Explaining Key Tender Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important element in our day-to-day lives and it determines how people respond or react to what is being said to them. The vocabulary of a tender is the language or jargon that is used when publishing a tender, these words are used in order to attract the right people and people that will understand what is expected of them.

The important key element of a tender is what is being done and where is it being done. The type of work being done has to be stated as this is essential in sourcing the right people for the job if the tender requires building the tender has to state that it is for construction and if the tender is for consultants the tender again will state “professionals”. Another element is the location of the work and the duration of the work. The work may be done in a city, town, province or national for the period stated.

In the tender sector, different companies do different works therefore categorizing a tender is important. The vocabulary also gives an understanding of the category the tender falls under meaning a tender can be categorized as IT or Building or Trades based on the vocabulary that is being used.

Tenders usually have restrictions on who can tender and conditions to tender, these restrictions are usually in tender jargon or tender language for example a tender may require a CIDB grading in order to tender. A CIDB grading is a rank given to a construction company based on the value and experience of its past construction projects. The rank is based on work, financial and general compliance criteria.

A tender is time-based like most things in the world and time waits for no man. It is important to note the site inspection and the closing date as this is beneficial. For some tenders, a site inspection is important and compulsory and one cannot tender if they did not attend the site inspection most tenders will not under any circumstances accept late submissions therefore time is a very important element to note and respect when tendering.

Is there any tender vocab we missed that you’d like covered? Drop a comment below.

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Featured Tender: Procurement of Sewer Construction Works at Botswana National Youth Council BNYC

Contract Number:

MYSCCS/WORKS/05/2022-2023 – Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Facilities Management Unit


Tender offers are invited from 100% citizen owned companies for the procurement of sewer construction works at Botswana National Youth Council for Ministry of Youth. Gender. Sport and Culture.

Category Industry
Infrastructure Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Botswana 2022-07-13 02:00 PM
Closing Date Contract Period
29 July 2022 at 10:00 (Local Time) No Details

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Featured Tender: Rehabilitation Work of the Irrigated Perimeter of Cacala and Korea in Cuanza Norte

Angola – DTA 918828

Contract Number:

C189/CS/CADP-22 – Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries


Project Id – P159052: The Government of Angola has received financing from the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD) toward the cost of the Commercial Agriculture Development Project (CADP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the Contractor for the Rehabilitation Work of the Irrigated Perimeter of Cacala and Korea in Cuanza Norte. The Office of Studies, Planning and Statistics (GEPE), of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MINAGRIP), invites potential eligible and qualified bidders to submit sealed proposals.

Category Industry
Infrastructure Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Angola 2022-06-22 10:30 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
29 July 2022 at 10:30 (Local Time) No Details

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About Michelle Ngubo

I have been working at L2B since March 2014 and my current position is Tenders Africa Deputy HOD and Classy is the best word that describes me.

Infographic: Tenders

posted in: Infographic 0

Are you looking for leads in SA and Africa? View our infographic on Tenders and Subscribe today to take advantage of all the benefits.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Featured Tender: Refurbishment of Rapid Sandfilters at Overberg Water WTW

posted in: Featured Tender 0

Western Cape – DTA 916088

Contract Number:

RFPOW-239/2021/22 – Overberg Water


Overberg Water Board invites tenders for Appointment of the Contractor for the Refurbishment of Rapid Sandfilters at Overberg Water WTW – Duivenhoks Scheme.

Category Industry
Plant & Machinery, Mechanical Water
Region Site Inspection
Western Cape No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
07 June 2022 at 14:00 No Details

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Difference between a Tender and a Project


Cambridge Dictionary definitions:-

Tender (verb) A written or formal offer to supply goods or to do a job for an agreed price
Project (noun) A piece of planned work or an activity that is finished over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose


Google definition:-

It can potentially get a little confusing, but in short, a project is a development that is tracked from conception to completion e.g. The development of a hotel. A tender is a specific tender for a specific requirement e.g. a tender might go out for the supply of bricks.


At Leads 2 Business we have several distinct differences between Tenders and Projects published on our database, for example, how they are captured, how you interact with them, and specific subscriptions tailored to your requirements.

Capturing a Tender:

All tender notices originate from an original Tender Advert that has been advertised publicly on various platforms that we monitor. All the information provided is captured in a user-friendly format paying particular attention to site inspection dates and times, closing dates and times, the contract number, any restrictions that might be applicable, contact names and details of relevant persons involved in the specific tender process and where the actual tender document is available. When the information has all been added and the document is saved, a unique reference number is allocated preceded by the prefix DTA (Daily Tender Advisory)

Capturing a Project:

The information collated for a Project Lead is gleaned from multiple resources and captured in a user-friendly format paying particular attention to the timing and status, GPS location, type of building or infrastructure, professionals involved, relevant documentation and the most current information on the progress of the project. When all the information has been added and the document saved, a unique reference number is allocated preceded by the prefix PPA (Private Project Advisory)

Interacting with a Tender:

Tender notices can be found on the site using the easy search function using either the unique reference number, contract number or keywords from the description. The contact details for the professionals listed on the tender advert will be available should you have any questions regarding the details of the tender. There could be links to relevant documents that are hyperlinked to download directly onto your PC. You can set reminders for the site inspection date so you don’t miss that all-important meeting. Set a reminder for the closing date so you are not late handing in your final tender document. Contact a friendly L2B researcher should there be any further information you desire. Monitor the tender notice so you are notified of any changes to the original tender notice published. The Tender Notice is updated when awarded.

Interacting with a Project:

Project Leads can be found on the site using the easy search function using either the unique reference number, name of the development or keywords from the description. Depending on the status of the project there will be a list of professionals that you are able to contact at each relevant stage of the project life cycle. There is the opportunity to build relationships with professionals to facilitate possible collaboration on future projects. There could be links to relevant documents that are hyperlinked to download directly onto your PC. Contact a friendly L2B researcher that is dedicated to researching that specific project should there be any further information you desire. Monitor the Project Lead so you are notified of any updates and/or progress as the Project evolves from Conceptual to Completion. The Project Lead is updated progressively as it moves through the Project Life Cycle

Tailor-made Subscriptions:

Your Leads 2 Business profile is designed to fit the needs and specifications suited to your trades and capabilities in the building industry. If you are only partial to tender notices your subscription won’t include Project Leads but if Project Leads is your bread and butter we understand the world you live in and you will also be able to access Tender notices.

Cambridge Dictionary
Leads 2 Business

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About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

Featured Tender: Construction of the Namibia 2nd 400kv interconnector

posted in: Featured Tender 2

Northern Cape – DTA 915948

Contract Number:



Bids are invited for the construction of the Namibia 2nd 400kv interconnector at Oranjemond substation.

Category Industry
Infrastructure, Electrical & Instrument Institutional, Power Grid
Region Site Inspection
Northern Cape 2022-05-23 10:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
17 June 2022 at 10:00 No Details

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Pertinent Project Stages

  • Conceptual Stage

The project will still be an idea/concept. Pre-feasibility studies are undertaken to determine whether the project is viable during this stage. No construction consultants are appointed as yet, as it is the earliest stage of the project.

  • Procedural Stage

Environmental studies are undertaken in this phase, and various studies, possibly including heritage, geotechnical etc are undertaken on the project’s site location to determine if it would be safe to develop or if there are any issues. Once Environmental Authorisation is granted, Town Planning (TP) applications would be submitted to the Local Municipality by the Town Planning consultants on behalf of the client. A TP application is to rezone the property if required.

During this phase, we could have only the Environmentalist, Town Planner and clients’ details listed on the project however their contact details will be hidden. The Environmentalist & Town Planners listed on the project will solely be involved in the environmental and TP process that is being conducted on the land and will not be of assistance nor will they be the correct person to forward your profile, as they have no input in the procurement or construction of the development. The client and developers’ details will only be made available once all necessary legal approvals have been granted.

  • Design Stage

A project on our database will only be changed to Design once an Architect has been appointed for a building component. An infrastructure component such as a road will be changed to design when a civil engineer is appointed. The Design Phase is where the Designs are developed. There are different stages within the design stage that Architects often follow before designs are approved and finalized by the clients. The rest of the professional team is also appointed during the design phase as they all collaborate to develop detailed designs. Details of the entire team are sourced during this stage as well. Architect drawings are not sourced or added as Project documents. Subscribers are advised to request drawings directly from the Architects.

  • Tender Stage

Tenders are advertised publicly (if the government department is the client) or are sent to preferred bidders (if private client) we update the projects accordingly depending on which sector it is in.

You will find that some Public Projects (CIDB 7, 8 or 9) are added from the Tender stage to our database. These projects are sourced from Government portals, gazettes or local newspapers.

During the Tender stage, the Bill of Quantities could be made available. A copy will be added to the PPA as a document and an email will be sent out notifying the monitors. If the project is a Private development a request will be made to the consultants for a copy of the BOQ. Should a copy be made available, it can be requested by the subscriber from the listed researcher from L2B. A private BOQ can only to be used for information purposes as it is a confidential document and may not be redistributed.

  • Awarded Stage

The project status is changed once the main contractor has been awarded the construction contract. The project in this stage will be updated with Contract Timing, Contract Value, Site Agent and Contracts Managers details from the awarded company. During this stage, the contractor awaits to receive site handover from the client and work permits from the Department of Labour should it be a public project. Private projects exceeding R65 million are also required to apply for work permits at the Department of Labour through their appointed Health & Safety officer.

  • Underway Stage

Once work permits are received and site handover takes place the contractor would then establish the site (moving equipment on-site and setting up office). Once construction has commenced, the status of the project changes to underway. The project is actively monitored with project updates being generated frequently to notify our subscribers of the entire progress of the works. Subcontractor’s details are requested and added to the awards.

  • Completion Stage

When works reach practical completion or project handover takes place or if the works will be completed within 6 – 8 weeks, we will then update the status to Complete and the Project will no longer be actively researched.

  • Postponed Stage

Projects are listed as postponed if we have been advised or sourced that construction will not be taking place for a period of time. If a project was in the tender phase and the tender was cancelled, the status is changed to postponed pending the publication of a new tender

  • Cancelled Stage

A Project is cancelled if we have sourced or been notified that the development is no longer going ahead

  • L2BShelved

In the event of the researcher not being able to source or confirm any viable construction information or contactable professionals details on a project over a period of time, the status could be updated to L2BShelved. This indicates that all avenues of research have been exhausted and the Project will no longer be actively researched by L2B.

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Featured Tender: Duvha north and south lime plants upgrade

Mpumalanga – DTA 912861

Contract Number:

MPGXC006506 – Eskom – Readvertisement *(Details Change)*


*Note: Details changed, please see CIDB Grading.* Bids are invited for the Duvha north and south lime plants upgrade for the period of 36 months at Duvha power station.

Category Industry
Plant & Machinery Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Mpumalanga Not Applicable.
Closing Date Contract Period
30 June 2022 at 10:00 36 Months.

Please visit Leads 2 Business for more information on this Tender Notice.
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How To: Make Notes

Your Notes which are found on both Projects and Tenders have 2 Sections:

  1. “Are you involved in this Project/Tender?” – which is a drop-down selection
  2. Add a New Note – which allows you to add any custom note3


“Are you involved in this Project/Tender?” drop-down selection has options you can choose from:

  1. I am an Appointed Subcontractor on this Contract
  2. I am Bidding as a Main/Civil Contractor on this Contract
  3. I am the Awarded Main/Civil Contractor

If you are actually involved at these specific stages ie. Appointed, Bidding or Awarded then you are able to select the relevant option. This can provide additional exposure for your company should the details be confirmed by our researchers.

Added notes are visible for the Main User and their Monitors at any point when viewing the relevant Tender/Project and can also be removed by the User that added the note.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

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