 – Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority


The Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority now invites sealed Tenders from eligible Suppliers for carrying out the Supply, Test, Train and Commission of New Permanent way Tamping Machine

Category Industry
Plant & Machinery Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Namibia, Tanzania No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
08 December 2022 at 10:00 (Local Time) Financial year 2022-2023

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Featured Tender: Expression of Interest for Murorwe Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation Civil Works Supervisor

Mozambique – DTA 938593

Contract Number:

RDGS/AHAI/RDRI/RDTS/COZW/COMZ/COMWDEPARTMENTSEOI092/PCIREP/GREPOC/SERVICES/22 (Expression of Interest) – Instituto Nacional de Irrigacao


The Supervision services of the Murorwe Irrigation Scheme Rehab Civil Works under this contract are to be performed by an Individual Consultant, comprehending undertaking the construction supervision of the Murorwe Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation and its ancillary works are implemented according to the Contract in an orderly manner with a high standard of workmanship and specified quality of materials within the scheduled construction period and in conformity with the approved drawings, specifications and contract management and acceptable environmental standards and in accordance with the Client’s requirements. The assignment shall be carried in the Civil Works site, Sussundenga District, Manica Province, area of 124ha. INIR now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CV; certificates/diplomas of academic qualification, and professional training certificates, description of general experience and experience in similar assignments). The use of English language is mandatory.

Category Industry
Consultants Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Mozambique No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
12 October 2022 at 10:30 (Local Time) 12 Months

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Featured Tender: Supply of Wire Products, Mesh, Binding Wires and Metal Poles

GHana – DTA 929162

Contract Number:

GH-EPA-307283-GO-RFB – Environmental Protection Agency


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Project Coordinating Unit has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Ghana Landscape Restoration and Small-Scale Mining Project (GLRSSMP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under Call-off Contracts that may be awarded under the Framework Agreement (FA) for the Supply of Wire Products, Mesh, Binding Wires and Metal Poles for Rangelands, Savannah and Transitional sub-projects, Cashew agroforestry and Fodder banks to be concluded through this RFB Primary Procurement process. For this contract, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the World Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing, except for those payments, which the contract provides to be made through letter of credit. The Procuring Agency is undertaking the Primary Procurement with a view to concluding a Framework Agreement. The Procuring Agency is the sole Purchaser under the Framework Agreement(s). The Procuring Agency now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Supply of Wire Products, Mesh, Binding Wires and Metal Poles for Rangelands, Savannah and Transitional sub-projects, Cashew agroforestry and Fodder banks as follows: Chicken wire/wire mesh (9,513.61 Bundles) and Binding wire (1,465.15 Pieces).

Category Industry
Materials & Supplies Institutional, Mining
Region Site Inspection
Ghana No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
01 September 2022 at 12:00 (Local Time) 18 Months

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Featured Tender: Procurement of Sewer Construction Works at Botswana National Youth Council BNYC

Contract Number:

MYSCCS/WORKS/05/2022-2023 – Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Facilities Management Unit


Tender offers are invited from 100% citizen owned companies for the procurement of sewer construction works at Botswana National Youth Council for Ministry of Youth. Gender. Sport and Culture.

Category Industry
Infrastructure Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Botswana 2022-07-13 02:00 PM
Closing Date Contract Period
29 July 2022 at 10:00 (Local Time) No Details

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