Featured Tender: Duvha north and south lime plants upgrade

Mpumalanga – DTA 912861

Contract Number:

MPGXC006506 – Eskom – Readvertisement *(Details Change)*


*Note: Details changed, please see CIDB Grading.* Bids are invited for the Duvha north and south lime plants upgrade for the period of 36 months at Duvha power station.

Category Industry
Plant & Machinery Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Mpumalanga Not Applicable.
Closing Date Contract Period
30 June 2022 at 10:00 36 Months.

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How To: Make Notes

Your Notes which are found on both Projects and Tenders have 2 Sections:

  1. “Are you involved in this Project/Tender?” – which is a drop-down selection
  2. Add a New Note – which allows you to add any custom note3


“Are you involved in this Project/Tender?” drop-down selection has options you can choose from:

  1. I am an Appointed Subcontractor on this Contract
  2. I am Bidding as a Main/Civil Contractor on this Contract
  3. I am the Awarded Main/Civil Contractor

If you are actually involved at these specific stages ie. Appointed, Bidding or Awarded then you are able to select the relevant option. This can provide additional exposure for your company should the details be confirmed by our researchers.

Added notes are visible for the Main User and their Monitors at any point when viewing the relevant Tender/Project and can also be removed by the User that added the note.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

What is Intellectual Property?

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The definition of Intellectual Property (IP) is the ownership of ideas, such as your trade secrets, your creations; it could be a new invention, a new design, or even a new brand. There are various types of IP available and is an important asset in the knowledge of today’s economy. Some of the IP rights require a process of application, examination and registration.

Registering and managing your IP rights ensures that you receive the best protection and get the most out of your idea, creation or invention. It is also important when establishing your product or service as this will reduce the chance of your products or services being replicated and passed off as those of a rival trader.

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) administer the following IP domains in South Africa:

  • Trademarks – which identifies the particular goods/services of a trader as distinct from those of other traders. This includes a company’s name, logo, catchphrases etc. The owner of a trademark has the exclusive rights to use, sell or licence the trademark.
  • Patent – This protects how an invention functions or works such as new and useful inventions whether it may be a new construction method, building material formulation, power tool component, or renovation technique. Patents allow the owner to stop other traders from manufacturing, using, copying or selling the device or process. The owner has the exclusive right to use, sell or license the invention
  • Designs – the visual appearance of a product is protected but not the way it works, such as kitchen appliances, fashion items, etc. The owner has the exclusive right to use, sell or license the registered design
  • Copyright – this protects certain types of works such as Literary works; Musical Works; Artistic works; Cinematographic films; Sound Recordings; Broadcasts; Programme-carrying signals; Published editions and Computer programs. This can also range from designs, layouts, blueprints, and other aspects of the manufacturing process which can often be copyrightable. The owner has the exclusive right to use, sell or license the copyrighted work.

Most IP rights are extremely territorial, which have to be dealt with in each territory where you intend to trade. If you have a patent, trademark or design granted in South Africa, it will only be valid in South Africa.

Contractors have a very intricate job that consists of a lot more than physical labour; the construction work that we see is the last step. In the early stages of a project, partnerships are formed with specialists, suppliers, subcontractors, and therefore proper protection is a must. Architectural copyrights is a perfect example as these copyrights can cover blueprints, technical design documents and more, these rights are usually attributed to the architect or engineer. From initial designs to all the calculations and specifications required, there are many forms of IP in any kind of construction project. IP protection is something that should concern anyone involved in the construction industry.

When it comes to the construction industry, you won’t just be protecting your designs and ideas, but also protecting methods of building, machinery used and materials. It is important to know how to protect your IP so that others won’t profit from your hard work.


BDC Magazine

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About Nadine Vermeulen

I started working at Leads 2 Business in October 2014 in the Leads 2 Quotes Department. I managed all the Daily Tender Bill Requests and followed up on BoQ's for our Daily Tender Subscribers. In 2017, I was promoted to L2Q Assistant and now work with Bill of Quantities for Contractors. 🙂

Staff Spotlight: Nadine Vermeulen

Nadine Vermeulen STAFF SPOTLIGHT - doc

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About Nadine Vermeulen

I started working at Leads 2 Business in October 2014 in the Leads 2 Quotes Department. I managed all the Daily Tender Bill Requests and followed up on BoQ's for our Daily Tender Subscribers. In 2017, I was promoted to L2Q Assistant and now work with Bill of Quantities for Contractors. 🙂

Infographic: Women in Construction 2022

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Women are gaining traction in the construction industry, even though it is often viewed as a male-dominated field. 13% of all construction companies worldwide are owned by women; 9% make more than $500,000 annually.

Did you know almost half of South Africa’s construction companies are owned by women? Some of the Top Women-Owned Construction companies in SA even use Leads 2 Business namely Temi Construction & Motheo Construction Group.

This infographic includes some of the highlights from Levelset’s 2022 Women in Construction Report.



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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

A Day in the Life of the Accounts Department

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First thing’s first when I get to the office, I make my morning cuppa and then it’s time to get cracking.

You have to be able to multitask in accounts and although most of the time I have a plan of action, sometimes that plan is very short-lived.

Firstly, I go through my emails excitedly looking for proof of payments, I flag the need to do’s and file away the necessary emails. I then go onto the Banking, and allocate payments, notify the Accounts executives should we receive any payments for new registrations and lift any suspensions that we have received payment from. After the banking, I send any statements that have a balance outstanding. Once I am done with that I move over to the queries that I need to tend to.

Reminders are my life: I have follow-ups upon follow-ups. After working through my reminders I start with my invoicing and update the invoicing schedule. From there I resend invoices and statements requesting outstanding payments. I process any cancellations or suspensions that are requested. Update my reports, doing this daily helps so come month end it is not so tedious.

In between doing all of the above I tend to any incoming queries and any Pro Forma invoice requests.

Before you know it the day has gone by in a flash. I really love what I do and accept every challenge thrown my way.

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About Sharika Raman

I have worked for Leads 2 Business from January 2015. I started in the Leads 2 Quotes Department for Directory, in January 2020 I was promoted to the Deputy Head of Department for Leads 2 Quotes and in July 2021 I was promoted to the Accounts Department as a Debtors Administrator. I enjoy time with my family creating memories, I like to socialize but also enjoy time to myself so I try to keep a balance by indulging in some quiet time when I can. I see myself as a realist, amazing wife and awesome mom…I am sure my family would agree.

Featured Project: Nkuna Kraal – Retail

Limpopo – PPA 12409

Construction of a shopping centre for the Nkuzana mixed-use development on a portion of the Farm Hoogmoed 69 LT, within the Makhado Municipality in Limpopo. The entire project will cover an area of 115,826 ha, while this component will cover 1 erf. The central co-ordinates of the site are S 23°12’29.70” and E 30°18’37.58” and the site of shopping centre is 23°12’49.8″S 30°18’39.1″E Estimated value R90 million


Status Region
Underway Makhado (Louis Trichardt)
Category Value
Building R 61 Million – R 200 Million
Industry Timing
Retail August 2021 – May 2022 (phase 1) March 2023 (phase 2)
Sector Class
Private Invited

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Productivity or Efficiency?

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Productivity and efficiency are two prominent “buzz” words in the corporate world, and orienting your business around them is definitely a wise strategy.  Both concepts are important driving forces for any project or endeavor: The lack of them can damage the development and the presence of them can increase success.

Despite the fact that the two words are often used, it’s very common for people to get them mixed up or associated with the same concept. If you’re also not sure about the differences between these two concepts, don’t worry, we prepared this infographic with a complete and simple explanation for you, check it out!

Source: Nutcache

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

How Google Search Works

posted in: Did You Know 0

There’s A LOT of information on the internet. Currently, there are around 1.18 billion websites in the World (01 Jan 2022). Search Engines make this info easier to find and are essential ‘answer machines’. Google isn’t the only search engine — there’s Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and more so why the focus on Google? Simply put – no one does search better. In fact, Google is so iconic that it is often used in place of the word ‘search’, think of the phrases, “just google it” or “let me google it”. With a 92.47% market share as of 01 March 2022, Google dominates the search engine industry and with it’s bold mission is to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

So how does Google Search work? Is it magic? Rocket science?

Google Search works in (basically) three stages:

Crawling: automated programs called crawlers search the web regularly looking for pages that are new or updated. The page addresses (or page URLs) are stored on a database for later.

Indexing: pages previously learned about during crawling are analysed to determine what the page is about this includes the content, images, and video files in/on the page. This info is stored in the index. Google’s Index contains over 130 trillion web pages.

After a page has been indexed and crawledit is ready to appear on a search engine results page (SERP).

Results/Ranking: When a user performs a Google Search, Google tries to determine the highest quality results to display on the SERP. The “best” results have many factors, including things such as location, language, device, previous search history page quality and relevance and is done algorithmically.

Google uses an algorithm for determining results, like all other search engines, and shares some information about the algorithm, but the specifics are a company secret to reduce abuse of the system and stay competitive.

Search engines and all their beautiful complexity have completely changed how we access information – you can even list Googling as a skill on your CV. Don’t believe me? Google it.

Ps. Did you know “L2B’s search is a distributed, full-text search engine, or search and analytics database. Unlike traditional relational databases that store data in tables, Our search uses a key-value store for objects and is a lot more versatile. It can run queries much more complicated than traditional databases and do this at a petabyte-scale.” L2B’s Search was developed by our senior IT Dev Barry West.

For more on How Google Search works watch the below video.

Sources: Google

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Staff Spotlight: Sonet Van Wyngaard

Sonet Van Wyngaard STAFF SPOTLIGHT - doc

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About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and have now recently moved to Private Projects. I love every second of it!

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