Supply and Demand…. that’s what its’ all about right? Anticipating what your customer or client is going to need before your competition and delivering it at the lowest price but with more benefit and value because that’s what everyone expects!
That seems like a lot of variables and it actually makes my head hurt thinking about it!
But does it have to be this complicated?
Well if you are in the construction industry, lucky for you the answer is NO!
And this is where I break out in Tarzan song and chest pounding… “coz I work for Leads 2 Business!”
A lot of people are under the impression that we purely publish Tenders and Project developments on our site and sure that’s where we shine, but what people don’t know is by using the Leads 2 Business website to its fullest, you can network and market your business, big or small. So let me run through some of the ways with you.
Welcome to our Directory!
Now here is where it gets fun, because even if you are only subscribed to our Platinum Directory for R 650.00 per annum you are able to email key contacts throughout the construction industry, you can enquire about their services, or introduce your own, upload your profile/brochure and you can customise your email by adding your own company logo and personal signature.
But wait there’s more!
LOL! I feel like I’m in a cheesy infomercial but I can’t help it, my Company and all it does excites me 🙂
So…. by the click of a button you can see every Project, Tender or award that contact you looking at on our Directory is or was involved in and, sure, you would have to subscribe further to access the full details of these items, but isn’t it cool that you can see what you in for before you subscribe, if you ask me, that’s inspired!
Now OK, so you’ve decide to subscribe to our Daily Tenders or perhaps our Private Projects (which includes Daily Tenders FREE I might add). Now, as before, you can email directly from our website but now with KNOWLEDGE. The knowledge of knowing exactly what that Architect, Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor etc. is working on. Imagine yourself as a electrical or security installations company, for interest sake, then being able to get hold of the Quantity Surveyor months before the Project goes to tender and having your products specified on that bill of Quantities. Do you know what that would mean for business? That’s right! MONEY!
Everyone of those bidders are going to be calling YOU!
Fascinating stuff right? Absolutely, its what we do!
So to all of you who thought we simply publish Tenders and Projects….. you would be wrong, we offer you the support and give you the tools to take your business to the next level and we love watching you succeed as a direct result of it 🙂
Sometimes the difference between getting that contract or not is who you know… and we help you with that!
So why don’t you take the leap and contact me, let me show you the way!
You can mail me at or go to our website and take a look for yourself first at
We look forward to hearing from you…. Have a Super day!
About Sherina Shawe
I am a strong believer in "What you put in , is what you will get out" and this drives me every day, whether it's at home with my gorgeous family or at work where I get to fuel my competitive spirit. I love who I am and who I'm becoming. I love where I am , but more importantly where I'm going.... #EternalOptimist #Aspire2Inspire