Featured Project: Beitbridge Border Post


The Zimbabwean side of the Beitbridge border post is now on track to get a $296 million (R4.6 billion) upgrade. Zimborders, which has a concession to design, build and operate the border post for more than 17 years as part of a public-private partnership project. The project will include a major upgrade of the entire border post including roads, ICT infrastructure as well as the construction of a number of social projects to improve the town of Beitbridge’s critical infrastructure including a fire station, residential buildings, a sewerage dam, civil services and new water reservoirs. GPS coordinates lat: -22.2181161; long: 29.9862368.


Status Region
Underway Zimbabwe
Category Value
Building R 100 million+
Industry Timing
Office & Commercial, Transport Terminal 3 years
Sector Class
Public Private Partnership Open Tender / Turnkey

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Staff Spotlight: Melanie Miles


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7 benefits of Urban Farming

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First off, what is Urban Farming?

Urban farming is growing or producing food in a city or heavily populated town or municipality.

Urban farming is often confused with community gardening, homesteading, or subsistence farming. Urban farming, however, focuses more on growing produce to be sold as opposed to being grown for personal consumption or sharing. Urban farming can support the well-being of individuals and communities in many ways. From providing fresh produce to communities, creating a sense of community belonging, job-creation, and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Did you know that over 20% of the food in the world is produced by urban farms?

There are various different types of urban farming like hydroponic farming, mushroom farming, beekeeping, urban chicken farms, growing flowers, cannabis farming, and organic farming to name a few.


So what are some of the benefits of urban farming?

1. You will learn the ability to farm

Urban farming helps you get educated about growing food. It is a unique skill to have in today’s world.  You will also be able to educate your children about sustainable food and the health benefits.

2. Growing food in limited space

You do not need a lot of space to grow your own produce. There are techniques like vertical gardening, container gardening, rooftop gardening, and hydroponic gardening that utilize space well.
Urban farming helps you make the best use of space while growing all the produce that you want.
3. Help boost the local economy

As more grocers, restaurants, schools, and institutions seek out sources of local food, there is an opportunity for small businesses and food entrepreneurs to explore urban farming as a new market in which to start or expand their business. This in turn creates more employment opportunities for local residents. As the local economic activity rises, money circulates within the city and strengthens communities.

4. Create edible landscapes

Urban farming is a perfect solution for vacant and underutilized lots of land that are scattered throughout cities, and many projects make efficient use of rooftop space. Community gardens and raised beds instantly transform spaces into more vibrant and edible landscapes and give individuals an opportunity to take stewardship of common land and become more involved in their communities.

5. Promote healthy communities

Urban farming increases access to affordable, healthy, fresh produce and provides a unique opportunity for communities to learn about nutrition and how to grow food.

6. Reduce environmental impact

Localized food production can be one effective way to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. Food grown locally travels significantly less distance from the farm to your fork, thus eliminating unnecessary food travel time. Urban farmers also often adopt more environmentally-friendly growing practices, using fewer pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

7. Increase food security

Urban farming can help alleviate some of the pressures of food insecurity by making a source of nutritious food available for nearby urban residents. All these reasons and more should compel us to scale up food production in towns in cities.

“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” — Thomas Jefferson

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Featured Project: Panorama Hilltop Villas – Building

Free State

Construction of townhouses on portion 43 of farm Pretoruis Kloof 152 L in Bethlehem, Free State. GPS coordinates: lat: -28.231872777450114; long: 28.328408866115005.


Status Region
Awarded Bethlehem
Category Value
Building Unknown At This Stage
Industry Timing
Residential 8 months
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated / Turnkey


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About Melanie Miles

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Featured Project: Segilola Gold Project


Thor Explorations flagship project is the Segilola Gold Project in Nigeria which comprises a proposed open pit gold mining project based on an indicated mineral resource defined by a comprehensive drilling program over 16 000m of RC and Diamond Drilling to define a high grade resource and probable reserve. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: 7.520725991218704; long: 4.84167115175683


Status Region
Underway Nigeria
Category Value
Infrastructure R 100 million+
Industry Timing
Mining 17 months
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated

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About Melanie Miles

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Featured Project: Witherow Dam – Golden Glades


Golden Glades is the first phase of the new development of Witherow dam in Bloemfontein. The estate is comprised of a mixture of free standing houses and apartments. Golden Glades comprises of 146 freestanding homes and 134 apartments. All residential buildings within the estate will be built along the Tuscan design,


Status Region
Design Bloemfontein
Category Value
Building R 100 million+
Industry Timing
Residential 2020 onwards
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated / Turnkey

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About Melanie Miles

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Mining in Africa

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Mining in Africa has a long history. For over 2000 years iron ore and other metals have been mined in North Africa. Iron mining began in sub-Saharan Africa around 500 BC and had spread throughout the region by 200 AD.

The African continent is home to plentiful natural resources including diamonds, cobalt, oil, natural gas, copper, and gold among others.

Some examples of African countries that are rich in minerals are:

Niger – rich in uranium, coal, cement, and gold (PPA 16847: The Madaouela Uranium Project, Niger)

Namibia – rich in uranium, diamonds, zinc, lead, sulphur, salt, tantalite, and copper (PPA 23396: Hagenhof Copper Cobalt Project, Namibia)

Democratic Republic of Congo – rich in copper, cobalt, diamond, oil, coltan, gold, and tin (PPA 19431: Kamoa-Kakula Project, DRC)

Zambia – rich in gold, copper, emerald, uranium and cobalt (PPA 23526: Pangeni Copper Project, Zambia)

South Africa – rich in diamonds and gold (PPA 4394: Venetia Diamond Mine, Limpopo)

Mozambique – rich in coal and aluminium (PPA 9162: Ncondezi Coal Project, Mozambique)

Guinea – rich in bauxite and gold (PPA 14746: Tri-K Gold Project, Guinea)

Tanzania – rich in tanzanite, uranium, gold, diamonds, and silver (PPA 13651: Panda Hill Niobium Project, Tanzania)

Ghana – rich in gold, bauxite, diamonds, manganese, crude oil, silver, and salt (PPA 18070: Namdini Gold Project, Ghana)

Botswana – rich in diamonds, copper, coal, soda ash and nickel (PPA 11481: Khoemacau Copper Project, Botswana)

Venetia Diamond Mine, Limpopo
Venetia Diamond Mine, Limpopo
Khoemacau Copper Project, Botswana
Khoemacau Copper Project, Botswana

Some fun facts:

Around 55% of the world’s diamonds are led by Botswana and Congo

Africa produces about 483 tons of gold which equate to 22% of the world’s total production

60% of mining in Africa is Gold Mining.

Africa hosts 30% of the world’s mineral reserve.

South Deep gold mine is the largest gold mine in the world, by reserves. Located 45km south-west of Johannesburg in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, South Deep is also the seventh deepest mine in the world, with a mine depth up to 2,998m below the surface.

The Mponeng Mine located south-west of Johannesburg in South Africa is currently the deepest pit in the world.

Botswana heads Africa’s list of diamond miners, housing seven well-established mines including Jwaneng, the world’s richest in terms of value, Orapa, the world’s largest by area, along with Karowe and Letlhakane.

Ghana has cemented its position as Africa’s largest gold producer after increasing its industrial gold output by 6% in 2019.

The Big Hole in Kimberley is considered one of the deepest cavities excavated by man. From mid-July 1871 to 1914, 50,000 miners dug the now famous Big Hole (then called the Kimberley Mine) in Kimberley with picks and shovels yielding 2 722 kilograms of diamonds. The hole has a surface of 17 hectares (42 acres) and is 463 meters wide. It was excavated to a depth of 240 meters, but then partially infilled with debris reducing its depth to about 215 m. Since then it has accumulated water to a depth of 40 meters, leaving only 175 meters visible.

The word “Diamond” comes from the Greek word “Adamas” and means “unconquerable and indestructible”

To produce a single one-carat diamond, 250 tonnes of earth needs to be mined

The Cullinan Diamond was the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever found, weighing 3 106.75 carats (621.35 g), discovered at the Premier No.2 mine in Cullinan, South Africa, on 26 January 1905.

Leads 2 Business currently has 417 active mining projects on our database and growing.

Should you wish to subscribe to receive and follow mining project leads, please feel free to contact me MelanieM@L2B.co.za.

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About Melanie Miles

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Featured Project: Kamoa-Kakula Project – DRC


The Kamoa-Kakula Copper Project has been independently ranked as the world’s largest, undeveloped, high-grade copper discovery by international mining consultant Wood Mackenzie in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a very large, near-surface, stratiform copper deposit with adjacent prospective exploration areas within the Central African Copperbelt, approximately 25 kilometres west of the town of Kolwezi and about 270 kilometres west of the provincial capital of Lubumbashi. The prefeasibility study has indicated annual mine production of 3 Mtpa at an average grade of 3.86% copper over a 24-year mine life, resulting in annual copper production of approximately 100,000 tonnes. Initial capital cost, including contingency, is US$1.2 billion.


Status Region
Underway Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Category Value
Infrastructure R 100 million+
Industry Timing
Mining 2019 onwards.
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated


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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

Featured Project: Segilola Gold Project – Nigeria


Thor Explorations flagship project is the Segilola Gold Project in Nigeria which comprises a proposed open pit gold mining project based on an indicated mineral resource defined by a comprehensive drilling program over 16 000m of RC and Diamond Drilling to define a high grade resource and probable reserve.


Status Region
Underway Nigeria
Category Value
Infrastructure R 100 million+
Industry Timing
Mining 17 months
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated


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About Melanie Miles

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Featured Project: Kianda Towers – Angola

Kianda Towers – Angola

Construction of four 12 story towers that will house a commercial center, offices and a patio with garden in Angola. Value: US$ 323m.


Status Region
Underway Angola
Category Value
Building R 100 million+
Industry Timing
Office & Commercial, Retail, Residential 2013 – 2017 Extended to 2020
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated

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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

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