L2B Blog: Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Over the ages, there have been many buildings and structures built that have an absolutely amazing design. Some of these buildings and structures have withstood the test of time in ways that newer buildings / structures have yet to experience and only time will tell if they will be able to withstand the forces of nature. Today, I am having a look at some of these brilliant buildings and structures that have captured my imagination.


  1. Bridge of Eggs, Lima, Peru

Puente de Piedra (the Bridge of Stone), was built around 1610 by the architect. Juan del Corral, and is referred to as the Bridge of Eggs, due to the belief that the mortar was mixed with egg whites as opposed to water. The bridge is still standing today.

 Photo Credit: Mangal Home Builders

References: WikipediaDid You Know?


  1. Cathedral of Brasília(Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida), Brazil

The Cathedral of Brasília (Portuguese: Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida, “Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of Aparecida”) is the Roman Catholic cathedral in Brasília, Brazil, designed by Oscar Niemeyer. Construction started in 1958 and was completed in 1970.

Photo Credit: Author – Victor Soares – ABr

References: WikipediaMost Amazing Facts.

  1. Yunak Evleri Cave Hotel, Urgup, Cappadocia, Turkey

Yunak Evleri is a 5-star hotel built into ancient Turkish caves that were carved out of the rocky hills. The combination of the renovated caves (7) with the private cave rooms (40 in total), dating back to the 5th and 6th century, capped by a 19th century Greek Mansion, would entice anyone to go exploring.

Photo Credit: Yunak

References: YunakMost Amazing Facts

  1. Air Force Academy Chapel, Colorado, United States

Construction on this amazing building started in 1957 and it was completed in 1962. Designed by Walter Netsch of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and constructed by Robert E. McKee, Inc., it provides the following worship areas: Protestant chapel (Protestants), Catholic chapel (Catholics), Jewish chapel (Jews), Buddhist chapel (Buddhists), Falcon Circle (Followers of Earth-Centered Spiruality, which includes Wicca, Paganism and Druidism) and All-Faiths rooms (these are for smaller religious groups and faith specific accoutrements are available for use).

Photo Credit: Author – Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

References: WikipediaDocomomo-USMost Amazing Facts

  1. Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Of course, one of the most famous buildings in all of time, is the Eiffel Tower. Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower, also became the namesake. Construction started in 1887 and was completed in 1889.

Photo Credit: Benh LIEU SONG (License)

References: Wikipedia

  1. Fallingwater House, Pennsylvania, United States

Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, designed this astounding house for Liliane and Edgar J. Kaufmann in 1935. Construction started in 1936 and the main house was completed in 1937. In 1966 it was designated a National Historic Landmark. The Lego product range, Lego Architecture, features Fallingwater as a landmark set.

Photo Credit: Author – Daderot

References: Wikipedia

  1. La Sagrada Família, Barcelona, Spain

This minor basilica was designed by Antoni Gaudi and construction commenced in 1882. Due to reliance on private donations and being interrupted by the Spanish Civil War, it has an anticipated completion date of 2026.

Photo Credit: Author – Bernard Gagnon

References: WikipediaMost Amazing Facts

  1. The Big Pineapple, Bathurst, South Africa

Built between 1990 – 1992, the Big Pineapple is a tribute to the agricultural success of the fruit in the region. It is almost 20m high and has three floors.

Photo Credit: NJR ZA

References: Buzz South AfricaAGU Blogosphere

  1. The Shoe House, Abel Erasmus Pass, Mpumalanga

Ron van Zyl designed and built this house for his wife, Yvonne, in 1990. Today the house is a Museum and also includes a chalet guest house, restaurant, bar, a camp site, curio shop and pool.

Photo Credit: FunPic

References: Buzz South AfricaTraveler’s Log.

  1. Alice Lane Towers, Sandton, South Africa

Designed by Paragon Architects and completed in 2010, this is definitely one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen. This is the first high rise building with a curved façade, being completely glazed and made from low energy glass and utilising glass printing technology.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

References: Wikipedia

These are some of the structures and buildings which have caught my interest, but there are still so many other amazing, popular, strange and fantastic buildings and structures in the world.

Do you have any that have caught your interest?

Feel free to leave a comment.

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About Cecile Van Deventer

I joined the L2Q Team in 2006, as a L2Q Support Assistant and have been the HOD since 2010. I supervise L2Q Bills, Daily Tender Bills, Control Lists and Directory.

Did You Know #DYK – Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

The last thing you want is for your inbox on the Leads 2 Business system to be overloaded and inundated with e-mails, so to make your life easier, be organised.

We tend to leave things to pile up, and emails flow in faster than they can be sorted out, this could often lead to missing important e-mails….. That is why Leads 2 Business gives you options – To simplify and focus your leads. It will only take a few seconds every now and then, to just systematically arrange your emails into the correct folders provided.

How to clean up your Inbox: Let’s get started

Your inbox can be accessed in 3 different ways on the site:

  • Top right hand corner under your name;
  • Small envelope on the top right hand corner; or
  • On the left hand side just under the Leads 2 Business logo

Once you have opened your inbox, different folders are provided:




  • Compose – new e-mail;
  • Inbox – where your e-mails are received and from here you can categorize them into the various folders under the green Actions button;
  • Important – If you have marked your e-mails as important, they will be saved here;
  • Trash – If you decide to delete e-mails, they are moved to Trash and from here you can also Restore them and they are moved back to your Inbox,
  • RFQ notices – Once the buyer has made changes to a RFQ that was previously sent to you, you are automatically notified via email which you will receive in the RFQ Notices received.


  • Monitors – Emails that you have sent to your monitors as well as tenders or projects that you have assigned to your monitors will be displayed here,
  • Professionals – E-mails that you have sent to professionals as well as via the directory,
  • RFQ Notices – E-mails or amendments made to RFQ’s that you have sent as a buyer to the vendors.

Your Team:

A list of your monitors are displayed here and in order to send them an e-mail, just click on the preferred monitor.

Next Step – Cleaning up Projects

Private Projects consists of predominantly large privately funded projects which follow the progress from the procedural stage right through to the completion stage. Our private projects subscribers receive a private project advisory (PPA) whereby they can also monitor the projects of interest in order to receive any notes and updates made to the specific project. Leads 2 Business gives you the option to “Clean up your Projects”, so again, you can be a bit more organised and not have projects floating around that you might not need at that stage.

This is how:

Hover your cursor over your name (top right hand corner) and select Profile Settings, proceed to the last option which says “Cleanup Projects”, and it takes you through to the following page:

Basically this function allows you to remove monitored projects at any stage and if, some time in the future you needed any of them again, there is another option to reinstate them. Select which of the project statuses you want removed, click on “Remove Selected”. If you want to reinstate them, select your choice and click on “Re-Instate Selected”. As easy as that…another great way of getting yourself organised.

Getting organised is a daily struggle. In my humble opinion, it will be easier to get into a daily routine of clearing and organising your inbox 🙂 So…what are you waiting for?


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About Bianca Edgcumbe

I started working at Leads 2 Business in May 2013 in the Africa Tenders Department. I worked my way to the Leads 2 Quotes Department in September 2016 and have been there ever since.

L2B Blog: Build your Business with Building Tenders

Build your Business with Building Tenders

Build your Business with Building Tenders

There are a variety of approaches when it comes to tenders in the building and construction industry, that can drum up business. The most obvious is the direct approach by the main contractor. You tender. Tendering can be costly and time consuming as your company is competing with other companies for contracts. To increase your chances, be thorough and conscientious. Everything starts with the tender notice and ends with the tender notice. Contact the relevant professionals and ask for clarity on any aspect of the tender notice you are not sure of. If meetings are scheduled, attend them timeously. If there are any discrepancies in the tender documents, query them. Comply with the instructions in the tender document, to the letter. Ensure your signed and completed tender document is handed in at the correct time, at the correct place on the correct day. And hopefully, you’ve dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, your company is the awarded company.

Another approach is sub-contracting. Main contractors require prices for their Bills of Quantity (BoQ), and they’re going to get them from sub-contractors. If you are a subbie, ensure your prices are competitive. Communicate with the main contractor and build that relationship and let the main contractor know about all your services and your products as they might not need you now; but they could need you later. Even if you can’t price that particular BoQ, still maintain that relationship. Subbies don’t need to wait for the main contractors to approach them. You can approach the main contractors, and just keep your company services and products alive in their minds.

Once the tender has been awarded; the subbie can approach the awarded company and remind them of their prices and services.

In the context of Leads 2 Business, knowing what tenders are out is the first stepping off point. Ensure your Advisory is set up to meet your company needs. Go through your Advisory email each day and follow up on any tenders of interest. Tenders are time sensitive so any delay can be incredibly counter productive.

As a main contractor, you could monitor the tender to ensure that you are notified of any changes to the tender notice.

As a subbie you would monitor the tender to ensure that you’re notified of when it is awarded, so that you can follow up with the awarded company. You can request a BoQ, to check whether any of your services or products are specified. You could also request a site attendance register, so you can approach the other companies that could possibly be tendering and with the help of the BoQ know what items need to be priced. Exposing your company to as many in the industry as possible, can only bring benefits.

Ensuring your company is listed on the Directory, also adds to the advertising of your company and will expose your company to those that seek your services.

There’s almost no end to the amount of work and opportunities available as you go along the supply chain for building tenders.

Examples of Building Tenders:

DTA 616433 – Construction of New Mdzimba Primary School. CIDB 8GB

DTA 616484 – KZN: Department of Health: Groutville: Groutville Clinic: Replacement of clinic. CIDB 8GB

DTA 616422  – Mount Fletcher Magistrate Office: Condition Based Maintanenance. CIDB 7GB.

Awarded Building tenders:

Awarded DTA 564116 – Rotunda Park Precinct Project in Turffontein – Phase 2

Awarded DTA 604734 – Construction of Bilanyoni Library


If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.

To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.

To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Did You Know #DYK – A Walk Through Your Advisory Setting

A Walk Through Your Advisory Setting

Welcome to the 1st edition of a new supplement we are adding to our weekly Blog called “Did You Know”.

We will use this insert to either teach you something new or refresh your memory on something old, but still interesting to know ;).

Today I’m going to give you the ins and outs and lowdowns of your Daily Advisories….. and right now I’m hoping you are not squinting your eyes and asking “What is a Daily Advisory?” lol! but just in case you are….. Lets start from the beginning 😉

Simply put, your Daily advisory is all the leads we send you on a daily bases, according to the filters YOU selected.

So, Did You Know – you can adjust your Daily Advisory whenever you like? well, you can and this is how!


Once logged in – Hover your cursor over your Name, this will bring up a drop down menu as illustrated in the below diagram.

Select Advisory Setting and let us begin:)



There are 7 Consecutive Steps you need to follow.

Step 1 – Email Set Up: 

This is the email you have indicated to us as the one you want to receive all Advisories on.  The Tick indicates that this email address has been verified, If you did not receive a verification email or if it got lost – you may click on the Action tab and resend the verification email to yourself.

Below that is a list of the advisories you are paying for – you may De-select any of these if you like (This will not alter your current monthly rate)

So why would you want to deselect an advisory? well for instance, if you are subscribed to Private Projects, we give you Daily Tenders for free, however you may decide you are not interested in receiving Government Tenders…. then you would just simply remove the tick next to Industry Advisory 🙂


Step 2 – Categories: 

This is where you decide exactly what leads you are wanting to receive.

First lets go though the Tender Categories – you may select as many or as few of these as you like.

*Please be advised that if you opted out of receiving an Industry Advisory in the previous step, you should not have anything selected here.


Project Categories: Often large developments have both a building and infrastructure element and because both of these elements may not interest you, we have given you the power to choose whether you would like to receive updates on both or just one.

Project Status: These are the various stages in which a Project moves through from Conceptual right up until Completion.

Once again, we don’t see why you should receive information that is irrelevant to what you do, so here you get to decide what stages of the Project you would like to receive.

* Please be advised that the last two options will not be available to you, unless you are a Private Projects Subscriber.

OK so lets move on.

Step 3 – Values:

If you have a CIDB Grading you can be quite specific here, however if you are, for example, a Consultant and don’t require a CIDB, you should still select all, as there will be instances where a tender is Turnkey and there may be a CIDB requirement for the contractor all on the same tender.


Just for interest sake I have listed below the industries that may apply for a CIDB grading 🙂


The Project Values refer to the size of the Development, here you may decide which size Projects would be of interest to you .


Step 4 – Industries


Now this is two fold, firstly if you have Tender Categories selected, here you get to be specific about the industries you service.


For instance: If your company was in the security sector and really only supplied and installed security solutions to the Hospitality & Leisure as well as the retail sector, then this is what your advisory would look like:


* Please note that without an industry selected, your selected Category will be deemed null and void.


OK so that covers the use of industries for your Government Tenders, now to explain them in Projects.

Now remember, you would have already selected whether you are interested in the Building or Infrastructure Projects in Step 2 – Categories

So now lets say you selected only Building, you can now use the industries selections to tell us in what industry you would like to receive Building Projects ….. are you still with me?

You would not select anything pertaining to Infrastructure, for example Roads or Water.



Step 5 – Regions:

Regions are subscription dependent, meaning the following:

Daily Tender SA – You may Select as many regions under the South Africa selection.

Daily Tender Africa – You may select any of the Non South African Regions.

Daily Tender SA +Africa – You may select from all the regions available.

Private Projects – You may select from all the regions.


Step 6 – Keywords

This is your fail safe step, this ensures you miss nothing!




First search for your keyword, then Select the keyword and by using the action tab, click on the add Keyword drop down.

And just like that you have added your first keyword.

You can select multiple words and add them to save time:) – You may select up to 80 Keywords.


And here we are at our final step…

Step 7 – Custom

These options are self explanatory, however I do want to clarify the following:

  1. By ticking this option, we will still send you an advisory even if there is a day whereby your filters don’t match anything we have updated or published for that day. If this option is ticked and you DON’T receive an advisory on a particular day – give us a call so we may see what the issue was.

5,6,7. You may select one of these in order to receive a breakdown of all your monitored Projects

8.  Automatic Monitoring saves you from having to go through Projects and having to monitor them yourself. By selecting this option, the system will automatically monitor all Projects published that match your filters.


Once you have gone through step 1 to 7 and are happy with your selections please make sure you click on the SAVE tab at the bottom of the page 🙂

And that is our walk through your Advisory Setting :).

Of course if you are still unable to do this yourself, you are always welcome to contact your Account Executive or call Head Office for assistance:).


I hope you found this helpful, if so, please look out for our next edition of DYK 🙂

If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.

To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.

To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Sherina Shawe

I am a strong believer in "What you put in , is what you will get out" and this drives me every day, whether it's at home with my gorgeous family or at work where I get to fuel my competitive spirit. I love who I am and who I'm becoming. I love where I am , but more importantly where I'm going.... #EternalOptimist #Aspire2Inspire

Featured Project : Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence (Triangle House)

Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence (Triangle House)

Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence (Triangle House)

Description : The former Safmarine Building, now known as Triangle House, on the corner of Riebeek and Long Streets, Cape Town, in the Western Cape, will be transformed into the 5 star Radisson Blu Hotel and Residence. All 166 flats will have dedicated parking bays. Currently used as offices, the building will be transformed into upmarket apartment units starting at 40m² and going up to 160m² for the penthouse apartments. GPS Coordinates: -33.9196757, 18.42239429999995.

Status : Underway

Industry: Building

Region : Cape Town

Sector : Private

Value : R 100 million+

Timing : January 2016 to April 2017. (15 months).

Notes: Construction is ongoing with completion estimated April 2017.


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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Tender Industries

Tender Industries


There are many many tender industries all over the world. We at Leads 2 Business concentrate mainly on the building and construction industry which in itself has many other industries that we follow in both South Africa and Africa. We have about 14 main industries with regards to tenders listed on our website.

These 14 Industries are easily located on our website and you are able to select which industry you are looking for tenders in, narrowing down the search and obtaining tenders that pertain specifically to you and your company.




Factory & Warehousing
Search Results on 14/11/2016
304 Tenderssecond-image
3 Newly added current tenders

This includes the construction of new factories & warehouses, rehabilitation, alterations, additions, maintenance and expansions. As well as supply of furniture, equipment and or services relating to this industry.

Mini factories
Storage Facilities
Processing facilities
Manufacturing facilities
Loading facilities
Logistics facilities
Pack houses
Big Factories
Factory fitouts

Search Results on 14/11/2016
533 Tenders
12 Newly added current tendersthird-image

This includes the construction of new retail facilities / buildings. As well as the provision of furniture, lighting, equipment, escalators and / or services such as pest control, cleaning, hygiene services, landscaping etc.

Retail outlets
Line Shops
Shopping Malls
Smaller shops
Retail Kiosks
Trader Stalls
Shopping Complex
Retail Park
Value Centres
Multi-purpose centres
Vehicle showrooms

Any tender relating to retail would fall under this specific industry.

Power Gridfourth-image

Search Results on 14/11/2016
6742 Tenders
374 Newly added current tenders

Power Stations
Transmission Lines
Wind farms
Hydro power
Commissioning and testing
Electrical equipment, installation or services
Electricity generating equipment
Power supply
Street Lighting
Traffic Signalsfifth-image
Circuit breakers
Energy Centres
Generators (Supply or repair / maintenance)
Alternative power
Coal offloading facilities

The list goes on and on.. but anything to to with electrical tenders will fall within this industry.


Search Results on 14/11/2016
993 Tenderssixth-image
33 Newly added current tenders

This includes the construction of new mines as well as the provision of mining equipment, furniture, vehicles and services such as lubricants, sprays, ladders, pipes, pumps and consumables.

Sintering plants
Asbestos mines
Rehabilitation of mines
Supply of mining equipment
Maintenance of mining equipment
Vehicles and or tractors etc (heavy plant)
Vent shafts
Chrome mines
Mine offices (new / refurbish / expand / cleaning

Anything relating to Mining or that a Mining company has gone out to tender for, will be found under this Industry on our website.

Office & Commercial

Search Results on 14/11/2016
2276 Tenders
50 Newly added current tendersseventh-image

This includes the construction of new office and commercial developments as well as the provision of office and commercial equipment, furniture, vehicles and services such as access control, hygiene and cleaning, desks and computers, stationery, networking and cabling, chairs, lighting and tiling etc etc.

Various Offices
Police offices
Municipal offices
Satellite offices
Office Face-lifts / Refurbishments
Office Blocks
Office hubs
Meeting Rooms / Offices
Business Estates
Commercial Parks
Commercial Precincts


Search Results on 14/11/2016
417 Tenders
15 Newly added current tenders

This includes the construction of new Industrial developments as well as the supply of industrial equipment and services as well as the maintenance and repair of various tools and machinery.

Light Industrial
Investment parks
Industrial developments
Industrial Park
Supplier Park
Logistics Hub
Industrial Hub
Business Park
Industrial Facilities
Industrial Business Park
Industrial Cluster
Nuclear Power Plant
Manufacturing Plant
Coal plant
Technology Park
Industrial Plant
Auto Service Hub
Business Hub
Processing Plants
Asphalt plants
Assemblies / Assembly lines
Internal waste management
Oil processing plants
Milling plants
Wool processing plants
port infrastructure
marine structures
rice processing mill
liquid bulk terminal
industry workshops (training)
Bakery / Confectionery
pump stations
production facilities


Search Results on 14/11/2016
12098 Tenders
405 Newly added current tendersninth-image

This includes the construction of new Healthcare buildings as well as the supply of healthcare equipment, furniture and services such as cleaning / sanitary and hygiene services or supplies, building fixtures, heat pumps, generators, tables, lighting, guard house / security, access control, medical equipment and furniture.

Medical Consulting rooms
Treatment facilities / centres
Wellness Centres
Rehabilitation centres
Frail Care
Medical institutions
Doctors rooms
Waiting rooms
Emergency units

Transport Terminals

Search Results on 14/11/2016
2790 Tenders
98 Newly added current tenderstenth-image

This includes the construction of new transport terminals as well as supply of equipment, furniture and services relating to transport terminals. This includes airport escalators, airstrip markings and lighting, airport security and access control, air navigation services, ablution facilities, cleaning and hygiene services etc.

Loading Dock
Terminal sheds
Rea Vaya BRT
Airports (new / maintenance, airstrips, airport equipment / furniture)
Trains and train terminals
Buses and Bus terminals
Taxi Ranks
Container Terminals
Automotive hangers
Disaster Recovery centres
Cargo Area
Airport Escalators
Airport Runway Taxi Ways
Transport Facilities
Delivery / supply of Fuel (Diesel / Petrol / Jet fuel)


Search Results on 14/11/2016
15351 Tenders
489 Newly added current tenderseleventh-image

This includes renovations, alterations, additions and expansions to various buildings.
Roofs / ceilings
Floors (Tiling etc)
General repairs
Solar systems
Doors (aluminum, wooden, roller shutter)
Windows (Glass chipped or broken, burglar guards or replacement etc)
air conditioners
Board Houses
Ablution facilities / Ablution blocks
Town Houses


Search Results on 14/11/2016
113916 Tenders
3654 Newly added current tenderstwelfth-image

This includes the construction of new institutional buildings as well as supply of equipment, furniture and services relating to this such as fencing, tiling, ablution facilities, cleaning and hygiene, roofs, security, fire detection, new halls, walls, water tanks, computers / laptops, stationery etc

Police Station
Training Facilities
Community Centres
Fire Station
Research Facilities
Lecture Halls
Precinct Stations
Churches / Religious buildings
Educational Facilities
Tertiary education
FET colleges
Municipal buildings
Government facilities / buildings / offices
High Schools
Remedial work
New classrooms

Hospitality & Leisure

Search Results on 14/11/2016
1509 Tenders
47 Newly added current tendersfourteenth-image

This includes the provision of a new hospitality & leisure development which also includes the provision of furniture, equipment, lighting, paving security, cleaning services, fields, turf, pitches, pavilions, fencing, landscaping, gate and online ticketing.

Fitness Gym
Golf Course
Theme Parks
Art & Crafts centre
Art Galleries
Dinosaur Interpretive Centres
Conference centres
Nature reserves / National parks
Game Lodges
Wedding Venues
Caravan Parks
Civic Centres
Sports Complex
Recreational Park


Search Results on 14/11/2016
17581 Tenders
911 Newly added current tendersfifthteenth-image

This includes the provision of new roads / bridges as well as maintenance, furniture and services relating to this industry. Road barriers, concrete blocks, road signs, street lights, road markings and painting, signage, signals and traffic lights

National Roads
Access roads
Main roads
Widening of roads (dual carriageway)
Resealing of roads
fixing potholes
resurfacing of roads
upgrading from gravel to tar
maintenance or roads
street lights and amenities
Road fixing
River crossing
pavement rehabilitation / construction (walkways)
Road Junction
Storm-water and Road


Search Results on 14/11/2016
15282 Tenders
369 Newly added current tenderssixteenth-image

This includes the provision of new water related developments or the maintenance and provision of equipment and services.

Bulk infrastructure
Ablution Facilities
Dams (including dam walls)
Water Supply Schemes,
Waste water treatment works (WWTW)
Waste water care works (WWCW)
Water supply network
Water mains
Bulk water pipeline
Water metering
Water leaks
Pumps and Pipes
Chemicals and consumables
Outfalls and sewers
Control valves
Rainwater goods / equipment
flood risk
water storage tanks
Sprinkler Systems
Pipe laying


Search Results on 14/11/2016
3424 Tenders
115 Newly added current tendersseventheenth-image

This includes the provision of a new residential development as well as maintenance, rehabilitation, additions and alterations to existing residential developments. In this we also find provision of equipment and services within the residential industry which includes furniture, garden services, pool maintenance, light fixtures, aircons, generators etc.

Retirement Estates
Lifestyle estates
Low cost housing
RDP Housing
Apartment blocks
Residential Towers
Staff quarters
Boarding establishments

If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.

To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.

To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Michelle Crosby

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in the Directory Department in 2012. I was then promoted to the Private Projects Department in 2014 and was recently promoted to Projects HOD this year.

Tenders by CIDB – What do you need to get the job?

What do you need to get the job?


The Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) – a Schedule 3A public entity – was established by Act of Parliament (Act 38 of 2000) to promote a regulatory and developmental framework that builds:

  • Construction industry delivery capability for South Africa’s social and economic growth.
  • A proudly South African construction industry that delivers to globally competitive standards.

The cidb’s focus is on

  • Sustainable growth, capacity development and empowerment
  • Improved industry performance and best practice
  • A transformed industry, underpinned by consistent and ethical procurement practices
    Enhanced value to clients and society

Construction companies is South Africa are required to register with the CIDB for various classes of construction works, if they want to be awarded Government tenders, and are assigned ratings based on their financial capability. CIDB ratings, when required, are listed on tender notices and perform two functions: The most obvious being that if a company is not registered in that particular rating or class of work then that company can not be awarded that contract (unless they form a Joint Venture); and the second is that the Rating gives a estimated value for the contract concerned. This is helpful for subcontractors to determine whether it is worth their while to approach those companies tendering.

Below is a breakdown of the various Construction works and how the various ratings are determined:

Class of Construction Works

GB General Building

CE Civil Engineering

EB Electrical Engineering Works – Building

EP Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure

ME Mechanical Engineering

SB Asphalt works (supply and lay)

SC Building Excavations, shaft sinking, lateral earth support

SD Corrosion protection (cathodic, anodic and electrolytic)

SE Demolition and blasting

SF Fire prevention and protection systems

SG Glazing, curtain walls and shop fronts

SH Landscaping, irrigation and horticulture works

SI Lifts, escalators and travellators (installation, commissioning and maintenance)

SJ Piling and specialised foundations for building and structures

SK Road markings and signage

SL Structural steelwork fabrication and erection

SM Timber buildings and structures

SN Waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialist systems

SO Water supply and drainage for buildings (wet services, plumbing)

SQ Steel security fencing or precast concrete

Class of Construction Works

Civil Engineering (CE): Construction Works primarily concerned with materials such as steel, concrete, earth and rock and their application in the development, extension, installation, maintenance, removal, renovation, alteration, or dismantling of building and engineering infrastructure.

Basic Work Types: Water, sewerage, roads, railways, harbours and transport, urban development and municipal services.

Examples: Structures such as cooling tower, bridge culvert, dam, grand stand, road, railway, reservoir, runway, swimming pool, silo or tunnel. The results of operations such as dredging, earthworks and geotechnical processes. Township services, water treatment and supply, sewerage works, sanitation, soil conservation works, irrigation works, storm-water and drainage works, coastal  works, ports, harbours, airports and pipelines.

Electrical Engineering Works – Building (EB): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with the installation, extension, modification or repair of electrical installations in or on any premises used for the transmission of electricity from a point of control to a point of consumption, including any article forming part of such an installation

Basic Work Types: All electrical equipment forming an integral and permanent part of buildings and/or structures, including any wiring, cable jointing and laying and electrical overhead line construction.

Examples: Electrical installations in buildings. Electrical reticulations within a plot of land (erf) or building site. Standby plant and uninterrupted power supply. Verification and certification of electrical installations on premises.

Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure (EP): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with development, extension, installation, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of engineering infrastructure: a) relating to the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity; or b) which cannot be classified as EB.

Basic Work Types: Electrical power generation, transmission, control and distribution equipment and systems

Examples: Power generation. Street and area lighting. Substations and protection systems. Township reticulations. Transmission lines

General Building Works (GB): Construction Works that: a) are primarily concerned with the development, extension, installation, renewal, renovation, alteration, or dismantling of a permanent shelter for its occupants or contents; or b) cannot be categorised in terms of the definitions provided for civil engineering works, electrical engineering works, mechanical engineering works, or specialist works.

Basic Work Types: Building and ancillary works other than those categorised as: Civil engineering works; Electrical engineering works; Mechanical engineering works; Specialist works.

Examples: Buildings for domestic, industrial, institutional or commercial occupancies. Car ports. Stores. Walls.

Mechanical Engineering Works (ME): Construction Works that are primarily concerned with the development, extension, installation, removal, alteration, renewal of engineering infrastructure for gas transmission and distribution, solid waste disposal, heating, ventilation and cooling, chemical works, metallurgical works, manufacturing, food processing and materials handling.

Basic Work Types: Machine systems including those relating to the environment of building interiors. Gas transmission and distribution systems. Pipelines. Materials handling, lifting machinery, heating, ventilation and cooling, pumps. Continuous process systems, chemical works, metallurgical works, manufacturing, food processing such as that in concentrator machinery and apparatus, oil and gas wells, smelters, cyanide plants, acid plants, metallurgical machinery, equipment and apparatus, and works necessary for the beneficiation of metals, minerals, rocks, petroleum and organic substances or other chemical processes.

Examples: Air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation. Boiler installations and steam distribution. Central heating. Centralised hot water generation. Compressed air, gas and vacuum installations. Conveyor and materials handling installations. Continuous process systems involving chemical works, metallurgical works, oil and gas wells, acid plants, metallurgical machinery, equipment and apparatus, and works necessary for the beneficiation of metals, minerals, rocks, petroleum and organic substance and other chemical processes. Dust and sawdust extraction. Kitchen equipment. Laundry equipment. Refrigeration and cold rooms. Waste handling systems (including compactors)

Specialist Works

SB: The extension, installation, repair, maintenance or renewal, or removal of asphalt.

SJ: The development, installation, removal, or dismantling, as relevant, of piles and other specialised foundations for buildings and structures.

SC: The development, extension, installation, removal and dismantling, as relevant, associated with building excavations, shaft sinking and lateral earth support.

SK: The installation, renewal, removal, alteration or dismantling, as relevant, of road markings and signage.

SD: The development, extension, installation, repair, renewal, removal or alteration of corrosion protection systems (cathodic, anodic and electrolytic).

SL: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of structural steelwork and scaffolding.

SE: Demolition of buildings and engineering infrastructure and blasting.

SM: Timber buildings and structures.

SF: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of fire prevention and protection infrastructure (drencher and sprinkler systems and fire installation).

SN: The extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation or alteration, as relevant, of the waterproofing of basements, roofs and walls using specialist systems.

SG: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of glazing, curtain walls and shop fronts.

SO: The development, extension, installation, renewal, removal, alteration, or dismantling or demolition of water installations and soil and waste water drainage associated with buildings (wet services and plumbing).

SH: The development, extension, installation, maintenance, renewal, removal, alteration or dismantling, as relevant, of landscaping, irrigation and horticultural works.

SQ: The development, extension, installation, repairs, dismantling of precast walls, installation of wire perimeter fencing, diamond perimeter fencing, palisade steel fencing with posts and stay at intervals.

SI: The development, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration or dismantling of lifts, escalators, travellators and hoisting machinery

How contractor grading designations are determined

Your contractor grading designation is determined by your financial capability and your works capability.

Your financial capability relates to your financial history (turnover), and the amount of working capital you can muster to sustain a contract, i.e. available capital. Available capital is the sum of total equity, retained income, shareholders or member’s loans and any form of acceptable financial sponsorship.

Your works capability is determined by the largest contract you have undertaken and completed in your class of construction works (completed during the 5 years immediately preceding the application).

Your contractor grading designation will be used by Government (national, provincial, municipal and state owned enterprises) to qualify your tender to be considered for a particular construction works contract. For example: if you are registered as a 5CE, you will be considered for public sector civil engineering works contracts of a value not exceeding R6.5 million. You may register for different classes of works, for example, you may be registered as a 5CE and as an 8ME. This means that you will also be considered for public sector mechanical engineering works contracts of a value not exceeding R130 million.

Determining Financial Capability

The specific requirements that need to be satisfied in respect of the contractor grading designation being applied for, depending on the contractor grading designation applied for, the financial capability will be determined from:

  • the best turnover from the two financial years immediately preceding the application;
  • the available capital that you are able to mobilise;
  • the contractor must satisfy all the criteria relating to financial capability.

Determining Works Capability

The specific requirements that you need to satisfy in respect of the contractor grading designation applied are:


Grade 2: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R130 000.

Grade 3: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R450 000 and either have best turnover not less than R1 000 000 or have available capital not less than R100 000.

Grade 4: Must have completed a contract with the value of not less than R900 000 and either have best  turnover not less than R2 000 000 or have available capital not less than R200 000.

Grade 5 and higher: Must have works and financial capability not less than that tabulated in Table C(i) below, for the  contractor grading designation applied for.

Determining Financial Capability

Potentially Emerging Enterprises

 A registered, potentially emerging contractor may be awarded a contract at one level higher than the enterprise’s registered contractor grading designation, if the client or employer:

Is satisfied that such a contractor has the potential to develop and qualify to be registered in that higher grade; and

Ensures that financial, management or other support is provided – in the context of a targeted development programme

  • to enable the contractor to successfully execute that contract.

Joint Ventures

A joint venture is a grouping of two or more contractors who jointly undertake to perform a construction works contract.

Any enterprise that tenders or enters into a contract for construction works with the public sector, must be registered.

Once-off joint ventures do not have to register. Each partner of the joint venture must be separately registered and the lead partner must have a contractor grading designation not lower than one level below the required grading designation in the class of construction works under consideration.

The contractor grading designation for a once-off joint venture is assessed by the client, based on:

the sum of the best annual turnover of all the members of the joint venture;

the sum of the available capital of all the members of the joint venture; and

The cidb has developed a calculator to enable assessment of joint ventures. This calculator is available on the cidb website at www.cidb.org.za

Leads 2 Business subscribers have the option to filter by CIDB ratings as well as set up their Advisory settings, so they only receive the Ratings that they are interested in. My advice in this regard, would be to go “one above and one below”. The idea of the CIDB ratings is progression. New companies start out with a CIDB 1 and as the company grows in experience and financial standing, they would progress up the ratings. So a subscriber would select “one above” (as in a Rating above their current Rating) and select “one below” to make sure that they are notified of any tenders where only the PE (Potentially Emerging) rating has been specified on the tender. Keeping an eye on the next rung up the ladder, but ensuring your foot is still firmly in place on the rung below (if you like metaphors).

Examples of  tender notices of various CIDB Ratings and Classes:

CIDB 1: Upgrading of School Ablution Facilities – DTA 609616 CIDB 4: Construction of a large Ablution block at Thusego Intermediate School – DTA 609710 CIDB 7: Upgrade and Extension of the Warrenton WTP (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and C&I) – DTA 609603
CIDB 2: Supply, Deliver and Erect 6000m wire Barbed Wire Fencing for Bambanani co-op – DTA 609446  

CIDB 5: Replacement and Maintenance of Traffic Signal Equipment  – DTA 609486

CIDB 8: Reseal of National Route N1 Section 29 between Km 70 and Musina – DTA 608049

CIDB 3: Construction of a bridge at Alberton Campus – DTA 609447

CIDB 6: Resurface and Upgrade Boksburg Athletics Grounds – DTA 609500  

CIDB 9: Observatory Forensic Pathology Laboratory: Replacement – DTA 609086


cidb HELPLINE  | 086 100 2432  |  CIDB


Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No 38 of 2000)  

Application for Contractor Registration Grade 1 (July 2016)

Application for Contractor Registration Grade 2 – 9 (July 2016)


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About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Market Intelligence: Tenders by Category

Tenders by Category


There are many tenders out there, but Leads 2 Business specialises in the supply of tender notices related to the Building and Construction Industry. Even in this industry, there are different tenders for the different work required. Consequently, we have Tender Categories that are divided as follows:

The Tender Categories assist in making sure that our subscribers can choose to receive the tender notices relevant to them and prevent an inundation of irrelevant information. If the company’s services fall into a very broad category, they can narrow down the tender information, by making use of our “Keywords” function to assist them in receiving the correct tender notices according to their scope or when they are searching on our website.

Are you involved in any of these Tender Categories and interested in receiving leads?

Contact me on CecileD@L2B.co.za for more information.

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About Cecile Van Deventer

I joined the L2Q Team in 2006, as a L2Q Support Assistant and have been the HOD since 2010. I supervise L2Q Bills, Daily Tender Bills, Control Lists and Directory.

The timing of Tenders – Award Dates

Award Dates


I work in the Private Projects Department at Leads 2 Business, following the progress of construction developments. Once a project reaches Tender stage, we endeavour to source the award information for the tender linked to that project. In my nearly 5-year experience in dealing with tenders, I have come to learn about a few of the procedures and regulations that need to be adhered to throughout the tendering process. I have no doubt that there is more to learn, but in this blog post I will talk about some of the processes and procedures that I have encountered in the public tendering process, through my understanding.

Public tenders seem to be awarded after a period of between 90 to 120 days from the closing date, however, this time frame could vary – The award can be made before or after this period, provided that the validity period has not expired.

Once the successful bidder is notified, the tender award is not simply finalised with the contract starting immediately thereafter. A public notice should be advertised to indicate the intention to award. There should also be an appeals period, rejection letters, an appointment letter, a contract, and certain construction regulations to adhere to.

Notice of Award / Intention to Award
Once evaluation and adjudication is finalised and a recommendation has been made, the bids should be opened and read out in public, for transparency purposes. A bid register should be published on the client’s website so that the tenderers are able to view the prices that were submitted by the other service providers, should they not have been able to attend the opening of the bids. Successful and unsuccessful tenderers should then be provided with written notice, and a notice of intention to award should be publicly advertised to allow for possible objections from the other bidders.

Appeals Period
Once the intention to award has been advertised, a certain period should be allowed for objections, if any, from other service providers. A tenderer can appeal the award, usually within 14 calendar days (this may differ) from the date of the letter of intent. Clear instructions for the appeals process should be included in the contract documents.

Letter of Appointment
Once the appeals process has concluded, the successful tenderer is issued with an appointment letter. This does not necessarily mean that the award has been finalised. There could be conditions stipulated in the appointment letter which need to be fulfilled before a binding agreement can come into effect.

Binding Contractual Relationship
The contractual relationship begins once the successful bid has been accepted in writing, followed by a written agreement which is signed by both parties. The award can be deemed finalised at this point.

Notification of Construction Work
Should the contract meet the requirements set out in the construction regulation for the Notification of Construction Work, the main contractor must notify the Department of Labour prior to the commencement of construction. A copy of this notice, among other important documents, must be kept in the Occupational Health & Safety File (OH&S File) on site.

Bear in mind that the processes above are not the only ones to consider before the award date is finalised. There are other processes that an award may have to go through, depending on the client’s requirements, the type of goods or services being procured, and even the value of the contract, among others.

The award is not the end of the process. It signals the beginning of the contract.

Durban Gov
KZN Treasury

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About Bianca Warwick

I had the privilege of joining the Leads 2 Business content team in January 2012. I work in the exciting Projects department, following the progress of construction developments in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State.

Closing Date

Closing Date


When I started working at Leads 2 Business, I had no idea what was in store for me, I had little to none experience in the Building and Construction industry, let alone Tenders.  It was all completely Greek to me, however, as the days progressed all the information started to come together like a puzzle, piece by piece. After tons of training and the feeling of my mind going to explode, I could finally look at the complete picture instead of looking at the puzzle pieces one by one.

Learning the nitty gritty of the tender process has been quite interesting, I mean, I always thought that if you want to build something, you go ahead and build something. Not so fast buddy, clearly this was not the case. I soon came to realize that it’s quite a process. From a light bulb moment, to a design, to obtaining the correct professionals and, and, and,…. Phew!  The stages include advertising of tenders, sale of tender documents and attendance of compulsory briefing sessions by prospective bidders.

I work in the Leads 2 Quotes Department and deal with the Daily Tender Bill Requests  and closing dates became pretty important to me because once a closing date has arrived I cannot obtain a BoQ for a Tender and if a closing date can be so important to me, just imagine the importance of a closing date for someone who is tendering on a Tender.

By the said closing date, the tenderer should have gotten all his ducks in a row. Where required, attend the compulsory site meeting and get the feel of the project ahead. Start getting prices from Vendors to submit with his bid documents and making sure all his returnable documents are in order.

Take note that a closing date is your deadline. That date is the last date you can submit the relevant documents required to place your bid. Your bid has to be in by the specific date and the specific time stated on the Tender notice. Not a second later. If you submit your bid a second later, your bid will not be accepted. This is to avoid any irregularities and corruption.

Unfortunately, if it was compulsory to attend the site meeting, and you did not attend your bid would not be considered as well. The rules for Site Meetings and Closing Dates unfortunately go hand in hand unless otherwise stated.

But don’t let life get the better of you, stock up on the energy drinks and caffeine. Take note of the dates, take note of the meetings. And just like a wedding, save the dates.

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About Nadine Vermeulen

I started working at Leads 2 Business in October 2014 in the Leads 2 Quotes Department. I managed all the Daily Tender Bill Requests and followed up on BoQ's for our Daily Tender Subscribers. In 2017, I was promoted to L2Q Assistant and now work with Bill of Quantities for Contractors. 🙂

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