Jumpstart your spread with L2Q

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Jumpstart your spread with L2Q

I must be honest…when I first started working at Leads 2 Business, the department that “freaked me out” the most was by far L2Q. I knew the only way I would overcome my fear was to get myself into L2Q and learn as much as I possibly could. And here I am.

So firstly, what does L2Q stand for? Leads 2 Quotes (L2Q) is an electronic pricing platform used by buyers to send out requests for quotes to their preferred suppliers.

You have the following benefits:

  • One system – which makes it easier and more efficient for you so you don’t have to try and find vendors to provide pricing. It is all right there for you – just by a click of a button;
  • Trade Mapping – where we will code the trades according to your company’s needs;
  • L2Q has the ability to transfer a bill of quantity into various electronic formats;
  • Easy access to a database of vendors / suppliers within different regions;
  • Time saver;
  • We have a support team who will follow up on the requests for quotes and update you accordingly on their response;
  • We upload any drawings that you may have.

The L2Q process is super simple and straight forward and is as follows: Buyers / main contractors will do an L2Q Bill Request on the L2B system, which guides you through the steps such as contract number, description, respond by date, closing date, then on to the trade mapping, attaching files, etc as below:

The bill of quantities can either be attached on the request or the contractors can send it to us directly via e-mail. From there, we will convert it, make it “pretty”, code it into the correct trades and upload it onto the buyer’s L2Q Desktop, for you to begin the process of electrically requesting quotes. This process does take some time, our turn-around times are as follows: Excel bills is a minimum of 24 hours and PDF a minimum of 48 hours.

We then also have Trade Mapping available which is where we will code the trades according to your company’s needs.

You will have the option of selecting your preferred suppliers/vendors. You can earmark the businesses that have given you the best response, service and pricing. Our pricing platform will also start recognising the vendors on our system who have given you the best response to the requests for quotes. So should you not have dealt with a company before, their rating will give you a guideline on their response rate. You can then generate a Control List report which will show you the vendors you have sent to as well as your engagement with them, how they are responding to you as well as the follow ups done by our Control List team.

We understand the time constraints and therefore our directory of over 90 000 companies is expanding and updated on a daily basis which then gives you even more options to your business and ultimately more competitive pricing when submitting a tender.

The e-mails that are sent to the vendors through the L2Q system include your company branding, drawings, addendums, terms & conditions and specifications which bring clarity to the vendors when responding.

In conclusion, Leads 2 Business’ biggest and strongest point of differentiation is our Leads 2 Quotes platform – our very own. I hope that my explanation of the L2Q system has been useful as well as beneficial to you, and that those who have been a bit weary of it, will now grab it by the horns 😉


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About Bianca Edgcumbe

I started working at Leads 2 Business in May 2013 in the Africa Tenders Department. I worked my way to the Leads 2 Quotes Department in September 2016 and have been there ever since.

Create a Tender that gets Results

Create a Tender that gets Results

In the world of construction, we often hear the word “tender” being used more often than ever…”Who was that tender awarded too?”, “X & Y have just put out a tender for the building of A”, “I wonder which company got awarded that tender?”…the big question then becomes, what is a Tender?

A tender is a process where an offer is put out to do work or supply a service/goods at a fixed price. Usually given by government and financial institutions they invite bids for large projects and have to be submitted in a finite deadline.

Creating a tender that will get the desired results may seem rather impossible but the reality is its all dependant on a few but relevant pointers will have a look at below:

  • Ensure that you are registered on the supplier database – find a sector that works for your line of business and register to be informed of the tenders that would be published.
  • Attend the briefing sessions so you would know what’s expected for the project.
  • Have the correct documents – it’s standard to have the correct documents as a company. Have a valid and current tax clearance and BEE certificate.
  • Have a good banking record, credit history and relationship with your clients and suppliers.
  • You must have the cash flow and necessary resources to bid for the tender.
  • Price in a competitive manner with proof – avoid pricing extremely low, get the pricing just correct.
  • Provide references – this will assist in boosting your chances of being awarded
  • Source out partnership – completing a project without assistance is always a bonus but it always helps to get assistance if needed.
  • Keep note of the of the closing date and submit before that time.
  • Keep a copy of your tender documents
  • Never give up – the tendering world isn’t easy at all but just because you didn’t get the first doesn’t mean the ones to follow won’t be a success.

Do remember that tenders are a lengthy process which may take a while before they are awarded, this doesn’t mean you should just bid for one and sit back waiting for the work..put in the effort and do as much research as you can in order to create a tender that will get you the results you desire.

It’s not so much that it is a difficult task but it needs you to be specific and pay close attention to the finer detail.





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Fraudulent Tenders: What to look out for

posted in: General 2

Is it too good to be true…

I see all sorts crossing my desk, when it comes to researching and sourcing tender notices. I see not only the various notifications companies and organisations put out alerting the public to the scams out there, but I also get sent quite a few scams myself. This has inadvertently created a new skill set. And that is, inhouse dodgy tender notice identifier.

Fraudulent tenders and scams involving tenders is not new. It tends to take on various incarnations, and, unfortunately, tends to get more inventive as time goes on. There’s a bizarre combination of old tricks and new tricks. So this misuse of imagination keeps everyone on their toes. It takes learning on the job to a new level.

Scams are not limited to any one type of service or product. It can be anything from supplying wheelie bins to building RDP houses. It doesn’t matter what the service or product is, because it’s just used as bait to lure unsuspecting suppliers and contractors to fall for the scam.

Any procurement process is competitive. And companies have to work hard to take advantage of all the opportunities that come their way. Fraudsters tend to prey on this eagerness, and in some cases desperation. They use a company’s naivity to their advantage as well as greed (to be blatantly honest). Heightened emotions, of any kind, put someone at risk of making a risking decision.

Money is the focus for scammers. They are trying to get as much as they can as quickly as they can as often as they can. So a red flag is any tender deposit that is exorbitantly high. A registration fee of any kind, needs to be questioned.

Has a tender notice or request for quotation shown up unannounced? Unsolicited quotations are very common. There are all manner of electronic procurement systems out there allowing buyers to send RFQs to vendors legitimately. But if you do not recognise the format or who the RFQ has come from, always double check. The way to double check, is to not call any numbers listed directly on the quotation. Look up the switchboard numbers of the organisation and call them directly and this will allow you to get confirmation of the legitimacy or the fraudulent nature of the tender notice/ quotation.

These fraudulent quotations/ tenders tend to also ask for very specific goods or products. Usually, where there’s only one company that can supply the item in question. Be wary of these types of quotations, as they channel you in the direction that the scammer wants you to go.

Did you tender for the contract award that has suddenly shown up in your inbox or doorstep? No? Then it’s most likely a scam. You cannot be awarded a tender you did not submit a tender/ quote for.

You will never be asked to pay, before being awarded a tender.

Is the quotation/ tender notice not only on a “official” looking letterhead, but has a watermark and all manner of crests and coats of arms? Trying too hard to look legitimate and official; then give this a wide berth, and call the organisation and check

Is the email address given, some bizarre derivative of an official organisation’s domain name? Then it’s a scam. Government Departments, Municipalities and legitimate private companies do not have various versions of their own domain names. There’s one official domain name and that’s it. This is a dead give away.

Most of these fraudulent tenders/ quotations are variations of exactly the same advert but with varying dates and slightly different cell phone numbers listed. This repetition stands out. Companies are posting warnings of these scams; so a good Google search can quite quickly confirm whether the tender/ quotation is fake or not.

It might be tedious; double checking and notifying the proper companies of these scams out there, but it helps tremendously in shutting these scammers out by spreading the word.

Once bitten, Twice Shy.




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About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

How to Stay Safe from Criminal Activity

posted in: General 0

How to Stay Safe from Criminal Activity

How do we stay safe in a world where crime is always prevalent? Anyone and everyone is a target nowadays.

According to reports from IOL and BusinessTech these are some of SA’s biggest crimes:

Malicious injury to property
Commercial crime
Career Scams
Inheritance fraud
Online Gaming Fraud

Criminals devise new tactics daily.
Cybercrime remains a massive global threat with text, voice, malware and email to name a few. Banks alone list at least 16 Types of Scams on their website:

Vishing scam (otherwise known as phone call scamming)
Remote access takeover scam
Phishing scam (emails)
Change of banking details scam
SIM swap scam
Twin SIM scam (duplication of your SIM)
Number porting scam
Deposit and refund scam
Spoofed website scam (fake websites that look legitimate)
419 scam (upfront payments)
Dating and romance scam
Holiday scam (false advertisements)
Keylogger scam (software recording keystrokes)
Smishing scam (SMS)
Online goods scam
Email hacking scam

In most cases the main aim of criminals using the above types of scams is to obtain your personal information for financial gain. This is often achieved by impersonating companies (like SARS) and deceiving unsuspecting individuals.

Do you know how to identify these crimes? How can you decrease your likelihood of falling prey to criminals and fraud?

Having healthy scepticism and security protocols are key in staying safe from criminals.

Some red flags and general tips to stay safe are:
Be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut
Competitions you win but never entered
Upfront payments to receive money/prizes
Always log off/sign out
Latest anti-virus versions
Don’t auto-save passwords
Avoid using public computers
Type the URL – Don’t use links
Set transaction banking limits
Use websites that have a lock icon as well as “https://”
Protect and don’t share personal information/passwords/OTPs
Strong, impersonal, unique and frequently changed passwords (password tips from How-To-Geek)
Don’t confirm personal or account details via a hyper-link, icon or attachment in an email or over the phone

Other identifiers specific to emails/phishing also include:

Displayed names and headers can be deceiving
Look first before clicking
Typos and Grammar
Analyse greetings
Beware of urgent/threatening requests
Assess the signature
Don’t open or download attachments
Delete, mark as spam/junk and report


Lastly: If it’s too good to be true… it probably is.

The above suggestions don’t guarantee your safety from criminal activity. Technology is ever evolving and opportunists are always developing new tactics.

Be vigilant, stay informed of the latest trends and as they say “fore-warned is fore-armed”.



Sources/Further Reading:
Cambridge Dictionary



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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Is your BBBEE Grading impacting your Business?

posted in: General 2

Is your BBBEE Grading impacting your Business?

What is the meaning of BBBEE?

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE or B-BBEE as written by the South African government) is a form of economic empowerment initiated by the South African government in response to criticism against narrow-based empowerment instituted in the country during 2003/2004. It has been said that “B-BBEE legislation is the most significant piece of legislation affecting South African business today”.

The Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 affects all business and individuals in South Africa. It is not only vital for the country’s integrated prosperity, but a catalyst for economic growth. It makes sense to ensure that your BEE rating is as high as possible. Government has taken small and medium-sized businesses in consideration with the development of BBBEE legislation.

You have to be BBBEE compliant to be able to do business in South Africa. One of the 7 elements of the BBBEE scorecard is preferential procurement and supplier development. This is the element that carries the most weight (nearly 40%). If you procure from other entities that are BBBEE compliant your BBBEE score increases. One can see the trickledown effect from suppliers to government down to their suppliers. Once again the goal is to try and achieve a level 4 as this gives you 100% contribution towards preferential procurement.

BBBEE makes it possible for the business to get access to contracts.
BBBEE can help the business to achieve its social responsibility towards the community
BBBEE can result in the acquiring of new customers for the business.
BBBEE can lead to new innovative ideas with the input of the empowering partner.
BBBEE makes it possible for the business to invest in affordable skills development for employees.

The challenge is to improve on your B-BBEE activities and score each year. If your annual turnover is between R 10 million and R 50 million you are defined as a Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE).

The Generic Scorecard includes all seven B-BBEE Elements, namely: Ownership, Management Control, Employment Equity, Skills Development, Preferential Procurement, Enterprise Development, Socio-Economic & Sector Specific Contributions.

How is BEE Compliance Expressed and what Level is considered Compliant?

1 100 or above 135%
2 85 to 99.99 125%
3 75 to 84.99 110%
4 65 to 74.99 100%
5 55 to 64.99 80%
6 45 to 54.99 60%
7 40 to 44.99 50%
8 30 to 39.99 10%
Non Compliant < 30 0%


The codes define three types of companies;

EME below R10 million
EME – exempt micro enterprise – a company that has an annual turnover of less than R10 million. These companies are automatically given a BEE score of 65 points (level 4), and if majority black owned, level 2 and if 100% black owned, level 1

QSE between R10 million and R50 million
QSE – Qualifying Small Enterprise – an enterprise with an annual turnover of between R10 million and R50 million. The QSE will need to fill in a scorecard but use slightly easier targets.

Generic above R50 million
Generic – all companies with a turnover above R50 million per annum.

Benefits of B-BBEE for business

Your clients will know that you are doing whatever it takes to stay ahead in your business – that you mean business and that you are look to them to support your efforts.
You will have a clear picture of what types of supplier you have. A rating would give you leverage to be able to negotiate better discounts, etc. Supplier analysis will assist with your procurement policy development.
Your image will be enhanced by your demonstration of leadership in your industry – be perceived as in step with development initiatives.
By focusing on HR development, enterprise development and BEE, you will demonstrate commitment towards the social, educational and economic developments in the community in which you operate.
Attempt to increase your develop your employees’ skills and potential development as well as your BEE ratings enhance fair and progressive employment practices.
Your staff will see what you are doing, which will boost their morale.
The sooner your business is rated, the sooner you will understand how to develop a BEE strategy to increase your annual BEE rating. Your BEE strategy should form part of your company’s overall strategy plan.
BEE can also be a marketing tool. As a client of BEE Empowered, your company’s name will be listed on our website’s BEE directory and will be available to all those searching for BEE-compliant suppliers.

Don’t get left in the dark. 

A level one contributor is the highest achievable status and the lowest level of BEE compliance is level eight. The higher the BEE status level, the stronger a company is in relation to its competition.


Sources: BeEmpowered

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About Devika Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in January 2010 (12 Years ago). I am presently Deputy HOD of L2Q. I started in the Daily Tenders Bills department and worked my way up to the L2Q department.

CSD – How, Where, Why to Register

posted in: General 6

CSD – How, Where, Why to Register

CSD stands for Central Supplier Database. It came into effect in April 2016. Basically, if you want to participate do business with the South African Government and its entities, you are required to be registered on the CSD.

Below is from the CSD website:

What is the CSD?

The Central Supplier Database (CSD) is a single database that will serve as the source of all supplier information for organs of state. The supplier information will be verified with institutions such as the South African Revenue Service, Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, Department of Home Affairs etc. All suppliers will be required to complete the required information on the CSD website and must ensure it is complete, accurate and comprehensive.

What do I need to register on the CSD?

Depending on the supplier type, the following would be amongst the required information:

  • A valid cell-phone number to receive a One Time Pin (OTP);
  • A valid email account;
  • Supplier identification information e.g. identification number or company registration number or trust number, etc.;
  • Industry classification information;
  • Supplier contact information e.g. preferred contact name, email address, cell-phone number, telephone number etc.;(Note: Please ensure that you provide all relevant numbers where available i.e. telephone number (landline), cell-phone number, fax number, toll-free number, website address. This is to enable the Organ of State practitioners to reach you when intending to contact you for procurement purposes) ;
  • Supplier address information e.g. country, province, municipality, city, suburb, ward, and postal code;
  • Bank account information if relevant to ensure future payments; (Note: It is critical to refer to the banking FAQ on the OCPO website prior to capturing your bank information. Verification against the banks may take up to four (4) days, please complete this information in advance to prevent payment delays);
  • Supplier tax information if relevant;
  • Directors/Members information, e.g. name and identification number of directors, members etc.;
  • Commodities the supplier can provide; (Note: commodities need to be captured accurately as they are used by the Organ of State practitioners to search goods and services required by them. The delivery locations of commodities must be accurate to prevent you from not responding to request for quotations sent from practitioners in areas where you do not supply commodities); and
  • Accreditations the supplier is associated with e.g. CIDB, SETA, SANAS etc. if relevant.

How do I register on the CSD?

You are required to follow a two-stage, self-registration process:

How do I know I am successfully registered?

The registration is complete once the supplier information is assigned a Supplier number and a 36-digit Unique Registration Reference Number.

How do I obtain a registration report?

  • Click on Report, followed by Registration;
  • Enter your Supplier number and the Unique Registration Reference Number;
  • Click View Report.

I sent a list of questions through to the CSD on 10 December 2018, in a bid to not only get some answers to questions but also to see how responsive they were to my queries. You are able to contact the CSD directly through their website, by using their Provide Feedback option. I have corresponded with them previously, and haven’t had any complaints about their response time, and with this little test; I was impressed. They responded a couple of hours after I emailed them. Below are the questions I sent and the answers, I received:

Q. How long, on average, does it take from beginning to registered?

A. It takes about 20 minutes to register a supplier. The bank takes up to four business days to verify after registering.

Q. Which form of communication is encouraged by the CSD? Through the website, telephone or the Walk-In Centres?

A: All those forms of communication are encouraged, it depends which one you prefer.

Q. What info is required should a supplier use a Walk-In Centre?

A. To register in the walking center one should bring their ID, tax clearance, banking details (business account), CK (depends what type of business it is).

Q. Is there any company/ supplier that doesn’t have to be registered on the CSD?

A. Everyone that wishes to conduct business with the government needs to register on CSD.

Q. Does a supplier’s registration lapse?

A. As long as you pay your CIPC annual fee, you will not be de-registered.

Q. How does a supplier de-activate their registration, i.e. remove themselves from the CSD?

A. One can deactivate or delete their profile at any point. When deleted, the supplier number cannot be retrieved back.

Q. How many companies can be registered per profile?

A. You can register up to five (5) companies under your profile.

Q. Is the CSD involved in payment being made to suppliers for services rendered?

A. The department that awarded the tender will be responsible for payment for services rendered.

Contacting the CSD:

The website address is https://secure.csd.gov.za/

There are various ways to contact the CSD, the main being National support: csd@treasury.gov.za

012 406 9222

The direct link for all the Provincial options is https://secure.csd.gov.za/Feedback/ProvincialContacts

There are seven Provincial Walk-In Centres:

Walk-In Centres

National Treasury

National Treasury

240 Madiba Street, City of Tshwane, Pretoria, Gauteng

Free State

Free State Provincial Treasury

Fidel Castro Building, 55 Elizabeth Street, Mangaung, Bloemfontein,

Free State

Eastern Cape

Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury

Tyamzashe Building, Phalo Avenue, Bhisho, Buffalo City, Eastern Cape

Western Cape

City of Cape Town

12 Hertzog Boulevard, 2nd Floor Civic Centre Building, Cape Town,

Western Cape


Limpopo Provincial Treasury

56 Paul Kruger Street, Capricorn, Polokwane, Limpopo


Mpumalanga Provincial Government

Building No 4, Lower Ground Floor, 7 Government Boulevard, Ehlanzeni, Mbombela, Nelspruit,


Kwa-Zulu Natal

Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial Treasury

Treasury House, 145 Chief Albert Luthuli Road, Msunduzi, uMgungundlovu, Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal




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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit the Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

The Ultimate Trades Guide

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Ultimate Trades Guide

A Trade as defined on our platform is the commodity, goods or services that your company

Leads 2 Business provides a platform where you can get listed and specify your trades on our comprehensive Directory of Clients, Professionals, Contractors and Suppliers.

Why wait for business?

Present opportunities for your company, with a trade specific approach to new business, engage with Buyers who are looking for services or products within your scope of work.



Are you looking for the following?

  • Bill of Quantities converted and coded according to distinct trades which are then system generated to formulate a Request for Quote (RfQ).
  • Effortless, fast, online communication between Contractors and Suppliers using our electronic pricing enquiry platform.
  • The ability to select from our database of suppliers and send trade and region specific Request for Quotes (RfQ).
  • A dedicated support team that will assist in the progress of your quotations.

RFQ System


  • Take an active approach and generate new business, get listed on our extensive Directory.
  • Define your scope of business, list your products, trades, services and serviceable regions.
  • Gain access to Bills that match your trades and serviceable areas.
  • Become a preferred supplier.
  • Respond to contractors directly using our unique and remarkable online pricing platform.
  • Get alerts on awarded contracts
  • Give your business the edge, an extraordinary user friendly platform, used extensively in the construction industry that could open your business up to dynamic prospects.

Subscribe to L2Q

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If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit Leads 2 Business.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit the Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Lola Govender

My name is Lola Govender. I have been working at L2B for 14 years and am very passionate about our business.

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