Featured Tender: Funding, Design and Build of Ndarugu 1 Dam (Nairobi – Mavoko – Kitengela) Water Supply Project

Contract Number: Funding, Design and Build of Ndarugu 1 Dam (Nairobi – Mavoko – Kitengela) Water Supply Project – Tanathi Water Services Board

Description: Tanathi Water Services Board – This invitation for bids (IFB) is for Funding, Design and Build of the proposed Ndarugu 1 Dam (Nairobi – Mavoko – Kitengela), Water Supply Project. The Scope of the project includes but not limited to the construction of a 35m high concrete dam with a reservoir capacity of 225 Million m3, a 173 000m3/d treatment works, transmission pipes, Storage tanks and associated works. The Tanathi water services board hereby invites sealed bids from eligible firms for the Funding, Design and Build of Ndarugu 1 water supply project (herein after called “the works”)

Category: Consultants

Industries: Water + Institutional

Region: Kenya

Site Inspection: A pre-bid site visit shall be held on 09 November 2017 at 09:00 (Local Time) at Mavoko Water and Sewerage Company.

Closing Date: 28 November 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with the government of Kenya Procurement Law and Regulations and the evaluation criteria contained in the bidding documents. The invitation for bids is open to international firms who meet the following eligibility criteria: Minimum average annual turnover as prime contractor (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) over the last 5 years of 10 Billion Kenya Shillings. Successful experience as a contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor in the execution of at least 1 project of a nature and complexity comparable to the proposed contract within the last 10 years, with a value of at least 18 Billion Kenya Shillings. The experience should include minimum key production rate of: Laying of water pipes 800mm diameter at a rate of 2850m per month; Earthworks at a rate of 130,000m3 per month; Concrete works at a rate of 3000m3 per month; Have appropriate equipment and staff as defined in the bidding documents; Access to, or availability of financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, other than any contractual advance payments sufficient to meet: A Construction cash – flow requirement of 1 Billion Kenya Shillings. The Overall cash flow requirements for this contract and its current commitments. Has the ability to mobilise the required finances to implement the project through support of the applicants Government or Applicants country Export Bank or any other financial institution capable of providing funds with acceptable terms and conditions by the National Treasury. Bids must be accompanied with Bid security of at least 1% of the contract price.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click here for more information.

About Pauline Rainbird

I have been working at L2B since March 2011 and my current position is Deputy Head of Department - Africa. When I am not working I am either riding my bicycle or spending time with my dogs.

Did you Know #DYK: Trench-less Technology

posted in: Did You Know 5


I did not know much about the ‘nitty gritty’ of my topic, so in my research, I have managed to repair the link between the unknown and new information. I do hope that I am able to shed some light to others too.


Trenchless Technology”. Trenchless?! How may I ask could any material be placed underground without digging a trench?


Well, literally: Trenchless Technology means “no-dig” construction. Few trenches or no continuous trenches are required to being dug below the surface for minimal disruption to the surface. It is green, sustainable and cost-effective. The servicing rehabilitation, replacement of existing, the construction of new, public utilities and other services underground without the digging of trenches, including the development of all kinds of underground condition assessment and mapping techniques, tunnelling devices and specialist machinery, materials and equipment.


I became more interested and investigated further. Especially as it is rapidly growing within the construction and civil engineering industries.



As previously mentioned;

· There is less disruption to the surface.

· There are more environmental regulations, so the demand for this technology has increased.

· And expense, this technology is a non-disruptive, cost-effective solution to pipe laying.


The NASTT website provides a simple and straightforward definition:

[Trenchless technology refers to] a family of construction techniques for installing or rehabilitating underground infrastructure with minimal disruption to surface traffic, businesses, and residents. Also includes technologies for inspection, leak location, and leak detection with minimal disruption and minimal excavation from the ground surface.


The following methods used in this form of technology are: tunnelling, micro-tunnelling (MTM), horizontal directional drilling (HDD), also known as directional boring, pipe ramming (PR), pipe jacking (PJ), moving, horizontal auger boring (HAB)*, minimal excavation takes place for the installation of pipelines and cable below the ground.


Methods on a site being rehabilitated are known as: slip-lining, thermoformed pipe, pipe bursting, cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), grout-in-place pipe, mechanical spot repair, and other methods for the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing buried pipes and structures without excavation, or at least with minimal excavation.



A lot needs to be considered, to prevent the surface caving in, the load on the surface must not have too much pressure to affect the bore which means the soil characteristics must be considered. For example, is the soil is sandy or there is a shallow water table or constant heavy urban traffic? All of this will need to be investigated and researched.


Examples where Trenchless Technology is useful:

• Sensitive areas in terms of the environment

• Golf Courses

• Airport Runways

• Railroads

• Waterways

• Busy Road Ways

• Residential or Commercial Areas

• Sewers

Trenchless Technology could quite possibly revolutionise the plumbing industry by providing a more efficient and economical way to restore and repair underground utilities likes pipes and plumbing, without the need for excavation.

When underground pipes get clogged, it can often require expensive and difficult excavation to repair the issues.

Trenchless sewer repair offers a much more streamlined and resourceful way to get your essential plumbing tasks done and once again, here’s why:

1) Saves you money

2) Saves you time

3) “Preserve the Beauty”

4) Improving infrastructure with less disruption

Impressive – I think…


Image sources:

Directional Drill

Directional drilling illustration

Technology has no ethics


Research tools:

-Myway image search

-Google images

-(Trenchless Technologies cc)

-(Taken from Book “Trenchless Technology: Pipeline and Utility Design, Construction and Renewal. Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Athens, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New Delhi, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto. Published: 2005. Authors Mohammed Najafi, Ph.D, P.E.)



About Tara Hutton

My employment at Leads 2 Business commenced in January 2010, where for two years I worked in the Directory Department establishing a better understanding of construction and where Leads 2 Business fitted in. In February 2012, I moved to the Accounts department where I have been looking after accounts queries and anything related to accounts since then. I have been told by many that I’m resilient, yet caring individual and good to have on “their” side. Calm under pressure, which is quite useful in my line of work. I am proud and honoured to be part of the L2B mothership adding my bit to the greater good. Should you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Industry Events: Eskom Industrial Trade Exhibition + Africa Petrochemicals Durban Roadshow

1. Event:

Eskom Industrial Trade Exhibition



02 November 2017


Event location:

Mogol Recreation Club, Lephalale


Event Description:

The ESKOM Industrial Trade Exhibition brings new products to market with resounding success, benefit from on-site sales, new sales leads and brand visibility. It delivers a great return on investment for exhibitors, with visitors keen to see the latest in products, services, technologies, and trends across the mining, construction, Industrial, power generation and machine tool sectors.


Contact Person:

Tel: +27(0)62 294 6364

E-mail: info@roadshowminingexhibitions.co.za



2. Event:

Africa Petrochemicals Durban Roadshow



02 November 2017


Event location:

Amanzimtoti Civic Centre, Hutshinson Road, Amanzimtoti, 4126


Event Description:

The African Petrochemical Roadshow offers a diagonal slice of the industry, showcasing and highlighting multiple products, services and expertise available to the Petrochemical Industry, General Engineering, Mining and Power Generation sectors. This show includes Instrumentation and Control, Health and Safety, Environmental, Mechanical, Plant Optimisation solutions and much more…


Contact Person:

Tel: +27(0)62 294 6364

E-mail: info@roadshowminingexhibitions.co.za


Event Website:

Africa Petrochemicals Durban Roadshow

About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: Blasting & Explosives Technology

When we think of blasting & explosives the first thing that comes to mind for most is a building crumbling or the eruption of something catastrophic. Detonators & dynamite & a few seconds later there is a building implosion, leaving many in awe as a once beautiful building, now lays in a midst of dust & rubble. Did one ever wonder how this process happens, what actually goes into blasting & explosives?

Let’s take an insightful journey into the wonderful world of blasting’s & explosives.

What are explosives: Explosives are materials that produce violent chemical or nuclear reactions.


Boom! Did you hear that explosion? It sounded like a thousand sticks of dynamite blowing up at once. Can you imagine what that might look and sound like? Dynamite was used dating back to our forefathers & is still used today. These are the 4 main industries that use dynamite i.e. construction, mining, quarrying & demolition. An interesting fact, dynamite was used as a weapon in the military but in time other explosives took over & dynamite became a thing of the past


Blasting in the mining industry: In the mining cycle blasting is imperative. In almost every aspect of mining, rocks are broken by drilling & blasting. This technology is the process of breaking down material by using a certain amount of explosives on a mine site. Too many explosives on a mine site can cause damage to rocks & the caving of rocks. A more traditional method of blasting is using black powder & dynamite. The more common explosive used today is ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil).


What is civil blasting: The most important function of civil blasting is for breaking, removing or demolishing rock of different sizes. So think about how roads are formed. The preparation that goes into forming this long stretched highway. Blasting is one of the most important functions, to ensure the road maintains a certain level, as well any hard rock found under is removed before the roadworks begin.


Building implosions: A building implosion has to be strategically planned, well timed & executed. The detonation has to be on point, so that the structure collapses on itself, in the blink of an eye. The reason for this well-executed implosion is to minimize damage to its surroundings. Building implosion is not just related to buildings, although the terminology, this includes bridges, towers, tunnels etc. History is quite amazing the first ever attempt at a building implosion was in 1773 in Ireland of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.


Technology does control the present & definitely the future with improvements being made every day. So picture great beaming machines, built of bolts, gleaming metal & revolutionized with technology, in the click of a button, from the comfort of your office a building or mine site can be blown up.


Blasting footage: https://youtu.be/6Fw3omoCxRs








Image Sources:

Collapsing building


Blasting rock


About Meryl Matthew

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I am a friendly, bubbly, enthusiastic person. I am passionate about sales & customer service. My motto "when you know better you do better".

Featured Project: Phiri SS

Description: Construction of Phiri Secondary School located in North West Province. CIDB 8 GB

Status: Tender

Industry: Institutional

Region: North West

Sector: Public

Value: R61 Million – R100 Million 

Timing: 2018 onwards

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Featured Tender: Design, Supply and Installation of 33KV Overhead and Underground Transmission Lines in the Lusaka South Multi – Facility Economic Zone under Two (2) Year Framework Agreement

posted in: Featured Tender 0

Contract Number: LSMFEZ/G/FA/001/17 – Lusaka South Multi Facility Economic Zone (LSMFEZ)

Description: The Lusaka South Multi Facility Economic Zone (LSMFEZ) hereby invites eligible contractors with valid engineering practicing license in Electrical Engineering issued by the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) and valid National Council for Construction (NCC) Certificate under Category E, Grades 1, 2 and 3 for Design, Supply and Installation of 33KV Overhead and Underground Transmission Lines in the Lusaka South Multi – Facility Economic Zone under Two (2) Year Framework Agreement.

Category: Consultants + Electrical and Instrument

Industries: Power Grid + Institutional

Region: Zambia

Site Inspection: A mandatory site visit will take place on 01 November 2017 at 10:00 (Local Time) in the Lusaka South Multi-Facility Economic Zone.

Closing Date: 17 November 2017 at 10:00 (Local Time)

Restrictions: Bidding will be conducted using Framework Agreement (FA) and Open National Bidding (ONB) procedures in accordance with the Public Procurement Act No. 12 of 2008 and Public Procurement Regulations, 2011. Preferential Procurement regulations apply as per provisions of the Statutory Instrument No. 36 of 2011 on preferential procurement, to be read in conjunction with The Citizens Economic Empowerment Act No. 9 of 2006, as read together with the Public Procurement Act No. 12 of 2008: a) Citizen-influenced Company – 4%; ii) Citizen-empowered Company – 8%; iii) Citizen-owned Company – 12%; iv) Goods domestically manufactured by a Citizen-influenced, Citizen-empowered and Citizen-owned Company – 15%. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of not less than 2%. Please note that late or electronic submissions shall not be accepted.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information.

About Nadia Milln

My journey at Leads 2 Business all started back in September 2014 as a content researcher in the Daily Tenders Africa Department. In March 2018 I was promoted to content researcher in the Private Project department. I am a fun loving, bubbly person and mom to a beautiful baby boy who is the absolute light of my life.

Did you Know #DYK: Things you need to know about Project Cost Estimates

posted in: Did You Know 8

If you are anything like me then you probably associate the word “Estimate” with the word “Guestimate”, but that is not exactly what we are talking about when we mention “Project cost Estimates”. The difference between a “Guestimation” and an “Estimation” is basically the science and realism of it all. An estimation is based on actual historical cost data, and a defined Work Breakdown Structure (which is in all probability standardised across projects) as well as a systematic understanding of the types of cost associated with each aspect of the project. Whereas a guesstimate is purely derived by us placing our finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and then thumb sucking a huge guess- around about figure.

Estimates are all derived from actual real-life history data, drawn up from completed projects done in the past, basically the moral of the story here is “we live and we learn”. Successful estimators and project managers learn from past cost trends and use this knowledge together with a few project cost estimate techniques to accurately estimate the cost of projects.


Now you are probably asking yourself the next reasonable question- “What on earth do they start with and why?”
The answer is simple, they start with a reasonable understanding of what is expected and what they need to deliver. This includes all resource costs needed to complete the project successfully, efficiently and on time within a certain budget constraint. Why? Because let’s face it, when we ask someone for a price for a service or product, it can either go one of two ways. If we are given a ridiculously high price we will walk away and find our next victim and if we are given a ridiculously low price, many of us would jump at the bargain and insist they start right away, however, can you imagine doing work for free yourself? – Hell no.


Let’s break it down a little further:

Did you know there are three vital points to consider when estimating a cost of a project? Namely:


-Money: Yes! Money makes the world go around, and it is for that reason that you need to calculate your cost correctly, apply your markup, and present the total to your customer.

-Accuracy: We all severely dislike surprises that tend to come out of our pockets (and not go into them) so you have to ensure that there are no surprises when it comes to a pre-construction estimate and the final amount to be paid. This is where historical data plays a huge part if we know the price of a job we have done before and take into account appreciation over time as well as various market trends then we should not be too far off in our figures.

-Speed: The world is full of impatient customers, we want our estimates quickly. Customers will not wait weeks for their estimates. It’s survival of the fittest out there, and more and more companies understand the importance of a speedy delivery, therefore it is imperative you get your estimates out quickly, research shows that customers are more likely to go with one of the first two estimates they receive.


Okay so now we know what to consider when estimating, but how do we actually go about doing this estimating thing?

There are a few options available to us, I personally like to call them “New school” and ‘Old school”:


New school– We now have technology that can do this all for you. Yes, that’s right, the world has evolved! The amazing thing about technology is that it gives you the advantage of speed. We live in such a fast-paced society, technology is a huge advantage in any business.
All the software programs nowadays come with the standardised:

Takeoff tool: To assist us in the process of taking measurements from paper or digital plans.

Integrated cost databases: which use market available data, combined with your own data for cost estimating.

Calculations for estimates: This generates a worksheet that will show you exactly how the software got to the costs and what was taken into consideration.
Like any other online platform, it also comes with its own comments and notes section allowing you to personalise your estimates.






Old School– If you are a die-hard, hands-on type of person then this is the option for you. We haven’t fully erupted into the age of the machine. A lot of people still find the most success by going back to the basics.





There are 4 major techniques when it comes to cost estimates by hand.
Analogous Estimation: This technique also goes by another nickname “Top-Down Estimation”, and is primarily used when you have very little detail about the project, therefore it is a little less reliable than the others. In this technique, you will have to use experienced judgement to determine a cost estimate based on similar projects you have done previously.
Parametric Estimation: The only difference between Parametric and Analogous estimation is that Parametric estimation uses actual historical and statistical data to calculate a more accurate cost estimate
Three-Point Estimation: This technique is based on removing uncertainties while making estimate assumptions by having three possible estimates and then finding the average between the three and using that figure as the overall estimate.
Bottom-Up Estimation: This technique is the most used and is far more accurate, although more time-consuming. The cost of every single item and activity is estimated and then added to arrive at a total estimated figure.


So who wins, Technology or man?

Now we get down to the nitty-gritty of it all, who does it better? The answer is simple, we work well together. Working through a program has the advantage of speed, however it is just a program at the end of the day and cannot replace that age-old experience that a person would have, and on the other end of the spectrum a person cannot calculate as accurately and as quickly as the program can, therefore, hand in hand, they are an estimating force to be reckoned with, which means customers will receive accurate, efficient estimates in a timely manner.


https://imgflip.com/memegenerator (Pictures)


About Jade Nel

I joined Leads 2 Business in July 2017 as an Account Executive in Durban. My main focuses are sales and customer retention, I am extremely bubbly, fun and competitive.

Featured Events: MTE – Malelane Expo + MTE Barberton Mining and Technical Exhibition + My Broadband Conference 2017 + Sub Saharan Africa Power Summit

1. Event:

MTE Malelane Sugar, Agricultural and Industrial Expo

Date and Time:

24 October 2017, 11:00 – 16:30


Event location:

RCL Foods Rugby Club


Event Description:

Focused Sugar, Agricultural and Industrial expo covering all sections of these industries. There will be over 20 suppliers showcasing their products and/or services to the top and middle management of the following operations (RCL Sugar Mill, Molatek Feeds Mill, local farmers and industry.  If you want to be part of this exhibition the mills are interested in any innovative technology on the processing side and any ways to improve the production process. The farmers are looking for agriculture related products.



Andrew Macnamara

E-mail: andrew@interactmedia.co.za

Tel: +27(0)82 720 0083


Event Website:

MTE – Malelane Expo 2017




2. Event:

MTE Barberton Mining and Technical Exhibition



26 October 2017


Event location:

Hoërskool Barberton Mpumalanga


Event Description:

Focused mining exhibition covering all sections of the mining process (Mining, Engineering, Processing). Over 30 suppliers showcasing their products and/or services to the top and middle management of the following mines and operations (Barberton Mines, Agnes Gold Mine, Strathmore Mines, Nkomati Anthracite Mine, Nkomati Mine, Manganese Metals and Sappi Lomati Mill and local industry) If you want to be part of this exhibition the mines are interested in any innovative technology on the processing side and any ways to improve the mining process. These mines are looking at improving their operations through efficient products and innovation.



Andrew Macnamara

E-mail: andrew@interactmedia.co.za

Tel: +27(0)82 720 0083


Event Website:

MTE Barberton Mining and Technical Exhibition



3. Event:

My Broadband Conference 2017



26 October 2017


Event location:

Gallagher Convention Centre


Event Description:

The My Broadband Conference, held on 26 October 2017 at Gallagher Convention Centre, is the premier ICT event South Africa. Attracting top IT executives and professionals, The MyBroadband Conference promises to be the biggest and best conference yet, with speakers from all the major telecoms players in the country.


Contact Person:

Tel: +27(0)11 266 3000

E-mail: Gallagher@gallagher.co.za


Event Website:

My Broadband Conference 2017



4. Event:

Sub Saharan Africa Power Summit



25 October 2017 – 27 October 2017


Event Website:

Sub Saharan Africa Power Summit


About Eldary Carpenter

I have been with Leads 2 Business for 5 years and absolutely love working for such a dynamic company. I started off as a Content Researcher in the Tenders Department before being promoted to Customer Relations.

L2B Blog: Renovation or Demolition?

posted in: General 4

The defining line between renovation or demolition:

Here is a question that is posed to me at least once a month – “Do I renovate my existing home or do I demolish it and start from scratch with a new build?”
There are plenty of reasons to consider demolition. You may be looking to free up land, or perhaps you’re working on a major building refurbishment and need to change the layout.
There is a fine line when you are renovating where you need to know if you’re going to start wasting money fixing a house that is not worth fixing.
If your home is structurally sound, the outer shell of the home has been properly maintained (the roof, the siding/brick and the foundation) and it was properly done at the time of the construction then there is probably no need to demolish it.

Two ways you could demolish a building structure:

1. Explosive Demolition
2. Non-Explosive Demolition

  • Sledge hammer
  • Excavators and Bulldozers
  • Wrecking Balls
  • High Reach Excavators


Things You Should Know About Demolition

1. Demolition – So how do you demolish a building or home? Before you take down all or part of a building, you will have to apply to the Building Department for a demolition permit. The process is much the same as for a building permit, but some special situations may affect your application. In a demolition control area, for example, you will not be able to demolish a residential property until you have received a demolition permit issued by the municipal council.


I say the best way to demolish a building is also known as strip-out, this process is very popular right now. As recycling and salvaging of material are very attractive to builders during these days, allowing them to re-use material or recycle it. Selective interior/exterior demolition or recycling of wood, brick, metals and concrete are all recycled for future use in new structures blending the old with the new. This demolition process is not limited to removal of interior equipment, walls, floor, ceilings and exterior components. The main purpose of this method is to recover the maximum amount of primarily reusable and secondary recyclable material in a safe and cost-effective procedure. Although it is a labour intensive process and can be very difficult to achieve in a timely and economical manner for light framed buildings. Demolition may very well be the most exciting and speedy phase of construction. For a complete demolition, a home can come down and be entirely removed from the site in a day or two.


Question: I want to demolish my house and there are items like flooring and windows that may be reusable. Who do I call?

Answer: Find a demolition company that actively recycles the whole building. Most demolition companies crush materials with large machinery and cart it away. If you have good quality reusable materials like timber flooring, heritage bricks or period architectural features it’s worth looking for alternatives. Have a look at http://www.enviroserv.co.za/industries/construction

  • Woody and plant materials
  • Concrete
  • Gravel, aggregate, stone, and rock
  • Masonry and rubble
  • Metals (ferrous and non-ferrous)
  • Wood
  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Doors and windows
  • Asphaltic roofing, Plumbing fixtures

2. Renovation – What is Renovation (also called remodelling)? It is the process of improving a broken, damaged or outdated structure. Renovations are typically either commercial or residential. Both remodelling and renovating mean to make improvements on an existing building or home. However, they refer to two slightly different types of construction. Renovation means “restore to a good state of repair”… Remodel means “to change the structure or form of something”.


If most of the changes that you want to do are inside the house and are more cosmetic, then you should rather think about renovating. Tearing down interior walls and moving plumbing and heating lines is not that big of a job and can be done on a moderate budget. With new dust stopping protection and floor protection, a lot of the work can be down without causing damage to the rest of the house that isn’t being altered. Plus this allows you to leave your furniture and other possessions in the house while it’s being worked on.

If you want to add square footage, adding an addition or several additions can easily be done, as long as you have adequate space on your property. Additions are an easy way to make your house more enjoyable and add value. It allows you to do something completely different than the rest of the house which would allow you to leave more of the original features in the existing house. This would allow you to bring a modern touch at a lesser cost than trying to reshape the whole existing interior.


3. Renovation or Demolition?

One of the big advantages of renovating rather than demolishing and building from scratch is that in some cases you can do it in stages – and still have a roof over your head for most of that time. Don’t forget to consider where you’ll live when you’re building or renovating, and how much that may indirectly add to the cost over the duration of your build.

If you’re demolishing or renovating, you may be able to recover at least some of your costs through salvage and recycling too


4. Steps to Planning a Renovation

A. Choose a design professional. To create a plan and detailed scope of work, most homeowners hire either an architect or interior designer, sometimes both. Many designers work on projects that don’t involve major structural work or additions and also offer assistance with material and colour selections. Architects may take on a wide range of work, or work only on floor plans and permits and leave the details of the electrical plan, baths and kitchen to another designer.

B. Interview contractors. Contractors are frequently brought into the process once a final design has been selected. Usually, there is at least a general idea of how the home will look from the outside, a dimensioned floor plan and some preliminary material selections. With this much information, it’s possible to provide preliminary estimates of cost.

C. Get your permits. Depending on the scope of your project and where it’s located, permitting can take a day, months or even years.





Bulldozer demolition image

About Nirasha Rampersad

I started working for Leads to Business June 2017 as Support Assistance in L2Q.

Featured Project: Giyani Regional Mall

Description: Construction of a 36 000m² extension to the existing 12 000m² Masingita Mall, located on Malamulele Road in Giyani, Limpopo, resulting in a total GLA of 48 000m². This will then be the biggest shopping centre in the Mopani District. The mall opens up to the riverine that runs from the north eastern side through to the south western side of the site. This is where the hub of the centre is and where the entertainment and food court is situated. In addition to the anchors, there will be a number of fashion outlets, including but not limited to the Foschini Group, the Pepkor Group, the Edcon Group, Truworths and the first Woolworths to enter the rural market. 

Status: Tender

Industry: Retail

Region: Giyani

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+ 

Timing: Centre opening is planned for April 2018

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

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