The Tiny House Movement

posted in: General 2

The Tiny House Movement BIM

When I thought of the Tiny House Movement, I thought of a smaller carbon footprint, lock-up and go, less cleaning, solar panels… Savings, savings, savings!
But, I wanted to know more about this very possible, future version of living!

So, off to trusty Google I went. Reading article after article about these little works of art…

There really is so much more to these little homes, than I imagined! On top of all of the above already mentioned incredible advantages, it is the labour and love that goes into these small structures.
I highly recommend following some of the links for further discovery of the opportunities that exist within this emerging real estate solution.

This is what I have gathered so far:

The Tiny House Movement

The Tiny House = Small (make that teeny, I mean anything smaller than 37 Square Meters, on the smaller studio size, but built with green and eco-mobility and sustainability in mind.
These Tiny houses, are not prefabricated, precast, container made residences. These are homes made with love, respect and have been created by some of the best problem solving minds in the industry.
The idea of the ‘home’ is evolving these days. Gone, are the days of buying the dream home, living there for 30-40 years, leaving the home to your kin to bring up with their kin and so it went on…

Nope! These days, people are upward and mobile! Millennials don’t buy homes with the plan of paying them off for the next 30 years, they buy homes with the idea of flipping them for a quick profit.

(This thinking has occurred with an unrealistic confidence born of regulatory practices within the financial industries over the last few decades). Instead of improving their lives as hoped and dreamed some quickly have found themselves in the quicksand of such long term loans with exponentially, expounding interest rates sky-rocketing into debt, ploughing into an uncertain future. The economic crashes we have seen in our lifetime, have been far more reaching than those of our predecessors.

Enter, these new Tiny options that could change that landscape.

Built with BIM (Building information modeling), these Tiny Homes, are finally offering some alternative options for people to have the opportunity to “own” their own space, They are well built, thoughtfully designed and paid off within two to five years.

It is a bachelor’s studio, but mobile, with the environment in mind, economic freedom and pretty much as low maintenance as you can get.  It is a marrying of machine and man, to be able to perfectly create liveable and sustainable living areas. Creative, functional, flexible, sustainable and environmentally more responsible. These homes could very well hold a massive stake in the housing market for our future generations.

Bear in mind, these tiny spaces may not be the answer for growing families, but for young individuals, and the elder alike, there now exists a real opportunity for one to have their own space – without the worries of a 30 year debt.

Most of these homes are bespoke in nature, and great detail is observed in creating these incredibly compact little residences.

Whilst still in infancy stages in South Africa, have a look at some of the below numbers and some of the pics of these little gems from the growing movement abroad. 😀



Business Insider
The Tiny Life
PBC Today

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About Nikki Blake

I am an Account Executive in our Gauteng branch. I have been with L2B for almost a year now and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am so passionate about people and being able to assist them grow their business with the use of our amazing system. It has not only given me an overwhelming sense of self fulfilment, but has also become my motivation to be the best person I can be each day. Thank you L2B and to all of our awesome clients!

Where Construction & Technology Converge

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Where Construction & Technology Converge

We live in a world where there is a technical solution for most of our problems.

You need fast communication, you no longer send a pigeon or letter, you pick up the phone or open your laptop and call, email, fax or send a message to someone. It is slowly becoming the same concept in the construction industry not only with technology but machinery as well.

Technology has reduced our life cycle as well as cost of a project drastically. Completion time, quality as well as safety have all improved through technology. Such improvements could not have come at a better time since construction projects are becoming increasingly complex and expensive putting construction teams under a great amount of pressure to reduce costs, time-lines and efficiency.

Many construction companies have begun incorporating new construction technologies into their daily activities and most of these daily activities consist of software or programmes for digital collaboration. A perfect example of this would be our very own Leads 2 Business information platform. Subscribers all over Southern Africa relay on Tender and Project information being published daily in order to attend Site meetings, meet Closing dates, obtain Bidders Lists, Site Attendance Registers and Bill of Quantities (BoQ’s).

Following Projects from Conceptual through to Completion on the L2B information platform can save a great amount of time, energy and costs.

A simple laptop or computer allows contractors as well as consultants to install many costing, design and performance programmes which allows them to use design, pre-construction or operations and management programmes, minimizing many obstacles along the way. Computer aided designing helps in flawless buildings as computer stimulation problems can be found and resolved before constructing buildings physically. Can you imagine building a whole puzzle only to find that you had one single puzzle piece place incorrectly? This would include you taking the whole puzzle apart only to reshuffle the whole puzzle to create your perfect complete picture.

With the economic challenges that are being faced, typically it is the companies that have the ability to adapt and utilize technological change that hold a huge competitive advantage over the rest of the construction companies. Technology has and will continue to become a strategic and long term asset for any construction company.


“Where can we find greater structural clarity than in the wooden buildings of old? Where else can we find such unity of material, construction and form? Here, the wisdom of whole generations is stored.”


Beyond Design
Construction Exec

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About Roxanne Mustard

My Name is Roxanne Mustard and I started working at Leads 2 Business in September 2016. My role in the Leads 2 Business team is as a Regional Content researcher in the Projects Department.

Common misconceptions about demolition

posted in: General 2

Common misconceptions about demolition

What is demolition?

Demolition derived from the verb demolish: to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land for something else.

When I think of demolition, I think of buildings collapsing, loud bangs, big machines, and building areas being closed off. Due to demolition becoming very messy.

I have to admit I didn’t know much about demolition, especially since most of the sites are usually covered up when you go by, but I have to say thanks to Google. As I have learnt that there is a lot that goes into demolition and behind the scenes. I even learnt what demolition is.

“Though demolition is an important part of the life of our cities and neighbourhoods” – Demolition 101

When it comes to demolishing a building it is not as easy as one, two, three. There are many factors that come into play, e.g.: Professional machine operators, proper equipment, and the most important of them all a plan.


1. Buildings don’t just fall, and implosions are just one percent of demolition work. Machinery such as excavators and backhoes do most of the work.

2. Demolition contractors help preserve and restore historical buildings.

3.  The personnel using the machinery need to undergo the proper training on how to use the equipment the right way. Especially since we all know that technology is constantly evolving, so the machine operators need constant training to keep up with the changes.

4. Contractors do not just knock buildings down for fun. It’s their job.

Please visit the Leads 2 Business Blog for more information on demolition.
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About Nazeema Sishi

I am a content researcher who just started with Leads 2 Business in February this year, I work in the Daily Tenders South Africa department. I am a young vibrant lady who enjoys meeting new people and doing new things. I welcome challenges and always find new ways of doing things. I am a mum and I love spending time with my not so little, very talkative son.

Demolition Techniques

Demolition Techniques
You may assume demolition is simply blowing things up. Some involve explosions but it is however way more technical than that. There are various demolition techniques that are considered as ‘demolition’.


It must be noted that before any demolition takes place the following practices need to be completed according to The Constructor

1. Surveying
2. Removal of hazardous materials
3. Preparation of plan
4. Safety measures


Taking the above into account the following (according to Civil Engineering News) are selected.

1. Non Engineering Demolition also known as Manual.

a) Refering to tools such as Sledge Hammers, Jack Hammers and Drillers which are used by workers.

Jackhammer - Demolition Techniques.jpg
Jackhammer Technique















2. Engineering Demolition which is split into 3 categories.

a) Mechanical Method:

Wrecking Ball (think Miley Cyrus but without the theatrics)

Pusher Arm technique (a specialised hydraulic arm used for smaller buildings)

Thermic Lance Technique (using flaming temperatures of 2500 0C to melt reinforcement)

Non-Explosive (drilling and filling with expanding slurry)

Concrete Sawing

Deliberate Collapse (significant structural items are removed)

Pressure Jetting (thanks to H20)


b) Implosion: Inward disintegration using explosives

c) Deconstruction: Non-structural and structural

Wrecking Ball - Demolition Techniques.jpg
Wrecking Ball Technique















Demolition encompasses many techniques and is often used in conjunction with new construction or renovation.

In conclusion, I’ll take inspiration from Rumi, ‘In this life many demolitions are actually renovations.’


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Why do buildings get demolished?

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Why do buildings get demolished?

Why do some aging, often sizable buildings in cities and suburbs face demolition while others are saved?

What determines the life span of a building? Whether a shopping center, a school or library, an apartment, an office building or a government administrative office?

What does the word ‘demolition’ mean?

I think we can safely say that it is the complete elimination of all parts of a building at a specific location and time – typically it is the end of life for the building.
It is interesting to note that partial demolition begins during the life cycle of buildings as maintenance and adaptation including the replacement of building parts result in a size-able waste factor.
Over a very long life-span the waste factor has been known to exceed demolition waste.

Here are the top reasons why buildings get demolished:

The structure and form of the building is outdated or old. Some buildings are unsafe due to lack of building control. While some problems are fixable, it is often too costly to repair an unstable foundation.

Political transformation processes are often accompanied by destruction and demolition such as the demolition of certain monuments in South Africa as they represented a certain era in South African history that are no longer popular today.

The function of a building for example a building becoming obsolete IE it can no longer perform its function because increased physical deterioration has rendered it useless.

The costs of renewing the infrastructure (streets, sewage, green space, etc.) resulting in developers favoring replacement after demolition instead of renovation

The application of building codes and regulations to existing buildings for example “green space”. This often entails expensive alterations which can make compliance through demolition and rebuilding a cheaper or more profitable option.

Plans to sell a vacant plot especially if the building on it is not in a good condition.

The Building contains dangerous materials. Older buildings may contain enough dangerous materials, such as asbestos, that require full or partial demolition


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About Gudrun Anke

I am an Account Executive for Leads 2 Business who assists professionals, contractors, sub contractors and anyone needing to learn about new projects and tenders in the construction industry and help build their business by getting more clients. Before Leads to Business, I spent well over ten years in the fashion industry and after a successful career designing and managing fashion brands I decided it was time to make a change and entered the construction sector. I enjoy trying new sports (archery, anyone?) and am a mom.

Tools everyone in the Demolition Industry Should be using

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Tools everyone in the Demolition Industry Should be using

Originally when I was given this topic, my first thoughts were….hmmm? Demolition, that’s got to be pretty straight forward, right? Blowing a bunch of buildings up or smashing walls down with a sledge hammer in an episode of “Extreme Makeover Home Edition” came to mind but apparently it’s not that simple.
After hours of research and chatting to a couple of experts in the demolition industry there are basic guidelines to follow before any of the dirty work can even begin.

What exactly are we demolishing?

Are there special regulations?

There are different tools to use for different methods of demolition. One would have to assess where the site is situated. Apparently bringing a bulldozer to a graveyard to build the next Mall of Africa would be frowned upon. Yes, it would get the job the done but there are basic regulation guidelines one would have to follow. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so it won’t be that easy to knock it down either. Depending on what you’re demolishing, you may need to use different tools to finish the job.

Here is a list of tools that everyone in the industry should be using:

1. Safety Equipment
The number one rule in construction is always SAFETY FIRST. Make sure your team is equipped with adequate Health & Safety training as well as all the necessary PPE equipment.

2. Explosives
In the controlled demolition industry, building implosion is the strategic placing of explosive material and timing of its detonation so that a structure collapses on itself in a matter of seconds, minimizing the physical damage to its immediate surroundings. Despite its terminology, building implosion also includes the controlled demolition of other structures, such as bridges, towers, and tunnels.
Building implosion (which reduces to seconds a process which could take months or years to achieve by other methods) typically occurs in urban areas and often involves large landmark structures.

3. Excavators
An excavator is a construction vehicle used to excavate or move large objects. An Excavator is basically made up of 2 parts: A driving base holding a powerful boom arm with an attachment designed for excavating. The operator sits within a small cab connected to the base and controls the arm.
The excavator uses a Hydraulic system to generate a Hydraulic force to control the mechanical arm of the machine. It also uses a chain wheel system for its movement.
There are several types of excavators which are classified on use, brand and purpose.

4. Hand-Held tools
These tools are your “go-to” for more precise work.
If you are just taking fixtures off the walls, or removing adhesive from a floor surface for example, hand held light demolition tools will do.
Bigger tasks like mass tile removal, concrete breaking and knocking down partitions, will require heavy duty power tools in many instances.



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About Shanna Knezovich

I started my journey with Leads 2 Business in 2013 as an Account Co-Ordinator. I transitioned into an External Sales position as an Account Executive in 2015. I help professionals within the building & construction industry keep up to date with the latest project and tender information as well as source new business opportunities throughout Africa.

Growth Strategies from an Expert

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Growth Strategies from an Expert

Growth Strategies from an Expert

I can honestly say that this time around I don’t feel too nervous about writing my blog even though I needed a bit of a nudge from a friend to get started…
I feel a lot more confident than last time as I did not have to google “blogging for dummies” and “how to write a blog”. Yes, I really did do that previously…😉

My blog today is Growth Strategies from an Expert. Well I am no expert that’s for sure but we are going to be looking at tips from the actual experts.

Growth Strategies from an Expert

Wouldn’t you agree that in order to successfully grow your business you need to ensure that you have a well-formulated growth strategy that fits the industry you have chosen? Both profitability and growth are equally important and necessary for a business to survive and remain operational. There is no set growth strategy, it is not a one size fits all kind of thing. Strategies that work for one business may not work for another business, but any business that commits to the process should see the benefits. It is imperative to take the time to prepare a growth strategy in order for business owners to successfully reap the benefits by recognising and seizing new opportunities ahead of the competition. Always remember that realistic strategies lead to positive results.


Let’s now look at 10 Growth Strategies from an Expert:

Growth Strategies from an Expert

1. Nail your value proposition
Ensuring your business sustains long term growth you need to establish what it is that makes your services / products better than your competitors. What sets you apart from them?

2. Create measurable KPI’s
Firstly, let’s look at what KPI stands for and what is means: Key Performance Indicator – A KPI is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a business is achieving key business objectives. KPI’s are used to evaluate their success at reaching targets. Ok… got it? So now that we have an understanding of what a KPI is, let’s look at how we can create measurable KPI’s. Start by outlining your business objective and make sure you prioritise them in order for your tactics and strategies to be identified so that they are measurable and not impossible in order to reach success.

3. Verify your revenue streams (income)
Recognise your current revenue streams and identify which new ones could be created in order to increase your business profitability.

4. Identify your customer
Identifying and knowing your customer is key for any business endeavour. Successful business owners understand what their customers want and the most effective way of making their product or service available. As a business owner, it is crucial to take every advantage to outsmart your competitor, and understanding and building upon your customer knowledge and relationship will put you ahead of the game.

5. Understand their key requirements
Customers needs and requirements are very important in business. Understanding their needs and ensuring they are happy will retain your customer base.

6. Make the most of existing business data
Look into your company data on a regular basis in order to better understand your business as well as your customer types which will lead to improved business growth.

7. Define the best communication strategies
Approach your audience and establish what is the most effective communication strategy, but this needs defining in a carefully-considered content marketing strategy. Adjust your communications to something that best suits your customer base.

8. Personalise your approach to retain leads
Let’s be honest here, without new customers, your business growth will remain stagnant. If your current customers aren’t sticking around, you’re having to do a lot more work. Your leads are the key to your business growth. So personalise your approach, not every customer is the same and some require more work.

9. Re-evaluate your competition
Never ever take your eyes off of your competition. Find ways and means to be better, this will help with growing your business.

10. Focus on your strengths
Focus on what makes you better than the competition, what sets you apart from everyone else. Identifying ways to grow doesn’t necessarily involve targeting weaknesses, focusing on strengths can also help establish the best strategies going forward. Adapt your plan to smooth out any weakness.

Growth Strategies from an Expert




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About Nadia Milln

My journey at Leads 2 Business all started back in September 2014 as a content researcher in the Daily Tenders Africa Department. In March 2018 I was promoted to content researcher in the Private Project department. I am a fun loving, bubbly person and mom to a beautiful baby boy who is the absolute light of my life.

L2B Golf Day

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L2B Golf Day

You’ve got to wonder if there’s any better way to spend a business day, than doing it on the green – deadlines, spreadsheets and the continual flow of emails far behind you as you line up to take your shot.

And so, with made-to-order weather at the picturesque Randpark golf club, the Leads 2 Business’ 13th Annual Construction-industry Golf day commenced.

This is the way to do it – meeting, greeting and interacting with construction-industry participants; there were over 70 unique businesses in attendance and more than 40 sponsored areas, the participants eagerly awaited their turn to entertain – golfers were spoilt for choice.

The course was dotted with splashes of colour, laughter and camaraderie – greens and tees were adorned with brightly coloured banners, heavy machinery, cranes, trucks and equipment; if it involved construction, it was there. Gazebos housed friendly promoters, welcoming golfers with a variety of drinks and snacks.
Sponsors and players alike came together with single minded intent to have fun and make a day of it!

Unique, out-of-the-box ideas abounded, including a single-story scaffolding deck for golfers to tee off from, the Hole-in-One competition with a brand-spanking new Audi Q5 for the taking, hoisted into the air by crane and dangling over the greens for all to see.
Stunning aerial shots were taken of the golfers, greens and the sponsored holes, whilst an assortment of competitions were held out on the field, to raise funds towards the chosen charity.

Our prize giving emcee was the fabulous ‘Vinnige’ Fanie de Villiers, who entertained us with jokes, drinks for numerous course offences and auctioned off items, including a stunning safari weekend, autographed 18th hole PGA flags and sporting goods, sponsored by Fanie himself.
Sponsors readily contributed, and the winning golfers got to take home some amazing prizes!

Edwin Pearce, the Warden from the Timbavati Wildlife Protection Programme’s (TWPP) anti-Rhino poaching unit, presented a moving speech that raised awareness on the plight of the Rhino; what they are up against and what it is they are doing to stem the rising tide of poaching.
Sponsor competitions on the day and the prize giving auction raised a significant amount of cash for the grateful TWPP warden and field sergeants.

Leads 2 Business initiated the golf day as a way of thanking our loyal supporters for their ongoing commitment and the L2B staff clamour to be part of this day; enjoying the opportunity to interact with their clients, and in the case of our KZN-based staff, the opportunity to put a face to a name.

With grateful thanks to all our esteemed Sponsors, Golfers and Subscribers who made this fantastic day possible – we at Leads 2 Business, thank you for your valued support:


A & R Investments
Akhane Construction
Asatico Civil & Construction
CarMix SA
CCS Computer Construction Software
Eco Life
Engineering News
Fidelity Group/ ADT
Franke SA
Ian Dickie
JK Drilling
MacDonald Steel
Macsteel Trading
Marlboro Crane
Master Builders Association North
Motheo Construction
National Asphalt
New Generation Rigging & Cranes
Prefab Sprout
ProBuild Construction Group
RMS Reinforcing & Mesh Solutions
Rollup Serranda
Rotork Africa
Sectional Poles
Sephaku Cement
Sika SA
Specialised Exhibitions
Spray Pave
Taucon Civils
Tekfalt Binders
Temi Construction
Timbavati – Bruce Jenkins
Umlani Safari’s
Uni-Span Scaffolding
VEA Road and WBHO



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About Lee Finch

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in 2004 as an account executive. In 2006 I moved over to MAPRO (Marketing, Advertising and PRO), and in 2012 I became a Director. It’s exceptionally rewarding being a part of the Leads 2 Business team. I’m incredibly proud of the achievements and business ethos and I’ve always firmly believed we offer a valuable service, fine-tuned to our subscriber needs. I am a Mom of two beautiful children, a lover of human interaction, laughter and light, sprinkled with a generous dose of fun.

Building relationships to grow your business

posted in: General 2

Building relationships to grow your business

Today is the kind of day where I wish inspiration came out of my shower. I’m no business owner and I don’t have any sort of marketing degree behind my name.

I can tell you however, that a business is only as good as the client it serves, and no business gets far after losing the clients it had.

I promise you that not all of my thoughts come from the shower.
I do think out of the box too.

The key to success is building relationships that go beyond one-time projects and provides value to these clients on a consistent, ongoing basis. You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.

Building business relationships are not like any other relationship with a partner, No. It is much more than that.

Money can’t buy one of the most important things you need to build your business, Clients. You can’t have a million dollar dream with minimum work ethic.

How do customer relationships drive your business? It is all about finding people who believe in your product or service. How are you going to do this? You develop relationships with people who don’t just understand your particular expertise, product or service but who are excited and buzzing about what you do.

Relationships have a short shelf life. “There is nothing i can’t do, except reach the top shelf. I can’t do that.” Don’t be that guy! For crying in a bucket, get the ladder and reach the top. One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they come home from networking events and fail to follow up. Make the connection immediately, It’s easier to keep a connection warm than to warm it up again once the trail goes cold.

I would now like to share my knowledge on how to build client relationships:


When you make the right connections you’re much more likely to be a success. E-mail marketing keeps a work relationship strong on a shoestring budget.
Build a reputation by giving away free insight. Come on who doesn’t love free things?

Make the E-mail interesting and worth the read, most important make connection with the same people that shares the same interests and goals as you.




Reward loyal customers and they will reward you, for example the CEO at Leads 2 Business will host a lovely golf day for all our clients. Make them feel special and appreciated.
Once you show them, that appreciation they will be around for a very long time.


The saying, “Give and you shall receive” goes a very long way when it comes to this.




Own it, this may be the most difficult skill to master because it hits home morally and shows your human side. When something goes wrong you may have to take the bullet even if it wasn’t your fault or the company’s fault.

If it was you or the company that was in the wrong being respectful and honest shows vulnerability and the ability to take criticism that goes with being wrong.

Step in without being asked, it is easy to help when you are asked. Most people will. People who build client relationships pay close attention so that they can tell when others are struggling.

Offer to help, not just to build a good relationship with your client base, but because you care.

With all this said I would like to remind you to be authentic.

Be genuine. Be real.


Here is a quote for the day:

By being remarkable, being genuine, you can be worth connecting with. And you don’t have to have it all figured out perfectly the first time – you can adjust.

~ Seth Godin ~

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About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and have now recently moved to Private Projects. I love every second of it!

700 000 Tender Notices Published

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700 000 Tenders

On the 28 May 2018, Leads 2 Business celebrated the publishing of our 700 000th tender notice.

And like the publishing of the 600 000th, the 500 000th and all the big milestone tenders that have come before; I laugh at how fleeting the moment is. In fact, between that moment and now; L2B has published an additional 2000 plus tenders. Being then asked to write a blog article on this occasion, seems a bit late to the party.

Were we surprised by hitting that number? No. We’ve been looking out for it for awhile. In fact, we were hoping to hit it the Friday before.

The fact is, we’d hit 700 000 at some point. It’s guaranteed, like death and taxes. So whether we publish one tender a day or 100 tenders a day; the milestones will come. Does that diminish the accomplishment? No. The accomplishment doesn’t lie in the number. It’s taken years to get to this point. Numerous staff, current and past, have contributed by doing what needs to be done. Getting the work in, and getting the work out.

The usual words bandied about concerning the publishing of tenders is monotonous, routine, repetitive. I can see you’re just chomping at the bit, to become part of this exciting and glamourous data capturing world. Like all things, it isn’t that straight forward or that simple.
I’m a huge advocate of “It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it”. How you do something speaks volumes, and that “how” can be applied to any aspect of your life.

When attempting to come up with an approach for this article, two words kept cropping up; namely “consistency” and “preparation”. Consistency gets a bad rap. It’s usually lumped in with the “repetitive” and “monotonous” crowd. There’s nothing exciting about being consistent, clearly. But that’s what 700 000 tenders represents; consistency. What we did yesterday, is what we have to do
today. And hoping against hope, that’s something to be proud of.

Now, I’m a creature of habit. I like routine, and cannot abide surprises. My skill set is better suited to thoughtful preparation, rather than “fly by the seat of your pants” recklessness (much to the chagrin of those I work with). So I recognise when my colleagues also show consistency in their work, recognise that it isn’t always an easy process. Being reliable in this day and age, is hard and rare.

Preparation comes from seeing the bigger picture. It isn’t only today, that needs to be handled. Coming in early, and skipped lunches, staying late, doubling up to compensate for Public Holidays and downed websites, supporting colleagues and actively carrying your own weight day in and day out. These decisions are made throughout L2B (in every Department) every day to meet targets, meet and even exceed expectations and strengthen our internal Culture of Excellence. Scoff all you want. But like I said; it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it. And quite frankly, if you want to be good at anything in your life; accept consistency and preparation and be better for it.


“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.
We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence,
but we rather have those because we have acted rightly.
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit”
– Aristotle.

So let’s see if our habits get us to 800 000 by February 2020.


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About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

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