L2B Blog: Blasting & Explosives Technology

When we think of blasting & explosives the first thing that comes to mind for most is a building crumbling or the eruption of something catastrophic. Detonators & dynamite & a few seconds later there is a building implosion, leaving many in awe as a once beautiful building, now lays in a midst of dust & rubble. Did one ever wonder how this process happens, what actually goes into blasting & explosives?

Let’s take an insightful journey into the wonderful world of blasting’s & explosives.

What are explosives: Explosives are materials that produce violent chemical or nuclear reactions.


Boom! Did you hear that explosion? It sounded like a thousand sticks of dynamite blowing up at once. Can you imagine what that might look and sound like? Dynamite was used dating back to our forefathers & is still used today. These are the 4 main industries that use dynamite i.e. construction, mining, quarrying & demolition. An interesting fact, dynamite was used as a weapon in the military but in time other explosives took over & dynamite became a thing of the past


Blasting in the mining industry: In the mining cycle blasting is imperative. In almost every aspect of mining, rocks are broken by drilling & blasting. This technology is the process of breaking down material by using a certain amount of explosives on a mine site. Too many explosives on a mine site can cause damage to rocks & the caving of rocks. A more traditional method of blasting is using black powder & dynamite. The more common explosive used today is ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil).


What is civil blasting: The most important function of civil blasting is for breaking, removing or demolishing rock of different sizes. So think about how roads are formed. The preparation that goes into forming this long stretched highway. Blasting is one of the most important functions, to ensure the road maintains a certain level, as well any hard rock found under is removed before the roadworks begin.


Building implosions: A building implosion has to be strategically planned, well timed & executed. The detonation has to be on point, so that the structure collapses on itself, in the blink of an eye. The reason for this well-executed implosion is to minimize damage to its surroundings. Building implosion is not just related to buildings, although the terminology, this includes bridges, towers, tunnels etc. History is quite amazing the first ever attempt at a building implosion was in 1773 in Ireland of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.


Technology does control the present & definitely the future with improvements being made every day. So picture great beaming machines, built of bolts, gleaming metal & revolutionized with technology, in the click of a button, from the comfort of your office a building or mine site can be blown up.


Blasting footage: https://youtu.be/6Fw3omoCxRs








Image Sources:

Collapsing building


Blasting rock


About Meryl Matthew

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I am a friendly, bubbly, enthusiastic person. I am passionate about sales & customer service. My motto "when you know better you do better".

Did you Know #DYK: 10 things you should know about demolition

posted in: Did You Know 0


10 things you should know about demolition

1. What is Demolition?

Demolition is a very exciting and fast phase of construction. For a complete demolition, a home can come down and be entirely removed from the site in a day or two. While demolition is typically fast and messy, it’s not necessarily mindless and uncomplicated.

There’s actually quite a bit to know about demolition; beginning demolition without a clear strategy can have significant time and financial repercussions later.

So, it all has to start somewhere, I will start from the beginning and tell you a little more about where it starts and how it ends and the different types of Demolition – Kaboom!
As I see it, what goes up, must come down 🙂


2. Don’t try it yourself (Don’t DIY)

Get an experienced crew involved in the plan to accomplish any demolition. Otherwise, you could end up getting hurt and paying expensive bills. The ideal situation is to have the framing crew take on the demolition, the framers will know what to retain and the accountability chain is direct.


Note to all Men – Don’t DIY, unless you want to end up in the Dog Box.




3. Pre-Demolition Inspection

Pre-demolition inspection may be one of the most helpful and cost-effective steps you can take to recognise materials that should be removed from buildings before starting the demolition process.


4. Play by the Rules

Unless you live in the middle of nowhere or in the woods and your nearest neighbour is miles away, there is no subtle way to sneak a proper demolition. Make sure you are going about it the right and legal way. I’d suggest taking the neighbours a nice box of chocolates or wine to apologise in advance for the noise levels. You will definitely need the patience of your neighbours. Play by the rules and get your permits.


5. There are different types of Demolition

If and when you are planning to construct a new building in place of an old one, then demolition is inevitable.

  • Demolition by Hand – you can only use hand tools with this method like sledgehammers, for example.
  • Crane and Wrecking Ball – the wrecking ball is largely outmoded, replaced by excavators and other mechanical means that offer better precision, efficiency, and safety.
  • Implosion – A highly-specialised type of demolition that employs the use of explosives to bring down high structures by undermining structural supports so that it collapses within its own footprint or along a predetermined path.
  • Mechanical Demolition – specialised mechanical equipment and tools. These include hydraulic excavators equipped with specialised attachments that can break concrete and steel, effectively “chewing” the structure apart. Smaller equipment is also used.
  • Total Demolition – It is the demolition of an entire structure, and it can be achieved by a number of methods.
  • Dismantling/Deconstruction – dismantlement or deconstruction of a structure to preserve components for reuse, recycling, or refurbishment.
  • Selective Demolition – removal of specific interior/exterior portions of a building while protecting the remaining structure and nearby structures.
  • Interior Demolition – Interior portions of a structure while preserving the exterior. This usually includes removal of walls, ceilings, pipes, etc.


6. Try to find somewhere to live during your demolition

Demolition is loud, dirty and gets dust on everything. It will almost be impossible to enjoy your home under these circumstances and may also not be very safe for you and your family. It’s best to try to find a place to stay during your demolition. Keep the wife happy, no woman likes a dusty house.


7. Asbestos Procedures

Do your homework when it comes to asbestos. Nothing will shut down a project faster than an asbestos violation. Inspection prior to demolition or renovation, the affected structure or part of the structure where the work is to take place must be thoroughly inspected by a certified asbestos inspector for the presence of asbestos. Notification requirements vary with the amount of regulated asbestos and type of activity taking place. All demolitions, including those where no asbestos is present, require a notification form be sent to DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources)


I don’t know if it’s just Me, but it looks like Chuck Norris was here


8. Listen to the guy on site who says “consider the following things…”
He is speaking from experience and he knows what he’s talking about.
Always get the experts involved in any situation, people qualify to do certain things for a reason.


9. You’d be surprised how many items and materials can be reused or recycled from the demolition
Deconstruction is a new term for a simple concept: rather than destroying or demolishing a building, the team carefully disassemble the structure, identifying those parts for reuse. Construction and demolition waste recycling is a big industry and is steadily increasing. The amount of construction and demolition waste generated in the U.S. in 2012 was estimated at 480 million tons, according to a 2014 CDRA executive summary.


10. Get in touch with the Correct People

You can get in touch with some Demolition/Construction Companies on our Directory, by clicking here


Should you wish to subscribe to our services and find out more about what we do here at Leads 2 Business, you are more than welcome to give me (Natasha) a call on +27(0)33 343 1130 or email me at NatashaL@L2B.co.za


Now you know a little more about Demolition and so do I 🙂

L2B Blog: Renovation or Demolition?










About Natasha Lubbe

My name is Natasha Lubbe and I am a very Bubbly and Happy 30-year-old Mother to the Sweetest 6-year-old Little Girl. I have worked for Leads 2 Business since 04 October 2016. I really enjoy a Challenge and Love Learning new things. Feel free to call me at any time, I'd gladly assist. Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.

Mine! Mine! Mine!

posted in: Uncategorized 0




So….here we are… 2016…. and how’s it going?

To be perfectly honest this year has already started to kick my butt all over the place, some good …. some badish, but mainly just so much change, and even more prospect of change, but don’t get me wrong, [tweetthis]I love change just as much as the next butterfly, but man it’s exhausting!!![/tweetthis]


But here, here is something that hasn’t change…. My knowledge about African Mining!! lol! Yip and this is what I am blessed to be blogging about today! Buckle up friends, its going to be a “blast”… get it? Blast? Mining? ye…..


African Mining


Anyhoo, here is the “411” on Mining in general right now…. we may get to Africa later… hopefully!

Well as I write this, the biggest mining gathering in the world has just taken place, More than 6,000 delegates from 100 nations gathered at the Mining Indaba in Cape Town , from the 8th – 11th Feb 2016.



Why? Well, with commodity prices plummeting as they are, the struggle to retain or obtain foreign investment is a real one  #TheStruggleIsReal

Let me start by saying….The feeling is not good thus far.

[tweetthis]In South Africa alone 47,000 jobs were lost between 2012 and 2015.[/tweetthis]

Half of the coal mines and iron ore mines and 80% of the Platinum industry is losing money – not exactly a good investment for anyone I’m afraid.

I found this very interesting and really just horrifying! …..South Africa is ranked number 11th in Africa as one of the “most attractive investment countries”?????  What? am I the only one who feels like we should be number 1!?!




One of the Presentations of the Indaba came as a “bail out plan”, and was presented by 474615293 Nikolai Zelenski, Chief Executive Officer of Nordgold, he claims Nordgold has a Proven Strategy in a Lower Price Environment.


So Who is Nordgold?

“Nordgold (LSE: NORD) is an internationally diversified low-cost gold producer established in 2007 and publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange. The Company has expanded rapidly through carefully targeted acquisitions and organic growth, achieving a rate of growth unmatched in the industry during that period. In 2015, Nordgold produced 950 thousand ounces of gold. The Company operates 9 mines and has 2 development projects, 4 advanced exploration projects and a diverse portfolio of early-stage exploration projects and licenses in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Russia, Kazakhstan, French Guiana and Canada. Nordgold employs more than 8,000 people.”

Now to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t have what it takes to break down and unpack a strategy of this magnitude to anyone, so I’m not even going to try, but I do know how to copy and paste, so go wild;)



Mining in Africa… well here it is, I have searched high and low and here is the low down….

Commodities dropped sharply last year, and news from Matthew Davies of BBC Africa is that there will be no recovery this year, he reported that In Zambia, the country’s main export, copper, now sells for less than half than it did just three years ago, now my math is not great, but that sounds terrible!!!

And I’m right because some mining companies have even halted production all together and miners are losing their jobs at the rate of knots.

This has led to a plunge in the currency, and a rise in inflation which is expected to continue…….

And as fate would have it several other African countries are in the same boat, including big oil producers like Nigeria and Angola!

[tweetthis]I’m starting to think mining is at fault for everything bad in my life![/tweetthis]

Ridiculous Avo prices, cellulite and rising fuel prices!…. I know they are at fault for at least one of those.rolling eyes


But I am an eternal optimist, romantic and impossible dreamer, so I believe the cellulite will pass…. lol! no really, I have hope that yes, maybe not this year, but in the future our Mining economy will rise once more, the fact that people are talking about it, must mean it’s important and is being made a priority so I will not need to fret another moment about this!

Relief, the pressure was really getting to me!



But apparently pressure in the mining industry is a good thing…. fbfffaa05b0bec0317176754817d40f8


Well this has been real… thanks. If you find the time and want to get in touch with any of the mining projects we currently following at

Leads 2 Business, please feel free to contact myself, SherinaS@L2B.co.za or Support@L2b.co.za and we will be more than happy to oblige!



I look forward to hearing from you 😉













About Sherina Shawe

I am a strong believer in "What you put in , is what you will get out" and this drives me every day, whether it's at home with my gorgeous family or at work where I get to fuel my competitive spirit. I love who I am and who I'm becoming. I love where I am , but more importantly where I'm going.... #EternalOptimist #Aspire2Inspire