Projects Infographic: KZN



Projects Infographic: KZN
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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Project Infographic: Eastern Cape

Project Infographic: Eastern Cape
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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Leads 2 Business – Year End Function Awards Evening 2018

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The much-anticipated and Auspicious Leads 2 Business Awards Evening was recently held at the tranquil Tala Game Reserve.

Highlights of the evening was the presentation of several Awards to personalities who excelled commendably. The winners were presented with a commendation certificate, a stunning photo book and a floating trophy. In addition, awards for 5 years and 10 years long service were also presented.


The CEO's Customer Relations Award
Winner: Christine Brooks
The Top Sales Award
Winner, Michelle Engelbrecht
The Top Tele-Sales Award
Winner : Jackie van Zyl
The Top Account Co-ordinator Award
Winner : Candice van Aswegan
The Top Retention Admin Award
Winner : Cecile van Deventer
The Top Retention Award
Winner : Wendy De Wet
The Voice of the Company Award
Winner : Tara Hutton
The Top Content Researcher Award
Winner : Michelle Hosford
The Most Improved Employee Award
Winner : Connie Flinders
The Most Valued Employee Award
Winner : Sasha Anderson
The Platinum Quill Blog Award
Winner : Lauren Davids
5 Year Long Service Awards
Winners : Bianca Horne and Shanna Knezovich
10 Year Long Service Awards
Winners : Barry West, Debbie Wessels, Antonette Claassens, Lola Govender & Jackie van Zyl


Congratulations and Well Done to all the Award Winners!

About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Project: Bella Riva Lifestyle & Golf Estate – Residential

Bella Riva Lifestyle & Golf Estate – Residential

Kathu Solar Park


Construction of the residential component for the Bella Riva Lifestyle and Golf Estate. Situated at the Fisantekraal Urban edge north east of Durbanville, in the Western Cape. The development will consist of a golf course, residential components, retirement village component, a plastic surgery facility supported by a hotel and spa facilities. A retail component and various recreational facilities such as children’s play areas, BMX circuit, gym trim trail, indoor climbing wall, skate park, jogging trails, fishing and canoeing.










Western Cape


R100 Million+


2018 onwards


Invited / Negotiated


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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Project: Giyani Regional Mall

Giyani Regional Mall


Construction of a 36 000m² extension to the existing 12 000m² Masingita Mall, located on Malamulele Road in Giyani, Limpopo, resulting in a total GLA of 48 000m². This will then be the biggest shopping centre in the Mopani District. The mall opens up to the riverine that runs from the north eastern side through to the south western side of the site. This is where the hub of the centre is and where the entertainment and food court is situated. In addition to the anchors, there will be a number of fashion outlets, including but not limited to the Foschini Group, the Pepkor Group, the Edcon Group, Truworths and the first Woolworths to enter the rural market. Value R328 million

 Giyani Regional Mall

Status Region
 Underway  Limpopo
Category Value
 Building  R328 million
Industry Timing
 Retail October 2017 to October 2018

(12 months)

Sector Class
 Private   Invited / Negotiated



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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Project: Omitiomire Copper Mine, Namibia

Omitiomire Copper Mine, Namibia



Craton Resources Limited, the Namibian registered subsidiary of the Australian based International Base Metals Limited, is proposing to develop a copper oxide mine, on the farm Groot Omitiomire,120km northeast of Windhoek in the Khomas Region in Namibia. Prospecting activities and exploratory drilling have been ongoing since 2007 and a sizeable copper deposit has since been delineated. IBML has planned a two-stage approach to bring Omitiomire into production: Phase 1: The initial project is based on near-surface oxide and mixed oxide-sulphide copper. During Phase 2 Craton expects to be able to develop a larger project based on the deeper sulphide copper resource at Omitiomire plus other copper resources which might be discovered within trucking distance of Omitiomire. Estimated project value: $38.5 million.

















R 100 million +



2014 onwards



Invited / Negotiated


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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Did you Know #DYK: The Role of the EIA Consultant

Did you Know #DYK: The Role of the EIA Consultant

The Role of the EIA Consultant

Most large construction projects, require an EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment Study to be undertaken before the project can go-ahead. This study is carried out by EIA consultant/s.

What is an EIA and why does it need to be done?


Diagram explaining the EIA process:

The Role of the EIA Consultant


An EIA is a process that is carried out to determine the impact the proposed development will have on the environment before any construction commences.

Environmental Approval (Record of Decision) from the relevant Authorities is required before the project can proceed and construction can commence.


The EIA process consists of various studies that are undertaken on the piece of land that the development is going to take place on. These developments can include, construction of a dam, a new underground or open pit mine, a power station, shopping mall, office block, residential complex, new warehouse or industrial plant, even the construction of a new road or highway, pipeline and railway line, all require an EIA.


In addition to the EIA, various specialist studies can be undertaken. The aim of the specialist study phase is to provide information on the positive and negative impacts associated with the project alternatives.

These specialist studies can consist of:

  • Traffic Impact study, which would be undertaken to determine how the additional traffic to the proposed development (like a shopping mall) would impact the area, if additional roads would be needed to handle the traffic volume,
  • Heritage Impact Assessment, this is done if there are graves on the land that may need to be moved, etc.

Depending on what sort of development is taking place (shopping mall, power plant, underground mine) and its location will determine what sort of EIA process is undertaken. Some EIA can take a few months and some can end up taking a few years. Part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process, includes a Public Participation Process and this process involves meeting with the public, keeping them informed of the proposed development, what exactly is going to happen, how they will be affected (sometimes people have to be relocated to make room for the development, like a dam). This public participation process also enables the public and affected parties to air their grievances about the proposed development.


Sometimes a project will receive an Environmental Authorisation, but an Environmental Activist Group might appeal the decision – for example, construction of a coal-fired power station, that they feel is harmful to the environment and should not be allowed to be constructed. There is an appeal period once the EIA is granted and members of the public or activists who are against the construction, can appeal and sometimes additional studies are then requested to ensure that the project can be constructed safely without causing irreparable damage to the environment.


Some projects, due to their sensitive nature, are not granted Environmental Authorisation as it is felt that the damage caused by the project at the proposed location is harmful to the environment, for example, construction of a mine in a wildlife area. If Environmental Authorisation is not granted, and the Developer appeals the decision, provides additional information, proving the project is viable and will not harm the environment, it may still not be granted and then the project cannot go ahead and will have to be scrapped.


Once Environmental Authorisation is granted, a letter granting the authorisation is issued by the relevant department, the project can then proceed and construction can commence.

Once Environmental Authorisation has been received, the EIA consultant’s work on the project is Done. Finished. The Client and/or Private Developer will move ahead with the project by appointing the various professionals like Engineers, Architects, Quantity Surveyors etc to start preparing bills of quantities and moving ahead to the actual construction of the project.

The EIA consultant is NOT involved with the preparation of the tender documents, drawing up bills of quantities, the tender process or anything to do with the actual construction of the project.


Basically, the long-term aim of EIA is to promote sustainable development by ensuring that development proposals do not undermine critical resource and ecological functions or the well being, lifestyle and livelihood of the communities and peoples who depend on them.


Sources : (Diagram)

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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

L2B Blog: Innovations In Smart Home Technology

With advancement in technology, scores of cool gadgets are finding their way into more and more homes and changing the way people live. These gadgets are not just fancy, they are providing quick solutions to everyday problems, making our lives so much easier. The simple designs and improved functions reduce human effort and conserve space. I am always interested in new gadgets and gizmos that are being developed, to make our home lives easier and I regularly surf the net looking for cool gadgets.

So, what can we look forward to in 2017?

Here are 5 of the best (in my opinion) that are going to make our homes a little smarter and our lives a little easier…….

1. Best Cookware

Now this is smart – WeMo wireless smart home platform, Belkin’s Crock-Pot is the first smartphone controllable slow cooker. Via the WeMo iOS or Android smartphone app, you can adjust the crock pot’s settings from anywhere, receive reminders, change the cook time, adjust the cooking temperature, use the timer to calculate cook times and process, or even check the status of your dish so you can come home to a perfectly cooked meal. How smart is that? And who wouldn’t like one? Me.. me.. me!

2. Best Refrigerator

Samsung (who else!) Family Hub. 4-door Flex Smart French Door Refrigerator – this connected refrigerator has everything but the kitchen sink. Its large touchscreen on the front door lets you view family member’s schedules, leave notes for each other, order groceries, play music and even watch TV! In addition, the fridge has three cameras inside which take a picture and email it to you every time you close the door. No more guessing or trying to remember if you need to buy more milk! Pricey of course, but this is the most innovative fridge. Ever!

3. Best Smart Garage Door Opener

Searching or reaching for that elusive garage door remote while trying to navigate a dark street at night or around children’s discarded toys or even sometimes your children often proves awkward and dangerous, to say the least. Chamberlain’s garage door opener lets you tap your device’s screen to open or close your garage door. The company is also planning to add geofencing capabilities so it can sense when you are approaching your driveway and automatically open the garage door and then once your car is safely parked inside, to close your garage door. This gadget has been designed to be utilised on most existing garage doors.

4. Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is not new with many designs already having an app component for remote control. Believe it or not, though, a new smart lights system can actually sense when you (and your phone!) are on your way home and will react accordingly by turning the lights on or off, This type of automation is achieved by tying your lighting system into your phone’s geofencing features. Geofencing taps into the phone’s GPS system, in order to alter your lighting system when you’re in the area. If you are always carrying your phone, you may never have to enter into a dark driveway or doorway again, and all happens without programming, scheduling or actually touching any buttons. So smart!

5. Smart Faucet (tap)

This environmentally friendly faucet (tap) saves up to 57 litres per unit, per year. That’s a big smart saving! This innovative technology helps conserve water sources and also conserves energy with its intelligent design. By conserving water and energy, you leave behind a reduced carbon footprint. It can be used easily by everyone, including children, the elderly and the disabled.

There is so much new, interesting, useful and smart technology out there, that I found it hard to keep it to just 5, I just had to add this last one as this is something I would really want…

and…… (drumroll)…….. Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Floor cleaning and vacuuming are now easier with a range of Deebots from Ecovacs, a pioneer in the field of engineering robotic vacuum cleaners. The D77, the latest Deebot is a 3-dimensional cleaning solution that has smart technology to detect and navigate obstacles! It even has the capability to automatically empty its own dustbin (so smart!). It has different modes for cleaning different types of flooring. And the best … even when you are not at home, you can pre-set it to clean your floors with its intelligent time scheduling feature. Smart, so very, very smart.

While most of this smart technology is already available and installed in homes overseas in the USA and UK, we, unfortunately, will have to wait a while longer for it to reach our shores. I am waiting in anticipation…….

Information sourced from the following sites:,review-2008.html

About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Project: Jangamo Mineral Sands Project, Mozambique

Jangamo Mineral Sands Project, Mozambique

Jangamo Mineral Sands Project, Mozambique

Description: Jangamo Mineral Sands Project is a 180 km² area heavy mineral sands project, located in a mineral sands province in southern Mozambique. Geological reconnaissance and scout drilling work has confirmed that the project is covered by a series of north-east trending quaternary dunal and fluvial systems. The area has three morphological zones, composed of two inland dunes (red sands), which are the areas with the highest elevation, separated by a low lying area (alluvial sands), with different sedimentary characteristics.

Status: Tender

Industry: Mining

Region: Mozambique

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+ 

Timing: 2014 onwards.

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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

Featured Project: Imaloto Coal Project, Madagascar

Description: Acquired by Lemur in April 2011 through its acquisition of Coal of Madagascar Limited, the Imaloto Coal Project is located in the Imaloto Coal Basin, which is the northern-most coal field in the greater Sakoa Basin of South West Madagascar, located approximately 30 km north-west of the Sakoa Basin, where coal mining has previously been carried out. The Imaloto Coal Project area lies approximately 20km north-west of the town of Benenitra, between the north-south flowing Imaloto River and the west-east flowing Onilahy River. The Imaloto Coal Project area consists of 3 permits covering a total of 11 concession blocks, giving a license area of approximately 69km²: Permit 3196 consists of 3 concession blocks and is an exploration license. Permit 4578 consists of 4 blocks and is a full mining license. Permit 12653 consists of 4 blocks and is an exploration license. Imaloto is favourably located near the existing port of Tulear and adjacent to the proposed Soalara Port, where infrastructure planning is underway to provide a mineral bulk handling export facility. Lemur has identified the importance of an independent power-producing project that is destined to be implemented alongside its Imaloto coal project. 

Status: Awarded

Industry: Mining

Region: Madagascar

Sector: Private

Value: R 100 million+ 

Timing: 2015 onwards

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About Marlaine Andersen

Leads 2 Business Advertising Co-ordinator and Digital Designer

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