Featured Project: Polihali Operations Centre, Lesotho

Lesotho – PPA 23725

Construction of Polihali operations centre in Lesotho which forms part of Lesotho Highlands Water Project. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -29.2927441; long: 28.8569253.
Status Region
Underway Lesotho
Category Value
Building R 61 Million – R 200 Millio
Industry Timing
Office & Commercial 2022 onwards
Sector Class
Public Open Tender


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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Featured Project: Stellar Warehouse and Logistics Park

Kenya – PPA 26881

Refurbishment of an existing industrial facility as well as construction of new warehouse that will be leased to Orbit Products Africa Limited in the Mlolongo District, north west of the Athi River District of Machakos County, Nairobi, Kenya. The redevelopment will relate to the construction of two separate industrial facilities (northern and southern facilities) in addition to the required bulk services and roadworks upgrades to service the above-mentioned facilities. The Northern Facility will measure 2 123m² comprising of open plan office fitted out to a ‘white box specification’, warehouse floor and an isolated area for the chlorine mixing area located within the warehouse. A summary of areas associated with The Northern Facility are as follows: ground floor offices, first floor offices, warehouse, a chlorine mixing area, ablutions, kitchens and staircases. The Southern Facility will measure 12 618m² comprising of additional production area, warehouse floor and provision for ablutions and showers. A summary of areas associated with the Southern Facility are as follows: warehouse, a production area, showers and ablutions. The estimated project value is US$25 million. The GPS coordinates are -1.38891, 36.93340
Status Region
Underway Kenya
Category Value
Building R 200 Million+
Industry Timing
Industrial, Factory & Warehousing 2021 onwards
Sector Class
Private Invited


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About Minnie Zondi

I am an insanely optimistic ambivert that does everything from the heart instead of the mind. Deeply interested in people and matters that pertain to mankind.

Featured Project: Ebellas

Ghana – PPA 30328

Construction of the Ebellas homes in Cantonment, Ghana. A modern development of 4.5 bedroom villas and 3 bedroom townhouses with a cinema, a gym and a private pool among other amenities. The GPS coordinates are 5.582977500000001, -0.1636356
Status Region
Underway Ghana
Category Value
Building Unknown At This Stage
Industry Timing
Residential May 2023 to December 2023
Sector Class
Private Owner / Builder

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About Minnie Zondi

I am an insanely optimistic ambivert that does everything from the heart instead of the mind. Deeply interested in people and matters that pertain to mankind.

Featured Project: The Africa Hall – Ethiopia

Ethiopia – PPA 23705

Renovations of the Africa Hall Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The renovations aim to rectify a multitude of deficiencies and deterioration within the Hall. The project consists of the refurbishment of Africa Hall and small works to adjacent buildings. The proposed building works associated with the Africa Hall Refurbishment are largely within existing buildings hence the focus has been on improving accessibility. Works will be undertaken in the following units: The Plenary Hall, Africa Hall, Rotunda Function Space, Exhibition Theatrette, Rotunda Cafe, Western Carpark, Visitor Entry Building and New Landscapes. The project is estimated to cost US$56.9 million. The GPS co-ordinates are -29.5697763, 30.2243671
Status Region
Underway Ethiopia
Category Value
Building R 200 Million+
Industry Timing
Renovations, Office & Commercial June 2019 to June 2021 extended to mid-2024
Sector Class
Public Private Partnership Open Tender / Possible Pre-Qualification


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About Minnie Zondi

I am an insanely optimistic ambivert that does everything from the heart instead of the mind. Deeply interested in people and matters that pertain to mankind.

Featured Project: FNB Head Office, Ezulwini

Eswatini (Swaziland) – PPA 27325

Construction of a new three storey office block for First National Bank in Ezulwini, Eswatini. Estimated cost: E200 million. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -26.4; long: 31.166667.
Status Region
Underway Eswatini (Swaziland)
Category Value
Building R 61 Million – R 200 Million
Industry Timing
Office & Commercial 2021 onwards.
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated / Turnkey

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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

Featured Project: Grand Inga Hydroelectric Projects

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – PPA 2346

Construction of a series of seven proposed hydroelectric power stations at the site of the Inga Falls, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The project also includes expansion to the existing 351-MW Inga 1 and 1,424-MW Inga 2 plants. The objective of the project is to construct a multi-complex capable of supplying the entire sub-Saharan region with a output capacity of 42 000MW. The first component of the project is the 4 800MW Inga 3 Basse Chute and Haute Chute. It has been estimated that the value of the contract is over US$80 billion. The GPS co-ordinates are -5.545833, 13.556944
Status Region
Procedural DRC
Category Value
Infrastructure R 200 Million+
Industry Timing
Power Grid 2023 onwards.
Sector Class
Funding Agency Invited / Negotiated

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About Minnie Zondi

I am an insanely optimistic ambivert that does everything from the heart instead of the mind. Deeply interested in people and matters that pertain to mankind.

Featured Project: Moshupa Primary Hospital, Botswana

Botswana – PPA 19093

Construction of a 70 bed new primary hospital in Moshupa, Botswana. Estimated cost: P457 million. The new hospital will be located behind the Moshupa Senior Secondary school.
Status Region
Underway Botswana
Category Value
Building R 200 Million+
Industry Timing
Healthcare 30 months
Sector Class
Public Open Tender

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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

Featured Project: Luanda International Airport, Angola

Angola – PPA 21494

Construction of a new international airport on the outskirts of Luanda province in Angola. It will be known as Angola International Airport. Estimated value: US$1.4 billion. GPS coordinates lat: -9.0504977; long: 13.4989698.
Status Region
Underway Angola
Category Value
Building R 200 Million+
Industry Timing
Transport Terminal 2008 – 2016 (Extended to 2023)
Sector Class
Public Private Partnership Turnkey

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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

Featured Project: Aberdeen Wind Facility 1

Eastern Cape – PPA 17678

Construction of the Aberdeen Wind Facility – 1 within Beaufort West in the Eastern Cape Province. Proposed for a cluster of 41 wind turbines with a hub height of up to 200m and the rotor height up to 300m. Located approximately 20km west of Aberdeen, 32°29’48.1″S 23°58’39.4″E


Status Region
Procedural Aberdeen
Category Value
Infrastructure Unknown At This Stage
Industry Timing
Power Grid 2023 onwards (24 months)
Sector Class
Commercialised State Open Tender / Possible Pre-Qualification

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About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

Featured Project: Dihlabeng Regional Hospital – Phase 2

Free State – PPA 28230

Phase 2: Smart revitalisation of Dihlabeng regional hospital in Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality in the Free State. Project value: R758 250 195,42. Scope of work: The construction works will constitute the following main activities in sections as appropriate. Bulk Earthworks (cut to fill and cut to spoil) to construct parking areas, platforms, and entrances. Demolition of several single-story redundant buildings and structures including the existing Helipad, NHLS/SANBS building, Transport building, pedestrian link block C to D, concrete retaining walls, paving etc. Installation of ring main water supply and fire supply lines. Installation of new sewer drainage and diversions & new storm water drainage and diversions. Construction of new layer works and paving to falls and entrance upgrades creating vehicle and pedestrian access and parking for staff and visitors. Upgrades to the N5 Entrance and Eeufees Street. Construction of new hospital buildings including multilevel concrete structure for blocks M&N. Construction of new 2 story block O for the NHLS and SANBS services. Extensions and refurbishment or alterations to some of the existing buildings including blocks A, B, C, D and H including extensions to blocks C and D. Construction of retaining walls, Construction of new Helistop. Removal of old and installation of new HVAC, electrical, fire detection & protection, electronic services and Medical Gas supply into new build and refurbished areas. GPS coordinates -28.23315000538118, 28.3198518721095.


Status Region
Underway Bethlehem
Category Value
Building R 200 Million+
Industry Timing
Healthcare, Renovations 48 months
Sector Class
Public Open Tender

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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

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