Featured Company: K T Squared Industrial Equipment (Pty) Ltd


Who’s who in your Industry?

This week we are featuring K T Squared Industrial Equipment (Pty) Ltd, based in Kempton Park, Gauteng. Thabo Zulu is the Managing Director for K T Squared Industrial Equipment (Pty) Ltd and you can read what he has to say here…

KT Squared

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About Elaine Cockcroft

I started working at Leads 2 Business in January 2016 and form part of the sales team as Account Executive based in Gauteng.

Black Friday: Your Ultimate Guide

Black Friday

Two words synonymous with buzzwords like deals, sales, countdown and ads to name a few. Have you already started receiving deal sign-up notifications, some which offer early access and even opportunities to win vouchers? Black Friday officially signals the start of the holiday shopping season globally.

Traditionally the day after Thanksgiving in the USA, Black Friday, falls on the 29th of November 2019 and will no doubt be characterized by the same midnight-alarm-setting, queue-camping, quick grabbing, elbowing and epic statistics like those that came before.

Let’s not forget Black Friday’s equally anticipated partner Cyber Monday; for those of us who prefer using their quick clicking skills over physical queuing stamina. I, myself fall into the record-breaking eCommerce category no matter the day.

[crowdsignal poll=10444846]

Black Friday: Your Ultimate Guide

  1. Research is key: don’t be caught by ‘fake’ specials and don’t lose out on possible bigger savings
  2. Make your list (and check it twice): this will prevent unnecessary purchases while also ensuring you tick off all your items.
  3. Hydrate and Nourish: You need to be in tip-top shape if you want to gain that edge
  4. Plan and Prioritize: optimal route planning will save you time and money.
  5. Budget: remember those oh-so-exciting monthly expenses don’t magically disappear
  6. Bonus: Sign up to all the Black Friday Alert emails
To obtain Black Friday’s ever-elusive specials shoppers will go to (sometimes fatal) extremes as illustrated in Black Friday Death and Injury Count. Use Your Ultimate Black Friday Guide and don’t become a statistic.

Want some visuals? Click below for Black Friday by numbers as published by Black Friday Global.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Building Relationships: One Construction Project at a Time


More importantly, is that everyone can build strong relationships no matter what industry you’re in or what your title may be. It’s important to build the right relationships with the right people. Strong relationships between general contractors and subcontractors are important for a successful project. These relationships don’t mature overnight, and it takes time and effort from both parties to build a level of trust that evolves into a strong working partnership.

Main contractors
When a client hires a contractor to build or renovate a property, the company is legally responsible for completing all of the required work. Main contractors are thinkers. They work with you through the entire project, from the idea phase to the finished product. By contrast, subcontractors come and go. They specialize in certain areas of the construction process, like large equipment operation, concrete formulation, plumbing, electricity and carpentry. They enter a project to do a particular task and leave when that task is finished.

If you’re bidding to a general contractor for the first time this is your opportunity to make a strong first impression.
Communicate! Keep in contact with the site supervisor and project manager with updates on your progress and advise them immediately of any issues or potential delays that might impact other subcontractors on the job or the overall project timeline.
Choose the right team for the job. Make sure your workers act and perform their duties safely and professionally. Be organized. Practice good housekeeping and clean up after every workday, picking up tools and equipment and disposing of any construction waste as you go.
Show up to the job site every day with the tools, equipment, materials, and workers you need to get the day’s work done. Subcontractors may be tempted to take on a job that is outside the scope of their capabilities allowing the subcontractors a window of time at either end of the project will ensure all their work will be finished within the project time frame. Preparing for delays will prevent the project from running overtime and therefore going over budget. Following these suggestions will lower the chances for disappointment and maintain a positive relationship between you and your subcontractor. Partnerships between contractors and subcontractors are vital for any business. In fact, this relationship is beneficial to both parties involved.
A subcontractor agreement usually exists between a contractor and a subcontractor. It outlines information similar to the conditions detailed in a contractor agreement. In most instances, the contractor will be responsible for compensating the subcontractor and the subcontractor is required to complete certain tasks for the contractor. Both a contractor and subcontractor work together to complete specified duties for a company or an individual.

Main contractors and subcontractors often tend to ignore one thing: supplier relationship management. Effective supplier relationship management increases profitability and drives efficiencies for businesses.
Leads 2 Business has a service called Leads 2 Quotes and Open Quotes. (www.L2B.co.za) Vendor/Suppliers receives RFQ from main /sub-contractors as a preferred vendor via email, submit your RFQ’s (request for quotes) online. Easy access to vendor/suppliers within the area of work. You will be able to view which contractors prefer your business and interact directly with you regarding your service and product offerings.
This is a professional platform to enable anyone to build a solid relationship between Contractors and Suppliers.
As much as company culture is important to your business, it should also manifest in your supplier. Values such as speed, quality, excellence, innovation, and reliability are existent in trustworthy companies and you want to be sure that the same can be said about your own suppliers

Available Cash
You have payments due to subs, employees, vendors, materials suppliers, and equipment renters but you don’t get paid until the project is complete. If you want to have a solid relationship with your subbies, treat them how you would want to be treated, and pay them on time, every time
Nothing will ever run a 100% smoothly in construction at any given time. When there is a bump in the road, fingers start pointing. If you have a positive attitude and are working with subcontractors you trust; it will be easy to establish a good working relationship
Good business relationship management can lead to loyalty, which is important in terms of finding suppliers and subcontractors that can be trusted. This applies to tender bids as well as project delivery. Professionalism should be demonstrated at all times, as well as open and honest communication, efficiency and consideration when dealing with their needs and requirements

There are plenty of tools and online resources out there to help keep you and your business organized

Whether you are a “leader” or a follower, you can build a community of friends, colleagues, associates, allies, partners, and buddies around you. Together, there is no telling what you can do. Building Relationships: One Construction Project at a Time


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About Nirasha Rampersad

I started working for Leads to Business June 2017 as Support Assistance in L2Q.

How To: View Market Intelligence – Tenders

Do you want to view a visual overview of Leads 2 Business content? View Market Intelligence specifically Tender related information represented with various graphs. Select your preferred date range, download, customize and view more details.
Find out how – here’s a quick video tutorial from “The How To Series”.

(Duration 1m39s)

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Featured Company: iX engineers (Pty) Ltd

posted in: Featured Company 0


Who’s who in your Industry?

This week we are featuring iX engineers (Pty) Ltd, based in Pretoria, Gauteng. Lebo Leshabane is the CEO for iX engineers (Pty) Ltd and you can read what she has to say here…

IX Engineers

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About Lee Finch

I started my journey at Leads 2 Business in 2004 as an account executive. In 2006 I moved over to MAPRO (Marketing, Advertising and PRO), and in 2012 I became a Director. It’s exceptionally rewarding being a part of the Leads 2 Business team. I’m incredibly proud of the achievements and business ethos and I’ve always firmly believed we offer a valuable service, fine-tuned to our subscriber needs. I am a Mom of two beautiful children, a lover of human interaction, laughter and light, sprinkled with a generous dose of fun.

Featured Tender: KNH Private Hospital

Featured Tender: KNH Private Hospital

Contract Number:

KNHPPP/RFQ/01/2019-2020 (Pre – Qualification) – Kenyatta National Hospital Board


Kenyatta National Hospital Board, a state corporation incorporated under the Kenyatta National Hospital Board Order (Legal Notice No. 109 of 1987) (hereinafter referred to as the “ KNH Board ”) hereby invites sealed applications from competent local and international firms or consortia to pre-qualify and Bid to Design, Build, Finance, Equip, Operate, Maintain and Transfer the KNH Private Hospital PPP Project (the “Project”) in Nairobi City County under a Public Private Partnerships arrangement. The scope of the Project consists of a minimum 300 bed-capacity private hospital at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) together with associated facilities.

Category Industry
Consultants Institutional, Healthcare
Region Site Inspection
Kenya 2019-10-30 09:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
11 December 2019 at 12:00 (Local Time) No Details


Please visit Leads 2 Business for more information on this Tender Notice.
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About Naomi Konigkramer

I have been at Leads to Business for 5 months, I have learned so many new things. I am very happy to be part of the Daily Tenders Department.

15 Ways to Renovate on a Budget

Everybody wants a beautiful living space, a space in which to unwind and relax and shrug off the stresses of day-to-day life.
Your home should be your sanctuary, your place to escape and just be.

Here are my 15 Ways to Renovate on a Budget.

First and foremost:

1. Establish a Budget and Don’t Budge
It is so easy to get caught up in the beautifying process that one can easily go over what has been budgeted for.

2. Pay Cash
You are wanting to create an environment that allows you to come home, kick off your shoes and relax after a long day, not one that causes you to pull your hair out while you are number-crunching until the wee hours of the morning because of credit card debt. As far as is possible, buy your materials with cash.

3. Check Your Prices
Don’t just go into one store to find all your prices, if you are going into a large store, there is every possibility that you might get caught up in some slick sales talk and wind up going over your budget, go to a few stores, get quotes and compare prices.

4. Clean Up
Before starting a project, clean up. Be ruthless with yourself if necessary. I tend to suffer from sente(mental)ity, there are dozens of keepsakes that we are given by children along the way and they get hung up on the fridge and such, in the pursuit of cleaning up, if it isn’t going to serve a purpose, take a photo of it and then chuck it.

5. Set a Time Limit
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but if there wasn’t a time frame to work within, it would still be under construction. Again, because time is precious, you don’t want to lose precious time with your family.

6. All Hands on Deck
When you take on a renovation project, instead of employing a company to do the work for you, why not get the whole family involved, this creates friendship and most of all, ownership.

7. Recycle, or upcycle.
There are so many good ideas of how to transform “junk” into useful items on Pinterest, so, get pinning!

8. Feature Walls
Instead of painting out a whole area, consider painting a feature wall. The idea behind this is to create the illusion of space, it’s also a great way to allow yourself to have fun and to get creative with colour and also cost-effective when purchasing paints.

9. Consider LED
LED lights need not be BRIGHT, there are different shades to choose from, depending on your needs, a cool white would better suit a kitchen or bathroom, where a warm white would suit lounges and bedrooms, as older globes go, consider changing up and save on your electricity costs and doing your bit for the environment.

10. Consider Skylights
This is a great way to add natural lighting to your home in strategic places and also to cut your daytime electricity costs, work out the pros and cons of adding a skylight and as far as possible try to calculate what you would save in lighting up those areas.

11. Do It Yourself.
If you can build shelves, lay tiles or even paint, then you have already saved some money that can be utilized elsewhere.

12. Add Plants
Well placed plants have a way of lighting up spaces, you would do well to consult with your local garden centre to obtain some advice as to which plants are best suited to which areas, for example, it would not be a good idea to put a cactus in the bathroom.

13. Go Green
There is a lot of focus on the environment and lessening our footprint, If you are updating your bathroom, why not look at going green, Low flow toilets and low flow showerheads will not only help you do your part for the environment, but it will also help you to save money.

14. Work Party
The community my family belongs to believes that it takes a village….not only to raise a child but to do things like this. An old-fashioned work party is a great way to get a large part of the job done and an after-work braai is a great way to connect with one another after the work is done.

15. Have Fun!
You are doing this to give you a space to make amazing memories with your family and friends, don’t lose yourself in the mess, you are making memories as you go, it might be hard work now, but the payoff will be better.

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How To: View Market Intelligence – Projects

Do you want to view a visual overview of Leads 2 Business content? View Market Intelligence specifically Project related information represented with various graphs. Select your preferred date range, download, customize and view more details.
Find out how – here’s a quick video tutorial from “The How To Series”.

(Duration 2min28s)

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Industry Events: Africa November 2019

Industry Events: Africa November 2019


Meqasa Home & Property Fair


02 to 03 November 2019

Event Location:

Silver Star Tower, Accra, Ghana

Event Description:

The Meqasa Home & Property Fair offers property seekers the opportunity to meet with the nation’s top real estate developers, home loan specialists and home improvement vendors to help them find their dream homes, office space and real estate related products and services. There will be various opportunities for attendees to meet new people and identify those leads that are specifically relevant to their businesses.

Event Details:




The Big 5 Construct Kenya


05 to 07 November 2019

Event Location:

Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Event Description:

The Big 5 Construct Kenya is Kenya’s connection to the world of construction. The exhibition will bring together international innovative products that are new to the local market. The event will cover all factors of the construction industry. This dedicated construction exhibition brings you with too many prospective buyers at one place and time.

Contact Details:

Tel: +233 24 431 2499
Email: info@dmgevents.com

Event Details:




Building Construction And Property Exhibition


05 to 07 November 2019

Event Location:

Ghana International Trade Fair Centre, Accra, Ghana

Event Description:

This is an international exhibition which showcases Construction Tools and Equipment, Iron and Steel Products, Metal Processing Machines, Heat, Water, Sound and Fire Insulation, Door, Window, Shutter, Stor and Glass Systems, Floor Coverings, Wall Coatings, Cables and Electrical Test, Indoor and Outdoor Illumination, Generator and Power Extension, and much more.

Contact Details:

Tel: +90 216 342 42 24
Email: info@ghanabuild.org

Event Details:




Mega Clima East Africa


11 to 13 November 2019

Event Location:

The Sarit Expo Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Event Description:

The three-day annual shows, considered as their own region’s largest industry platform. Manufacturers, distributors and many other brands have already reserved their places at the show, with many companies expecting to unveil all-new HVACR products and latest technology.

Contact Details:

Tel: +90 212 273 18 18
Email: info@megaclimaexpo.com

Event Details:




Future Energy Nigeria


12 to 13 November 2019

Event Location:

Eko Hotel & Suites, Lagos, Nigeria

Event Description:

Future Energy Nigeria is the leading expo and conference that connects thousands of power and energy professionals.Celebrating its 16th edition, Future Energy Nigeria will provide you with two days of interactive discussions with senior executives from the power and energy sector and a two-day trade exhibition for international and local suppliers to display solutions. Our event provides countless networking opportunities to engage with premier stakeholders and decision makers in Nigeria’s power and energy sector.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 21 700 3519
Email: warda.jakoet@spintelligent.com

Event Details:




ISK Regional Conference


13 to 14 November 2019

Event Location:

Radisson Blu Hotel Nairobi Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya

Event Description:

ISK Regional Conference, the theme is Land and Property Sector: Advancing Africa’s Sustainable development. It focuses on Land Governance and Sustainable Land Management, Changing Landscape of Surveying technology, Contemporary Land Administration Processes, Real Estate and Property Valuation in Africa, Professional Ethics and Conduct, Unlocking New Frontiers in Real Estate Investments and etc.

Contact Details:

Tel: +254-20-313490
Email: info@isk.or.ke

Event Details:

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Solar Cities

In 1839, Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered electricity could be generated by sunlight. He claimed that “Shining light on an electrode submerged in a conductive solution would create an electric current.” Solar energy is now utilized and recognized all over the world.

Solar cities would be very beneficial in South Africa due to our current restraints with Eskom and the load shedding each one of us has had to endure on and off for the past 12 years. Solar Energy is free and being a third world County, this would be viable and It would be great not having to depend on Eskom for electricity.  Utilizing Solar panels will save you money and reduce your lights account.

Many South African are currently utilizing solar energy to power the following:

  • Watches
  • Calculators
  • Lighting
  • Water pumps
  • Water heaters

Solar energy hold’s the most potential in South Africa due to the fact that we receive a large amount of radioactive energy. Solar Energy is renewable, meaning we will never run out of sunshine. Wind energy could also be unitized in South Africa, especially around our coastal areas.

Counties that make the most use of Solar power would be:

  • China
  • United States of America
  • Japan
  • Germany
  • India
  • Italy
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia

The initial cost of setting up a solar running house or city is at a high rate, however, the saving, in the long run, is thousands of rand.


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