Did you Know…? #DYK New Tendering Rules will change the way you do business.

posted in: Did You Know 2

New Tendering Rules will change the way you do business.

Tenderers are required to make changes in the way they submit government tenders, especially in relation to sub-contracting.
Bids and tenders submitted without taking the below points into consideration stand to have their tenders deemed ‘unacceptable’ or could face hefty fines!
Gerrit Davids, owner and facilitator of a tender advisory consultancy, walks us through the new Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) Regulations.



  • The new Regulations from the outset grants an organ of state the authority to stipulate a ‘Preferred Minimum BBBEE Level’ in a tender, which will exclude certain companies with a lower BBBEE Level from submitting bids.


  • The Regulations will allow the state to include wide-ranging Sub-Contracting stipulations, which could force principle bidders to make use of up to 8 x different types of sub-contractors under the ‘Pre-Qualification Criteria’. Failure to do so will have the bid being declared ‘unacceptable’.


  • The value of the 80:20 and the 90:10 Preference Point Systems has been increased to below and above R50m respectively. However, it retains the current scoring of points for Price alongside that of BBBEE in tenders.


  • The new Regulations also place a 25% maximum on Sub-Contracting, which is done in the ordinary course of business with companies that have a lower BBBEE level than that of the principle bidder. Failure to comply with this stipulation will also cause tenders to be disqualified from consideration.


  • Regulations are introducing a new approach to pricing where a bidder scores the ‘highest points’ in a tender but its price is not market related and (the bidder) refuses to adjust it to be in-line with market related prices. The organ of state will have the right not to award the tender to such a bidder and it may even decide to cancel it.
  • An additional stipulation to the Regulations makes it obligatory for an organ of state issuing tenders to ‘make available a list’ of potential sub-contractors that qualify under the definition of ‘designated groups’ and such a list must be subject to approval by National Treasury.
  • The much-debated stipulation of compulsory Sub-Contracting of 30% for all tenders above R30m in value will also be allowed ‘where feasible’ to advance any one or more of the ‘designated groups’ as defined by these new Regulations.


  • Another key regulation stipulates that sub-contracting, which was not mentioned in the bidder’s tender could only be done with the permission of the organ of state ‘after a tender has been awarded’. A 10% penalty of the total value of the contract may be imposed where the correct sub-contracting procedures were not followed or where information was withheld, a ban on doing business with the state for 10 years could also be imposed by National Treasury under these new Regulations.


Davids says, “The meaning and understanding of the concept of ‘being proactive’ becomes a very relevant application with this new dispensation. Tenderers will be left behind if they do not make the required changes in the way they submit government tenders, especially in relation to sub-contracting”.

The Regulations will come into effect on 1 April 2017 giving tenderers less than 3 months to prepare for its impact.

Should you wish to contact the author:

Gerrit Davids – Lead Advisor at TaranisCo Advisory CC
Tel. 011-026 4891
Cell. +27 (0)82 496 1657
E-mail: advisor@taranis.co.za
Website: www.taranis.co.za

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About Gerrit Davids

Gerrit Davids is the Lead Advisor at Taranis Co Advisory with more than 20 years experience in government procurement regulations and having trained more than 2000 people on how to submit compliant tenders.

Featured Project : Eco Medical Village, Accra, Ghana

Eco Medical Village, Accra, Ghana

Description : Construction of a hospital for a proposed medical village project development is located in Accra, on a 30 acre site acquired adjacent to Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Ghana. The construction of a medical village in Ghana that will consist of: a 380 ward hospital, 120 ward women and children hospital, underground parking space for 1,000 vehicles, 120 ward housing for the elderly, 17 storeys doctors’ offices, a medical shopping mall; all things health; 40 x unit studio apartments for medical trainees; a medical research center in collaboration with world renowned hospitals; a 4 star medical hotel, a 2 star medical hotel, air ambulance and paramedic services and a housing facility for medical staff.

Status : Awarded

Industry: Building

Region : Ghana

Sector : Private

Value : R 100 million+

Timing : 2016 onwards.

Notes: The Developers have completed yet another visit at the Vatican. They are working hard to build the best foundation for Eco Medical Village. Sod-cutting ceremony has not taken place yet.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here Eco Medical Village, Accra, Ghana – Hospital- PPA: 17437.

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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Tender: Moretele South Water Supply 25 Ml Command Reservoir

Moretele South Water Supply 25 Ml Command Reservoir


Contract Number: RFB/MW/115/2016-2017 – Magalies Water

Description : Magalies Water invites tenders for Moretele South Water Supply 25 Ml Command Reservoir .

Industry Sector : Water

Industry : Infrastructure

Region : North West

Site Inspection: A compulsory clarification meeting with representitives of the Employer will take place at Lapa of he Klipdrift WTW. Co-ordinates are: 25°22’53.34″S; 28°18’26.41″E on 06 February 2017 starting at 11:00.

Closing Date: 07 March 2017 at 12:00.

Restrictions: It is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading of 8CE. 7CE Potentially Emerging Enterprises who satisfy criteria stated in the Tender Data may submit Tender offers. Preferences are offered to tenderers who 8 CE or higher or 7CE/PE Only tenderers who Civil Engineering Class of Works are eligible to submit tenders. Telephonic, Telegraphic, Telex, Facsimile, Emailed and Late Tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivering, opening and assessment of Tenders are stated in the Tender Data.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to find more details about Moretele South Water Supply 25 Ml Command Reservoir – DTA 618559.

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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

L2B Blog: Commercial Construction & Renovation

Commercial Construction & Renovation

According to itsallaboutbusiness.com, “Commercial construction is the business of building and selling or leasing manufacturing or assembly plants, medical centers, retail shopping centers and standard space for offices. The business varies primarily in the size and scale of the operations. Typically, the commercial builder either contracts with a company or organisation to build the facility or builds the facility on speculation that it can be leased or sold at a later time.”

Taking the above into account lets look at some of the commercial properties making headlines in South Africa.

In 2011 Aurecon’s Offices in Century City, now known as Aurecon East, was the first building in South Africa to be awarded a 5-Star Green Star SA Office Design v1 rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) but they didn’t stop there. In 2016 Aurecon West was completed, the second phase of Offices which also went on to receive a 5-Star Green Star SA Office Design v1 rating. Aurecon’s investment in Century City has inspired a number of other large corporates to relocate to the area.

In 2011 there were only 5 buildings in SA with Green Star accreditation from the GBCSA, to date there are 113 buildings with a Office Design v1 rating and 202 buildings in total with a Green Star Rating.

When you mention Kyalami most will think of the Race Track that was purchased by Porsche South Africa in 2014. Indeed, it is an historic track and recent construction and renovation at the Race Track was completed May 2016 after which it was awarded a Grade 2 racetrack certification by the Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA) and is the only current motor racing facility on the African continent to have the prestigious accreditation. But the Race Track is not the only property making headlines, Kyalami Corner, a 28 000m² retail development is due for completion in March and anticipated to open in April this year and forms part of the larger Kyalami Main on Main development in the area which includes retail, motor showrooms, offices and residential.

Another commercial development close to home is the Liberty Midlands Mall Phase 3 Expansion which will include offices and a value retail centre which was initially announced December 2013, construction was planned to commence in early 2014 and completed by mid-2015. However it seems that there were various delays and Phase 3 looks like it will be going ahead during 2017. Residents in the area have been waiting a while for the expansion and I’m sure many look forward to witnessing the progressing going forward. Watch this space.

The list of commercial construction and renovation could go on…

It’s evident that there is a significant amount of commercial construction & renovation happening in SA and what’s more all the developments I mentioned above can be found on Leads 2 Business. Want to know more? Comment below or contact us.




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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Featured Project : Discovery Health Head Office

Discovery Health Head Office


Description : Construction of the new Discovery Health Head Office, in Sandton, Gauteng. The site will be situated on the corner of Rivonia Road and Sandton Drive. The old Sandton Garden Court Hotel was situated at this site, and has been demolished to make way for the new Discovery hub. The building will consist of two wings with eight floors of offices plus a ground floor and a feature roof level. It will also offer nine basements with over 5,100 parking bays. The property is owned by Growthpoint (55%) and Zenprop (45%). It will be developed in a phased approach, and will incorporate a GBCSA (Green Building Council South Africa) green building accredited rating of at least four stars. It is also set to become a landmark on the Sandton skyline. This iconic building will be the largest single office development to take place in Africa. The building will house 5000 Discovery employees. Value of the entire project is estimated to R1.8 Billion. Size 50 000m²

Status : Underway

Industry: Building

Region : Sandton

Sector : Private

Value : R 100 million+

Timing : January 2014 – October 2017. Occupation January 2018 (33 months).

Notes: Construction is ongoing, the facade is nearing completion and the contractor is currently busy with the internal work. Completion is still on track for October 2017.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here Discovery Health Head Office – Building – PPA: 13215.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

L2B Blog: Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Building Design & Construction: Interesting Buildings & Structures

Over the ages, there have been many buildings and structures built that have an absolutely amazing design. Some of these buildings and structures have withstood the test of time in ways that newer buildings / structures have yet to experience and only time will tell if they will be able to withstand the forces of nature. Today, I am having a look at some of these brilliant buildings and structures that have captured my imagination.


  1. Bridge of Eggs, Lima, Peru

Puente de Piedra (the Bridge of Stone), was built around 1610 by the architect. Juan del Corral, and is referred to as the Bridge of Eggs, due to the belief that the mortar was mixed with egg whites as opposed to water. The bridge is still standing today.

 Photo Credit: Mangal Home Builders

References: WikipediaDid You Know?


  1. Cathedral of Brasília(Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida), Brazil

The Cathedral of Brasília (Portuguese: Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida, “Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of Aparecida”) is the Roman Catholic cathedral in Brasília, Brazil, designed by Oscar Niemeyer. Construction started in 1958 and was completed in 1970.

Photo Credit: Author – Victor Soares – ABr

References: WikipediaMost Amazing Facts.

  1. Yunak Evleri Cave Hotel, Urgup, Cappadocia, Turkey

Yunak Evleri is a 5-star hotel built into ancient Turkish caves that were carved out of the rocky hills. The combination of the renovated caves (7) with the private cave rooms (40 in total), dating back to the 5th and 6th century, capped by a 19th century Greek Mansion, would entice anyone to go exploring.

Photo Credit: Yunak

References: YunakMost Amazing Facts

  1. Air Force Academy Chapel, Colorado, United States

Construction on this amazing building started in 1957 and it was completed in 1962. Designed by Walter Netsch of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and constructed by Robert E. McKee, Inc., it provides the following worship areas: Protestant chapel (Protestants), Catholic chapel (Catholics), Jewish chapel (Jews), Buddhist chapel (Buddhists), Falcon Circle (Followers of Earth-Centered Spiruality, which includes Wicca, Paganism and Druidism) and All-Faiths rooms (these are for smaller religious groups and faith specific accoutrements are available for use).

Photo Credit: Author – Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

References: WikipediaDocomomo-USMost Amazing Facts

  1. Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Of course, one of the most famous buildings in all of time, is the Eiffel Tower. Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower, also became the namesake. Construction started in 1887 and was completed in 1889.

Photo Credit: Benh LIEU SONG (License)

References: Wikipedia

  1. Fallingwater House, Pennsylvania, United States

Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, designed this astounding house for Liliane and Edgar J. Kaufmann in 1935. Construction started in 1936 and the main house was completed in 1937. In 1966 it was designated a National Historic Landmark. The Lego product range, Lego Architecture, features Fallingwater as a landmark set.

Photo Credit: Author – Daderot

References: Wikipedia

  1. La Sagrada Família, Barcelona, Spain

This minor basilica was designed by Antoni Gaudi and construction commenced in 1882. Due to reliance on private donations and being interrupted by the Spanish Civil War, it has an anticipated completion date of 2026.

Photo Credit: Author – Bernard Gagnon

References: WikipediaMost Amazing Facts

  1. The Big Pineapple, Bathurst, South Africa

Built between 1990 – 1992, the Big Pineapple is a tribute to the agricultural success of the fruit in the region. It is almost 20m high and has three floors.

Photo Credit: NJR ZA

References: Buzz South AfricaAGU Blogosphere

  1. The Shoe House, Abel Erasmus Pass, Mpumalanga

Ron van Zyl designed and built this house for his wife, Yvonne, in 1990. Today the house is a Museum and also includes a chalet guest house, restaurant, bar, a camp site, curio shop and pool.

Photo Credit: FunPic

References: Buzz South AfricaTraveler’s Log.

  1. Alice Lane Towers, Sandton, South Africa

Designed by Paragon Architects and completed in 2010, this is definitely one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen. This is the first high rise building with a curved façade, being completely glazed and made from low energy glass and utilising glass printing technology.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

References: Wikipedia

These are some of the structures and buildings which have caught my interest, but there are still so many other amazing, popular, strange and fantastic buildings and structures in the world.

Do you have any that have caught your interest?

Feel free to leave a comment.

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About Cecile Van Deventer

I joined the L2Q Team in 2006, as a L2Q Support Assistant and have been the HOD since 2010. I supervise L2Q Bills, Daily Tender Bills, Control Lists and Directory.

Featured Tender: NRAN.002-180-2010/1 Prequalification – Rumdel Construction Pty Ltd

NRAN.002-180-2010/1 Prequalification – Rumdel Construction Pty Ltd


Description : The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) is committed to the implementation of Governments policy of employment of Targeted Enterprises. Accordingly, it is a requirement of this project, The Upgrading of National Route N2, Section 18 from Tetyana (km24) to Sitebe Komkulu (km41) to implement this initiative. The contractor for this project, Rumdel Construction Pty Ltd , hereby invites Pre-qualification applications from small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME) as subcontractors for the packages listed below. Scope of work for local contractors will include but not limited to the following: Fencing; Prefabricated Culverts, Drains, Gabions, Guardrails, Road Signs, Road Marking, Land Scaping and Planting Plants, Pitching, Stonework, Kerbing, Channeling, Finishing road reserve, Community Developments Projects (CDP) .

Category: TradesFencingInfrastructure

Industry : RoadInstitutional

Region : Eastern Cape

Site Inspection: An information briefing will be held with shortlisted SMMEs who have submitted their relevant documents and have met the minimum criteria. Attendance will strictly be upon invite. The owner who ID was sent through must attend the information and his or her name must appear on the CIPC documents, only on representative will be allowed per SMME.

Closing Date: 27 January 2017 at 13:00.

Restrictions: CIDB Grading 1 to 6 (CE and SK Designation). The following SMME packages are available Package A:Fencing-3 x CIDB 1 &2; Prefabricated Culverts -3x CIDB 2,3& 4; Drains – 2 x CIDB 5; Kerbing and Channelling -1 x CIDB 6; Pitching, stonework – 2 x CIDB 2 & 3; Gabions-4 x CIDB 2&4; Guardrails – 4 x CIDB 2 & 3; Road Signs – 1 x CIDB 3; Road marking -1 x CIDB 3; Landscaping & Ranting plants – 2 x CIDB 2; Finishing the road & road reserve and treating old roads-1 x CIDB 2; Accommodation of traffic; (Studs, Painting, Pavement layers etc) -1 xC1DB4. Package B: Community Development Projects (CDP) – 5 x CIDB 1,2,3 &4 only. A maximum of one package will be awarded to a successful SMME bid. Selection of potential tender bidders: Successful potential bidders will be contracted by PMT. Canvassing of project Management Team(PMT) officials will disqualify potential qualifier. Please note the following CIDB grading category: 1CE and 2CE – Strictly Mbashe and KSD LM; 3CE and 4CE – Strictly OR Tambo and Amatole DM; 5CE and 6CE – Preferable Eastern Cape. Also: A letter of good standing is not required to be submitted by CIDB grading 1 CE at the pre-qualification stage and will only be required within 14 days after the successful sub-contractor has signed the contract with the main contractor. Required Documents: Potential bidders are urged to submit the following attachments when submitting bid documents failure to do so will lead to qualification : Original valid Tax clearance certificate certificate; Copy of company registration documents, Certified copy of identity documents of company directors; company profiles; Certified joint venture agreements (where applicable); Original / Certified BBBEE Certificate; CIDB Registration Certificate; Proof of address e.g Municipality services account; Valid letter of good standing from department of labour. Late application and incomplete documentation will not be accepted. Pre-qualification tenders endorsed during working hours Monday to Friday during working hours with is from 07:00 to 17:00.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to find more details about NRAN.002-180-2010/1 Prequalification – Rumdel Construction Pty Ltd – DTA 617274.

If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.
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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Nonkazi Zondi

I started at Leads 2 Business in September 2016 as a Content Researcher in the Daily Tenders South Africa Department.

Did You Know #DYK – Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

Simplify and Focus your Leads: How to clean up your Inbox and Old Projects

The last thing you want is for your inbox on the Leads 2 Business system to be overloaded and inundated with e-mails, so to make your life easier, be organised.

We tend to leave things to pile up, and emails flow in faster than they can be sorted out, this could often lead to missing important e-mails….. That is why Leads 2 Business gives you options – To simplify and focus your leads. It will only take a few seconds every now and then, to just systematically arrange your emails into the correct folders provided.

How to clean up your Inbox: Let’s get started

Your inbox can be accessed in 3 different ways on the site:

  • Top right hand corner under your name;
  • Small envelope on the top right hand corner; or
  • On the left hand side just under the Leads 2 Business logo

Once you have opened your inbox, different folders are provided:




  • Compose – new e-mail;
  • Inbox – where your e-mails are received and from here you can categorize them into the various folders under the green Actions button;
  • Important – If you have marked your e-mails as important, they will be saved here;
  • Trash – If you decide to delete e-mails, they are moved to Trash and from here you can also Restore them and they are moved back to your Inbox,
  • RFQ notices – Once the buyer has made changes to a RFQ that was previously sent to you, you are automatically notified via email which you will receive in the RFQ Notices received.


  • Monitors – Emails that you have sent to your monitors as well as tenders or projects that you have assigned to your monitors will be displayed here,
  • Professionals – E-mails that you have sent to professionals as well as via the directory,
  • RFQ Notices – E-mails or amendments made to RFQ’s that you have sent as a buyer to the vendors.

Your Team:

A list of your monitors are displayed here and in order to send them an e-mail, just click on the preferred monitor.

Next Step – Cleaning up Projects

Private Projects consists of predominantly large privately funded projects which follow the progress from the procedural stage right through to the completion stage. Our private projects subscribers receive a private project advisory (PPA) whereby they can also monitor the projects of interest in order to receive any notes and updates made to the specific project. Leads 2 Business gives you the option to “Clean up your Projects”, so again, you can be a bit more organised and not have projects floating around that you might not need at that stage.

This is how:

Hover your cursor over your name (top right hand corner) and select Profile Settings, proceed to the last option which says “Cleanup Projects”, and it takes you through to the following page:

Basically this function allows you to remove monitored projects at any stage and if, some time in the future you needed any of them again, there is another option to reinstate them. Select which of the project statuses you want removed, click on “Remove Selected”. If you want to reinstate them, select your choice and click on “Re-Instate Selected”. As easy as that…another great way of getting yourself organised.

Getting organised is a daily struggle. In my humble opinion, it will be easier to get into a daily routine of clearing and organising your inbox 🙂 So…what are you waiting for?


If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.

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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Bianca Edgcumbe

I started working at Leads 2 Business in May 2013 in the Africa Tenders Department. I worked my way to the Leads 2 Quotes Department in September 2016 and have been there ever since.

L2B Blog: Build your Business with Building Tenders

Build your Business with Building Tenders

Build your Business with Building Tenders

There are a variety of approaches when it comes to tenders in the building and construction industry, that can drum up business. The most obvious is the direct approach by the main contractor. You tender. Tendering can be costly and time consuming as your company is competing with other companies for contracts. To increase your chances, be thorough and conscientious. Everything starts with the tender notice and ends with the tender notice. Contact the relevant professionals and ask for clarity on any aspect of the tender notice you are not sure of. If meetings are scheduled, attend them timeously. If there are any discrepancies in the tender documents, query them. Comply with the instructions in the tender document, to the letter. Ensure your signed and completed tender document is handed in at the correct time, at the correct place on the correct day. And hopefully, you’ve dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, your company is the awarded company.

Another approach is sub-contracting. Main contractors require prices for their Bills of Quantity (BoQ), and they’re going to get them from sub-contractors. If you are a subbie, ensure your prices are competitive. Communicate with the main contractor and build that relationship and let the main contractor know about all your services and your products as they might not need you now; but they could need you later. Even if you can’t price that particular BoQ, still maintain that relationship. Subbies don’t need to wait for the main contractors to approach them. You can approach the main contractors, and just keep your company services and products alive in their minds.

Once the tender has been awarded; the subbie can approach the awarded company and remind them of their prices and services.

In the context of Leads 2 Business, knowing what tenders are out is the first stepping off point. Ensure your Advisory is set up to meet your company needs. Go through your Advisory email each day and follow up on any tenders of interest. Tenders are time sensitive so any delay can be incredibly counter productive.

As a main contractor, you could monitor the tender to ensure that you are notified of any changes to the tender notice.

As a subbie you would monitor the tender to ensure that you’re notified of when it is awarded, so that you can follow up with the awarded company. You can request a BoQ, to check whether any of your services or products are specified. You could also request a site attendance register, so you can approach the other companies that could possibly be tendering and with the help of the BoQ know what items need to be priced. Exposing your company to as many in the industry as possible, can only bring benefits.

Ensuring your company is listed on the Directory, also adds to the advertising of your company and will expose your company to those that seek your services.

There’s almost no end to the amount of work and opportunities available as you go along the supply chain for building tenders.

Examples of Building Tenders:

DTA 616433 – Construction of New Mdzimba Primary School. CIDB 8GB

DTA 616484 – KZN: Department of Health: Groutville: Groutville Clinic: Replacement of clinic. CIDB 8GB

DTA 616422  – Mount Fletcher Magistrate Office: Condition Based Maintanenance. CIDB 7GB.

Awarded Building tenders:

Awarded DTA 564116 – Rotunda Park Precinct Project in Turffontein – Phase 2

Awarded DTA 604734 – Construction of Bilanyoni Library


If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.

To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.

To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Did You Know #DYK – A Walk Through Your Advisory Setting

A Walk Through Your Advisory Setting

Welcome to the 1st edition of a new supplement we are adding to our weekly Blog called “Did You Know”.

We will use this insert to either teach you something new or refresh your memory on something old, but still interesting to know ;).

Today I’m going to give you the ins and outs and lowdowns of your Daily Advisories….. and right now I’m hoping you are not squinting your eyes and asking “What is a Daily Advisory?” lol! but just in case you are….. Lets start from the beginning 😉

Simply put, your Daily advisory is all the leads we send you on a daily bases, according to the filters YOU selected.

So, Did You Know – you can adjust your Daily Advisory whenever you like? well, you can and this is how!


Once logged in – Hover your cursor over your Name, this will bring up a drop down menu as illustrated in the below diagram.

Select Advisory Setting and let us begin:)



There are 7 Consecutive Steps you need to follow.

Step 1 – Email Set Up: 

This is the email you have indicated to us as the one you want to receive all Advisories on.  The Tick indicates that this email address has been verified, If you did not receive a verification email or if it got lost – you may click on the Action tab and resend the verification email to yourself.

Below that is a list of the advisories you are paying for – you may De-select any of these if you like (This will not alter your current monthly rate)

So why would you want to deselect an advisory? well for instance, if you are subscribed to Private Projects, we give you Daily Tenders for free, however you may decide you are not interested in receiving Government Tenders…. then you would just simply remove the tick next to Industry Advisory 🙂


Step 2 – Categories: 

This is where you decide exactly what leads you are wanting to receive.

First lets go though the Tender Categories – you may select as many or as few of these as you like.

*Please be advised that if you opted out of receiving an Industry Advisory in the previous step, you should not have anything selected here.


Project Categories: Often large developments have both a building and infrastructure element and because both of these elements may not interest you, we have given you the power to choose whether you would like to receive updates on both or just one.

Project Status: These are the various stages in which a Project moves through from Conceptual right up until Completion.

Once again, we don’t see why you should receive information that is irrelevant to what you do, so here you get to decide what stages of the Project you would like to receive.

* Please be advised that the last two options will not be available to you, unless you are a Private Projects Subscriber.

OK so lets move on.

Step 3 – Values:

If you have a CIDB Grading you can be quite specific here, however if you are, for example, a Consultant and don’t require a CIDB, you should still select all, as there will be instances where a tender is Turnkey and there may be a CIDB requirement for the contractor all on the same tender.


Just for interest sake I have listed below the industries that may apply for a CIDB grading 🙂


The Project Values refer to the size of the Development, here you may decide which size Projects would be of interest to you .


Step 4 – Industries


Now this is two fold, firstly if you have Tender Categories selected, here you get to be specific about the industries you service.


For instance: If your company was in the security sector and really only supplied and installed security solutions to the Hospitality & Leisure as well as the retail sector, then this is what your advisory would look like:


* Please note that without an industry selected, your selected Category will be deemed null and void.


OK so that covers the use of industries for your Government Tenders, now to explain them in Projects.

Now remember, you would have already selected whether you are interested in the Building or Infrastructure Projects in Step 2 – Categories

So now lets say you selected only Building, you can now use the industries selections to tell us in what industry you would like to receive Building Projects ….. are you still with me?

You would not select anything pertaining to Infrastructure, for example Roads or Water.



Step 5 – Regions:

Regions are subscription dependent, meaning the following:

Daily Tender SA – You may Select as many regions under the South Africa selection.

Daily Tender Africa – You may select any of the Non South African Regions.

Daily Tender SA +Africa – You may select from all the regions available.

Private Projects – You may select from all the regions.


Step 6 – Keywords

This is your fail safe step, this ensures you miss nothing!




First search for your keyword, then Select the keyword and by using the action tab, click on the add Keyword drop down.

And just like that you have added your first keyword.

You can select multiple words and add them to save time:) – You may select up to 80 Keywords.


And here we are at our final step…

Step 7 – Custom

These options are self explanatory, however I do want to clarify the following:

  1. By ticking this option, we will still send you an advisory even if there is a day whereby your filters don’t match anything we have updated or published for that day. If this option is ticked and you DON’T receive an advisory on a particular day – give us a call so we may see what the issue was.

5,6,7. You may select one of these in order to receive a breakdown of all your monitored Projects

8.  Automatic Monitoring saves you from having to go through Projects and having to monitor them yourself. By selecting this option, the system will automatically monitor all Projects published that match your filters.


Once you have gone through step 1 to 7 and are happy with your selections please make sure you click on the SAVE tab at the bottom of the page 🙂

And that is our walk through your Advisory Setting :).

Of course if you are still unable to do this yourself, you are always welcome to contact your Account Executive or call Head Office for assistance:).


I hope you found this helpful, if so, please look out for our next edition of DYK 🙂

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About Sherina Shawe

I am a strong believer in "What you put in , is what you will get out" and this drives me every day, whether it's at home with my gorgeous family or at work where I get to fuel my competitive spirit. I love who I am and who I'm becoming. I love where I am , but more importantly where I'm going.... #EternalOptimist #Aspire2Inspire

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