How to Reduce your Carbon Footprint

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How to reduce your carbon footprint.

With the constant growth of population across the globe, it is imperative to be aware of things you can do to save the planet. Adopting an environmentally friendly lifestyle can really make an impact on the overall climate preservation.
Below are a few practical changes you can make in your day-to-day life to reduce your carbon footprint.

There are simple tweaks that you can make which in return can save you energy and money.
Turning off your lights and appliances when they are not in use. Using laptops instead of desktops, as they use less energy. Replacing your fridge, if it’s 15-20 years old as they can be “energy hogs”. Planting trees around your home.
Using the following 5 R’s of zero waste:
Refuse – Avoid single use of plastic and paper
Reduce – Buying only what you need
Reuse – Dispose of less and upcycling items where possible
Rot – Find a nearby food drop off centre
Recycle – Glass and metal

The most environmentally friendly diet is one with less meat (red), as red meat production uses a lot of water and land. Growing your own garden consisting of lower food chain products such as vegetables, fruits, grains and beans can be one of the best ways to lower your carbon footprint. Eating in season and locally, can really help to reduce the carbon footprint created by shipment of your foods, especially when you consider how far your food had to travel to get to you.

As a consumer society, we think of fashion as disposable items and often justify buying the latest styles. Resulting in our wardrobes being overly populated and resulting in most of our clothing items in landfill sites. Which presents an issue of contamination as some of these clothes are not “organic” and often sprayed with lots of pesticides. To mitigate this overload, we can re-purpose old clothing, buy locally handmade garments and vintage.

Toxins emitted by transportation engines are not only very dangerous to human health, but the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from transportation engines far surpasses emissions from electrical generators. This identifies transportation engines as one of the biggest sources of air pollution.
Where plausible you should walk, cycle or take a bus to your destination. When using a vehicle, spread your carbon burden by inviting people to share your commute. If you are frequent vehicle user, service your vehicle regularly to reduce emissions.
Most importantly “Go easy on the gas”.

Going Zero Waste
NY Times

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Why go Green? Is it really worth it?

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Why go green? Is it really worth it?

I have been so amped to write on this subject. I know there are folk, some in my family, who think I’m away with the faeries half the time and I live in a world that doesn’t exist, but why shouldn’t it be real?

This is a huge topic of conversation at the moment, even celebrities, like Leo DiCaprio are getting involved and are giving back. My question to every human being living on this planet, taking from this planet;

  • Do you want to live a happy healthy life?
  • Do you want to find the balance of life?
  • Do you want the best from life and just enough to live?
  • Are you prepared to give back all that you have taken?
  • How do you wish to leave this planet for our children and children’s children?
  • Are you happy?

Yes, I am a tree-loving bunny hugging green planet person. I do see so much beauty within each country and we can live to appreciate the beauty we just need to balance our lives, in turn, balance what we take from this world we live in. Let’s start being aware of where each “One Person” can make a change to improve our environment and go green.

There are several positive side effects: Cleaner air and water.

  • Increased productivity levels and we would pay out less for medical benefits. – Healthier eating at the workplace.
  • Implement environmental policies in the workplace by reducing waste, conserve natural resources, improve both air and water quality and protect the ecosystems.
  • Lower utility bills
  • Maybe if the plastic tar becomes a hit, we’ll even have fewer potholes in the road and that saves expense on wheel alignment and tyres! And less plastic lying around.

The adverse effects of not going green:

  • Climate change/Global warming

Bill Gates wrote a Blog on climate change in 2018, titled “Climate change and the 75% problem”

  • As Mr Gates pointed out Electricity, is only 25% of the problem with regards to climate change. (We, in South Africa, experience a totally different issue with electricity), however, we can still improve our lifestyle and our environment by starting here. If we can generate electricity without the greenhouse emissions issue and the over mining, by utilising solar panels and wind turbines, both of which are not running short in South Africa. That is already a start.
  • The other 75% is allocated to what:
  • Agriculture and its emissions – greenhouse effect. Examples of these are:
  1. Beef farming – methane “this is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases!”
  2. Deforestation – rain forests are being replaced by crops. Firstly by removing the trees that pull the CO2 from the air we breathe, secondly the trees are burned and once again carbon is burnt back into the atmosphere. We become unhealthy because the air we breathe is unhealthy.
  • Do we really need to eat as much as we do? We need to know ourselves, our blood types the environment we live in and rather eat to feel whole, rather than constantly eat for the pleasure.
  • Manufacturing:
  1. Plastic. Goodness me don’t get me started on plastic. I saw a photo on Facebook the other day, of whole peeled oranges in a plastic container for protection? They have their own natural protection which they are taken out of. Does NOT make sense to me. Do you know that a lot of the fabric in our clothing has plastic within the threads? When the clothes are washed, where does the water go? Not only does the plastic that is littering the streets and overflowing landfills fall into the water ways, which land up in the oceans, the plastic in the clothing does too.
  2. Steel and Cement, the manufacture of both of these require a lot of energy used from fossil fuels.
  • Transportation:

Traffic has increased, not only has this increased fuel emissions but the road rage the high blood pressure that goes with it, very unhealthy. Everything is expected immediately hence, metal trucks are loaded up high with stock which is more likely covered in plastic and shipped across from one side of the country to the other, emitting fumes.

  • Buildings:

We work and live in concrete buildings. When it’s excruciatingly hot we use an air conditioner, then freezing cold the heater goes on. A beautiful fireplace to keep us toasty and warm in winter, omissions. Lights are on, who wants to work in an office when it’s dark and gloomy. All these contribute to climate change.

Think of a way to use less and give back more. Each individual needs to be aware of what damage they are causing to our world and our own individual lives. We, humans, are growing at a massive rate, we want more, yet do we need more? Our everyday lifestyles are damaging to the environment as we think it improves our lives. Does it really though? We spend a fortune upgrading everything, only to spend a fortune to get away from it all for peace, quiet and tranquillity.

A lot of these issues need to be researched to develop new cleaner greener ways. The human race has been smart enough to invent and develop what we have now, let’s do this and beat climate change, have healthier living and keep the planet beautiful and be one with our planet.

So the question is: “Why go green? Is it worth it?” in my opinion, YES absolutely.


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About Tara Hutton

My employment at Leads 2 Business commenced in January 2010, where for two years I worked in the Directory Department establishing a better understanding of construction and where Leads 2 Business fitted in. In February 2012, I moved to the Accounts department where I have been looking after accounts queries and anything related to accounts since then. I have been told by many that I’m resilient, yet caring individual and good to have on “their” side. Calm under pressure, which is quite useful in my line of work. I am proud and honoured to be part of the L2B mothership adding my bit to the greater good. Should you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The Energy Revolution in Latin America

posted in: General 2

The Energy Revolution in Latin America

Energy Revolution

Latin America leads the world in clean energy. In 2014, according to the International Energy Agency, Latin America produced 53 percent of its electricity from renewable sources compared with a world average of 22 percent.
For 7 months Costa Rica was powered entirely by renewable power, and Uruguay was very close in doing the same.

How has Latin America made so much progress towards using renewable energy?

Latin America’s move towards a clean energy solution on solar and wind is driven by the environment which they live and the reality of the economic situation in Latin America.
Over 34 million people in Latin American lack access to electricity and as the population grows the gap between those with power and without will only widen.
Many countries in Latin America still depend on fossil fuels for their power generation. However, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina have all seen oil output decline.
This trend, combined with government budgets constrained by the cost of fuel subsidies, has encouraged private investment in clean energy generation in many of the region’s countries.

What is pushing this clean energy revolution?

Higher living standards and the rise in demand for power from a growing population has spurred the government to increase energy generating capacity. Targets have been set for renewable energy and financial incentives for solar and wind suppliers have been set. The mountain ranges, surrounding Islands and grasslands are ideal for producing wind energy and it is readily used in Latin America, for instance in 2014 wind captured 84 and 86 percent of renewable energy investments in Brazil and Mexico.

What can we expect in the future?

The future of wind and solar power looks strong in Latin America. As James K Alford notes, “Today, 19 countries have legislation in place that set targets for the percentage of renewable electric power on which the country will rely in 10, 15 or 20 years.” These range from 25 to 100 percent.

The great strides Latin America has made in the renewable energy landscape shines a light on Africa and the great potential for growth we have on this continent.



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Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

What is a Carbon Footprint?


A Carbon Footprint is defined by the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organisation, or community.

When researching the ways to reduce your Carbon Footprint there were endless articles, so many in fact I nearly got lost in the green of it all. Let’s break it down.

10 Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint:

  1. Plant a Tree – A classic and for good reason. Trees provide shade and oxygen while consuming carbon dioxide. [tweetthis]One 10-year-old tree releases enough oxygen into the air to support 2 human beings.[/tweetthis]
  2. Energy Efficient Appliances – Look for the energy rating when purchasing appliances. The current South African label gives a rating from A down to G; with A being the best for refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and electric ovens. For most appliances, insist on an A-rated appliance, they are not difficult to find. (Old refrigerators in your house may be the inefficient equal of a G-rated fridge.) In addition to the letter rating, the label should carry an energy consumption number in kilowatt hours. It is often more useful to compare this number between models than to compare the letter rating.
  3. Switch Off – Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Turn off your computer when not in use, a computer that is off uses at least 65% less energy than one left on screensaver/standby. [tweetthis]Did you know that many electronic devices continue using energy even when off? This is known as Phantom Power.[/tweetthis] Unplug electronic devices when not in use.
  4. Drive Smart – Go for a hybrid when purchasing a new car and if you aren’t going to be doing that anytime soon make sure you keep your current vehicle properly maintained. Carpool if you can, the benefits are obvious. One car uses less fuel than two and much less than three. If you can’t carpool, stick to the following Carbon minimising tips: Don’t idle, travel light, accelerate smoothly, limit air-con use, warm up your car and plan ahead.
  5. Use CFL’s and LED’s – That’s Compact Fluorescent Lamps or Light Emitting Diodes. CFL’s use 75% less energy than an incandescent and last up to 10 times longer. LED’s are also extremely energy efficient; although not widely in use due to their cost, there is no question that LED’s are poised to supersede CFL’s in the future.
  6. Local is Lekker – Purchasing foods that are both in season and grown locally can drastically cut down the carbon emissions of the vehicles used to transport that food. The same concept goes for other goods and services as well as not to mention, you will be supporting the local economy too.
  7. Go Digital – There has been a lot of debate regarding the environmental costs of digital vs. print. The best policy to adopt is, “be mindful”. If you subscribe to a print paper, be sure to recycle your paper every day. If you prefer online news chose an unplugged laptop or e-reader, rather than a plugged-in device for the majority of your browsing time.
  8. Shower Power – [tweetthis]Taking a shower uses about 1/5 of the energy as taking a bath.[/tweetthis] You can also install a “low flow” shower head to limit the amount of water being used and take shorter showers.
  9. Recycle – Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to rubbish dumps and incinerators; prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials; saves energy; reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change; helps sustain the environment for future generations and helps create new jobs. Once you get in the habit of separating your cans, plastic, glass, paper and cardboard, it’s as easy as pie.
  10. Compost & Grow – It makes sense that what nourishes us from the earth should go back to nourishing the earth. Plant your own herbs and veggies. Not only does growing your own food make you a more conscientious global citizen, it brings you a sense of satisfaction.


Long story short, the more pollution that we let into the atmosphere, the worse it is for the environment. No matter what your view is on climate change these tips can save you money. Most of them don’t take that much time or effort and at the end of the month you may notice less coming out of the bank account which is a plus at any rate.

Why not start by calculating your Carbon Footprint here



Reuse Reduce Recycle
Reuse Reduce Recycle









About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward