Pricing Online

All’s well that ends well. While I believe this to be true, I also believe there is another equally important truth – all’s well that begins well. Especially so in the Construction Industry.
An Industry that commands the unforeseen be seen today.
An industry where the smallest miscalculation will lead to errors of massive proportions.
An industry whose success depends as much on the right planning as on the right execution.
Leads 2 Business understands how crucial accurate, timeous pricing is, and believe that ‘nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity’
Request for Quotes
Submitting accurate pricing is critical in any type of construction business.
Estimate too high and you win fewer jobs; too low and your profits disappear.
So, it’s important to get it right every time!
How do you submit a Request for Quote (RFQ) as accurately and as timeous as possible?
Let’s explore two possible scenarios:
Scenario 1
On receiving a Request for Quote (RFQ) you attempt to print it out, but….. there’s no paper in the printer, mumbling to yourself you open a new ream of paper, slam it into the printer tray and attempt to print again.
You got this, just breathe.
Okay, it’s printing!
Now that you have your freshly printed RFQ on your desk you start typing away on your calculator: add the three, carry the one divide by four, or was it add the one carry the four and divide by three???
This is getting stressful….
A few checks on Google along with a splash of Tip-ex here and there and BOOM you finally have yourself a complete handwritten RFQ! Not bad for a couple of hours work!!
After double checking all is correct (fingers crossed), and feeling rather satisfied with yourself, you bundle the lot up and caress it down the throat of the office fax machine, only to find out that the fax jammed, your document is in tatters and you are seeing red.
Following a few choice words with the poor new IT guy, you calmly place your head in your hands and walk back to your desk to start the tedious process again….
Estimating by hand is time-consuming, frustrating and is detrimental to the well being of the poor new IT guy.

It’s time to bin the fax machine
Scenario 2
You respond by pricing online using the Leads 2 Business website.
Online? Tell me how!
By registering to the Open Quotes service offered by Leads 2 Business you can price online, edit your Profile settings which include your Trades and Serviceable Regions and send your prices to Buyers without waiting for them to ask you for a price first.
Pricing online will not only ensure you rank higher than your competitors it will also:
Save You Time with easy options to download, decline and archive RFQ’s, as well as the ability to send your prices to multiple buyers at once.
Centralised Storage & No More Paper means you can now have a detailed record of all RFQ’s received, priced, declined and archived, kept safely online.
Drawings are easily accessible and available to download.
Open Quotes provides you with the ability to:
• Pro-actively respond to RFQ’s using Bill Extracts
• View and price other jobs that match your company trade
• Forward your pricing requests to your company
• Stay current with recent Award notifications
You will be notified when a contract has been awarded, giving you the edge over your competitors.
You will be provided with the following information:
• Awarded Contractor
• Contact information
• Contract Value
• Site occupation
As a new Open Quotes subscriber, you will have a premier listing of the New Vendors showcase for a 30 day period, allowing Buyers to view your business offerings.
You will be able to see which Buyers prefer you and interact directly with them regarding your service and product offerings.
So how much time is needed to price? When using Open Quotes from Leads 2 Business, not much time at all!
But don’t take my word for it Click Here and find out for yourself.
Printer on Fire
I joined Leads 2 Business in February 2009 and serve as IT Director.