Infographic: What is a Smart City

A smart city uses cloud-based data and technology to create a more efficient, sustainable, and better quality of life for the people who live there. A smart city alleviates traffic jams and improves resource management by “talking” to its citizens to make data-informed decisions in real time. Smart cities are not a shiny thing of the future: they’re ever-present today.

According to the IDC, smart city technology is expected to grow to $135 billion by 2021. If flying taxis or driverless cars are our future transportation, smart cities are taking population growth and urbanization risks by storm.

Below, we assess the benefits of smart cities and how they can improve the lives of their citizens. For a look at what exactly makes a city “smart” and the world’s leading smart cities, jump to the infographic.

What makes a city a smart city?

A smart city, also called an eco-city or sustainable city, has a system of sensors, networks, and applications to collect data that help connect and improve the city.

To address issues as diverse as traffic congestion and energy use, a smart city uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems to connect the data that optimizes every layer of the city. This data helps trigger actions to streamline urban services, reduce costs, and improve people’s overall quality of life.

Think of it like this: the city talks to you. It tells waste management when a trash bin needs to be emptied or commuters when there’s an open parking spot nearby.

The data also improves communication between the people who live there, the city, and the government. This connectivity helps build a more efficient and sustainable infrastructure. In some cities, a mobile app is used where citizens can check updates in real-time.

Why do we need smart cities?

According to the UN, over 40 megacities with more than 10 million people will exist by 2020, with 68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050. While some megacities are already struggling to deal with the influx of residents, smart cities are a solution to help make urban areas easier to live in. Better yet, they can help create a more sustainable future.

Jesse Berst, the Chairman of the Smart Cities Council, said it best: “Cities are our hope for the future. If you’re in the U.S. or Europe, 80 percent of us live in cities already. We can’t solve the planet’s problems unless we solve them in cities.”.

Read more: The Zebra


Source: The Zebra

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Heritage Month & Day

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September is Heritage Month in South Africa, with National Heritage Day celebrated on 24 September. Heritage Day is one of the newly created South African public holidays. It is a day on which all are encouraged to celebrate their cultural traditions and beliefs (the Rainbow Nation).

In a country of 11 official languages, one must wonder as to whose heritage are we called to celebrate: Well… The 24th of September marks ‘Shaka Day’ or ‘Shaka’s Day’, a day which commemorates the legendary King Shaka Zulu. Shaka Zulu played an important role in uniting different Zulu clans into one cohesive Zulu nation in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

When the New South African Parliament omitted Shaka Day from the proposed Public Holidays Bill, a South African political party with a large Zulu membership, objected.

A compromise was reached, and it was decided that a national holiday would be created where South Africans of all cultures and creeds could come together and celebrate their diverse cultural heritage. Now known as Heritage Day.

The late former President Nelson Mandela said, “When our first democratically-elected government decided to make Heritage Day one of our national days, we did so because we knew that our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our new nation.”

Acknowledging the struggles against the injustice and inequities of the past that are a part of our national identity, a part of our culture, and a part of who we are and who we want to become.

This led to Heritage Day being famously known as Braai Day, it was an initiative by Jan Scannell (otherwise known as ‘Jan Braai’), Braai4Heritage, that called upon all South Africans to celebrate their common roots by having a braai (barbeque) instead of focusing on cultural divisions.

What better way to celebrate heritage, each other and each other’s successes other than sitting around a fire with the smell of braai vleis, a drink, snacks and a good story? 

African Travel Canvas
SA History
National Today

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About Nazeema Sishi

I am a content researcher who just started with Leads 2 Business in February this year, I work in the Daily Tenders South Africa department. I am a young vibrant lady who enjoys meeting new people and doing new things. I welcome challenges and always find new ways of doing things. I am a mum and I love spending time with my not so little, very talkative son.

The Importance of a Feasibility Study

What is a feasibility study for the construction industry?

In order for a project to succeed, it’s always beneficial to conduct a feasibility study, which outlines what contributors can expect from the project prior to devoting resources, time, or budget. New ideas may also emerge from a feasibility study that could completely alter the scope of a project. Rather than rushing into a project and discovering it won’t succeed, it’s better to make these decisions in advance. A preliminary study gets undertaken in the very early stages of a project.

These studies are prone to take place when a large project has been proposed such as a shopping centre, lifestyle estates and hotels, etc. The process gets used when there could be some doubt or disagreement in regard to the proposed development. These studies can determine whether or not the project is viable, remediations for the site or the best location to construct the proposed development.

The feasibility study plays a large role when considering and planning potential projects. The geologic hazards, hydrogeological conditions, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Fault Studies & Seismicity, etc determine if a project is viable to move forward.

The Geologic hazard is for the design team to determine the best plans for your site.

The Hydrogeological conditions are the groundwater conditions.

The EIA is the impact it will make on the environment once the project moves forward.

Depending on the scope of work of your proposed project, the design engineer will determine if the EIA should be completed, and the Fault Studies & Seismicity of the geologic conditions are determined by the scope of work.  In most cases, government entities require the EIA to comply with the local laws and regulations. Feasible studies depend on the scope of your project and its functioning demands.

Performing a Feasibility Study ensures that time, money and energy won’t be wasted on the Project. There are five main aspects:

  • Technical Feasibility – The engineering team will determine if this project would be possible in a technical way.
  • Economic Feasibility – The cost-benefit analysis will determine if the project will be economically viable.
  • Legal Feasibility – This will handle your legal matters such as planning permissions etc.
  • Operational Feasibility – How well the proposed project resolves issues and has viable solutions.
  • Scheduling Feasibility – This is one of the most important aspects in my opinion. This is to determine a timeline for the proposed project, and whether it would be able to be completed on time and within the budget.

Upon completion of the feasibility study, various scenarios, as well as their implications, strengths and weaknesses, will be analyzed in detail. Due to the many, many factors explored in the study, it may still be difficult to decide whether to proceed, but with the accumulation of information, decision-makers will be empowered to make informed, educated decisions without second guessing.




Small Business Chron
Sports Facilities
Go Bridgit
Extension IA State

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What can you do with Google other than Googling?

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What can you can do with Google other than googling?

Below are a few fun things you can do with Google, other than just searching.

First off, it might not be a Google App, but thought it needs an honourable mention. You know that one friend that is all was asking you how to do things and you keep telling them to google it, well there is LMGTFY – short for Let Me Google That For You, for this. Yes, It’s as the name says, except it will teach them how to google as well.

The next one is elgooG. This one is also not part of Google, but has a lot of the Easter Eggs Google has removed. This website is dedicated to keeping all the “killed” Easter Eggs by Google ‘Just for fun’ as it has been put on the website.

Need to find what you need quicker? This is more along the lines of how to search with Google.

  • site: – add ‘site:’ and then the website URL with what you are looking for into the Google search bar and Google will only search the content for that site. was used here as an example, but this would only search for whatever it is that you are searching for.
  • “” – When you put inverted commas around one or more words in the search bar, Google will make sure it only, at a minimum, finds things that match exactly what’s between the inverted commas, for example, The “cow jumped” over the moon, Google will make sure that your search results will at least have “cow jumped” somewhere on the web page.
  • -(dash, minus, hyphen, whatever you would like to call it) – you put this in front of words that you don’t want to be included in your search results. Like ‘South African Rugby -Zealand’ would make it so that you don’t have to read about our recent loss to them.
  • ~(Tilde) – This will also search for related words, like ~higher education will include university in the search.
  • .. (double full stop) – put this between years and it will only find things that were created that year. For example ‘2010..2020’ would find all content created between 2010 and 2020.

So that next time you are battling to find what you need try adding one or more of these little helpers to get what you are searching for.

Did you know Google has some ‘extra’ languages that you can use other than the normal English? There are 5 fun ones:

  • Klingon – This is a very nerdy one and is a language from Start Trek
  • Bork, bork, bork! – This is one from Sesame Street
  • Pirate – Shiver me timbers, I’m sure you can guess what this one is
  • Elmer Fudd – for anyone who grew up with loony toons, you will know this one
  • Pig Latin – If you don’t know this one, then I don’t know what you were doing in school
  • Hacker – The Last one is a bit more modern and one I have been having a bit of fun with lately, just be warned, I’m still trying to decipher some of these words.

These will change the language settings for google, it will not affect the language of the websites you visit, and you can find them in the language setting for your google account. The links here will just give you some help choosing which one you might want.

Want to play a board game but someone has lost the Die? not to worry, Google has you covered. Google ‘roll dice’ and you will have what you need. You can roll one or more different types of die and the family board game evening has been saved.

Feeling really stressed, don’t know where to start, need to take a breather? Don’t worry Google has something for you too. Google “breathing exercise” and Google will help with a 1-minute breathing exercise so that you are in a nice calm place before you send out all those lmgtfy’s.

Do you ever miss your DVD player screensaver? Well Google can help you to fill that void. Search ‘DVD screensaver’, wait a few seconds and your void will be filled. The Google logo in the left-hand corner will become your DVD screensaver.

Are you really jonesing for that Pacman fix? Google ‘pacman’, click play and away you go, playing Pacman around the Google logo, fixing your withdrawal symptoms outside of company working hours.

Want to watch google do the Cha Cha Slide? Search ‘Cha Cha Slide’ click the mic and then keep clicking and watch Google shake it.

Got a very important decision to make, but just can’t find the coin you need, and trust me crypto coins don’t work. Google ‘Flip a coin’ and now you and Two-Face can carry on doing what you need to do.

Lastly, an awesome one to do with Google Maps. You can see a time-lapse of the earth from 1984 until now. There are a few different types of time lapses, changing forests and warming of the planet to name a few. This will show you changes to the earth over time.

There are a lot more fun things to do on Google. Comment your favourite below.

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Breaking Down a Project Lead

What is a project lead?

I would define a project lead as first-hand data obtained by our team of researchers from industry deal makers, that can be applied by our subscribers in order to identify opportunities and secure work contracts.

How do we obtain our leads?

As a Regional Content Researcher, it is my job to know what is happening where and when. We source leads by using extensive research methods, which are but are not limited to the following:

a. Desktop research by analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., social media, videos, news articles, etc)

b. Telephone – We as researchers conduct data collection via ongoing face-to-face and (or) ongoing phone discussions. The contact timing lasts from the conceptual phase of the project to completion. Unless there are contractual changes to the professional teams.

We use these methods to gather in-depth insights into the industry. Our methods ensure that we source quality and timely leads.

What are the stages of a project lead?

These are the following stages of a project. For more details on the stages read: Pertinent Project Stages

  • Conceptual
  • Procedural
  • Design
  • Tender
  • Awarded
  • Underway
  • Complete
  • Postponed, Cancelled or L2BShelved

Who would benefit from receiving project leads?

A company/Individual that would benefit from our leads is one that looks to achieve the following:

  • Expand their project pipeline – The way our website is designed and all the other services and features we offer – when used properly, in conjunction our leads, it can simplify and hasten any company’s pipeline.
  • Grow their network within the industry. The more industry professionals a sales rep meets, they essentially are building brand visibility and awareness.
  • Boost their revenue – when used correctly our leads can maximize a company’s ability for reaching financial targets.

If you’re interested in receiving Project Leads from us check out our Pricing Page and sign up today.

Blackridge Search

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Quick Graphic: Pertinent Project Stages

Projects generally have a long life span and may also involve multiple tenders linked through the various stages which are conceptual, procedural, design, tender, awarded, underway, completion and possible postponed or cancelled or L2BShelved if applicable. Check out the latest carousel which depicts some of the Pertinent Project Stages or for more details read our blog Pertinent Project Points (breaking down a project).



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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Why You Should Submit a Tax Return Annually

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From an amateur with no tuition in taxation, and if you are anything like me you don’t want to get on the wrong side of the taxman and incur unnecessary penalties and fines, you will submit your tax return annually.

Although SARS states if you earn below R500 000 annually and meet certain criteria it is not necessary to submit a return, I feel it is still a necessity.

Do you have medical aid, retirement annuity or contribute privately to your company pension fund? If you answered yes, then you may in line to receive a tax refund. Should you pay into any of the above be sure to submit your tax return with all the relevant documentation/information.

Are you planning on emigrating soon? If so, you will need to receive a tax clearance certificate in order to receive one, you need to ensure that you are tax compliant and in order to be compliant, you need to ensure that all your tax returns have been submitted and that your tax affairs are in good order.

From personal experience, should you be retrenched one day, your employer would need to apply for a tax Directive for you, should you not be in good standing with your tax affairs, the outstanding amount along with penalties will be due by you, SARS will request that your retrenchment pay-out be paid to them to cover the outstanding.

SARS is continually taking the initiative to make the filing of tax returns hassle-free, they recently implemented their auto-assessments, which makes the process super easy, so I suggest if you haven’t already, register for e-filing and start submitting your tax returns annually.


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About Debora Keet

My journey at Leads 2 Business started in January 2006 as a Private Projects Researcher, Since October 2008, I have been in the Administration and Human Resources department.

L2B Opportunities unearthed in the last 30 Days – July 2022

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We put new business prospect leads within your reach.

Opportunities are researched throughout South Africa and Africa.

Find construction Tenders and Projects within the building, infrastructure, mining, and industrial sectors and more.

Our comprehensive, online, resource platform delivers daily leads to help you make informed business decisions.

Leads 2 Business Opportunities we have unearthed in the last 30 Days: for more information check out our Pricing Page.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Demystifying Residential Super Estates

By Leonhard Jonas, CEO of Northlands Business Park and Avianto Estate for Property Wheel

The concept of the super estate is not novel. It has existed globally for several years. However, despite being well-established, no real definition exists. From a developer’s perspective, the most basic requirement of a super estate is to offer more than 2 000 residential opportunities, with facilities and amenities that capture the interest of the buyer.

As a developer, you are creating a new community or township, whose main function it is to provide a safe and secure haven. Although it’s an excellent investment prospect for those looking to expand their portfolio, those buying into a super estate live there on a day-to-day basis, and to make it feasible you need key infrastructure to support the residents. Access to an airport and main arterial routes, schools, medical facilities, and retail opportunities are vital. These factors are important to all developments, but more so to the super estate, as the intention is to create an environment where residents don’t feel the need or desire to leave their cocoon. As such, to claim the title of a super estate, the development must tick a multitude of boxes.

When you look at a super estate like Avianto Estate, Steyn City or Val de Vie, the benefits go beyond creating a safe and protected lifestyle, you are building an opportunity for a multi-generational way of living. Typically, the estate will offer a variety of residential options to satisfy the broader market. Avianto Estate for instance offers a retirement village, pre- and primary school, entry level developments for the starter family, all the way up to the affluent end of the spectrum – basically catering to almost every sector of the market.

Within the South African context, secure estates and complexes have long been sought after. In the past there was the tendency to develop parcels of land and build cookie cutter apartments that are prevalent in Europe – blocks of compact, identical homes that cater to a lock-up-and-go situation. There is certainly a place for it, but as South Africans we want more from our personal living space. Thanks to our mild climate we enjoy being active outside and these complexes don’t necessarily cater to this lifestyle. In recent years, and particularly in response to Covid-19 when we were forced to live and work 24-hours a day in our houses, people realised that a home is more than just a place to lay your head. We want our home and its surrounds to reflect our interests, whether it is cycling, equestrian activities, walking or simply having the freedom to let your children go outside to play, without constantly being on the lookout for dangers. Super estates offer this high level of security but without sacrificing on enjoyment. Super estates recreate the sense of community and allows one to return to a more innocent way of life.

Historically a super estate would have either a polo or a golf course offering. As desirable as these are, they do come with a higher price tag. In his recent podcast, Founder and Executive Chairman of Northlands Group and Developer of Avianto Estate, Darin D’Oliveira, explained that the recent movement is to avoid these traditional, costly facilities and become more inclusive, which ultimately benefits the residents: “Conservatively, to maintain a golf course is over R400 000 a month, which is a cost that the residents of the estate ultimately carry. By avoiding such facilities and allowing the public access to the communal nodes of an estate, such as the restaurant, sporting facilities and gyms, owners are no longer lumbered with excessive levies.”

As with everything, these estates have their time and place, but we are seeing a shift away from these conventional models that often distort the affordability of living in such a place. A more inclusive and humble approach maximizes on the natural surrounds and promotes an outdoor lifestyle through hiking and biking trails, fishing, and picnic spots, to provide the same level of satisfaction but without driving up the levies.

From an affordability standpoint, super estates, despite offering a magnitude of amenities, actually provide a more cost-efficient way of living. Security and landscaping expenses are normally high, but when divided amongst all the residents of an estate, suddenly become far more affordable. The larger the estate, the more residents are paying in levies – it’s a case of economies of scale. With interest rates expected to increase, super estates offer even more financial benefits to the buyer and investor alike. When buying into such an estate at the beginning stage, all costs, such as transfer duties and bond registration are included, ensuring massive savings for the buyers.

Another positive upshot from investing in a super estate is that developers are more sensitive to green-building practices; utilising low maintenance materials, rehabilitating the natural surrounds and providing water and electrical security by way of solar power back-up systems and water storage tanks. This ultimately benefits the residents who are no longer at the mercy of the national providers and are encouraged to live more sustainably and responsibly. All in all, the super estate not only provides the greatest quality of life, but it is becoming more accessible and affordable to the greater population.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Breaking Down a Tender Lead

Have you ever read through a tender advert in a newspaper or online and thought to yourself, What are they on about? Where will this contract be taking place and what are the requirements for me to tender? After reading it for the Fourth Time with no luck, you start phoning the contact people listed to clarify crucial information required for you to tender or just skip the tender altogether and move on to the next.

What if that was the big tender that you have been waiting for? If only the tender was broken down for you in an easy-to-understand format.

Here in the Tender Department at Leads 2 Business that is exactly where we come in. We break down the tender notices into different sections so that no crucial information is missed as follows:

Contract Number: This would be the specific number used to identify the current contract.

Title: A short and sweet description of the services or product required.

Description: A more detailed description of what is required and where it will be needed.

Site Inspection: The date, time and location of where the site meeting will take place.

Closing Details: The date and time for tender submissions to be handed in.

Document URL: If documents are available online, Clicking on this link will take you straight to the downloadable documents.

Document Collection: This will inform you when and where the documents will be available If there is a fee payable for the documents and where the tender fee should be paid. Here you will also find the names of the contact persons, should you require any other information on the tender.

Delivery Point: The delivery point will have details of where you need to submit the tender documents. The physical address or the email address.

Contract Period: The duration of the contract.

Validity Period: The period in which price quotations for the provision of goods and services must remain valid.

Restrictions: The restrictions will inform you if you need a specific CIDB Grading for the contract, The certificates and documentation that you will need, BBEEE requirements or any other restrictions provided by the company or person.

Deposit Details: If any, the amount that needs to be paid before collection of documentation.

Location & Region: Where the contact or services for the tender is required.

And last but not least.

Professionals: Here you will find the relevant contact details for the professionals involved in the tender.

I call this Easy Hassle-Free Tendering.

Leads 2 Business is surely the way to go if you want to receive leads relevant to your business and save time, effort and resources so you can easily identify the information required to submit your tender for consideration on time.

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