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The Twitter beginners guide to Tender Influencers

Leads 2 Business : Twitter influencers

So how do you become the McGuyver of Twitter Tender influencers?


No, I am no guru of the Twitterverse, but I spend a bit of time using it. As far as social goes I can operate with a fair amount of ease on some social media platforms. But it still takes time to find your feet and potentially find the information you are looking for. So today’s tip would be how to find useful Tender tweeps to follow on Twitter.  They may or may not be tendering themselves, but have knowledge or report on topics or factors that effect Tendering or the Construction industry.

Now I am sure that everyone has their own list on Twitter with their favourites, and this one is by no means exhaustive. This is a BEGINNERS guide. So, hu erm, with no further adieu….


Step one would be to start at the beginning…. have Twitter loaded on your desktop, tablet or smartphone. If you are at a loss, you can click this link to the Twitter App and be directed to Google Play to download it. Then get yourself versed on using this microblogging tool quickly on either YouTube or by getting the lowdown from a social media leader like Mashable.

So you are up to speed. Easier than you thought right!?!


For keeping in the know about what is happening in the Construction industry on the continent:










Some International Construction Companies that are an influence on the Industry on Twitter:












Some Construction Industry bodies:









Some influential Tweeps:









Well, there is your starting point. An easy one at that. This will help give you a foundation to begin with until you learn more about Twitter and find more interesting tweeps to follow. Please let me know who you find that is interesting … always good to meet new people.


Until then, see you in the Twitterverse at @L2Bcoza.




About Carmen Barends

Social media adventurer for Leads 2 Business, exploring new frontiers and taking new ground. “Not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien

2 Responses

  1. Abel
    | Reply

    Is Leads 2 Business funding for projects?

    • Chantelle West
      | Reply

      Good day Abel, We are information suppliers for the construction industry and we don’t get involved in the projects and therefor are unable to assist you. Should you wish to have more information please feel free to email support@l2b.co.za or have a look at our site wwww.L2B.co.za.

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