L2B Blog: The Year in Review – 10 Best Blog posts from 2017

If you have missed any of our blog posts this year, here is a monthly review of some of the best blog posts from 2017, depicted from your traffic volume:




The booming growth of “Commercial Construction & Renovation” happening in  South Africa.

Written By: Sasha Anderson

Publication date: 30 January 2017

Page Views: 82

Unique Page Views: 35

Average Time spent on the blog: 38 seconds





Enhance your fishing abilities to entice the big fish businesses through “Mastering the art of cold calling, tips for successful B2B Sales

Written by: Karen Garner-Savory

Publication date: 09 February 2017

Page Views: 256

Unique Page Views: 111

Average Time spent on the blog: 30 seconds






Providing a creative remedy for tedious daily tasks with “Innovations In Smart Home Technology

Written by: Marlaine Andersen

Publication date: 09 March 2017

Page Views: 119

Unique Page Views: 58

Average Time spent on the blog: 52 seconds







Racking your brain on the universal human need for shelter. “What is the importance of appointing an architect?

Written by: Claire Donaldson

Publication date: 13 April 2017

Page Views: 124

Unique Page Views: 48

Average Time spent on the blog: 35 seconds






The never-ending roadworks that we find ourselves in “Potholes and Pitfalls in civil engineering contracts

Written by: Bianca Warwick

Publication date: 11 May 2017

Page Views: 108

Unique Page Views: 67

Average Time spent on the blog: 03 Minutes and 04 Seconds





A quirky and yet vital list of “10 (or 11) tips for recruiting great Project Managers

Written by: Michelle Hosford

Publication date: 15 June 2017

Page Views: 110

Unique Page Views: 50

Average Time spent on the blog: 02 Minutes and 51 Seconds






Finding a favourable balance in room temperature to get the ‘ka-ching’ light bulb. “Why air conditioning can increase productivity

Written by: Jackie Van Zyl

Publication date: 13 July 2017

Page Views: 273

Unique Page Views: 112

Average Time spent on the blog: 01 Minute and 147 Seconds






Quenching the thirst with tools pertaining to water preservation with “Waste Water Management

Written by: Angelique De Freitas

Publication date: 24 August 2017

Page Views: 264

Unique Page Views: 114

Average Time spent on the blog: 01 Minute and 53 Seconds






Dealing with the complexities of preserving the environment for our future generations through “Sustainable construction with 3d Modelling

Written by: Tamika Mays

Publication date: 14 September 2017

Page Views: 198

Unique Page Views: 83

Average Time spent on the blog: 32 Seconds







Knocking down barriers without leaving a mess and extra work. Here is a guide on “How to demolish a wall the right way

Written by: Julia Smit

Publication date: 12 October 2017

Page Views: 170

Unique Page Views: 75

Average Time spent on the blog: 29 Seconds




We believe that each and every one of our informative blog posts making the above list and being accidentally left out, have allowed you to walk with an insurmountable amount of knowledge, filling out the gaps and providing answers to the questions you may have been too shy to ask.

May the forces be with you.

About Andile Shange

I'm a Software Developer at Leads 2 Business since 02 June 2014.

Did you Know #DYK – The Art of Finding Business

posted in: Uncategorized 0

The Art of Finding Business

I think most people like to think of themselves as Artists. Or at least like to feel they are creative in some way (don’t burst my bubble). There are some people who make finding and doing business a work of art. It is done with such eloquence and momentum that it feels seamless. I often wonder what it would feel like to have that skill?


With that in mind, I decided to put some facts together to keep a reminder for myself on how finding business can be an art form I can cultivate….


Without further ado ladies and gentleman, please find your creative notes below :




 The Art of Finding Business


I hope this has been helpful to you. Please feel free to share this to any business groups and please comment on anything you utilised to find business in your industry.  Until next time … 🙂


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About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

L2B Blog: Mastering the art of cold calling, tips for successful B2B Sales

Mastering the art of cold calling, tips for successful B2B Sales

Mastering the art of cold calling, tips for successful B2B sales

Cold calling provides selling opportunities to your external sales team, it’s the ability to interact with potential subscribers and entice them into wanting to know more about your company and what you can offer. It can be a very challenging career to have as you do come across some individuals that don’t particularly like interacting with telesales staff. That being said, we have the privilege of interacting with some of the nicest people within our industry.

Telesales staff must be highly motivated individuals who have a sales spirit and enjoy interacting with people, they need to be confident and ensure they take nothing personally. Curiosity is vital to ensure success in cold calling.

When calling a potential client the fundamentals are:

  • Doing your homework – It is important to ensure you gather as much information about the client before you call, potential clients appreciate an agent who has done their homework.
  • Contact with the correct person – this will increase your level of success; the decision maker will see potential in an idea that will grow their business.
  • Listening skills – understanding what the potential client requires in order for them to get things done in an easy no fuss manner, business owners want results.
  • Asking the correct questions – in order to ascertain how we can best assist them in satisfying their business’s needs. Ensure your timing is correct; if they sound busy rather suggest calling them back.
  • Knowledge – You cannot sell what you don’t understand so knowledge is definitely important, if you know your product or service you are able to answer questions efficiently.
  • Attitude – towards your potential client is equally important, if you believe in your product or service the potential client will be more inclined to have a look at what you offer.
  • Confidence – When you sound confident in your ability to lead them to the right product or service they will be open to listening to your sales call.
  • Tone on the phone – We speak to a variety of potential clients from all walks of life and it is very important to establish a rapport over the phone, ensuring you don’t use jargon that is not always understood.


“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time.” – Thomas A Edison

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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Karen Garner-Savory

I started working at Leads 2 Business in May 2009, and have served as Head of Department of Telesales and Administration from 2010 until the present. I oversee both the Telesales department as well as the Administration of our Johannesburg Office.