Featured Company: Rho-Tech Holdings cc

Read about who’s who in the Industry: RHO-TECH like to think of what they do – specialising in the manufacture, supply and installation of HDPE piping solutions across Southern Africa – as more than just a business transaction between them and their markets, but as an exchange between friends. Their customers become part of their business – it’s thanks to them that, despite the current difficult economic climate, they’ve been able to sustain such tremendous growth over the past two decades. RHO-TECH’s two major market focuses are providing HDPE Piping Solutions and Structural and Pultruded Fibreglass Technology. They service numerous industries, including infrastructure development and manufacturing. Take a look at some of their projects.


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About Wendy De Wet

I joined Leads 2 Business as an Account Executive in July 2011 and was part of the dynamic sales team in JHB for 2 years. I relocated to the beautiful city of Durban in 2013 and absolutely love KZN. I am very proud to be part of the L2B family and Legacy!

Featured Company: Maswazi Marketing & Distribution

Read about who’s who in the Industry: Maswazi Marketing & Distribution is a woman-owned distribution agency that was established with the aim of simplifying the procurement of engineering products in the geotextile industry through solution-driven supply. Mazwazi serves various industries such as media, digital, civil engineering, construction and mining.

Maswazi Marketing & Distribution

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward