Productivity depends on several factors. The office temperature being one of many
The air quality and room temperature of an office can profoundly affect the health, comfort and productivity of the occupants
When I started off writing this blog, in the early ‘Research & Data Gathering’ phase, I viewed the argument on aircon productivity as hot vs cool – translated as ‘no aircon/hot’ vs ‘with aircon/cool’.
But then, that wonderful ‘ka-ching’ light bulb clicked on, sparking a braincell into an intelligent thought – and the obvious dawned on me. Both sides, hot temp and cool temp equals productivity. It is not the one vs the other, but rather the 2 temps working together, balancing one another, to reach any Boss-Man’s desired fate, in creating a productive environment – a function that only an air-conditioning system can provide.
The obvious: Don’t forget, an aircon swings both ways – temperature wise of course. ‘Ka-ching’ light bulb

And here we have it [further down]. Studies supporting both temperatures. Highlighting how and why air-conditioning increases productivity.
We cannot control and manipulate the weather into our favour to increase productivity. This is why we have aircons, right?
# The Top Secret purpose of air-conditioning in the work environment.
The reality of the large impact aircons have on productivity is crystal clear, with no air to spare for denial 😉 wink wink
With the control and balancing of office temp, we create a happy and healthy environment, allowing productivity to boom and to ensure that productivity remains at optimal levels
Air-conditioning is a process that alters the properties of air to more favourable conditions.
That in itself says it all. Altering the properties of air to more favourable conditions. Favourable being the key word, a positive word, and positive sounds productive, does it not?
‘Interpretation: “Air-conditioning is a process that alters the properties of air to more Productive conditions”
With that said, it’s all about context, and context coupled with common sense will steer you in the right temperature!
My Air-con Philosophy: No sweat equals LESS Stress ladies and gents
SUMMURY: Part 1 – In Summer:
Yes please, Mr Aircon Buddy – do grace us with your Fresh Breath of Cool Air.
Make a hot office, bearable, cool the irritable into productive moods
But BEWARE of Igloo Temperatures!
Let’s not fall prey to illness, which then leads to grumpy moods and absenteeism, decreasing productivity, faster than the rand falls!

SUMMARY: Part 2 – In Winter:
I’m sure, more so than none, will happily invite the cozy aura of an aircon, rather than chattering teeth in an office sized fridge!
The air-con will warm our cheeks to a rosy pink, and switch our body temperature to ninja working mode! HELLO PRODUCTIVITY
PS. Be sure to take note of the flip side! Too hot will cause laziness as well as sleepiness! It’s a science, you know

Closing Statement: Air-conditioning helps us to control and balance the office temperatures – creating a happy and healthy environment, allowing productivity to boom, and to ensure that productivity remains at an optimal level.
Conclusion: Air-Conditioning is an Investment, not an expense!
Survey & Study results:
Velux.com states that an office with good indoor air quality improves productivity by 10%. A number of scientific studies indicate that elevated temperatures and poor air quality can negatively affect work performance. [Pawel Wargocki and David P. Wyon : Indoor Climate Scientist – Technical University of Denmark]
In a 2004 study, Corner University psychological scientist – Alan Hedge, determined that workers are more efficient when they’re warm.
As per APS.org, cold offices link to lower productivity. While blasting the aircon, running up those energy bills, you are also running up the cost of lost worker productivity [colds and absenteeism from work]
A NASA Study concluded that an office temp that is too high (too hot) decreases productivity, with 18% loss in work done, and 40% loss in accuracy
In a Study conducted by Cornell University, it was found that an office that is too cold, increases work errors by 44%, which in turn increases the labour cost by 10%

Cold offices linked to lower productivity
Why air condition the research
Sleepy emoji
Snowing Cloud
My epic journey at Leads 2 Business started September 2008, as a Researcher / Data Capturer in the Tenders Africa Department.
I joined Customer Relations in 2011, where I have had the great pleasure of being part of the Dynamic L2B Admin Department [From 2011 to present].
I deal with the Registration and Administration details of New Account Activations, and Existing Account Upgrades, etc. I also assist with client & staff queries.
I’m a ‘think-out-of-the-box’ individual and an excellent problem solver. I am hardworking, meticulous, efficient, friendly and always happy to help!
I look forward in assisting you with any queries you might have