Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) deconstructed

Questions about the CIDB answered simply


We get questions every day about Tendering and the CIDB. I will do the best I can to try and answer some of them here for you in plain simple everyday language. Hopefully, keeping it simple.


What does the acronym ‘CIDB’ stand for?
– Construction Industry Development Board


What is the purpose of CIDB?

– The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) – a Schedule 3A public entity – was established by Act of Parliament to promote a regulatory and developmental framework that builds:

  • The construction delivery capability for South Africa’s social and economic growth.
  • A proudly South African construction industry that delivers to globally competitive standards.


What is the focus of the CIDB?

  • Sustainable growth, capacity development and empowerment
  • Improved industry performance and best practice
  • A transformed industry, underpinned by consistent and ethical procurement practices
  • Enhanced value to clients and society


Why aren’t all tenders listed on CIDB?

– Not all tenders require a CIDB rating.


Why did Leads 2 Business align the tender values on the website according to CIDB?

– CIDB value ratings are now familiar in the construction tender market and used as a benchmark.


Do I need to apply for CIDB rating?

– Of the Clients, Professionals, Contractors, Subcontractors or Suppliers, only Contractor & Subcontractor need apply.  All contractors seeking to participate in public sector infrastructure delivery must be registered on the CIDB Register of Contractors.









About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Trends in 2015



Anyone who is interested in keeping up with the times, or the Joneses, or is just vaguely curious, knows that keeping an eye on the trends will help you get a bigger picture. This is not to say that any predicted trend is a surefire thing. But sometimes it can be helpful to know where ‘those in the know’ think we are headed so that you can take advantage of any potential opportunity that may arise. Taken with at least a tablespoon of salt. But let’s not knock predictions entirely,  you just never know if that one tip was ‘money in the bank’.

With this in mind, here are some predicted trends for 2015 to keep in mind:


Consumer Trends

  • Buying Convenience, products and services need to add to consumers skills
  • Malls and Shopping Centres in Community Mode
  • Privacy Matters
  • Consumption as a Route to Progress
  • Influencers: More Like Us
  • Let’s Share: The Rise and Rise of Lightweight Living
  • Millennials
  • Shopping the World and easier mobile payments
  • Virtual to Real and Back: A Smoother Convergence
  • Wired and Well: Connected Health



Top 5 Web Trends

  • Mobile Focus

According to a survey by Google, 48% of users said that if a site didn’t work well on their smart-phone, it made them feel like the Company didn’t care about their business

  • Interactive Scrolling

Parallax scrolling

Infinite scrolling

  • Flat Design

Flat design features clean design with open space, crisp edges, bright colour and 2 dimensional illustrations without 3D effects

  • Single Page

Condensing content works!

  • Clean, Simple layout


This considered, you will be able to forge forward into the year keeping an eye on what is happening. In addition to this there are some of our source articles below, as well as some interesting reads that may catch your eye, to add to your arsenal of information for the coming year. Be sure to also take a look at our Market Intelligence feature to draw up your comparative chart of what Projects and Tenders are being published throughout South Africa. You can find this at


Happy 2015!

About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Relax, It is almost Year End

Relax, It is almost Year End


Relaxation tips for the Construction Industry


It is that time of year when everything starts to feel a little out of control.  If you are in the Construction industry, deadlines loom like ominous clouds just before the weekend and time seems to disappear into something akin to a black hole never to be recovered.  Small things get on your last nerve, there doesn’t seem to be enough coffee in your mug… ever!  No one else seems to appreciate the gravity of the depth of the situation you are in.  To add to that, some people seem to be in holiday mode already, which is really frustrating because it is somewhere you would very much like to be but just can’t seem to reach.


If it is any comfort. You are so close.


Feeling a similar inclination to run for the hills screaming, I went in search of some quick fixes to ‘chill out’ at the office and hopefully maintain some semblance of sanity for the remainder of the year.  Fast Company mentions a few pointers which seemed to help me gain some equilibrium, so I thought I would share it in hope of making the load lighter for you:


# One : Take time to look out the window.

Hartkopf found that people who sit near a window have 23% fewer complaints of stress-related illnesses such as headache, back pain, and exhaustion. “Windows provide stimulation — excitement, pleasure, and information,” he says, “Subconsciously, we need to know if it’s raining outside. ” Always choose an office with a view, even if you’re offered a larger, windowless office. If you’re stuck in a cubicle, make frequent trips past the lobby.


#Two : When exercising, do so Outside

After looking out the window all day, get outside! Eifert’s study shows that outdoor exercise reduces the level of stress hormones in the bloodstream, resulting in positive mood changes. “There’s more to exercise than just doing the exercise,” he says. “People who buy Nordic Tracks from TV rarely keep it up, because indoor settings don’t generate the positive effects on mood that outdoor settings do. ”


#Three : When working out, it’s okay to go slow

Dishman found that regardless of whether you exercise at 80% or 40% of capacity, the effect on stress is still the same as long as you work out for at least 20 to 30 minutes. “Not exercising is bad for your mental health, but there’s no consistent relation between the intensity of the physical activity and the psychological benefit,” he says. “For mental health, more is not necessarily better. ”


#4 : After your workout, take a few moments to relax

After an aerobic workout, Mardus suggests, find a place to lie down; close your eyes; listen to music or nothing; and enjoy the floating, narcotic effect of the endorphins you just released. This way you stay in an alpha state and get an almost meditative effect. It seems to last for 20 minutes or so. ” As you shower and head back to work you’ll slip into a beta brainwave state, which helps you shake that “I don’t care” feeling.


#5 : Change your mindset

Rosch says that we become stressed when we dwell on the problem instead of finding a solution. The trick is to look for ways to take control. His example: “Your 15-minute commute takes an hour each day because of traffic. You arrive at work completely wired from battling gridlock. Instead of getting mad at the traffic, come in an hour earlier and leave an hour earlier. If that’s not possible, get a cassette and use the time to learn a foreign language. Once you gain control over the situation, you’ve taken a very big step toward reducing stress. ”


While these tips are great, sometimes you are unable to get outdoors. Its just not possible and you are stuck in a cubicle or at your desk.  Some ‘quick fix’ stress busters to help this are:


1) Close your hands in a tight fist for 10 seconds and slowly open them. Repeat five times.

2) Roll your head from side to side. Repeat five times.

3) Tighten your toes, hold them for 10 seconds, and release. Repeat five times.


I think Fast Company has it right.  It is important to get some kind of physical activity happening to break the tension and be able to refocus. With time being an issue for most people, it is comforting to know that just 20 – 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference.  See it as a break from the stress and something that helps you to get in the right frame of mind rather than another thing to add to your list and you will be surprised at the effectiveness.


If we don’t get the chance to wish you happy holidays in person, I hope that your newfound stress busting habits carry through the holidays and that you have a relaxing and wonderful break.  Catch you on the flip side. Until 2015 …….




Who are the people you have just quoted?


Volker Hartkopf, architecture professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania and director of the Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics.

Georg Eifert, professor of clinical psychology at West Virginia University.

Rod Dishman, professor at the University of Georgia, has reviewed some 250 studies on the effects of physical exercise on stress.

Craig B. Mardus, author of “How to Stop Worry in One Second” (Warner Books, 1995), has spent 15 years researching stress while working at the Canyon Ranch Spa in Lennox, Massachusetts

Dr. Paul Rosch, president of the American Institute of Stress and a clinical professor of psychiatry at New York Medical College.







About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Getting a chance at the Worm

Getting a chance at the Worm



“The early bird gets the worm”

I have heard that it’s not much fun to rise early, or should I say very early. However research is rarely wrong. Not a morning person?  Well, according to Forbes “Love it or hate it, utilising the morning hours before work may be the key to a successful and healthy lifestyle”.

So why don’t more people start their day in the right way? Poor time management, late nights, too much to do…. the reasons run on.  But early mornings are often touted as the most beautiful time of day and getting up early could actually set the pace and tone for the rest of your day.

Why? Well apparently numerous influential thought leaders and CEOs get up early and follow some great habits to get themselves ready for the day (so maybe we could learn something from them?).  The top five listed habits quoted by these successful people are:



Yes, it’s been said loads of times! But a quick workout at the beginning of the day can give you energy and improve your mood (which often carries through the day).


Map out your day

Think about what your goals are for the day. This time in the morning is often the only peaceful time you will get without any interruptions and putting in a little planning can help your day run a little smoother.


Eat a healthy breakfast

A good breakfast ensures no growling stomach half way through the morning (and one less thing to worry about). It puts a person in a good mood and helps improve your outlook on the day. It is also a great time to chat to your family and do a bit of bonding and set the tone for their day too.



The mental version of staying healthy. Think about your day and the success you are going to have. Spend a couple of minutes in your head. See yourself walking tall!


Make your Day Top Heavy

Do the most unpleasant tasks first. Get them out of the way so you don’t have to have them looming over you all day. That leaves the things you enjoy for the rest of the day.


So if this has touched a heart string for you, you will know that perhaps it’s time to consider changing your routine up a little.



Remember, the early bird gets the worm.





About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Interbuild Africa 2014 from the Inside Out





Leads 2 Business attended and exhibited at Interbuild Africa 2014 Exhibition.    I came to thinking post event how one would determine if an event has been successful or not.  In my musings, I came up with a few possible factors influencing a successful event.


  1. Location of event
  2. Number of visitors seen
  3. Number of leads gained
  4. Branding Exercise
  5. Networking and relationship building

Depending on who you are asking you will probably get a combination of the above as an answer.

The L2B stand was situated in Hall 6 down the main centre aisle and near the ‘Free to Attend Seminars’ area where Industry visitors could attend relevant workshops and Professionals attending could tick off getting their CPD points on a their checklist of things to do.  We weren’t too far from the food area (which is always a good thing in my opinion – both for the exhibitors and the visitors) and we were surrounded by some great looking exhibits too. It also wasn’t a bad thing that our stunning staff were standing by, ready to chat to visitors from our well branded and beautifully designed stand.


The coffee bar also ensured that the throngs of visitors (Interbuild had almost 7000) stopping by had something hot to drink and also tended to get folk curious about what we ACTUALLY do.  Yes, the cappuccinos were that good.  It was something that ensured repeat visits and reinforcement of our brand and its services.  But I digress…. The competition we ran also ensured we had no lack of willing participants dropping their business cards in the designated competition box to try their luck.  As it turned out, Niels Eichhorn of Aluglass Bautech is one lucky man; walking away with the coveted Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, 2014 Edition tablet.  Not bad for 5 seconds work!


We had no lack of genuinely interested parties in what our Construction Information can do and how it can be tailored to their business systems.  Some it turns out, have joined us post Interbuild and are already up and running!  I daresay that Interbuild is the beginning of some very sturdy business relationships and the networking definitely gave us an opportunity to begin building these relationships.


So in summary, I would say that it is a combination of the above listed factors that make a successful exhibition and with this reasoning in place, it was most definitely a success.


Leads 2 Business would also like to thank the organisers for putting together such a polished event and making sure that we were well taken care of during our time there.  Also, a big thank you to all our visitors.  It was great meeting everyone and hearing more about what it is our visitors do for a living as well as their opportunities and challenges.  I don’t think I’d be overstepping the mark in congratulating and thanking the dedicated staff that made it all happen.  You are amazing.


Personally, being the person that spent the most time behind the cappuccino machine, I believe that we were definitely the most hospitable stand there.  Just saying.

Me? Biased?   Not at all. Why would you think that?

Reporting post event from KwaZulu-Natal, that’s a wrap for now.  See you at the next event!




About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing





I recently had the pleasure of taking part in a fly fishing competition in the KwaZulu – Natal Midlands in South Africa. If you ever have this opportunity, you would find yourself in the most impossibly scenic places at the best time of day, catching and releasing a worthy prey – in this case – trout.


The social aspect of this competition is quite well known and was in full swing.  As with any sport or hobby there inevitably is some networking that happens.  One moment you are talking about what fly you were using when you hooked into your fish and the next you are exchanging business cards.  It got me thinking about marketing and how there are some similarities to fishing. Let me explain my thinking…



Do the hard yards

When fishing, it is always a good idea to find where the fish are holding.  What structures would they choose to hide and live in?  What are they feeding on and what do they like to consume?  Similarly in marketing, you need to investigate who your target market is and what are they looking for.  What would create interest in you and your products or services over and above your competitors?


You can’t catch a fish unless your line is in the water

You need to get your line in the water to actually have a fish interested in your offering.  No line, no chance.  Whatever your plan is, brand awareness via repeated exposure or increasing sales, you need to actually put something out there for people to see.   If they don’t see you, they will be less aware of you and someone else is going to get their attention.


Be Present

If I wasn’t at the competition I wouldn’t possibly have caught any fish or even made the connections that I did with the people there.  In the day and age of technology I feel it is still important to be present to connect and engage with people.  People like to put a face to a name.  It makes it more memorable and keeps you front of mind.  It is a more personal connection.  Sometimes, between all the advertising and marketing, you need to make sure that there is an opportunity for people to walk through an open door and actually meet a person.  Let people see inside as such and realise that it is not just a brand they are connecting to, but the people behind it as well.  It makes a difference.


As for the fishing competition… we may not have won, but we definitely got to catch some amazing fish and met some very interesting people who now know more about our brand.  Kind of a win win situation really.  So, the only question remaining is… are you going fishing?



About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

Evolution of a Project

Evolution of a Construction Project

How Project stages are broken down.


Over the eight plus years I have worked at L2B I have spoken to many  people who have wanted me to explain,


“Where do I ‘fit’ into a Project?”


i.e. where would my point of benefit be? How does Leads 2 Business classify Project stages? It makes sense to me that someone would want to know how it works because it helps them find their place in the puzzle.


As an introduction, our Projects Department are a wonderful bunch. Generally, if you need anything, the Projects Department is the place you would find it. Often referred to as the ‘crystal ball’ department, they seem to have a knack for sourcing information where others may fail.  This occasionally results in a couple of laughs, but has also included interesting incidents such as receiving phonecalls from subscribers wanting to know which direction the wind is blowing on site in Burkino Faso (which incidentally was sourced and sent to the subscriber).  Simply put, they move mountains to get what is needed. But I digress…

A Project is divided up into different stages where different Companies would get involved. These are broken down on the Leads 2 Business system as follows:


Conceptual Phase

Very early stage in the Project :–  This involves the Clients intention, Developers Prosposals, the Feasibility study and Anchor tenants express interest.


Procedural Phase

EIA Consultant is appointed :– This encompasses the basic design, EIA process, Geotechnical study, rezoning, licensing, invited list, Expression Of Interest  and Professionals appointment.


Design Phase

This involves the detailed design of the project including the Bill of Quantities.


Tender Phase

This involves the project going out to Tender, whether public, private and the negotiations involved.


Awarded Phase

The Main Contractor, Subcontractors and Suppliers are awarded.  There is potential that there is a delay between the award and the commencement of the project.


Underway Phase

The Main Contractor is on site and Construction is underway.


Complete Phase

The Project has reached completion.


So now the picture becomes a little clearer. You can see who is involved in the different stages and plan how you would like to contact them and when to market your services or products.   For a more detailed description of where the different fields are involved and where your points of benefit are you can click here.
Feel free to contact us should you have any questions.  We are happy to answer them and to assist.  You can mail or call 086 083 6337.





About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

What is the difference between a Tender and a Project?

What is the Difference between a Tender & a Project?

This is one of the most asked questions that I have received over the years. What is the difference between a Tender and a Project?  So I thought I would break it down as best as I understand it.

A Tender is is put out for supply of services or products where various entities can bid to be awarded the contract. This is one phase in a Project life cycle and generally happens over a short period of time e.g. two to three weeks.

A Project is the full life cycle from Conceptual stage to Completion/Postponement/Cancellation.

The stages of a project could be broken up as follows:

Conceptual stage is the beginning phase of the project.

Client / Developer – Feasibility Process – Securing Funding – Request for Proposal – Procedural stage involves obtaining various approvals and authorisations. Basic Design – Geotechnical Study – Licensing – EIA Process – Property Rezoning – Professionals.

Design & Tender

This stage involves detailed design, the tender process and bill pricing. The majority of the Project Professionals have been appointed at this stage. Bidding Contractors’ details are listed under Bidders. Detailed Design – Expression of Interest – Negotiation – Tender – Anchor Tenant – Invited List.

Awarded & Underway

The main contractor and subcontractors have been awarded and construction is underway.


Practical completion is nearing the end or is structurally complete. The project is on hold for various reasons.
All this information is captured on our system in an accessible manner for our subscribers so they can keep up to date and put their business’s in the right position to take advantage of the opportunities that exist.

This is a very basic explanation, I know.  If you want to add to it, please feel  free to provide feedback for those reading.


About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

What do I need to complete a Tender?

What do I need to complete a Tender?

Being an author on a blog certainly stretches you. Our Company started a blog this year to reach out to people and try address some of the questions we encounter in an informal manner.  It is harder than it looks.  We have some staff who are amazing authors and in doing so make it look so easy.  It isn’t you know.  But it does give you the opportunity to expand your skills somewhat.

That being said, one of the questions I encounter is “What do I need to Complete a Tender?”  There doesn’t seem to be a one-stop shop for all the tender documentation needed (if there is and I haven’t located it, please share, I would love to know).  So we have attempted to locate some tips of the trade from some websites and list some of the documentation needed.  Also find the link to our blog below the article where we have a list of all the electronic documents we could find.  So here goes….

Step-by-step guide to tendering for government

Get registered with relevant departments on their database.

Goods and services:

For tenders under R30 000 the relevant government department will usually approach three registered providers for a quote
Tenders of more than R30 000 must generally be advertised to all subscribers
Tenders over R20 0000 must be advertised and formally adjudicated
Building and engineering:

Tenders over R2-million have to be adjudicated and formally advertised
Tenders below R2-million are seen as minor and under R100 000 as micro

How do I know my business is ready to tender?

If it’s a registered business
If it has a good banking record and relationship with suppliers and clients
If it is able to deliver on all specifications
If there is no possible conflict of interest with the government body or anyone adjudicating on the tender application, in the form of directorships or shareholding or family relationships
If the business has the required cash flow
If there are qualified staff
If employees are registered with the Department of Labour
A sole trader or partnership can tender – however, the business must be licensed or registered with the relevant local authority, must have a bank account and must have up-to-date tax clearance

Keys to success:

Complete tender documentation in full
Ensure the business is properly registered and licensed, and that taxes have been paid
Preference points will be given to previously disadvantaged individuals (PDI) or women. Generally, for tenders over R50 000, 80% will be adjudicated on price and 20% on PDI or gender status. For tenders over R500 000, the 90% to 10% price system applies
Price plays an important role and the most expensive tenders are likely to be excluded first. Keep in mind that some costs can change, such as labour, material and equipment and this needs to be factored in

Tender documents must contain:

A VAT registration number

  • Any proof of product guarantee – like SABS or ISO marks of quality
  • Permits for goods not made in South Africa and prices for goods must be supplied
  • A number of forms need to be completed for national and provincial government tenders. These include:
  • Invitation to bid, in which the company agrees to be bound by terms and conditions of tender (eg Form ST 36)
  • Official cover page of the tender document; (eg Form ST 8)
  • Tax clearance certificate (eg Form ST 5)
  • One form requires: closing date, tender number, price, delivery period (eg Form ST 7)
  • Preference point certificate to highlight if there are previously disadvantaged candidates (eg Form ST 11)
  • A declaration of interest – businesses are required to declare relationships with members of the tender board or government. A list of these forms can be found on: (eg Form ST 12)

Have you been accepted or rejected?

The Tender Board will notify companies as to whether they have been accepted. It’s important to note that sometimes this can take some time and may not leave unsuccessful companies time to appeal, so experts approached by Corruption Watch advise keeping in contact with the government department and checking on the status of the tender process.

The departments or parastatals are not required to list on their websites who has been appointed, which many feel is a weakness, particularly for small businesses.


Companies can also object to the department or government entity if they feel the period for application is not sufficient, or they may request a copy of the decision by the tender board.

For a further blog article with links to the various documents, click here.




Some helpful websites:

Source information:

About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

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