Featured Tender: Weenen-Ezitendeni Sanitation Project: Mechanical and Electrical Installations

Contract Number: 01/2017-MEU – uThukela District Municipality

Description: Bids are hereby invited for the Weenen-Ezitendeni Sanitation Project: Mechanical and Electrical Installations of a 1500m3 / day sewage treatment plant for the town of Weenen / Ezitendeni in KwaZulu- Natal. The sewage plant comprise a biological nutrient removal plant.

Industry Sector: Institutional + Water

Industry: Electrical & Instrument + Plant & Machinery + Mechanical

Region: KwaZulu-Natal

Site Inspection: A compulsory Site Inspection will be held on site on Tuesday, 09 June 2017 at 10:00. Failure to obtain a Tender document or non attendance at the site inspection will result in the immediate disqualification of your tender. Tenderers are required to meet at uThukela District Municipality, 36 Lyell Street, Ladysmith from where tenderers will travel in convoy to site close to Weenen (approximately 60km from Ladysmith).

Closing Date: 04 July 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: CIDB Grading Requirement: 6 CE. Tenderers must score a minimum 70 points on Functionality for the tender to be considered further. Sealed tenders endorsed with the Tender no. and Description of the Tender. It will be the tenderer’s responsibility to check the document on receipt for completeness and to notify the employer of any discrepancies or omissions. It is the tenderer’s responsibility to provide all the data and information requested completely and in the form required, failure to do so may be regarded by the employer as a non-responsive tender. Tenderers are also to note that they will be required to support local business enterprises through prescribed Contract Participation Goal commitments in line with current supply chain management policy. uThukela District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any of the tenders and reserves the right to accept the whole part or part of the tender.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Roxanne Mustard

My Name is Roxanne Mustard and I started working at Leads 2 Business in September 2016. My role in the Leads 2 Business team is as a Regional Content researcher in the Projects Department.

Did you know #DYK: Contact links for workman’s compensation

posted in: Did You Know 0

Contact links for workman’s compensation

Following on from the last article which details:

  1. What the Workman Compensation Fund is,
  2. When you can claim and
  3. The different names they are known by.


I want to address the next step, as injuries do happen! How do you go about contacting Workman’s Compensation?

Firstly, to confirm, here are the two scenarios where submitting a claim would be viable:

  1. An employee has met with an accident for which medical treatment is required, or in the event of their death, which has arisen out of, or during the course of employment.
  2. An employee has reported a personal injury to their employer, and in giving the report they allege that the injury arose in or out of their course of employment.


As we all may have experienced at some point in time, dealing with the Government departments can be a tedious exercise, so I am optimistic the information below will make your lives a little easier.


While conducting my research, I established that the number (or any of their related numbers listed) for the Compensation Funds Call centre number are currently out of order. With telephonic support ruled out as an option, we are left to follow the guidelines laid out on their website which state that a claim is to be attended to as follows:

A W.C.I.2 Form would need to be completed and submitted to them within 7 days of the incident:

The form is made up of Part A and B which are identical. Part B is to be detached and handed to the Medical practitioner.

The completed form along with the First Medical Report (W.CI.4) and a certified copy of the employee’s ID is to be sent to the following address by post:

The Compensation Commissioner

Compensation House

P.O. Box 955



Their contact details are listed as follows:

Call Centre: 0860 105 350

Email: cf-info@labour.gov.za

Website: http://www.labour.gov.za

The Compensation Office should respond with a (W.CI.55), stating a claim number and this number must be used for all further correspondence.


Given that our postal system is not always the most reliable and that we have an online alternative at our disposal, I would highly recommend using the online platform offered by the Compensation Fund as it provides the most efficient and reliable means of getting the documents delivered to them.


The system was introduced in 2014 and is known as Umehluko ICM, and in order to submit a claim, you will be required to register with the Department of Labour Online Platform, if you are not already registered, please visit https://cfonline.labour.gov.za to go through the registration process. Thereafter they will email you a Username and Password for subsequent access.


Equipped with your username and password detail, login and select the “Capture” tab, select “Claim” and follow the prompts on the website. The added bonus of this approach is you are able to follow the progress of the claim online.

This is a far easier option than posting the claim to them and then attempting to follow the progress telephonically – especially with their phone lines being out of order!


Further research revealed that there are companies in South Africa that offer both Employees and Employers their services to submit and follow the claim on their behalf for a nominal fee. Should one not have the resources, patience or the time to submit and follow up on their claims, this appears to be a marvellous option! One of the companies that I came across was Workers Compensation Assistance website http://www.wcawca.co.za and Tel: 0861 922 463, you will be happy to know that they answer their calls!


Here’s to hoping that your injuries on duty are far and few between, and if they have happened, I trust that this article assists you in making a successful claim.


Stay Safe!





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About Debora Keet

My journey at Leads 2 Business began in January 2006, newly married, I started in Private Projects, whilst on Maternity leave in 2008, I was promoted to Human Resources Manager and an Administration Assistant in October 2008. Over the years I have grown personally and professionally, and am a proud mother of a pigeon pair.

Industry Event: Africa Rail 2017 + My Business Expo + Manufacturing Indaba + MTE Beeshoek Mining Exhibition

1. Event:

Africa Rail 2017



13 June 2017 – 14 June 2017


Event location:

Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, Gauteng


Event Description:

With over 150 exhibitors and 5,800 attendees, this is the one-stop shop for product demonstrations and networking. Leading rail solution providers met our extensive list of buyers from across Africa


Event Website:

Africa Rail 2017



2. Event:

My Business Expo (Durban)



22 June 2017 from 09:00 to 17:00


Event location:

Durban Exhibition Centre


Event Description:

The National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) in association with World Famous Events brings you My Business Expo: Jo’burg, Durban and Cape Town. With more than 40 000 visitors, 400 exhibitors and 200 top of the line seminars and sessions throughout the day, it’s the most successful show in Africa for anyone starting or growing a business.


Contact Details:

E-mail: Events@nsbc.org.za


Event Website:

My Business Expo (Durban)



3. Event:

The 4th Annual Manufacturing Indaba 2017



27 June 2017 – 28 June 2017


Event location:

Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng


Event Description:

South African has developed an established, diversified manufacturing base that has shown its resilience to compete in the global economy. Manufacturing presents an opportunity to signicantly accelerate the country’s growth and development


Contact Details:

Tel: +27(0)11 463 9184


Event Website:

Manufacturing Indaba



4. Event:

MTE Beeshoek Mining Exhibition



20 June 2017


Event location:

Ammosal Rec Club


Event Description:

Focused mining exhibition covering all sections of the mining process (Mining, Engineering, Processing). Over 30 suppliers showcasing their products and/or services to the top and middle management of the following mines and operations (Palaborwa Copper, Foskor, Bosveld Fertilizers, Rob 5. If you want to be part of this exhibition the mines are interested in any innovative technology on the processing side and any ways to improve the mining process. New smelter and Lift II project planning and construction in progress


Contact Details:

Andrew Macnamara

E-mail: andrew@interactmedia.co.za

Tel: +27(0)82 720 0083


Event Website:


About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: The Complete beginners guide to workers compensation

The Complete beginners guide to workers compensation

What is Workmans Compensation (WCA)?


According to Wikipedia.org: “Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue their employer for the tort of negligence.”


What is the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA)?

According to Labour.gov.za: “To provide for compensation for disablement caused by occupational injuries or diseases sustained or contracted by employees in the course of their employment, or for death resulting from such injuries or diseases; and to provide for matters connected therewith.”


One would ask then, what is the difference between The Workmans Compensation Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act? If I get injured whilst on duty where would my claim be submitted then? At the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) or at Workmans Compensation (WCA)?


It is all one and the same thing.


The Workmans Compensation Fund was still operating under this title until 1992 where this act regulated and determined if, when, how and to whom the fund will compensate after any employee got injured on duty. In 1993 a new act was drafted, the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA), as the South African government thought it was a good opportunity to “modernise” the act to suit the rest of the South African Labour legislation.


The old Workmans Compensation Act used the term “workman” where the labour law refers to “employee”. This is a more politically correct term to be used. Although COIDA has been operating since 1993, one will still hear about the Workmans Compensation Act or WCA often.


The term ‘workmans compensation’ is recognised world wide. In prominent countries like USA, Canada, Australia and also the International Labour Organisation (ILO) it is the appropriate term to be used.


Who can claim from Workmans Compensation?

The following people can claim if they get injured whilst on duty or get ill because of work related diseases that results in injury, disability, death or illness:

  • All employees;
  • Casual workers;
  • Full-time workers.


This excludes the following:

Workers who are totally or partially disabled for less than 3 days; domestic workers; anyone receiving military training; members of the South African National Defence Force, or the South African Police Service; any worker guilty of willful misconduct, unless they are seriously disabled or killed; anyone employed outside the RSA for 12 or more continuous months; and workers working mainly outside the RSA and only temporarily employed in the RSA.

If any employee gets injured or dies whilst on duty, a claim needs to be submitted within 12 months of the date of an accident or death to the Commissioner, employer or mutual association.


Here is a few examples of the 10 Most Common Workers Compensation Claims:

1. Overexertion

2. Slip or Trip and Falls

3. Fall to Lower Level

4. Bodily Reaction

5. Struck by Object

6. Struck Against an Object

7. Highway Incident

8. Machinery Accidents

9. Repetitive Motion

10. Workplace violence


Please click on the following link to get a better understanding of South Africa’s Workmans Compensation Act or should I say the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act:






About George Harris

I started my incredible journey at Leads 2 Business in 2006. I am the Content Director, custodian of an amazing research team responsible for unearthing hidden gems of information.

Featured Project: Lusaka Development, Zambia – Shopping Mall

Description: Construction of a shopping mall with over sixty shops adjacent to the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka, Zambia.

Status: Conceptual

Industry: Building

Region: Zambia

Sector: Public Private Partnership

Value: Unknown At This Stage

Timing: 2017 onwards.

Notes: Please see DTA 637267, Contract number: MYSCD.NHS/PSU/W/01/2017 – Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development, Tender Reference: Technical and financial proposals for construction of a shopping mall, hotel, playing field, for all relevant tender document details pertaining to this Project Lead. There is no compulsory briefing session listed and the closing date is 20 June 2017 at 10:30 (Local Time). Please click on the “View the # lead related to this Project” to view the linked DTA.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

Featured Tender: uMshwathi Secondary Bulk Water Scheme Phase 2

Contract Number: 09/2017 – uMgungundlovu District Municipality

Description:Tenders are hereby invited from experienced and suitably qualified service providers for the construction of the uMshwathi Secondary Bulk Water Scheme – Phase 2, located in the uMgungundlovu District Municipality of KwaZulu-Natal. The project comprises of approximately 31km of uPVC and Klambon Steel pipeline, ranging in diameter from 100mm to 315mm and includes the construction of 3No 1M reinforced concrete reservoirs, 1No 150K Reinforced Concrete Break Pressure Tank, 1No 50K Reinforced Concrete Break Pressure Tank and associated valves, chambers and fittings. Tenderers must be ISO 9001 accredited.

Industry Sector: Renovations + Water

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: KwaZulu-Natal

Site Inspection: A compulsory site visit and clarification meeting will be conducted by the Engineer on Thursday, 08 June 2017, meeting at 10:00 at the Efaye Community Hall (29° 17’ 2.11”S; 30° 48’ 1.79”E) located off Road D348.

Closing Date: 06 July 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: Only tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are capable of being registered prior to the close of this tender, in a Contractor grading equal to or higher than 9CE will be eligible to tender.uMgungundlovu District Municipality. Failure to submit the Tender Document and non-attendance at the compulsory clarification meeting will render any tender submission invalid. All queries are to be directed via e-mail to Mr S Delomoney at durban@mna-sa.co.za. Tenders submitted on the official Tender Document that you have purchased, are to be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked: “TENDER No 09/2017: CONSTRUCTION OF UMSHWATHI SECONDARY BULK WATER SCHEME – PHASE 2” and must be deposited in the tender box situated on the ground floor of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality, 242 Langalibalele (Longmarket) Street, Pietermaritzburg, on or before the Closing Time of 12:00 on Thursday, 06 July,where tenders will be opened in public. Late Tenders or Tenders received by way of facsimile or email will under no circumstances be considered. The 90/10 Preference Points system will be applicable, with 90 points for price a nd 10 points for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. Tenderers must be a minimum level 3 or higher B-BBEE status contributor in order to be eligible to tender. Tenderers will be evaluated in terms of functionality as part of the minimum requirements before evaluated on price based on the following criteria: Evaluation Criteria – Weight: Experience applicable to the past 5 years: 50. Financial Resources: 20. Experience of Key Personnel: 16. Previous Performance of Similar Projects: 14. Total = 100. A bidder/s that scores less than 60 points out of 100 in respect of functionality will be regarded as submitting a non-responsive bid and will be disqualified. Thereafter the 90/10 Preference Points system will be applicable, with 90 points for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. Tenderers should ensure that the minimum 30% of the contract is sub-contracted as per Section 9(1) and (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017. The project is EPWP complaint, while providing infrastructure it aims to increase the focus on the creation of temporary work opportunities that provide income to the poor and the unemployed. The EPWP as a primary vehicle for creation of work opportunities, jobs for poor and unemployed people in South Africa so as to contribute to halving unemployment, through the delivery of public and community services. Only tenderers who employ staff which satisfy EPWP requirements are eligible to submit tender offers. All service providers intending to submit a tender are required to be registered on the Central Supplier Database. Tenderers shall take note of the following Tender Conditions: uMgungundlovu District Municipality’s procurement policy will apply; uMgungundlovu District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or any other tender and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender; A Performance Guarantee of 10% of the Contract Value will be required on this contract; The Single Envelope System shall apply; Tenders submitted are to be valid for a period of 120 days from the closing date for submission of tenders.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About George Harris

I started my incredible journey at Leads 2 Business in 2006. I am the Content Director, custodian of an amazing research team responsible for unearthing hidden gems of information.

Did you know #DYK: Who is Managing a Project? General Project Manager Duties

posted in: Did You Know 0

Who is Managing a Project? General Project Manager Duties

How to contact the Researcher

I believe that a Project Manager is a key member of the Professional Team. They are responsible for the delivery of a project, reaching and achieving set goals and targets correctly and safely.

From the research that I have done, I have come to the conclusion that Project Managers have a lot of responsibility, not to mention stress, as they are responsible for the successful planning, execution, monitoring, control and closure of a project.


Project Manager’s possible duties include:


1. Planning

To plan the successful delivery of a project. They would need to plan, design, analyse, evaluate the goals and objectives to determine how to deliver a project effectively and efficiently. They need to know all the projects details and requirements.

To plan tight time schedules and strict budgets that must be adhered to.

To plan visits or set up meetings with existing, new and potential clients to ensure these relationships are beneficial as well as well-maintained throughout the project process or contract.

Another requirement is Resource & Construction Strategy Planning.


How to contact the Researcher






2. Managing and Communicating

Managing their team and day to day activities. This includes ensuring the right material arrives on site before required, to be prepared as well as relaying the work activities, objectives and ethics to their colleagues. They need to relay the objectives of the project, scope of works and job role i.e. what is expected of them. General Management skills.

When delays or problems are encountered – which we know happens – then it is up to the Project Manager to be ready to lead the way and make the necessary decisions to get the project back on track and moving forward again. They need to manage a set of service deliveries that needs to be achieved on time and on schedule.

Project Managers should also be able to resolved conflict, whether this be onsite between the service teams, with other entities or the public. They need to show initiative and overcome any obstacles by finding a suitable way to adapt to certain situations to provide successful solutions with a successful outcome.

They should be able to command authority naturally while looking after their team, encouraging and supporting them. Be the team and project leader, keeping communication lines open whilst ensuring the team engage in project work.

Monitoring project progress and performance



3. Reporting, Recording and Liaising

Reporting on the progress of the project to various management members and client advising them how far along the project is, if this is progressing well and as planned. They need to inform them if deadlines are being met (or not) and if the program is still on track. Project Managers need to report any delays or extension of time or any project hiccups. Meeting checkpoints and financial reporting is imperative. This report is not once off, it is constant feedback to keep the client up to date with the current status of the project.

They need to define milestones and produce reports to the team. This is done at agreed intervals to inform the service team of where they are currently and what actions need to be taken, again keeping communication open.



4. Co-ordinating

Co-ordinating the team which includes staff training and support



5. Financing

Setting up the budgets, estimates, costs and construction timetable and developing a budget for the client.

Don’t be this guy:


6. Staffing

Sometimes, however not in all cases, it is the duty of the Project Manager to appoint sub contractors and contractors for the project. The Project Manager is accountable for the team he chooses and could be asked to motivate why he chose a particular company or professional.

They need to select and put together the best team for the job, this not only includes selecting a tea, but also training the team towards the companies core values.





7. Compliance

Ensuring that the project complies with the building codes, regularity or legal requirements.

Deliverables should be tested at each milestones to ensure that they are correct and meet the requirements

Quality control



I hope this has given you more insight into the Project Manager’s possible duties, responsibilities, role in the project and what their workload is like.










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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Michelle Crosby

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in the Directory Department in 2012. I was then promoted to the Private Projects Department in 2014 and was recently promoted to Projects HOD this year.

Industry Events: Cleantex Pulire + MTE Phalaborwa Mining & Industrial Exhibition + MTE Rustenburg Mining Exhibition

1. Event:

Cleantex Pulire



12 June 2017 – 14 June 2017


Event location:

Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand, Johannesburg


Event Description:

The International trade show in Africa showcasing all sectors of the Professional cleaning and hygiene industry



Tel: +27 (0)11 238 7848

Mobile: +27(0)11 72 611 1959

E-mail: info@cleantex.co.za


Event Website:

Cleantex Pulire



2. Event:

MTE Phalaborwa Mining & Industrial Exhibition



06 June 2017


Event location:

Laerskool Phalaborwa Noord, Phalaborwa, Limpopo


Event Description:

Focused mining exhibition covering all sections of the mining process (Mining, Engineering, Processing). Over 30 suppliers showcasing their products and/or services to the top and middle management of the following mines and operations (Palaborwa Copper, Foskor, Bosveld Fertilizers, Rob 5.  If you want to be part of this exhibition the mines are interested in any innovative technology on the processing side and any ways to improve the mining process. New smelter and Lift II project planning and construction in progress



1. Andrew Macnamara

E-mail: andrew@interactmedia.co.za

Tel: +27(0)82 720 0083



Event Website:

MTE Phalaborwa Mining & Industrial Exhibition



3. Event

MTE Rustenburg Mining Exhibition



08 June 2017


Event location:

Impala Rugby Club, Rustenburg, North West


Event Description:

Focused mining exhibition covering all sections of the mining process (Mining, Engineering, Processing). Over 90 suppliers showcasing their products and/or services to the top and middle management of the following mines and operations (Sibanye Platinum – RPM Mines, Impala Platinum Mines, Glencore Chrome Mines, Smaller operations.  If you want to be part of this exhibition the mines are interested in any innovative technology on the processing side and any ways to improve the mining process. Sibanye Platinum are the new owners of RPM mines and are looking at improving the operations through efficient products and innovation.



Andrew Macnamara

Tel: +27(0)82 720 0083

E-mail: andrew@interactmedia.co.za


Event Website:

MTE Rustenburg Mining Exhibition

About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

Timbavati Update: Success Story


Daily, we are bombarded with negative stories concerning poaching of rhino, elephants being wiped out indiscriminately all over Africa, lions being killed for their bones and leopards being systematically killed for their skins. What value does this wildlife have for us as human beings? So what if they were wiped out, surely the world would be a safer place and we now have other more sophisticated technological innovations that can more than satisfy the human soul? Wrong! If we lose the biodiversity in Africa, we as human beings are going to be a much poorer species and the slippery slope of animal extinction is the precursor to our own demise. How come we can’t make a difference with all the technology and expertise at our fingertips? Possibly greed and indifference are the two biggest enemies for biodiversity.

The rich biodiversity in Africa needs to be maintained and managed in a way that natural processes and system dynamics can be allowed to function in an unhindered way. The Timbavati Private Nature Reserve has a very special individual who has, under his guidance, helped to keep the wildlife of Timbavati Private Nature Reserve safe for 19 years. This is Sergeant Anton Mzimba who heads up the Para-Military Field Ranger team in the reserve. The Timbavati adjoins the Kruger National Park and along with other neighbouring reserves, both private and provincial, make up the Greater Kruger Area. Anton works very closely with his counterparts in these adjoining reserves and National Parks; and through the Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation (GKEPF) all the security related matters are coordinated and carried out operationally. With the constant threat of poaching to the rhino, all the reserves have had to become innovative and proactive. The rise in poaching of pangolin and other species for the muti-trade, such as vultures and hyenas, is also a matter of concern and the Timbavati has taken firm steps to secure the integrity of their area.

Anton has been very instrumental in training the field rangers and this is seen as the foundation for having a successful counter to any poaching threat. There is no substitute for boots on the ground. However with the right technology and equipment to assist, a more effective team can bring in good results. Most of the poaching takes place at night and Anton has stated that until he and his field rangers can ultimately “own the night” we will always be on the back foot when it comes to tracking poachers. Good night vision equipment costs a lot of money for field rangers and when it comes to helicopter support with infra-red camera surveillance capabilities, this ups the ante. Working at night is never easy and often one needs to operate in a hostile environment where you not only have to deal with poachers who are ready to shoot to kill, but also the dangerous game such as elephants, buffalo, rhino, lion, etc. that could potentially harm or kill you if you inadvertently bump into them at night. Anton has had to deal with many close calls with regards to wild animals and in the latter part of 2016 he was on patrol in the reserve with one of his field ranger colleagues Vusi Mdhlovu, when they were scouting round a dam looking for signs of poacher’s tracks. Without warning a big hippo bull charged out the water and chased after Vusi, picking him up in his enormous jaws and proceeded to shake him like a dog with a rat, smashing him into the overhanging branches of a nearby tree. Anton ran over and shot the hippo which dropped Vusi. The hippo then returned to the water. Anton started administering first aid to Vusi when the hippo attacked again. Anton cool and collected fired shots at the hippo, averting the second charge. The wounded hippo was followed up on and destroyed later. Vusi had horrific injuries, but fortunately has made good progress in his recovery.

The early detection systems that Timbavati have in place have meant that if we get an incursion by poachers we can react immediately and not give them the time and opportunity to do their dirty deeds. Early detection and rapid response is key and Anton has been at the forefront of all these operations. Timbavati has also used tracking dogs to assist when following poacher’s tracks and apart from the intimidation of having a dog after you, they also have a good success rate if the tracks are fresh enough. The Timbavati has had rhino that have been shot on neighbouring properties walk over wounded and die on our land, however there have been no cases of poachers shooting and killing rhino on the Timbavati itself. Anton and his team are the true heroes walking that thin green line and with this kind of dedication and commitment we are confident that reserves like the Timbavati will be able to secure not only the rhino, but all biodiversity for future generations. We salute these brave men and women who work tirelessly putting their very lives on the line, when many of us are cuddled up fast asleep in bed. All Rangers are modern day heroes who, through their actions, make the world a better place for us all.

Featured Project: Sultan Palace Beach Resort – Kenya, Apartments

Description: Construction of apartments for the Sultan Palace Beach Retreat in Kenya. Sultan Palace Development Ltd, a Chinese real estate group has launched a Sh5 billion beach resort in the Kenyan coastal county of Kilifi to cash in on the growing demand for holiday homes in the country. The beach resort sits on a 43 acre beach-front in Kikambala, 25kms from Mombasa in Kenya.

Status: Underway

Industry: Building

Region: Kenya

Sector: Public

Value: R100 million+

Timing: 2015 onwards.

Notes: The apartments are currently about 65% complete.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here


About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

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