Industry Events: Leads 2 Business 12th Annual Construction-Industry golf day


Leads 2 Business 12th Annual Construction-Industry golf day



Friday, 14 July 2017 from 09:30


Event location:

Randpark Golf Club, Firethorn course


Event Description:

The Leads 2 Business 12th Annual Construction-Industry golf day is an opportunity to spend the day with construction industry peers at the Randpark Club and as always, our sponsors have wasted no efforts to ensure you have a great time. There will be competitions and giveaways, plus we’ll be hosting another Hole-in-one Competition. Get a hole-in-one and drive home in a brand new Audi Q2… yours to keep!


Please contact Lee Finch on

About Lee Finch

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in 2004 as an account executive. In 2006 I moved over to MAPRO (Marketing, Advertising and PRO), and in 2012 I became a Director. It’s exceptionally rewarding being a part of the Leads 2 Business team. I’m incredibly proud of the achievements and business ethos and I’ve always firmly believed we offer a valuable service, fine-tuned to our subscriber needs. I am a Mom of two beautiful children, a lover of human interaction, laughter and light, sprinkled with a generous dose of fun.

L2B Blog: Visions of the future from the architectural past

Visions of the future from the architectural past

When you look at a building, what do you see? I see bricks, some windows, a door or two, oh, and we can’t forget the roof. I am sure that is pretty much what everyone else sees. But when I was given the task of writing this blog, I couldn’t find anything on visions of the future from Architectures past besides the thoughts and visions of what the future might look like with flying cars and buildings in the air floating around (Ok, maybe not to that extent, but you get the idea). With a pounding headache and the confusion lingering, I was forced to take a deeper look into what was handed to me.

A light bulb appeared and low and behold, bam! The idea popped into my mind. I started to think a little out of the box. As the searching started I was amazed at what I discovered, who knew that there is more to a building than just bricks, windows, doors and a roof. Confused? Let me shed some light…

When you look at a building there is more than what the eye can see. There is a past, a story to be told. If I had to write about each and every building, we might be dealing with the longest blog known. Instead I have isolated 3 buildings to tell their story…


1. The Dresden Fraunkirche ( Church of the Lady)

The Dresden Fraunkirche is a Lutheran church in Dresden, capital state of Saxony, Germany, first built in the 11th century in a Romanesque style. The first Frauenkirche was torn down in 1727 and replaced by a new and larger church. The church’s most distinctive feature was its unconventional 96m high dome, called ‘die Steinerne Glocke’ or “Stone Bell”











(Frauenkirche, between 1860 and 1890)


The destruction of the Frauenkirche took place on 13 February 1945, when Anglo-American allied forces began the bombing of Dresden. The church withstood these attacks for two days and nights and held long enough for the evacuation of 300 people who had sought shelter in the church. The dome finally collapsed on 15 February. The pillars exploded and the outer walls shattered and nearly 6 000 tons of stone plunged to earth.


During the last months of World War II, residents expressed the desire to rebuild the church, however reconstruction came to a halt due to political circumstances in East Germany. Due to the continuing decay of the ruins, Dresden leaders decided in 1985 to rebuild the Church of Our Lady. The project gathered momentum as hundreds of architects, art historians and engineers sorted through the thousands of stones, identifying and labelling each for reuse in the new structure.


Reconstruction proceeded in February 1992 and a rubble-sorting ceremony started the event in January 1993 under the direction of architect and engineer Eberhard Burger. The foundation stone was laid in 1995 and stabilised in 1995. In 1996 the crypt was completed followed by the inner cupola in 2000. The exterior was completed by 2004 and the exterior painted in 2005. The intensive efforts to rebuild this landmark were completed in 2005, one year earlier as planned and in time for the 800-year anniversary in 2006.

(Frauenkirche at night)


2. The Reichstag Building

The Reichstag building is a historic edifice in Berlin, Germany which was constructed in 1871 to house the Imperial Diet of the General Empire.

(Reichstag Building, August 1932)


The building was opened in 1894 and housed the Diet until 1933, when it was severely damaged after it was set on fire. The building fell into disuse after the World War II.

(Reichstag, postwar. June 1945)


The ruined building was made safe against the elements and partially refurbished in the 1960s. Only after the German reunification on 3 October 1990, did the Reichstag undergo reconstruction led by Architect Norman Foster

During reconstruction, the building was almost completely stripped, taking out everything except the outer walls. Respect to the historic aspects was one of the conditions stipulated to the architects so that traces of historical events were to be retained in visible state.

Reconstruction was completed in 1999 and is the second most visited attraction in Germany. The building houses a huge glass dome that was erected on the roof as a gesture to the original 1894 cupola.

3. Last but not least, the demise of the next buildings, shattered America and brought the world to a standstill… the World Trade Centre (The Twin Towers)

At the time of their completion the Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in the world. On 20 September 1962, the Port Authority announced the selection of Minoru Yamasaki as lead architect and Emery Roth & Sons as associate architects. The original plan was for the towers to only be 80 stories tall, however, to meet the requirements of the Port Authority to have 10 000 000 square feet of office space, towers were eventually 110 stories tall. Demolition work began on 21 March 1966 to clear thirteen square blocks of low rise buildings. Groundbreaking took place on 5 August 1966. On 4 April 1973 the Twin Towers opened.


About 50 000 people worked in the towers with approximately 200 000 additional visitors passing through on a typical weekday. On 11 September 2001, the world came to a standstill when terrorists hijacked American Airlines and deliberately crashed into both the towers. It was estimated that approximately 17 400 occupants were in the towers at the time of the attacks and 2 977 people died as a result.


During the following years, plans were created for the reconstruction of the World Trade Centre which is now known as the World Trade Centre Memorial and Museum. They commemorate all the victims that were killed on 11 September 2011, including the names of 6 people who were killed in the World Trade Centre bombings in 1993. Construction began in August 2006 and despite many delays, the opening of the memorial took place on 12 September 2011, one day after the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. The names of the victims are inscribed on 76 bronze plates attached to the walls of the memorial pools. Below is the transcript of ‘The Memorial Mission’:


‘The Memorial Mission’

‘Remember and honour the thousands of innocent men, women, and children murdered by terrorists in the horrific attacks of February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001.

Respect this place made sacred through tragic loss.

Recognise the endurance of those who survived, the courage of those who risked their lives to save others, and the compassion of all who supported us in our darkest hours.

May the lives remembered, the deeds recognised, and the spirit reawakened be eternal beacons, which reaffirm respect for life, strengthen our resolve to preserve freedom, and inspire an end to hatred, ignorance and intolerance.’



With a new outlook on buildings, always remember that just like each and every one of us, we all have a story to tell. A past, a present and a future.






Did you Know #DYK: Project Life Cycle Explained

About Nadine Vermeulen

I started working at Leads 2 Business in October 2014 in the Leads 2 Quotes Department. I managed all the Daily Tender Bill Requests and followed up on BoQ's for our Daily Tender Subscribers. In 2017, I was promoted to L2Q Assistant and now work with Bill of Quantities for Contractors. 🙂

Featured Project: Tjate Platinum, Limpopo

Description: Development of Tjate Platinum mine with associated infrastructure, smelter and refinery near Steelpoort in the Limpopo Province. Jubilee Platinum is planning a new $400m platinum mine producing about 262,000 oz/year from its Tjate prospect in South Africa’s western Bushveld. Project value: $510 million.

Status: Design

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Limpopo

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+

Timing: 2017 onwards.

Notes: The Project is independently judged to contain arguably the world’s largest undeveloped defined block of platinum ore.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Tender: Construction of a New Pankop Clinic

Contract Number: PWRT/2305/17/MP – Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport

Description: The Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport invites tenders for the Construction of a New Pankop Clinic in Dr J S Moroka Local Municipality, Nkangala District, Mpumalanga Province.

Industry Sector: Healthcare

Industry: Building

Region: Mpumalanga

Site Inspection: A Compulsory Briefing Session will be held on 29 June 2017 at 10:00 at Pankop Clinic – Nkangala.

Closing Date: 14 July 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: No late submissions will be accepted. CIDB Grading: 8GB (7GBPE is also allowed).

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Antonette Claassens

I am a fanatical researcher who takes immense pride in the information I publish and those all-important finer details. When I'm not "researching up a storm", I love the ocean, fab music, and fine dining.

Did you know #DYK: Project Role Players

posted in: Did You Know 0

Project Role Players

Project Role Players

So, Project Role Players… this one got me thinking, a lot… jeepers 🙂 Leads 2 Business works with various of these role players on a daily basis as our Private Projects department goes hand in hand with these project role players. So, I will be giving you a run down of our Private Projects Department and where these project role players, in my understanding, generally fit in.

There are various stages that the projects follow and there are different professionals involved in each stage:

  • Conceptual
  • Procedural
  • Design
  • Tender
  • Awarded
  • Underway

Let’s have a look at each stage and who does what, when and where.



This is the beginning phase of the project: the “Idea” 😉 This is the very early stage whereby an idea could become reality. The following could take place here:

  • Client / Private Developer come into play. They are responsible for the costs of the project and receive benefits of / from completed projects. Their aim is to generate a profit. Without a client, there would be no project.
  • Open Developer are generally for public organisations and would be aimed at social and welfare reasons.
  • Feasibility Study would be done
  • Securing of funding.
  • Depending on the client and the project, some of the professionals could be appointed at this stage already.



This stage involves various approvals and authorisations such as:

  • Licensing,
  • Whether Geotechnical Studies have been completed,
  • Whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been completed (EIA is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse).
  • Property Rezoning, which a Town Planner would be responsible for. Is any rezoning required? Town planners are responsible for obtaining the town planning approvals and rezoning the land according to your development if required.
  • Specialist consultants (eg Heritage consultant, Traffic Impact Assessment Consultant, etc could also be appointed in this stage).
  • The professional team could already be appointed



This stage involves detailed design of the development. Majority of the professionals could have been appointed by this stage. For a building project, a Quantity Surveyor and an Architect would be appointed. For a roads or infrastructure project a Civil Engineer would be appointed. Lastly, a project for a bridge, a Structural Engineer would be appointed. A quantity surveyor would be appointed to draw up the bill of quantities and determine what is required to complete the construction of the development. An architect would be responsible for the actual design and work hand in hand, as well as the civil or structural engineer, with the quantity surveyor in order for the QS to compile the BoQ . We like to call the bill of quantities “the shopping list”. The following professionals could be appointed at this stage:

  • Civil Engineer – An engineer who designs roads, bridges, dams and similar structures.
  • Structural Engineer – This is a speciality within civil engineering. They create drawings and specifications, perform calculations, review the work of other engineers, write reports and evaluations, and observe construction sites.
  • Project Manager – The person in charge of planning and execution of a specific project / development.
  • Electrical Engineer – Someone who designs and develops new electrical equipment, solves problems and tests equipment.
  • Mechanical Engineering – This is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production and operation of machinery, and could also involve the air conditioning of a building.
  • Health and Safety Consultant – The person responsible for the health and safety of the workers on site during construction.
  • Fire Engineer – The application of science and engineering principles to protect people and their environments from the harmful and destructive effects of fire and smoke.
  • Estate Agent – A person who sells and / or rents out buildings and is responsible for securing tenants.
  • Interior Designer – Mostly has to do with enhancing the interior of buildings, sometimes including the exterior as well. They work hand in hand with the architect and may even be the architect in some cases.
  • Landscape Architect – Person responsible for the design of outdoor areas, landmarks and structures.

Once the quantity surveyor has drawn up and completed the BoQ, it heads to the client for approval to start getting ready for the tender process.



This stage pretty much speaks for itself. This is when the tender is released, whether it is an open or an invited tender. If it is an open tender, it will be publicly advertised and if invited, specific contractors are requested by the client to submit their prices. In this stage, the contractor would send out requests for quotes to sub-contractors to obtain prices and then submit their best prices to the client.



In the stage, the client chooses the most successful proposal and the main contract is awarded for construction and they are referred to as the main contractor. He would appoint the sub-contractors as and when required. In this stage the main contractor would start getting ready to move onto site and start setting up for construction.



Construction has started, contractors and subbies would be on site together with the project manager, quantity surveyor, architect, various engineers, estate agent, interior designer as well as the landscape architect.

So… this is my understanding of where project role players fit into the various project phases and hopefully I have cleared up a few things for you too…and as Doris McCarthy says: “You are actually constructing what your head understood about what your eyes saw” and that is how I feel about this topic… so get involved and get cracking Project Role Players 😉



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About Bianca Edgcumbe

I started working at Leads 2 Business in May 2013 in the Africa Tenders Department. I worked my way to the Leads 2 Quotes Department in September 2016 and have been there ever since.

Industry Events: Homemakers Fair PE + The EPC Expo Engineering, Procurement and Construction Expo + East Coast Radio House and Garden Show

1. Event:

Homemakers Fair PE



22 June 2017 – 25 June 2017


Event location:

The Boardwalk Exhibition Centre, Port Elizabeth


Event Description:

Homemakers Expo brings you top-notch exhibitors showcasing an array of beautiful products and expert insight all under one roof. The Expo provides you with the perfect opportunity to browse, compare, and purchase all the things you need for your home and garden. Discover the current trends in interior design, and fresh ideas for every room in every style from up-and-coming designers to leading brands.


Event Website:

Homemakers Expo



2. Event:

The EPC Expo Engineering, Procurement and Construction Expo



29 June 2017


Event location:

Leeuwkop Golf Club, Cnr Candican & Kipling Roads, Barbeque Downs, Kyalami, Gauteng


Event Description:

This is the only expo hosted specifically for the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Industries in Gauteng. The show is an ideal business to business networking opportunity.


Event Website:

The EPC Expo Engineering, Procurement and Construction Expo



3. Event:

East Coast Radio House and Garden Show



30 June 2017 – 09 July 2017


Event location:

Durban Exhibition Centre


Event Description:

From the June 30 to July 9, 2017, the Durban Exhibition Centre will be transformed into a home wonderland. For 10 magical days, you’re invited to join us on a journey through the latest interior trends, tastiest foodie delights, kids entertainment, DIY, gardening, and beautiful KZN travel destinations.


Event Website:

East Coast Radio House and Garden Show

About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: Exploring New Ideas in the Role of the Project Manager

Exploring New Ideas in the Role of the Project Manager

If you are involved in the construction industry you have most likely come into contact with a Project Manager (hereafter referred to as a PM) or heard of one mentioned in the process of developments and particularly larger developments.

Certainly in Leads 2 Business’ Projects Department PM’s are one of the most common professionals we deal with. The reason for this, is their role within construction projects.

So, what does a PM actually do? It would seem rather obvious right, they manage the project? But nothing is ever as simple as it seems. PM’s actually do a whole host of duties.

Some of which include: planning, organising, controlling, communicating, executing, reports, programs, advice, analysis, resource control, health and safety, budgets, administration and handover.

All of these duties are done ensure that the project runs successfully thus lowering the risks while meeting all of the objectives timeously to ensure completion which effects the profitability of the project.

So, when do new ideas come into the picture? What new ideas would PM’s have to explore in todays construction industry?

To be honest, I was at a loss when pondering this question, after all I’m not a PM and it’s not a role one easily assumes to answer. So I emailed a few PM’s to get some feedback on ideas that they might want to put out there… but still no luck, probably snowed under with work given our economic environment. I scoured the Internet and there didn’t seem to be any publications or news out there for new ideas when it comes to PM’s until I happened on some LinkedIn Posts. Phew!

This may not be a new idea but how about technology, either using existing tech and / or molding it to PM’s requirements, partnering with IT and creating PM specific tech or even sharing your tech tricks with other PM’s? For example: Ahmed H. Emam, PMP writes “Detect and Fix Dangling Activities in Time Schedule using Excel Macro.”

Using tech could make PM’s jobs easier but some seem to think that PM’s might be replaced in the future by Tech/Bots. As Oliver Yarbrough, M.S., PMP illustrates in “Can a Robot Do Your Job? Here’s “How Project Managers Can Survive a Takeover.”

There are some things that tech, no matter how advanced it gets, cannot replace. Oliver suggests to focus on the following skills in order to stand out: “Leadership, Diplomacy, Negotiating, Public Speaking, Emotional Intelligence, Communication (verbal and nonverbal)” and instead of fighting tech, work with it to enhance your service delivery.

Another thought also came to mind: what is one of the key aspects that I think of when I think of a PM? It would have to be communication. So, what new idea would make communication more effective? What about a platform where all the schedules, notes, admin, planning and analysis can be seen by all the professionals involved in a specific project? Where each person can make notes or get alerts thus avoiding confusion, emails back and forth, potential loss of material, and saving time, something like Google Sheets for PM’s? Does this already exist? It’s possible… calling all PM’s out there, let us know! Perhaps I need to patent this idea.

After all, we all know that communication is key whether you are a PM or not. Another useful tool to facilitate communication and interaction between professionals and all other contacts which fall within the scope of projects is to use L2B (Leads 2 Business). If you are looking to get involved in the different aspects of construction, information is our business. We encourage communication, new ideas and growth in order to build and establish business.

If any of the above sparks your interest leave a Comment below or or Contact me on




About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Featured Project: Thabametsi Coal-fired Power Station, Lephalale, Limpopo

Description: Proposed establishment of a coal-fired power station on located on Farm Onbelyk 257 LQ, 17 kms north-west of Lehalale in the Limpopo Province. The power station will have a capacity of up to 1200MW to be developed in two phases of 600MW each. The power station will make use of either conventional pulverised coal or circulating fluidized bed boiler technology depending on the quality of the coal source to be used. The identified site for the power station is near the Grootgeluk coal mine, Matimba Power Station and Medupi Power Station which is currently under construction on land owned by Exxaro.

Status: Awarded

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Limpopo

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+

Timing: 2015 onwards

Notes: Marubeni has signed an engineering, procurement and construction agreement with Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction, so that the civil partner will provide major equipment including boilers and turbines. Please see Awards.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Tender: Construction of Mapulaneng Hospital – Bulk Earthworks

Contract Number: PWRT/2316/17/MP – Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport

Description: The Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport invites tenders for the Construction of Mapulaneng Hospital – Bulk Earthworks in Ehlanzeni District, Bushbuckridge.

Industry Sector: Healthcare

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Mpumalanga

Site Inspection: A Compulsory Briefing Session will be held on 27 June 2017 at 10:00 at Mapulaneng Hospital – Bushbuckridge Local Municipality.

Closing Date: 13 July 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: No late submissions will be accepted. CIDB Grading: 9CE (8CEPE is allowed).

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Antonette Claassens

I am a fanatical researcher who takes immense pride in the information I publish and those all-important finer details. When I'm not "researching up a storm", I love the ocean, fab music, and fine dining.

Did you know #DYK: Projekbestuurs Maatskappye en Hul Projekte

posted in: Did You Know 0

Projekbestuurs Maatskappye en Hul Projekte

Om voort te gaan op die tema van hierdie maande se ‘blogs’ van Projekbestuur, laat ek jou inlig oor ‘n paar projekbestuurs maatskappye en waarmee hulle besig was of is. Die beskrywings van die maatskappy se doelwitte, prestasies en etos is uittreksels van elke individuele maatskappy se webwerf.


SIP Project Managers

SIP Projekbestuurders is in 1978 gestig met hulle eerste projek wat die Sun City-hotel was. SIP was in die voorpunt van die oprigting van projekbestuur as ‘n professie in Suid-Afrika, en daarna is dit gegrond op hulle ervaring om te verseker wat die beroep was. Geformaliseer en verantwoordbaar deur die oprigting van die Vereniging van Konstruksie Projek bestuurders (ACPM), wat die enigste erkende vrywillige vereniging van professionele bouprojek bestuurders in Suid-Afrika is. Oor die afgelope paar jaar het konstruksie projekte al hoe meer kompleks geword, uitgebrei oor meer komplekse tegnologie, sowel as die sosio-ekonomiese en omgewings impak wat projekbestuurders dus nodig het om projekte van bevrugting tot en met voltooiing en bedryf te hanteer. Met 34 jaar ondervinding en ‘n portefeulje van hoëprofiel projekte het SIP hoogs gesogte geword en het suksesvolle en konsekwent hoë kwaliteit projekte gelewer.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
The Strand Hotel, Swakopmund, Namibia (PPA4443) (Complete)
102 Rivonia Road, Gauteng (PPA10169) (Complete)
Fourways Mall Expansion, Gauteng (PPA4220) (Underway)
Embassy Towers, Gauteng (PPA14796) (Underway)
Pearls of Umhlanga, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA1988) (Underway)
ETV Building, Western Cape (PPA18429) (Design)

Turner & Townsend (Pty) Ltd

Vir meer as 70 jaar het ons bygedra om transformasie programme oor die eiendomsbedryf, infrastruktuur en natuurlike hulpbronne te lewer. Wat ‘n verskil maak in mense se lewens en ‘n opbrengs op belegging vir ons kliënte en hul beleggers te verseker. In daardie tyd het die landskap vir kapitaal projekte voortdurend ontwikkel, en ons was gedurig n sprong voor die res, met duidelike denke en streng prosesse. Waar ander ingewikkeldheid sien, is ons een stap vorentoe. Met ons beproefde metodologieë, diepte van ondervinding en data en insigte, vind ons ‘n pad om die ambisieuse doelwitte wat ons kliënte gestel het, te bereik. Ons het ook ons ambisieuse doelwitte gestel en ‘n werklike globale onderneming opgebou. Omskep hoe ons dinge doen om te verseker dat al die kennis en innovasie wat ons genereer, deur ons globale spanne gedeel word. In ‘n ewigdurende verandering wêreld, as die kliënt se uitdagings skuif en druk om opbrengs op beleggings-aandrywing ooit hoër te lewer, sal ons steeds nuwe maniere vind om ‘n verskil te maak. Dit is nie net ‘n uitkoms waarvoor ons streef nie – dit is een wat ons bestuur, en gee ons ons unieke perspektief op die wêreld.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
ABSA Capital, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA3707) (Complete)
103 Melrose Office, Gauteng (PPA20031) (Underway)
Radisson Blu Safari Resort, Mpumalanga (PPA6769) (Tender)
Bellville Medical Centre, Western Cape (PPA17994) (Underway)
Chevron Head Office, Western Cape (PPA9462) (Complete)

Focus Pm & QS

FOCUS is ‘n professionele konstruksie projekbestuurs- en bourekenaar maatskappy wat ‘n bedryfs-voetspoor in Suid-Afrika en geselekteerde plekke buite die grense van Suid-Afrika in die res van die vasteland en die Middeooste dek. Alhoewel ‘n jong en dinamiese firma, is dit een wat sentraal staan in sy kern, ‘n kultuur van onwrikbare professionaliteit en uitnemendheid. Dit het die maatskappy verskans tot ‘n posisie waar dit vertrou kan word om hoë waarde en komplekse projekte in beide die privaat en openbare sektore te lewer. Die maatskappy is verantwoordelik vir die bestuur van belangrike ikoniese projekte in die eiendomsbedryf. FOCUS is ‘n meerderheids belanghebbende bemagtigings maatskappy wat die gees van Suid-Afrika uitbeeld. Ons SEB-beginsels is in die stof van die maatskappy geïntegreer en is op alle vlakke sigbaar.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Eastgate Offices Redevelopment, Gauteng (PPA16871) (Complete)
Workshop Updated, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA16063) (Complete)
Mpumalanga High Court, Mpumalanga (PPA10459) (Complete)
Park Square, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA18759) (Underway)

MDSA Project and Construction Management (Pty) Ltd

Met meer as 15 jaar ondervinding is MDSA Projek- en Konstruksie bestuur (Edms) ‘n dinamiese maatskappy wat spesialiseer in ‘n volledige reeks Projek bestuur, Konstruksie bestuur, Huurder koördinasie en Kliënt verteenwoordiging in industriële, kommersiële, kantoor- en kleinhandel-georiënteerde projekte, beide in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland. Ons dienste behels programmering, kontrak dokumentasie, sertifisering, toesig oor die terrein, koördinering van alle direkte kontrakte en die ooreenkoms van finale koste met kontrakteurs. Ons verbind tot uitstekende diens deur te fokus op kwaliteit, tyd en koste, aangesien ons daarna streef om die kliënt se vereistes met doeltreffendheid en wêreldklas diens te bestuur deur middel van ‘n proaktiewe, praktiese benadering. Ons glo dat ons sukses gebaseer is op ons vermoë om vooruit te beplan deur potensiële probleme te voorkom, eerder as om in krisis bestuur vasgevang te word. Ons sien ons maatskappy as deel van die oplossing en voeg waarde toe tydens die ontwerp- en bou proses. Ons glo MDSA is die ideale maatskappy om saam te werk aangesien ons ‘n verskil maak deur die ekstra myl te gaan.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Greenacres Shopping Expansion, Eastern Cape (PPA10729) (Underway)
Woolworths Distribution Centre, Western Cape (PPA18975) (Underway)
Lynnridge Mall Expansion, Gauteng (PPA17029) (Complete)
Zimbali Suites, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA14478) (Complete)
Whale Coast Village Mall, Western Cape (PPA17913) (Underway)


Orion Projects

Ons is trots op ons integriteit, en glo dit is die sleutel tot ons sukses. Ons is pioniers van nuwe tegnieke en praktyke wat help om die standaarde vas te stel waardeur ons bedryf beoordeel word. Ons besigheidswaardes is gebaseer op die volgende etiek: Integriteit in woord en daad, respek vir mense, kliënt tevredenheid, sosiale verantwoordelikheid, individuele ontwikkeling en persoonlike groei, kwaliteit van diens, spanwerk, goeie kommunikasie, innovasie en kreatiwiteit, professionaliteit, besigheidsetiek, deursigtigheid in finansiële sake, vertroulikheid van inligting, om konflik van belange te vermy. Ons doelwit is om klein, medium en mikro-ondernemings (KMMO’s) te vestig, te ontwikkel en te ondersteun wat voorheen benadeelde (Swart, Asiatiese en Kleurling) segmente van die bevolking as lewensvatbare verskaffers tot die mark is. Alhoewel dit ‘n besigheidsinisiatief is, gegrond op gesonde sakebeginsels, skep dit werksgeleenthede en ondersteun die Heropbou en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP).

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Sasol Secunda Mall, Mpumalanga (PPA9597) (Complete)
Glen Shopping Mall, Food Court, Gauteng (PPA20026) (Underway)
Mall of the North, Limpopo (PPA4945) (Complete)
1 Protea Place, Gauteng (PPA6612) (Complete)
Discovery Health, Gauteng (PPA911) (Complete)


Profica Project Managers

Profica is ‘n toonaangewende konstruksie- en eiendomsoplossings-maatskappy wat kundige ontwikkelings-, projek- en konstruksie bestuurs-dienste aan hoëprofiel kliënte lewer. Ons bedryf oor baie sektore op die vasteland van Afrika en het ‘n indrukwekkende rekord vir globale kundigheid, plaaslike kennis en diens uitnemendheid opgebou. Met die fokus op professionele konstruksie projek bestuur, is Profica ‘n bekroonde span wat betroubaarheid aan ons kliënte bied. Profica bied selfstandige konsultasie oplossings vir die eiendoms- en konstruksie bedrywe en is ‘n professionele konstruksie projek-bestuurs maatskappy gefokus op kliëntediens en waarde-skepping. Profica het ‘n span professionele geakkrediteerde en hoogs geskoolde professionele konstruksie-projekbestuurders en eiendomsontwikkelings bestuurders met kantore in Suider-Afrika, Oos- en Wes-Afrika gevestig, met permanente personeel op die grond regdeur Afrika suid van die Sahara. Profica se projekbestuurders het komplekse en hoëprofiel projekte oor baie sektore en oor Afrika en die wêreld gelewer, van planne deur ontwerp en konstruksie tot suksesvolle voltooiing. 2015 was Profica se tiende bestaansjaar in die verskaffing van wêreldklasdienste aan ons kliënte.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Southgate Mall Refurb, Gauteng (PPA19891) (Underway)
Chatsworth Centre Upgrade, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA19602) (Underway)
Capital on the Park, Gauteng (PPA14832) (Complete)
Gugulethu Square Mall, Western Cape (PPA6604) (Complete)
Forest Hill Regional Mall, Gauteng (PPA10063) (Complete)

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About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

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