OPINION: SA Construction Industry during COVID-19

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An opinion piece on Construction in South Africa during Covid

26 March 2020, the day that everything changed. Hard lock-down. The entire country sequestered to their homes and not permitted to leave, it was called Lock-down Level 5. The ramifications of this decision will still be felt by everyone in all industries and walks of life for a long long time. We were entering the unknown, fearful of everything and everyone and if you listened to the various news broadcasters masquerading as prophets of doom and gloom, the world as we knew it had come to end, normal did not exist any more and life would never ever be the same again. I eventually made the conscious decision to change the TV channel from any and all news broadcasts and limited myself to one broadcast of news per day, this was for my own sanity as the bombarding of constant fear-mongering was powerfully eroding away at me. But this unknown scary time was going to be for 21 days, I would survive. Oh, how little did I know…..

But not all was doom and gloom, I was going to work remotely. I had subscribers that were depending on me to obtain information that was not readily available, they needed this information to assist in their business, they needed to keep their business going which in turn keeps our business going, it seems like an endless circle, but actually makes sense. Gosh, information was very scarce initially, no one knew what was happening (and if they did they did not want to say anything because who knew what tomorrow would bring…) Town planning and environmental notices (where we get a lot of our very new projects) “dried up” and no new notices were being posted, new tenders being published dwindled down to almost nothing, in fact, I noted that most of the tenders that were still going out were for various Eskom entities that needed repairs, Eskom’s procurement department was still hard at work. It was very slow going in the beginning, could not contact professionals, some were on leave, some did not have mobile numbers.

21 days came and went and lock-down continued. Come 1 May 2020 and the country moved down to level 4, this meant a slightly different set of rules, we still could not leave our homes unless it was an essential service, but we could exercise within a 5km radius of our homes between 6am and 9am. It was still dark at 6am and dangerous to leave your home but that didn’t worry me, I am not an exercise person anyway! But I digress, back to work….looks like some construction could start again, essential infrastructure projects and repairs but still the tenders had not really picked up as most of the municipalities remain closed, and they are the ones that put out the tenders according to their budgets…. Great excitement….we are moving to level 3 on 1 June 2020..hooray…many more sectors can open up and construction will definitely pick up now, slowly and surely tenders starting picking up and there was much speculation about all the field hospitals that were being planned (these projects were shrouded in secrecy and very little information was being released) but we persevered and were diligent in our research and managed to add 13 of these Covid 19 hospital projects to our database. Half of the office was still working remotely and the other half were coming to the office under strict hygiene and sanitising conditions. The joy of sitting at my desk, with the familiar all around me was soothing to the soul, maybe, just maybe things are going to be okay, no wait, I know they going to be okay, it might be different, it might be hard but it will be okay. I felt the construction industry was starting to look up and gain a little traction, majority of the projects in various sectors that were under construction when the lock-down was announced were prepping their sites and educating their staff on how to take precautions so that construction could recommence in earnest. Our L2Q department started getting new bills from contractors that required coding and pricing, there was a definite movement in the industry.

Level 2 was the next stage and that momentous day was 18 August 2020, 145 days since the National Lock-down was implemented. Additional industries have been permitted to start again and the number of tenders has increased, in all the different trades that we capture. Even though life might not be the same and the old normal has evolved into a new normal with a face mask and copious amount of sanitiser, there are signs of the Private Construction Sector is moving ahead and the larger privately funded projects are being awarded and construction is starting, new developments are being marketed and researching for updated information is moving at an increased pace.

We entered Level 1 on 21 September 2020 and there has been a substantial increase in public tenders as well as the progress and movement in privately funded projects.

Even though the effects on the construction industry and economy in the whole will likely have long term consequences Leads 2 Business will strive to continue sourcing viable and beneficial information for our subscribers as we did through the entire lock-down.

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About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

5 Essential Tools used in Construction

When I was first given this topic, my mind went straight to the larger tools such as concrete mixers, scaffolding, etc but why do we always need to think big, what about the basic tools, not even the powered tools, let’s get back to the basics.

After giving it some thought, I realized that 5 essential tools would be different for everyone, as no two constructors are the same, and it would all depend on what one specializes in and of course what they deem useful to them

So from an office worker, here’s my take on the five most essential tools to have in one’s tool belt if you are in construction:


  1. Tape measure, as the saying goes measure twice, cut once. Everything in construction needs to be measured, no matter what field you are in.
  2. Pencil/chalk – once measured, the measurement needs to be marked off, drawings and designs need to be marked too.
  3. Hammer – what would a builder be without a hammer especially one with a claw. So many things one can do with a hammer!.
  4. Stanley knife – such a handy tool, one can cut tape, rubber, electrical wire, etc. Strip the end of the wire and so much more.
  5. Pliers – a good quality pair of pliers is vital to hold, pull and cut building materials.


This is my take but I am sure that many will find that other items are more essential or important to them.
Happy Constructing:)

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About Debora Keet

My journey at Leads 2 Business began in January 2006, newly married, I started in Private Projects, whilst on Maternity leave in 2008, I was promoted to Human Resources Manager and an Administration Assistant in October 2008. Over the years I have grown personally and professionally, and am a proud mother of a pigeon pair.

OPINION: SA’s construction sector is in ICU. Here’s how government can help

Like most sectors of the economy, the South African construction sector has been struggling prior to the lockdown instituted by government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This restriction on almost of all projects further pushed already struggling construction companies down the cliff.

All comes against the backdrop of well-known industry issues such as declining government infrastructure spend poor payment practices within sector’s supply chains and more importantly, the broken industry operating model that is no longer fit for purpose.

This declining trend in public infrastructure spend is largely due to municipalities and state-owned companies substantially reducing their spending over the past few years. Transnet, Eskom and several major state-owned companies have struggled to access capital markets to finance capital projects and infrastructure programmes.

Most municipalities have been consistently underspending on conditional infrastructure grants and are they are not collecting enough revenues to finance their capital budgets. The same trend is visible in infrastructure spending as a percentage of GDP. Government can change this.

For instance, without even lifting a finger, the government can consider practical and actionable strategies already presented and tabled by the industry.

In response to Covid-19, the construction sector has since formed a Construction Sector Covid-19 Task Team, currently comprised of over 30 organisations representing major suppliers, contractors, regulators, professional associations and built environment professional services firms. This Task Team has since worked with government to develop an industry-specific Covid-19 Construction Health & Safety Protocol. Furthermore, the Task Team has submitted a comprehensive short to medium term plan government of actionable reforms to help the sector recover.

This initiative shows that the construction sector is already working together to respond to the impact of the Covid-19 and ensure sustainability of the industry over the coming weeks and months, as well as to enable it to play a full part in South Africa’s economic recovery as the global search for vaccine progresses.

However, the sector also needs support and a clear commitment from government expedite various infrastructure policy reforms.

1. A predictable and reliable long-term infrastructure pipeline

A forward-looking pipeline of planned projects and programmes of economic and social infrastructure is urgently required to help construction companies understand which infrastructure investments government is currently prioritising. By publishing the pipeline, the government will help provide visibility, knowledge and understanding of where infrastructure investment is being made and by whom. Publishing projections of longer-term infrastructure investment will boost market confidence and will help the sector with business planning. This is important because the 18 Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPs) which were coordinated by the Presidential Coordinating Infrastructure Commission established during the Zuma administration lacked transparency and to this day no one has a clue about their progress. The recent announcement that the Presidency will host the inaugural Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium is a step in the right direction.

2. A single government body to coordinate infrastructure planning

The government should establish under the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure an infrastructure planning and coordinating body that will combine fragmented efforts and infrastructure related work currently done in different government departments. The Budget Facility for Infrastructure within Treasury, the GTAC Capital Projects Unit, the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission within Trade, Industry and Economic Development, the Public-Private Partnerships Unit within Treasury and ultimately the newly established Presidential Office for Investment and Infrastructure led by Dr.Kgosientsho Ramokgopa should all be merged into a single entity will coordinate all infrastructure planning and coordinating efforts of national, provincial, local government and major state-owned enterprises. This has obvious benefits for the sector. The current level of fragmentation is problematic and wasteful. The lack of transparency by DBSA on the R100bn Infrastructure Fund is also concerning.

3. The use of innovative infrastructure procurement delivery methods

Government should also commit to moving away from the unsustainable transactional and cost-driven procurement of infrastructure and instead embrace the creation of value-driven, collaborative procurement methods that can deliver investment programmes that secure the outcomes demanded by clients and the public. The use of alliance contracting, integrated project delivery and design-build procurement could help address the gaps and failures presented by the current traditional construction procurement delivery approach.

The myth that lowest cost equals best value only survives because of the lack of best value options to compare it with. Furthermore, the processes of designing infrastructure, obtaining tenders, administering contracts and dealing with claims all incur transaction costs, management costs and overheads down the supply chain. These costs are embedded in every price submitted by tenderers and in the final price paid by the owner. The construction industry shows little interest in measuring these costs in a consistent manner and this lack of transparency. Government can change this.

South Africa needs high performing infrastructure. Without it we have little hope of improving the productivity of our economy. Without an improvement in productivity, we will not be able to secure the quality of life demanded by our growing population. Yet the model we use to deliver and operate much of our infrastructure is broken. Too often it produces assets and networks that are expensive, perform poorly and fail to exploit the advances in technology that are transforming other industries. Too often the supply chain that delivers our infrastructure seems locked into a cycle of low margins, low investment and dysfunctional relationships. Covid-19 has presented our government with an opportunity to change this.

By Mr, Ronnie Siphika is the Chief Executive at Construction Management Foundation and member in the Construction Sector Covid-19 Rapid Response Task Team.


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Abandoned Construction Projects in Africa

posted in: Construction Chat 0

An abandoned construction project can be defined as a project which has been 1) totally abandoned, or 2) indefinitely delayed. Abandonment may happen at any stage of a project life-cycle and incur a significant amount of loss.

There are various reasons why construction projects are abandoned:

  • Inadequate planning
  • Inadequate finance
  • Inflation
  • Bankruptcy of Contractor
  • Variation of project scope
  • Political factor
  • Delaying in payment
  • Incompetent project manager
  • Wrong estimate
  • Faulty design
  • Inadequate cost control
  • Change of priority
  • Unqualified/inexperience Consultants
  • Administrative/legal action
  • Disputes
  • Natural Disasters

The effects of construction projects are mainly:

  • Unemployment
  • Bad image for government
  • Government sector underdevelopment
  • Slow economic growth
  • Financial institutions lose confidence in the state
  • Discourages investment
  • Loss of revenue by state

Here are a few construction projects that have been abandoned and the reasons:

1. The Ghana-STX Building Project, a $10 billion housing project – The project was supposed to lead to the construction of 200,000 houses in Ghana for over 5 years. From research findings, causes of failure of the project were due mostly to disunity, lack of effective governance and project control. Corruption was also a feature.

2.  Mususu Kalenga Building in Zambia – The structure was built at a cost of K400 million by the Zambia State Insurance Corporation and sold to Royal Lutanda Company Limited at K800 million in 2000. The 11-storey building has remained abandoned for over 25 years. There is no indication as to why it was never completed.

3.    900-1000MW Coal Power Plant at Lamu in Lamu County, Kenya – Kenya’s National Environment Tribunal revoked the license granted to the Power Company to build a coal power plant, due to the companies failure to do a thorough environment and social impact assessment (ESIA) that met the requirements of the law.

4.    Construction of a 20,000 seat capacity stadium in Mongu District in Zambia – The government abandoned its plans for the Mongu Stadium most likely due to lack of funding.

5.    Grand Police Bay Hotel, Seychelles – There was a lot of backlash regarding this project and the government decided to not proceed with its plans.

6.    Al-Noor Tower, Casablanca, Morocco – The 540m high skyscraper was to include a luxury hotel,  offices, apartments, an art gallery and a luxury arcade of shops. The client, Middle East Development LLC decided to not proceed with the development stating that a tower if this size was not an appropriate project for Morocco at the moment.

7.    Hope City – A mixed-use development in Ghana – With a downturn in the economy, relocation of the project, and erratic power supply, work on the project never got underway. RLG Communications, the Ghanaian tech company which was supposed to be spearheading the project was itself caught up in various scandals. To date, nothing further has happened with this development.

8.    Pinewood Uranium Project, Tanzania – Kibo Mining (AIM: KIBO; AltX: KBO) announced on 24th February 2017 that it will cease activities at its Pinewood and Morogoro uranium coal and gold projects with immediate effect. The reason behind this strategic choice is in that both Metal Tiger and Kibo Mining have experienced considerable success in other projects of their business portfolio and this has led to these interests becoming the absolute focus of each company.

9.    Construction of sewers, roads and infrastructural services for 360 plots in Kazungula Village and at Nnyungwe area in Kasane, Botswana – Government mysteriously abandons the P80 Million tender as works near completion and this sparks corruption rumours.

Research Gate – Abandoned
Research Gate – Government
PM World Library
The Gazette

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About Nadia Milln

My journey at Leads 2 Business all started back in September 2014 as a content researcher in the Daily Tenders Africa Department. In March 2018 I was promoted to content researcher in the Private Project department. I am a fun loving, bubbly person and mom to a beautiful baby boy who is the absolute light of my life.

How Climate Change Affects Construction

Many parts of the country and all over the world are experiencing climate change. The weather changes are and will continue to have a prominent effect on the construction industry and the employment rates.

There are four concerns around climate change in terms of the greatest impact it will have on the construction industry:

  • Worker safety
  • Weather-related delays
  • Construction materials design and manufacturing
  • Insurance costs

Journey with me as we explore and investigate The Effects of Climate change on Construction.

Climate change is expected to have an impact on many aspects of building performance. The world’s climate is changing.

We leave little room for error on the construction site, especially if the error is beyond your control. Perhaps one of the most recent concerns is the effect that climate change is having on the construction industry.

According to sources, the global sea level has risen about eight inches in the last 100 years, with the rate in the past two decades nearly doubling, the number of record high temperature increasing, along with increasing numbers of intense rainfall.

With the weather becoming more aggressive and untimely, this can only mean destruction for an industry that relies on weather predictability and clear skies.

Climate change impacts worksite safety with unpredictable rain. Flooding can lead to deteriorating wood and slippery surfaces increasing injuries and high temperatures can cause heatstroke, heat exhaustion and could sadly lead to death. No matter what precautions are taken to protect workers in these harsh conditions, the biggest threat is unpredictability.

Climate change also has an effect on building materials and current structures. Changes in temperatures cause building materials like brick and wood to decay and crack faster.

Construction companies increasingly find themselves facing escalated insurance costs due to project delays, which are related to extreme weather and labour risks. This means construction companies need to increase the costs of the project to accommodate rising insurance costs or stop with certain construction projects due to an inability to afford insurance.

Buildings can be affected drastically by climate change, where in the future there may be the risk of collapse, health breakouts and loss of value as a result of heavy rainfall. Building lifetime is reduced, stronger storms are the greatest challenge and this is a continuous safety risk.

Research has shown that with implications for the future, climate change will have different impacts on different buildings depending on the type, scale, use, construction and location. It is clear that even without the current uncertainties in climate change, science and the potential impacts of climate change on buildings, establishing suitable mechanisms to deal with these issues is also problematic.

In conclusion, the upside of Climate Change, the one thing you can be sure of is that no matter what changes there may be, we at Leads 2 Business will be there to keep you updated.

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About Estelle Pillay

My start here at Leads 2 Business in April 2019 marks a journey so far vibrant and exciting. I function as a content researcher within a dynamic team in the Projects Department, on the other side I am a mother of two beautiful children who bring out the best part of me.

Industry Events: March 2020

Industry Events: March 2020


Africa Energy Indaba


3 to 4 March 2020

Event Location:

Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa

Event Description:

The Africa Energy Indaba Conference will discuss, debate and seek solutions to enable adequate energy generation across the continent. Delegates, drawn from all continents, represent an unrivalled combination of industry experts, project developers, financiers, energy users, government officials and manufacturers.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 11 463 9184
Email: info@energyindaba.co.za

Event Details:



Dubai Property Show


7 to 8 March 2020

Event Location:

The Maslow Time Square, Pretoria, South Africa

Event Description:

Dubai Property Expo is the concept which brought state of the art more than 100 projects with the flexible plan and promotional offers. The show brings some of the biggest names in property, behind some of the safest and most secure projects in Dubai. While the show is specifically aimed at making it easier for peoples to invest in Dubai, anyone who is looking to invest in Dubai should attend. The show brings some of the biggest names in property, behind some of the safest and most secure projects in Dubai. So whether you are looking to invest in commercial property or looking for something residential, this is the right place for you.

Contact Details:

Tel: +971 55 774 6715

Event Details:



Water Africa & East Africa Building and Construction


11 to 13 March 2020

Event Location:

Kigali Serena Hotel, Kigali,Rwanda

Event Description:

The event will encompass an exhibition covering products and services related to the water, sanitation, building & construction sectors with a seminar programme running alongside tackling subjects which are relevant to these sectors, the Rwandan economy, its people and infrastructure. We ensure that exhibitors reach the key decision-makers from the Rwandan Ministries, contractors and consultants, engineers, architects, planners, suppliers, NGOs, investors and developers involved in both sectors. Exhibitors will be showing the latest equipment and services in the field of civil engineering construction, building for commercial and industrial use as well as social housing. Exhibitors are invited to take part in the accompanying seminar programmes, which will be run in co-ordination with the Rwandan Ministries.

Contact Details:

Tel: +44 (0)7743 686321
Email: info@ace-events.com

Event Details:



Building Information Modeling Africa Conference


11 to 13 March 2020

Event Location:

Johannesburg, South Africa

Event Description:

The Building Information Modeling Conference brings the right people together to drive the digitisation of construction processes. This will increase the quality and efficiency of the African construction industry.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 (0)21 556 9253
Email: info@millasa.co.za

Event Details:



Decorex Durban


19 to 22 March 2020

Event Location:

11 Walnut Road, Durban, Durban Exhibition Centre, South Africa

Event Description:

his prestigious showcase of the latest products and trends from top designers, décor professionals and industry experts is always hotly anticipated – and the 2020 instalment will be even bigger and better than before!

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 11 549 8300
Email: decorexafrica@reedexpoafrica.co.za

Event Details:


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

3D Construction

3D Construction

A very very interesting topic that I am happy to write about. I first heard of 3D printing about 4 years ago when plastic moulds and items were being made, only to find out after doing research, that the concept of 3D printing has been around longer than I have! The concept of 3D printing first came about in 1974.

As per Wikipedia, “1974: David E. H. Jones laid out the concept of 3D printing in his regular column Ariadne in the journal New Scientist. 1981: Early additive manufacturing equipment and materials were developed in the 1980s. In 1981, Hideo Kodama of Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute invented two additive methods for fabricating three-dimensional plastic models with photo-hardening thermoset polymer, where the UV exposure area is controlled by a mask pattern or a scanning fibre transmitter. On July 2, 1984, American entrepreneur Bill Masters filed a patent for his Computer Automated Manufacturing Process and System (US 4665492). This filing record shows UPTO as the first 3D printing patent in history; it was the first of three patents belonging to Masters that laid the foundation for the 3D printing systems used today.”
There are many materials you can use when it comes to 3D construction such as plastic or concrete etc but what I am focusing on is 3D concrete construction

1) What is 3D Concrete Construction?

This is a revolutionary tool used in the production method where you can actually print/create solid objects from a digital source in the form of a picture that you have drawn up and uploaded to your 3D printer.

3D concrete printing is used to create or fabricate new shapes of construction components. This was not previously possible using ordinary machinery which now means that you can literally print your dream home.


2) How does it work?

Basically what would happen is you would need to design your house. If you are familiar with CAD, you can design the house yourself or if not, then hire an engineer to assist you. You would upload the file to your printer and create a 3D model or blueprint. The printer will read the files and then get to work.
Instead of hiring a builder to construct each stage of the house from ground level upwards, the printer itself will start printing layers and layers concrete until the structure is complete. It takes your drawings and copies it into a 3D model, making it a reality.

You can also choose if you would like the printer to create or build the whole building in one go from the ground up or print multiple sections that fit together like lego pieces.

A normal printer like one at home or in the office would take ink, but a 3D printer has containers of raw materials such as concrete.

Honestly, when I first heard of 3D printing, they were building a small 3D printed bicycle bridge and having people test it.


Then, they had gone onto building small one-bedroom, one level houses.



Now watch this amazing video of the worlds biggest 3D printed building. This building is 2 levels and 640sqm.

3) How does this affect companies within the building and construction industry?

Well, 3D printers are rapidly being used in the construction industry and they are the future but in my opinion, they really are helping the construction industry for the better.

Remember that the 3D printer lays the framework. You can also build facades, roof panels, stairs with this but you would still need to employ infrastructure workers,  plumbers and electricians etc to finish the construction work

4) Advantages

Faster construction – it is said that one house can be built in 24hours. Time is money and who doesn’t like saving money?
Reduces worker fatigue
Increased safety
Fewer work injuries
Design absolutely any building you like
Labour cost savings
Greener – Eco-Friendly by using leftover materials from construction or mining sites
Weather conditions do not affect production
Higher accuracy
Fire resistance

Concrete printing has a lot of advantages over concrete casting. One advantage is that it does not require any formwork. Formwork can easily take up to 50% of costs in concrete construction because it is very labour intensive. Usually, you would have to build a structure and then take it down again. With 3D concrete construction, you would only have one movement. This would print layers without any formwork which saves a lot of time, money and materials.

In 3D concrete printing, they are now aiming for all components of the house to be separate and be easily detachable so that they can be repaired or replaced.

Architects Engineers and Contractors can now take a completely different design approach. They will no longer have to think in terms of straight beams, columns, solid slabs. They can freely experiment with different acoustics and curved shapes. Creativity is the main thing, more flexibility, new ideas and opportunity

5) Disadvantages

The machine itself is costly
The machines vary in size but most are quite large and can cost a heck of a lot to transport to the site
Digital errors can occur
Still costs to hire an engineer/architect to do the drawings.


6) How much time and labour force does it take to set up the 3D printing machine?

Again this depends on the size and type of printer. Let’s talk about the Gantry model, this printer consists of 4 steel columns and three steel beams that enable the printhead to move within the boundaries of the structure. This would typically take up to 4 hours to assemble.However, there are also other types of printers with robotic arms on tracks which could just roll off the truck onto the site and start the printing process immediately. With regards to speed, some machines can build up to 250mm per second with a layer height of 50mm. I read online that a small house of 650 square feet, like a bachelor pad, takes less than 24 hours to build and could cost you around R60 000. R 60 000 for a one-bedroom apartment.

This technology is growing is faster and faster. The shift from prototyping to actual commercial application and implementation in the building industry is happening right now.

Did you know that in October 2019 it was said that Dubai aims to be the leading reprinting hub worldwide?

3D printing technology aids the construction industry but I don’t think it replaces it by any means. There is still a need for various professionals, consultants, contractors, vendors and suppliers. Here at Leads 2 Business, there are still many many project proposals, town planning and construction projects happening daily. Especially the new Mega-Cities and precincts using the “live-work-play concept”. These Projects are proposed for Gauteng and are available on our website.

Questions I would like to ask you – the readers:

1) Do you use a 3D printer at work?
2) How do you feel about 3D technology in the construction industry?
3) Does 3D concrete construction directly affect you?
4) When did you first hear about 3D construction?

Comment below and let me know.


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About Michelle Crosby

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in the Directory Department in 2012. I was then promoted to the Private Projects Department in 2014 and was recently promoted to Projects HOD this year.

Abandoned Construction Sites in Gauteng – Why?

Abandoned Building / Construction Sites In Gauteng, Why?

A building is considered abandoned after just thirty days of being left empty. There are many abandoned building projects throughout South Africa, these buildings are not being utilized due to various reasons. An abandoned building is one that is considered to be empty and/or  in disrepair.

There are many setbacks and issues that may occur when building and developing a project that should be taken into consideration before the project even starts, most of the time projects and construction sites are abandoned because of the following reasons :

1.) Financial Problems.
2.) Due To Inexperienced Developers.
3.) Mismanagement And Mistakes.

Abandonment of buildings and construction sites could be a potential problem for South Africa due to the financial constraints within the construction and building industry. Tenders are being awarded to construction companies that are battling and have no funds to continue with the projects and this is yet another reason why construction is not being completed.

Here are a few buildings in Gauteng that have been abandoned and the reasons are as follows:

1.)  Khutsong Clinic – As per the contractor’s Client liaison officer, the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development has not paid the contractor and the contractor is experiencing financial difficulties. This project cost has been estimated at R65 Million.

2.) Carlton Hotel – The Carlton Hotel was considered to be one of the most prominent hotels in South Africa, hosting big names such as Nelson Mandela, Whitney Housten and Hillary Clinton. The hotel has been untouched and standing for over 20 years due to a lack of maintenance. The Carlton Hotel has over 600 rooms over 31 floors, and it closed its doors in 1997. Thereafter Transnet bought the once luxury hotel and even though there as been various plans floating around, the hotel still remains empty.

3.) Kempton Park Hospital –  It has been said that Kempton Park Hospital had been closed due to a shortage of patients, however in 2006 there was talk about re-opening the building and to renovate it, thus taking pressure off of Tembisa and Edenvale Hospitals. Construction was supposed to start in March 2013 and was meant to be completed in July 2014,  however contractors never started the work which was estimated have cost R 244 Million.  In 2017 it was reported that R127 million Rand had been set aside to demolish the Hospital.  However to date, Kempton Park Hospital still stands empty.

A large number of buildings are left empty and these buildings are not just little three-story buildings that are implicated, they are skyscrapers and huge 210-roomed hospitals where space has just been wasted. Tenders are being awarded to new development when these older and abandoned buildings and structures should be given preference and utilized before we build more. building    The buildings that stand empty are targets for criminal activities to take place and by standing empty and unused, they drop the value of the surrounding buildings and the area in general. If there is no-one monitoring the buildings or if there is no security in place, then this allows for squatters to move in and take over the building and also allows for pests to run around freely.

Incomplete construction has cost Gauteng over R620 million and it has been reported that the Gauteng Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on infrastructure development will be clamping down on “poor contractors’ workmanship” as there are tenders that have been awarded in 2017 that have not even started for renovating or building projects and this leaves 40 companies implicated. The projects pertain to new clinics, seven new schools and other important renovations that need attention in order to help the citizens of South Africa. Since this money has been paid over to the contractors, it is believed that fraud and corruption have been suspected.

Gauteng has identified a new “low-cost housing” opportunity and is allowing the private sector to turn them into affordable housing, The city is hoping to upgrade 2000 to 4000 informal settlement homes. This is a great way for the government to give back and I am sure this is exciting for the residents that stay in these buildings. Let’s hope this project materializes.

Infrastructure News
Informal City
Business Insider
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Industry Events: February 2020

Industry Events: February 2020


Investing in African Mining Indaba


03 – 06 Feb 2020

Event Location:

CTICC (Cape Town International Convention Centre), Cape Town, South Africa

Event Description:

Investing in African Mining Indaba gives an opportunity to meet with only investors, mining companies and other firms involved in the deal-making process like banks and brokers, all in one place. Apart from that, this is the only platform where mining company COOs and Project Directors discussed the latest disruptive tech and innovative investment strategies, It also has Panels and Workshops where key stakeholders came together to define a common vision for sustainable development in African mining industry.

Contact Details:

Tel: +44 (0)20 3855 9557
Email: info@miningindaba.com

Event Details:



Expo Ethiopia Int’l Trade Fair


20 – 26 Feb 2020

Event Location:

Addis Ababa Exhibition Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Event Description:

Expo Ethiopia International Trade Fair is the Country’s only International Business-to-Business trade fair whose main focus is on Industrial, Agricultural and Services Sectors. Its beginning dates as far back as April 1995, the time the first Expo Ethiopia International Trade Fair under the Motto: “Development through Partnership” was held. Since that time on, the Chamber has organized 21 International Trade Fairs colorfully with the involvement and participation of a number of public and private stakeholders. The 24th Expo Ethiopia is no exception to the hitherto organized International Trade Fairs.

Contact Details:

Tel: + 91 8551918436
Email: info@internationaltradepromoters.com

Event Details:



Oracle Construction and Engineering Day


25 Feb 2020

Event Location:

The Capital 20 West, Sandton, South Africa

Event Description:

The Oracle Construction and Engineering Day will feature an informative session that will focus on topics related to the organization and digitization of information about building and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM), integrated project controls and facilities management.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 11 319 4022
Email: mea-saas_sa@oracle.com

Event Details:



BuildExpo Africa


24 – 26 Feb 2020

Event Location:

Millennium Hall, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Event Description:

BUILDEXPO Africa is the only show with the widest range of the latest technologies in construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. BUILDEXPO ETHIOPIA will bring you exhibitors from over 28 countries that are the finest in infrastructure development, with over hundreds of products, equipment and machinery on display. Prominent industry experts, stakeholders and decision makers will be in attendance, making it an ideal event to source new products, network and usher in new contacts and business opportunities.

Contact Details:

Email: feedback@expogr.com

Event Details:



Oracle Construction and Engineering Day


27 Feb 2020

Event Location:

Century City Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa

Event Description:

The Oracle Construction and Engineering Day will feature an informative session that will focus on topics related to the organization and digitization of information about building and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM), integrated project controls and facilities management.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 11 319 4022
Email: mea-saas_sa@oracle.com

Event Details:

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Construction Highlights for 2019

As the end of the year approaches… Wait! What? Is it that time already?

Yes, it is, before we know it’s crunch time again, Christmas décor is up at shopping malls…. while looking back at the year 2019 it was not just doom and gloom with the construction industry under immense pressure, let’s take a look at some of the construction highlights for this year.

How can I not start with the Tallest Building in Africa, situated in Sandton, almost near completion The Leonardo poses at 230m high in all it’s glory, boosting a mixed-use space with apartments, offices, landscaped gardens, a bar, and a crèche. It offers eight luxury penthouse suites topped by the three-level, 360° view.

PPA 16492

Sticking in the Gauteng region with some architectural flare we had the unveiling of the OR Tambo Mixed Used Development, Facilities include a fitness centre, canteen and creche. The floor area is estimated at 33 000m². The entire project is estimated at a total of R4.5 Billion. Phase 1 A is approximately R750 million.

PPA 23317

Another mammoth development underway is the Sandton Gate Precinct consisting of 6 phases including premium office space, convenience retail, modern residential apartments and a gym. This development also includes features such as piazzas & walkways, fibre connectivity and state of the art security. Oh and just by the way it’s a Smart Eco City development.

PPA 20383PPA 20393


Okay, I am definitely allowing Gauteng to get the better off me here let me move on to the Western Cape…

So let’s see what the Mother City has in store for us.

Harbour Arch embracing restaurants, coffee shops, cocktail bars, offices, residential apartments, and a motor dealership, levels of parking, an entertainment area & retail outlets located north-eastern gateway to the CBD.

PPA 21077

The Rockefeller consisting of 246 apartments and 13 storeys located smack-bang in the middle of the Cape Town.

PPA 21752

Moving to the shores of the East Coast we have the fabulous extension of the Durban Promenade, already an East Coast favourite amongst tourists and locals, the golden mile has been extended by 750m.

PPA 20379

Glorious establishments never seem to stop popping up in Umhlanga, The Radisson Blu Hotel Durban Umhlanga will have a total of 200 rooms and a range of world-class offerings including: State-of-the-art business facilities; exclusive fine-dining offerings; a large banqueting facility and other meeting rooms for 1200 people; rooftop bar and terrace; spectacular rim-flow pool deck; boutique gym; spa treatment rooms; artisanal roaster style coffee bar; and Islamic compliant facilities. There will also be a Presidential suite on the 16th floor.

PPA 11583

Well Ladies & Gentlemen, looking back at 2019, it has been nothing short of magnificent buildings coming up everywhere in our beautiful country despite the bad it gives us something great to look forward to.

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About Sharika Raman

I have worked for Leads 2 Business from January 2015. I started in the Leads 2 Quotes Department for Directory, in January 2020 I was promoted to the Deputy Head of Department for Leads 2 Quotes and in July 2021 I was promoted to the Accounts Department as a Debtors Administrator. I enjoy time with my family creating memories, I like to socialize but also enjoy time to myself so I try to keep a balance by indulging in some quiet time when I can. I see myself as a realist, amazing wife and awesome mom…I am sure my family would agree.

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