Featured Project: Venetia Diamond Mine, Limpopo



South Africa’s largest diamond mine, the De Beers-owned Venetia, situated in the Limpopo Province (approximately 80 km west of Musina and 36 km east of Alldays) is expected to take the mine underground at a capital cost of R6.5 billion. Underground operations will access resources at an increased depth of about 1 000m below the surface. The features of the first phase of the expansion included new earthmoving vehicles (EMVs), a new primary crusher and a new fines residue deposit facility, as well as associated infrastructure, which includes a new filling station and a 1 310-m2 extension to the existing EMV workshop. The ramp-up infrastructure for Cut 4 will take the Venetia mine to 2014. Phase one is Complete. Phase two of the expansion will tackle the requirements for the ramp up to Cut 5, which will take the mine to 2021.

















R 100 million+



2013 onwards





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About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

Featured Project: Parliamentary Village Infrastructure, Phase 2

Description: Construction of internal bulk infrastructure and services, internal roads and intersections for the proposed Provincial Parliamentary Village, phase 2 in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga CIDB 8CE

Status: Tender

Industry: Residential

Region: Nelspruit

Sector: Public

Value: R61 Million – R100 Million 

Timing: 2018 onwards.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here


About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

Featured Project: Giyani Regional Mall

Description: Construction of a 36 000m² extension to the existing 12 000m² Masingita Mall, located on Malamulele Road in Giyani, Limpopo, resulting in a total GLA of 48 000m². This will then be the biggest shopping centre in the Mopani District. The mall opens up to the riverine that runs from the north eastern side through to the south western side of the site. This is where the hub of the centre is and where the entertainment and food court is situated. In addition to the anchors, there will be a number of fashion outlets, including but not limited to the Foschini Group, the Pepkor Group, the Edcon Group, Truworths and the first Woolworths to enter the rural market. 

Status: Tender

Industry: Retail

Region: Giyani

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+ 

Timing: Centre opening is planned for April 2018

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details click here

About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

Did you know #DYK: Projekbestuurs Maatskappye en Hul Projekte

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Projekbestuurs Maatskappye en Hul Projekte

Om voort te gaan op die tema van hierdie maande se ‘blogs’ van Projekbestuur, laat ek jou inlig oor ‘n paar projekbestuurs maatskappye en waarmee hulle besig was of is. Die beskrywings van die maatskappy se doelwitte, prestasies en etos is uittreksels van elke individuele maatskappy se webwerf.


SIP Project Managers


SIP Projekbestuurders is in 1978 gestig met hulle eerste projek wat die Sun City-hotel was. SIP was in die voorpunt van die oprigting van projekbestuur as ‘n professie in Suid-Afrika, en daarna is dit gegrond op hulle ervaring om te verseker wat die beroep was. Geformaliseer en verantwoordbaar deur die oprigting van die Vereniging van Konstruksie Projek bestuurders (ACPM), wat die enigste erkende vrywillige vereniging van professionele bouprojek bestuurders in Suid-Afrika is. Oor die afgelope paar jaar het konstruksie projekte al hoe meer kompleks geword, uitgebrei oor meer komplekse tegnologie, sowel as die sosio-ekonomiese en omgewings impak wat projekbestuurders dus nodig het om projekte van bevrugting tot en met voltooiing en bedryf te hanteer. Met 34 jaar ondervinding en ‘n portefeulje van hoëprofiel projekte het SIP hoogs gesogte geword en het suksesvolle en konsekwent hoë kwaliteit projekte gelewer.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
The Strand Hotel, Swakopmund, Namibia (PPA4443) (Complete)
102 Rivonia Road, Gauteng (PPA10169) (Complete)
Fourways Mall Expansion, Gauteng (PPA4220) (Underway)
Embassy Towers, Gauteng (PPA14796) (Underway)
Pearls of Umhlanga, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA1988) (Underway)
ETV Building, Western Cape (PPA18429) (Design)

Turner & Townsend (Pty) Ltd


Vir meer as 70 jaar het ons bygedra om transformasie programme oor die eiendomsbedryf, infrastruktuur en natuurlike hulpbronne te lewer. Wat ‘n verskil maak in mense se lewens en ‘n opbrengs op belegging vir ons kliënte en hul beleggers te verseker. In daardie tyd het die landskap vir kapitaal projekte voortdurend ontwikkel, en ons was gedurig n sprong voor die res, met duidelike denke en streng prosesse. Waar ander ingewikkeldheid sien, is ons een stap vorentoe. Met ons beproefde metodologieë, diepte van ondervinding en data en insigte, vind ons ‘n pad om die ambisieuse doelwitte wat ons kliënte gestel het, te bereik. Ons het ook ons ambisieuse doelwitte gestel en ‘n werklike globale onderneming opgebou. Omskep hoe ons dinge doen om te verseker dat al die kennis en innovasie wat ons genereer, deur ons globale spanne gedeel word. In ‘n ewigdurende verandering wêreld, as die kliënt se uitdagings skuif en druk om opbrengs op beleggings-aandrywing ooit hoër te lewer, sal ons steeds nuwe maniere vind om ‘n verskil te maak. Dit is nie net ‘n uitkoms waarvoor ons streef nie – dit is een wat ons bestuur, en gee ons ons unieke perspektief op die wêreld.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
ABSA Capital, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA3707) (Complete)
103 Melrose Office, Gauteng (PPA20031) (Underway)
Radisson Blu Safari Resort, Mpumalanga (PPA6769) (Tender)
Bellville Medical Centre, Western Cape (PPA17994) (Underway)
Chevron Head Office, Western Cape (PPA9462) (Complete)

Focus Pm & QS


FOCUS is ‘n professionele konstruksie projekbestuurs- en bourekenaar maatskappy wat ‘n bedryfs-voetspoor in Suid-Afrika en geselekteerde plekke buite die grense van Suid-Afrika in die res van die vasteland en die Middeooste dek. Alhoewel ‘n jong en dinamiese firma, is dit een wat sentraal staan in sy kern, ‘n kultuur van onwrikbare professionaliteit en uitnemendheid. Dit het die maatskappy verskans tot ‘n posisie waar dit vertrou kan word om hoë waarde en komplekse projekte in beide die privaat en openbare sektore te lewer. Die maatskappy is verantwoordelik vir die bestuur van belangrike ikoniese projekte in die eiendomsbedryf. FOCUS is ‘n meerderheids belanghebbende bemagtigings maatskappy wat die gees van Suid-Afrika uitbeeld. Ons SEB-beginsels is in die stof van die maatskappy geïntegreer en is op alle vlakke sigbaar.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Eastgate Offices Redevelopment, Gauteng (PPA16871) (Complete)
Workshop Updated, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA16063) (Complete)
Mpumalanga High Court, Mpumalanga (PPA10459) (Complete)
Park Square, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA18759) (Underway)

MDSA Project and Construction Management (Pty) Ltd


Met meer as 15 jaar ondervinding is MDSA Projek- en Konstruksie bestuur (Edms) ‘n dinamiese maatskappy wat spesialiseer in ‘n volledige reeks Projek bestuur, Konstruksie bestuur, Huurder koördinasie en Kliënt verteenwoordiging in industriële, kommersiële, kantoor- en kleinhandel-georiënteerde projekte, beide in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland. Ons dienste behels programmering, kontrak dokumentasie, sertifisering, toesig oor die terrein, koördinering van alle direkte kontrakte en die ooreenkoms van finale koste met kontrakteurs. Ons verbind tot uitstekende diens deur te fokus op kwaliteit, tyd en koste, aangesien ons daarna streef om die kliënt se vereistes met doeltreffendheid en wêreldklas diens te bestuur deur middel van ‘n proaktiewe, praktiese benadering. Ons glo dat ons sukses gebaseer is op ons vermoë om vooruit te beplan deur potensiële probleme te voorkom, eerder as om in krisis bestuur vasgevang te word. Ons sien ons maatskappy as deel van die oplossing en voeg waarde toe tydens die ontwerp- en bou proses. Ons glo MDSA is die ideale maatskappy om saam te werk aangesien ons ‘n verskil maak deur die ekstra myl te gaan.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Greenacres Shopping Expansion, Eastern Cape (PPA10729) (Underway)
Woolworths Distribution Centre, Western Cape (PPA18975) (Underway)
Lynnridge Mall Expansion, Gauteng (PPA17029) (Complete)
Zimbali Suites, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA14478) (Complete)
Whale Coast Village Mall, Western Cape (PPA17913) (Underway)


Orion Projects


Ons is trots op ons integriteit, en glo dit is die sleutel tot ons sukses. Ons is pioniers van nuwe tegnieke en praktyke wat help om die standaarde vas te stel waardeur ons bedryf beoordeel word. Ons besigheidswaardes is gebaseer op die volgende etiek: Integriteit in woord en daad, respek vir mense, kliënt tevredenheid, sosiale verantwoordelikheid, individuele ontwikkeling en persoonlike groei, kwaliteit van diens, spanwerk, goeie kommunikasie, innovasie en kreatiwiteit, professionaliteit, besigheidsetiek, deursigtigheid in finansiële sake, vertroulikheid van inligting, om konflik van belange te vermy. Ons doelwit is om klein, medium en mikro-ondernemings (KMMO’s) te vestig, te ontwikkel en te ondersteun wat voorheen benadeelde (Swart, Asiatiese en Kleurling) segmente van die bevolking as lewensvatbare verskaffers tot die mark is. Alhoewel dit ‘n besigheidsinisiatief is, gegrond op gesonde sakebeginsels, skep dit werksgeleenthede en ondersteun die Heropbou en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP).

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Sasol Secunda Mall, Mpumalanga (PPA9597) (Complete)
Glen Shopping Mall, Food Court, Gauteng (PPA20026) (Underway)
Mall of the North, Limpopo (PPA4945) (Complete)
1 Protea Place, Gauteng (PPA6612) (Complete)
Discovery Health, Gauteng (PPA911) (Complete)


Profica Project Managers


Profica is ‘n toonaangewende konstruksie- en eiendomsoplossings-maatskappy wat kundige ontwikkelings-, projek- en konstruksie bestuurs-dienste aan hoëprofiel kliënte lewer. Ons bedryf oor baie sektore op die vasteland van Afrika en het ‘n indrukwekkende rekord vir globale kundigheid, plaaslike kennis en diens uitnemendheid opgebou. Met die fokus op professionele konstruksie projek bestuur, is Profica ‘n bekroonde span wat betroubaarheid aan ons kliënte bied. Profica bied selfstandige konsultasie oplossings vir die eiendoms- en konstruksie bedrywe en is ‘n professionele konstruksie projek-bestuurs maatskappy gefokus op kliëntediens en waarde-skepping. Profica het ‘n span professionele geakkrediteerde en hoogs geskoolde professionele konstruksie-projekbestuurders en eiendomsontwikkelings bestuurders met kantore in Suider-Afrika, Oos- en Wes-Afrika gevestig, met permanente personeel op die grond regdeur Afrika suid van die Sahara. Profica se projekbestuurders het komplekse en hoëprofiel projekte oor baie sektore en oor Afrika en die wêreld gelewer, van planne deur ontwerp en konstruksie tot suksesvolle voltooiing. 2015 was Profica se tiende bestaansjaar in die verskaffing van wêreldklasdienste aan ons kliënte.

Projekte beskibaar op L2B webwerf:
Southgate Mall Refurb, Gauteng (PPA19891) (Underway)
Chatsworth Centre Upgrade, Kwazulu-Natal (PPA19602) (Underway)
Capital on the Park, Gauteng (PPA14832) (Complete)
Gugulethu Square Mall, Western Cape (PPA6604) (Complete)
Forest Hill Regional Mall, Gauteng (PPA10063) (Complete)

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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

L2B Blog: Can Smart cities save the world?

posted in: General 0

Can Smart cities save the world?

Before we can determine how the world can be saved we need to understand what a smart city is. A smart city should be able to provide a technology framework that enables the citizens, businesses, government and non-government entities to be able to utilise received information and communication. This means a smart city would need a foundation of high-speed connectivity to ensure effective data collection and only once this is in place, would a city be in the position to address any and all challenges to become “smart”.

There are a large number of challenges and obstacles that stand in the way of smart cities becoming a reality in South Africa. Our infrastructure is underdeveloped and ageing and a major challenge would be the lack of skills in the workforce. The lack of this essential workforce is a hindrance to the progress of smart cities nationally. As well as training, tech-savvy people are a necessity, ones that understand and can use IT systems even when under pressure. Regretfully, the development of this required workforce does not happen overnight.

The implied benefits in living in a smart city are numerous but requires that the ‘smart’ is implemented correctly and of course well managed (SA still has a long way to go here) Governments and municipalities would be better managed and improved, for example, network sensors could be placed in the drainage system and any problems would be timeously detected, for example, where blockages are occurring, capability during flooding and also real time information on any trouble spots. More online services would cut down on process cost and time resulting in efficiency. A good example of heading towards “smart” is that you are now able to submit your tax return online (those queues were a nightmare!)….hurry up Home Affairs, you need to get smart too!

All over the world people are going about their daily lives, eating meals, shopping, working in offices, using their mobile phones and travelling, be it to school, work or play. More and more people are flocking to the cities from rural areas and this is why cities are responsible for 80% of global energy consumption, contributing to over half the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and this trend does not seem to be decreasing. If we want to tackle climate change, changing the way we consume energy in cities would be the way to start.

There are 5 key areas emerging for ‘smart’ services that enable a sustainable, low carbon city.
1. Monitoring and managing the “footprint” of the city for decision-makers
2. Connected mobility solutions to enable modal shift, and electric vehicles
3. Distributed and community energy solutions
4. Smarter buildings that are transparent about energy consumption, use and generation
5. Smart energy, water and waste management

It is a scary thought that by 2050, two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in urban areas and even scarier is the fact that Africa’s urban populations are growing at twice the rate of the rest of the world but… it is not all gloom and doom, there is increasing evidence that emissions can decrease while economies continue to grow. The answer is….low-carbon trajectory, which is actually feasible and makes good sense. In the past, growth was the main measure of economic success, but this growth is presenting huge challenges for Governments. More people means increased consumption of valuable resources such as water and energy (we are certainly aware of our current water situation). More people in the cities means that more services are required e.g. firefighters, police, medical care and education and often the services are required before enough taxes are received to cover their costs.

So, instead of measuring physical growth, a city’s success should be measured by its utilisation of resources such as water, energy and others. To be measured further by its ability to maintain a high quality of life for its residents. In other words, cities HAVE to become smarter about how they use existing capacity and resources in order to save the world.



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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

The Big Five


the big five NAMES


Johannesburg, the concrete capital of South Africa houses the head offices of the “Big Five” construction companies. It’s a jungle out there…..

The Lion –

Murray & Roberts is a leading engineering and construction services group of companies. It has predominantly delivered infrastructure projects throughout South and Southern Africa for more than 110 years, and is today recognised as an international engineering and construction group. Murray & Roberts is a group of world-class companies and brands aligned to the same purpose and vision, and guided by the same set of values. The Group offers engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning, operations and maintenance services in the oil & gas, underground mining, power and water as well as the civil infrastructure and building markets. Murray & Roberts is headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, and is listed on the JSE Limited. It has offices in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and Ghana, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and South Korea, Scotland, Canada, the USA and Chile. Their values are: Integrity – Respect – Care – Accountability – Commitment. The purpose of the company – Delivery of infrastructure in a sustainable way to facilitate economic and social development. By 2020 they aim to be a leading diversified project engineering, procurement and construction group in selected natural resources sectors and supporting infrastructure.

The Rhino –

Aveng Grinaker-LTA is a multi-disciplinary construction and engineering group that delivers landmark projects. The company combines African roots – and a proud South African heritage going back 117 years – with an unwavering commitment to world-class safety and quality. Their expertise in building, civil engineering, roads, earthworks, concrete, ground engineering, mechanical and electrical is delivered through focused business units acting in synergy. Every aspect of Aveng Grinaker-LTA’s business is shaped by their core values of: Safety, Accountability, Integrity, Client satisfaction and employee fulfillment. Aveng Mining is one of only four deep-level shaft sinking companies worldwide and is involved in all aspects across the mining value chain, ranging from shaft sinking, underground development and contract mining, opencast mining, mineral processing and acid mine drainage plants, to construction of mining related infrastructure and the supply if mining equipment and products. Aveng Manufacturing manufactures and supplies construction products to the construction sector, services and engineered solutions to mining, water, oil and gas and construction clients, and rail construction and maintenance services to the transport sector. Aveng Steel supplies a wide product range to the steel construction and automotive industries in domestic markets, from its extensive steel yards, modern and comprehensive processing centres and manufacturing plants.

The Leopard –

Stefanutti Stocks is one of South Africa’s leading multidisciplinary construction groups with over 12 000 employees and the capacity to deliver a range of infrastructure development projects to its clients across diverse sectors. All South African operations are divisions of Stefanutti Stocks (Pty) Ltd, a Level Three B-BBEE contributor. This large South African construction company has a Grade 9 rating from the South African Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), providing it with unlimited tender capability. Furthermore, its broad spectrum of expertise means that it has the capability and capacity to offer a single point responsibility on multidisciplinary (infrastructure development) projects, effectively removing the interface risk from the clients’ domain. Vision: A dynamic group delivering complete construction and contracting solutions. Mission: Maximise stakeholder value by building a sustainable business presence in Africa and targeted international markets. This will be achieved by being the preferred construction partner for all their stakeholders; Professional conduct which will establish a track record of industry excellence; Being a desirable place of work, a natural home for creativity, enthusiasm and personal safety. They are active in South Africa and across sub-Saharan Africa including in Benin, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE) they have established businesses in Dubai, Abu-Dhabi and Qatar.

The Buffalo –

The origins of the present group date back to 1970 when Wilson-Holmes [Pty] Ltd was formed by John Wilson and Brian Holmes.A number of mergers followed resulting in the name being changed to Wilson Bayly Holmes (Pty) Limited in 1983 and finally to WBHO Construction in 1994.Today the group is one of the largest construction companies in Southern Africa and is listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange. The driving force behind WBHO is a core of dedicated, hands-on management professionals whose experience spans decades of major construction projects in southern Africa, the Middle East and various Indian Ocean islands. The fact that the management and staff have a significant shareholding in the company means that you can be assured of 100% commitment. WBHO’s offices are strategically located in Sandton, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London. Construction activities, which cover the full spectrum, are divided into three main operating divisions, Building Construction, Civil Engineering and Roads and Earthworks. Their Australian subsidiary, Probuild Constructions, has its headquarters in Melbourne.

The Elephant –

Group Five was established in 1974. Today, the group is an integrated construction services, material and infrastructure investments group operating in over 25 countries with over 10 000 people in its employ. Group Five has a Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Level 9 rating. The group has a Level 2 Construction Charter Broad Based Black Employment Equity (BBBEE) rating. Key Contracts: Mining, Industrial, Power, Oil and Gas, Water and Environment, Real Estate and Transport. The group has structured its operations across three business clusters. When combined, these deliver multiple profit streams from a single contract namely Investments and Concessions, Manufacturing and Engineering and Construction. The new Group Five Head Office, was awarded a “5-Star Green Star SA – Office Design v1” rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) in 2014. The building was one of only seven buildings in Gauteng to receive this prestigious rating. It was also the first building in Waterfall City to receive a Green Star SA rating. This leading green building was designed by LYT Architects and benefited from the sustainable design expertise of WSP Africa. The building was completed in January 2014 and was valued at R500 million on completion. Bulk earthworks for this 25 500sqm headquarters began in July 2012.

Stefanutti Stocks

About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

Local News: Drought in KZN



A little bit of rain has fallen, the valleys and hills in the Kwazulu-Natal Midlands have turned a lush green…..makes it hard to believe that we are in the midst of a debilitating drought. But the reality is, Kwazulu-Natal (and most of South Africa) is experiencing one of the worst droughts ever and many towns have run out of water, subsistence farmers have lost their crops and cattle farmers have lost their herds.
Excerpt of a recent news article posted on the official website of the eThekweni Municipality reads as follows:
The Kwazulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department has warned that despite the recent rainfall, the prolonged drought remains severe. MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Nomusa Dube-Ncube, said the province would need weeks and weeks of sustained rainfall to refill its fast declining water reservoirs to return to water levels considered safe and sustainable”.
Is there anything more that you and I could do?
I am an avid reader and have read many books including some about cowboys and Indians and then I thought….what about a rain dance!?! This is what we need to do! Only problem is, I am not native American and also have no idea on how to do a rain dance, so….my go-to place when I am unsure….Google…off I went to do some research on how to do a Rain Dance and eHow.com was very helpful!
Things You’ll Need
• Comfortable clothing
• Moccasins or tennis or aerobic shoes
• Music with a steady beat featuring a flute or drum
How to do the Rain Dance:
Step 1
Form two lines parallel to each other and about four feet apart. Men stand in one line; women in the other.

Step 2
Step forward with your left foot.

Step 3
Raise your right foot while moving forward and bring that foot to the floor. The men can stomp more vigorously than the women.

Step 4
Continue to step forward in this way–left foot, right foot higher, stomp to floor. Unlike other Native American dances performed in a circle, rain dancers move in a square pattern around the sides of the room or area in which they’re dancing.

Step 5 

During one measure of the song, and while moving forward, face to the right. During the next measure, face to the left. A zigzagging pattern is formed as you continue on in this manner.

Step 6
Between measures, dancers can stop and twirl in imitation of the wind, which is showing the promise of rain. The women may chant or sing the song that’s playing, and the men can yelp with the beat.
Tips & Warnings
• Find authentic Native American music to accompany your dance.
• For an actual performance, use accessories traditionally worn by American Indians specifically for a rain dance. Feathers and turquoise incorporated into headdresses represented the wind and rain. Men and women wear masks made from feathers, horsehair and goat hair, and strips of turquoise. The women’s masks hid their faces, their shawls covered their hands, and they wore long black dresses, making their bare feet the only parts of their bodies exposed.
• Dance as slowly or vigorously as your health allows.
• Do not do this dance if your doctor has restricted your activity.
Come on folks, lets do this!!! If this does not work i.e. no rain falls during or after, not all is lost. I am sure that we would have had a fun time, with lots of laughter and pointing at our friends and colleagues, and maybe, just for a short while, we would not have thought about our problems and lack of water.


About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

Creating Value!

Creating Value!




The Business Dictionary says “The performance of actions that increase the worth of goods, services or even a business. Many business operators now focus on value creation both in the context of creating better value for customers purchasing its products and services, as well as for shareholders in the business who want to see their stake appreciate in value”.


Value has different connotations for different people but fundamentally the process of creating value remains the same regardless of your walk in life. To create value means you need to generate something that someone else wants…..just how valuable they find that something depends on you! Value isn’t fixed or tangible; it is perceived benefit. In other words, value is in the mind of the beholder. Just how strong that perception of value is, depends on you.


There are three possible ways to create value –
New Items
More Items
Better Items


New items would most likely be the most difficult to achieve because you might need to think out of the box, find something you are not already marketing and pitch it to your client. This might mean you need to rethink the scope of what you offer your clients, a new item might mean a whole new scope added to your company but this would be twofold, creating value for your client as well as your company, I mean, you not going to add something that would be to the detriment of your own company now, would you? Change is the only constant in today’s business world. The ability to act quickly, that is, to adapt or respond, as customers make special requests, competitive requirements change, or the unexpected happens, keeps you on your toes, looking for additional ways to create value.


More items means expanding on what you already offer and the ability to deliver what you promise in that glowing brochure that you originally lured the client with. This can be done in a several ways, for example, you could have a feedback system from your clients asking them for ideas on how to improve and what they require to run their businesses more efficiently (this could also result in a new item as discussed earlier) or you could increase the number of items that you offer but not increase your subscription rate or you could give an incentive to subscribers that have been with you for a while, sort of a “loyalty” discount i.e. the longer you stay with us, the less you pay! Now isn’t that a nice way to create value….


Better items, I mean, who does not like to get more than their monies worth? In today’s world, you don’t have to stay with a company that is not performing for you, there are lots of choices out there. Creating better value with impact simply means you need to deliver a more powerful punch behind the value that you currently have. Pay attention to exactly what customers find compelling. Deliver your compelling offerings by finding new, more or better items to increase or create value in your business for your client.


“Price is what you pay, value is what you get” Warren Buffett







About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

Profile of a Green Building

Green Building



Buildings play a huge role in addressing environmental concerns. They contribute around 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions and the same proportion of waste. Unfortunately South Africa is in the top 20 list of worst offenders.

Green building is essential because we are running out of resources. We live in a time of global climate change challenges, increasing regulatory pressures for greater energy efficiency and carbon reduction, consumer interest, and employee pressure on corporations.

A green building can be thought of as a living organism, and as with all living things, it must have a nurturing environment to achieve sustained health and performance over its life. Such buildings are designed for economic and environmental performance over time, with an appreciation for unique local climate and cultural needs, ultimately providing for the health, safety, and productivity of building occupants. Architectural, systems, and end-use design, coupled with continual care and monitoring, lead to lower energy use, reduced CO2 emissions, and focused environmental stewardship while providing long term value to the community, building occupants, and building owners. Triple bottom line benefits can be expected—measurable benefits for people, profit, and the planet.

The energy dilemma is here to stay. Our planet faces an unprecedented energy challenge, with global energy demand growing faster than current production capacity, resulting in diminishing supplies and increasing prices. By 2050, energy demand will double in order to keep pace with demographic, economic, and industrial growth throughout the world. Within this same timeline, we must cut in half the amount of carbon gas emissions compared to 1990 levels to avoid the dramatic consequences of climate change that will affect every citizen, business, and country.

Working environments have a significant impact on employee productivity, and green buildings offer better day lighting, outdoor views, and indoor air quality for occupants to enjoy. These features of a healthy work environment help to attract and retain employees. Moreover, occupant comfort and satisfaction reduces sick time, improves workplace occupancy rates (office spaces are typically unoccupied 30% of the time) and most importantly, improves productivity.

The new Group Five Head Office within the Waterfall Commercial Business Park located midway between Pretoria and Johannesburg is a good example of a Green Building in South Africa.

The sustainable building features include:
• 70% of all demolition and construction waste was recycled or reused.
• 80% of the office UA has access to views of the outdoors
• Low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) paints, carpets and sealants have been specified and low formaldehyde composite timber products will be used in the shop fitting.
• Water saving is achieved by capturing rainwater for reuse within the building
• 50% of the timber is specified to be either Forest Stewardship Council Certified, reused or to have a post-consumer recycled content.
• The site will develop a watercourse protection plan to ensure that there is no degradation of the Jukskei River as a result of activities from the Group Five site.

Project floor areas of the Group Five site : Total gross floor area (GFA) 39 617m², total commercial office area 24 661m² and car parking area 27 539m². This office building achieved 5 Star Green Star SA – Office v1 Design Rating in December 2013.

These are ten points (in no particular order) that green buildings are already doing in different parts of the world:
1. Green buildings can command rents as much as 10% above the norm.
2. Green buildings improve productivity.
3. Green buildings show respect for the people who use them.
4. Green buildings raise the quality and standard of buildings generally.
5. Green buildings inspire innovation.
6. Green buildings encourage learning about what works and what doesn’t.
7. Green buildings can help electricity utilities by reducing peak demands.
8. Green buildings raise awareness of what constitutes a high quality environment.
9. Green buildings can trade energy
10. Green buildings present exciting new challenges for environmental stewardship.

So that’s the list. You may have noticed the absence of the most obvious benefit of a green building: its reduced environmental impact. But since that is, in essence, what a green building is all about, it goes without saying.


About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

How does early project development benefit me and my company?

Early Private Project Construction Benefits


I have to revert back to the dictionary again and break that heading down, just the keywords, those are the important ones:

  • Early: Dictionary.com says “in or during the first part of a period of time, a course of action, a series of events”,
  • Benefit and its dictionary.com definition is: “Something that promotes or enhances well-being; an advantage”.


So, I could change the heading to: How does a course of action involving developments promote myself and my company? Conceptual is the earliest stage that we add new projects, normally this entails various studies that still need to be done, business plans, feasibility studies etc. This is an opportunity for everyone, might be a little early for the contractor to start sharpening his tools but he will know about this development and can follow the progress through the early stages while waiting to pounce when it’s his turn but if your forte is turning an idea into a viable business plan, this could be your moment. Procedural is still pretty early and here is when environmental studies will be done. There is a strong possibility that a professional team has not been appointed yet and this is where the Project Managers, Developers, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and Architects can ply their trade and promote themselves as to why they would be the best person for the job. Design is a little later but still early enough in the game and perhaps the rest the professional team is still being sourced….this is your cue, call the contact that is listed on the project and promote you and your company should your profession not be listed. Today could be your day. We let you know about the opportunity as early as possible and being proactive you would use the opportunity to benefit you and your company.


For more information on Leads 2 Business, please visit www.L2B.co.za

About Debbie Wessels

I started at Leads 2 Business in April 2008 in the tenders Department and transferred to the Projects Department during the same year. I was appointed Head of Department for Projects from February 2011 to March 2022. April 2022 I started a new adventure as Content Regulator.

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