Featured Tender: Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies

Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies

Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies

Contract Number: SCM17-21/S – Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Description: Tenders are invited for the following: Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies.

Category: Infrastructure

Industries: Institutional

Region: Eastern Cape

Site Inspection: Compulsory Briefing Meeting: 01 December 2017 at 11:00; Venue: Aurecon, Lion Roars Office Park, Corner of Heugh Road and 3rd Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth. Tenderers arriving 10 minutes late will not be allowed for a clarification meeting.

Closing Date: 11 January 2018 at 11:00

Restrictions: CIBD Grading: 5 CE or Higher. All tenderers must be registered on the Municipality’s supplier’s database through NMBM database. The Municipality reserves the right not to consider the tenders of tenderers not registered on the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s supplier’s database. Please phone NMBM database to register, If not yet registered.Submission of Opening and Opening of Tenders: Tenders must reach the Municipality by not later than the closing date and time.The tenders in sealed envelopes, clearly stating the contract number and description, Tenders will be publicly opened simultaneously in the boardroom, Supply Chain Management Office, Harrower Road, North End, Port Elizabeth and the Conference Room, first floor. Municipal Offices. Market Street. Uitenhage, Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 11:00 on the application.The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tenders and late tenders will not be accepted.The Council promotes the use of previously disadvantaged small and medium contractors. Details of the preference formula appear in the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Municipality and can be obtained from the Director: Supply Chain Management, Harrower Road, North End, Port Elizabeth. Bid Validity Period: 180 days.


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About Lauren Davids

I am a Content Researcher for the Western Cape Region in the Daily Tenders Department.

Featured Tender: Construction of 56 Housing Units and Associated Infrastructure Works and Amenities on Undeveloped Land on Existing NHDC Housing Estates


Contract Number: NHDC/0413/LOT10 – National Housing Development Co. Ltd

Description: Construction of 56 Housing Units and Associated Infrastructure Works and Amenities on Undeveloped Land on Existing NHDC Housing Estates

Category: Building

Industries: Institutional

Region: Mauritius

Site Inspection: A pre-bid site visit/meeting will be held as follows: Date: Thursday 30 November 2017, Time: 10:30, Place: On Site Calebasses at main entrance.

Closing Date: 18 December 2017 at 14:00 (Local Time)

Restrictions: Bids received after the specified date and time will be returned unopened. Bids will be opened on the same day as from 14:30 (local time) in the Board Room, at the above address in the presence of representatives of the bidders who may choose to attend. The NHDC reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to any bidder.

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About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

Featured Tender: Construction Works

Contract Number: Lot/060 (Prequalification) – Rakai Health Sciences Program – Entebbe

Description: Rakai Health Sciences Program (RHSP) is in the process of pre-qualifying competent companies and individuals who will be called upon from time to time, to quote/tender for the supply/provision of Supplies, Works and Services during the Financial Years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Rakai Health Sciences Program now invites suitably qualified firms and individuals to submit sealed pre-qualification bids for Supplies, Works and Services. Construction Works

Category: Building

Industries: Institutional

Region: Uganda

Site Inspection: No Details

Closing Date: 16 November 2017 at 09:30 (Local Time)

Restrictions: The pre-qualification will be conducted in accordance with RHSP Procurement Policies and Procedures. Each Applicant is required to submit a complete set of pre-qualification document for each lot applied. The Prequalification applications will be opened at 10:00 (Local Time) for Category A (Supplies) on 16 November 2017 and 10:00 (Local Time) for Category B (Services) and C (Works) on 17 November 2017 at RHSP’s Kalisizo Main Station and interested applicants are encouraged to attend the opening exercise.

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About Natasha Lubbe

My name is Natasha Lubbe and I am a very Bubbly and Happy 30-year-old Mother to the Sweetest 6-year-old Little Girl. I have worked for Leads 2 Business since 04 October 2016. I really enjoy a Challenge and Love Learning new things. Feel free to call me at any time, I'd gladly assist. Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.

Featured Tender: Funding, Design and Build of Ndarugu 1 Dam (Nairobi – Mavoko – Kitengela) Water Supply Project

Contract Number: Funding, Design and Build of Ndarugu 1 Dam (Nairobi – Mavoko – Kitengela) Water Supply Project – Tanathi Water Services Board

Description: Tanathi Water Services Board – This invitation for bids (IFB) is for Funding, Design and Build of the proposed Ndarugu 1 Dam (Nairobi – Mavoko – Kitengela), Water Supply Project. The Scope of the project includes but not limited to the construction of a 35m high concrete dam with a reservoir capacity of 225 Million m3, a 173 000m3/d treatment works, transmission pipes, Storage tanks and associated works. The Tanathi water services board hereby invites sealed bids from eligible firms for the Funding, Design and Build of Ndarugu 1 water supply project (herein after called “the works”)

Category: Consultants

Industries: Water + Institutional

Region: Kenya

Site Inspection: A pre-bid site visit shall be held on 09 November 2017 at 09:00 (Local Time) at Mavoko Water and Sewerage Company.

Closing Date: 28 November 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with the government of Kenya Procurement Law and Regulations and the evaluation criteria contained in the bidding documents. The invitation for bids is open to international firms who meet the following eligibility criteria: Minimum average annual turnover as prime contractor (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) over the last 5 years of 10 Billion Kenya Shillings. Successful experience as a contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor in the execution of at least 1 project of a nature and complexity comparable to the proposed contract within the last 10 years, with a value of at least 18 Billion Kenya Shillings. The experience should include minimum key production rate of: Laying of water pipes 800mm diameter at a rate of 2850m per month; Earthworks at a rate of 130,000m3 per month; Concrete works at a rate of 3000m3 per month; Have appropriate equipment and staff as defined in the bidding documents; Access to, or availability of financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, other than any contractual advance payments sufficient to meet: A Construction cash – flow requirement of 1 Billion Kenya Shillings. The Overall cash flow requirements for this contract and its current commitments. Has the ability to mobilise the required finances to implement the project through support of the applicants Government or Applicants country Export Bank or any other financial institution capable of providing funds with acceptable terms and conditions by the National Treasury. Bids must be accompanied with Bid security of at least 1% of the contract price.

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About Pauline Rainbird

I have been working at L2B since March 2011 and my current position is Deputy Head of Department - Africa. When I am not working I am either riding my bicycle or spending time with my dogs.

Featured Tender: Design, Supply and Installation of 33KV Overhead and Underground Transmission Lines in the Lusaka South Multi – Facility Economic Zone under Two (2) Year Framework Agreement

posted in: Featured Tender 0

Contract Number: LSMFEZ/G/FA/001/17 – Lusaka South Multi Facility Economic Zone (LSMFEZ)

Description: The Lusaka South Multi Facility Economic Zone (LSMFEZ) hereby invites eligible contractors with valid engineering practicing license in Electrical Engineering issued by the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) and valid National Council for Construction (NCC) Certificate under Category E, Grades 1, 2 and 3 for Design, Supply and Installation of 33KV Overhead and Underground Transmission Lines in the Lusaka South Multi – Facility Economic Zone under Two (2) Year Framework Agreement.

Category: Consultants + Electrical and Instrument

Industries: Power Grid + Institutional

Region: Zambia

Site Inspection: A mandatory site visit will take place on 01 November 2017 at 10:00 (Local Time) in the Lusaka South Multi-Facility Economic Zone.

Closing Date: 17 November 2017 at 10:00 (Local Time)

Restrictions: Bidding will be conducted using Framework Agreement (FA) and Open National Bidding (ONB) procedures in accordance with the Public Procurement Act No. 12 of 2008 and Public Procurement Regulations, 2011. Preferential Procurement regulations apply as per provisions of the Statutory Instrument No. 36 of 2011 on preferential procurement, to be read in conjunction with The Citizens Economic Empowerment Act No. 9 of 2006, as read together with the Public Procurement Act No. 12 of 2008: a) Citizen-influenced Company – 4%; ii) Citizen-empowered Company – 8%; iii) Citizen-owned Company – 12%; iv) Goods domestically manufactured by a Citizen-influenced, Citizen-empowered and Citizen-owned Company – 15%. Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of not less than 2%. Please note that late or electronic submissions shall not be accepted.

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About Nadia Milln

My journey at Leads 2 Business all started back in September 2014 as a content researcher in the Daily Tenders Africa Department. In March 2018 I was promoted to content researcher in the Private Project department. I am a fun loving, bubbly person and mom to a beautiful baby boy who is the absolute light of my life.

Featured Tender: Maintenance and Repairs of Administrative Buildings in Gatsibo District

Contract Number: 000002/W/NCB/2017/2018 – Gatsibo District

Description: The District of GATSIBO invites qualified bidders to submit bids for the rehabilitation of Administrative Buildings in Gatsibo District as indicated in detail in tender document and the bill of quantity (BOQ).

Category: Building

Industries: Renovations + Institutional

Region: Tanzania

Site Inspection: A compulsory site visit is scheduled to take place on 19 October 2017 at 09:00 local time. After the visit, a site visit certificate will be issued to the visiting bidders

Closing Date: 09 November 2017 at 10:00 (Local Time)

Restrictions: Bid Security is not required, bids shall be accompanied by a Commitment letter. Late bids will be rejected. Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the law n°05/2013 of 13/02/2013 modifying and completing the law n°12/2007 of 27/03/2007 on public procurement.

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About Michelle Ngubo

I have been working at L2B since March 2014 and my current position is Tenders Africa Deputy HOD and Classy is the best word that describes me.

Featured Tender: Mangaung Water Augmentation Project – Xhariep Pipeline: Feasibility Study

Contract Number: BW212/SF/14 – Bloem Water

Description: Invitation to Tender: Mangaung Water Augmentation Project – Xhariep Pipeline: Feasibility Study

Category: Consultants

Industries: Institutional + Water

Region: Free State

Site Inspection: A compulsory briefing session will be held on 13 October 2017 at 11:00. 02 Mzuzu Street, Pellissier, Bloemfontein, 9322

Closing Date: 10 November 2017 at 11:00

Restrictions: No late tenders will be accepted.

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About Nonkazi Zondi

I started at Leads 2 Business in September 2016 as a Content Researcher in the Daily Tenders South Africa Department.

Featured Tender: Panel of Experienced Engineering Service Providers to Repair the Pump, Sewer, Water and Motor Plants

Contract Number: 8/2/1/374 – AbaQulusi Municipality

Description: Invitation to Tender: Panel of Experienced Engineering Service Providers to Repair the Pump, Sewer, Water and Motor Plants for the period of 36 Months.

Category: Infrastructure + Plant & Machinery + Mechanical

Industries: Institutional + Water

Region: KwaZulu-Natal

Site Inspection: No Details

Closing Date: 20 October 2017 at 14:00

Restrictions: No bid that is submitted late will be considered. No bid sent or submitted by facsimile, telex telegram or electronic mail will be accepted. The municipality is not obliged to accept the lowest or any bids. An original Valid tax clearance certificate of a company must be submitted with the tender document. An original current account in terms of water and electricity / rates and taxes obtainable from your local municipality must be submitted or a lease agreement. Certified copies of identity documents of directors and owners of the company must be submitted. BBBEE Certificate with SANAS logo is applicable. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in immediate disqualification of the bid. Service Providers should be on Municipal database. If not please collect forms at SCM Office or down load them from Municipal website (www.Abaqulusi.gov.za) and submit them with your tender document

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About Nonkazi Zondi

I started at Leads 2 Business in September 2016 as a Content Researcher in the Daily Tenders South Africa Department.

Featured Tender: Bloemhof WTW to Olievenfontein Elevated Tank and Pump Station

Contract Number: BDM2007-028D – Dr Ruth S Mompati District Municipality

Description: Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender as follows: Rising Main from Bloemhof WTW to Olievenfontein Elevated Tank and Pump Station

Category: Infrastructure

Industries: Institutional

Region: Vryburg, North West

Site Inspection: 50 Market Street (Council Chamber) on 22 September 2017 at 10:00

Closing Date: 27 October 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: Points System: 90/10. CIDB Grading: 9 CE. Bids will be adjudicated to the Dr Ruth S Mompati District Municipality’s Supply Chain Management policy, the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act 5 of 2011) and the Preferential Procurement regulations, 2011, as well as Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (Act 53 of 2003). Sealed Bids and supporting documents clearly marked with the above reference and description must be placed in the tender box situated at the offices of Dr Ruth S Mompati District Municipality, 50 Market Street, Vryburg, 8601. Please note that it is a prerequisite of the Municipality that all service providers are to be registered on the Dr Ruth S Mompati District Municipality’s Supply Database. It must therefore be understood that only bids from suppliers registered on the Municipality’s Supplier Database or bids accompanied by a completed Supplier Registration Application form will be considered. The submission of valid up to date SARS tax clearance certificate are compulsory. Supplier Registration Application Forms are available from the Finance Department (Room 27) of the Municipality at 50 Market Street, Vryburg, 8601. The Dr Ruth S Mompati District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and the Municipality reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of any bid and further reserves the right to re-advertise if it so wishes to. No reasons for the acceptance or rejection of any bid will be given. No late bids will be accepted.

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About Jackie Thomas

I started working for Leads 2 Business in February 2017. I work in the Daily Tenders division where we source and capture daily tenders for our subscribers. It is an absolute pleasure being a part of this Company and I look forward to being apart of this company for many years to come.

Featured Tender: The Special Maintenance Of National Route N6 Section 2 From Stutterheim (km 0.0) To Cathcart (km 48.4)

Contract Number: NRAN.006-020-2017/1 – Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Description: Advertisement for Pre-qualification of Targeted Enterprises to Participate on Sanral Contract No. NRA N.006-020-2017/1: The Special Maintenance of National Route N6 Section 2 from Stutterheim (km 0.0) to Cathcart (km 48.4). Sanral hereby invites Prequalification applicants from Targeted Enterprises, to submit their documentation for pre-qualification to be considered on project: Special Maintenance of the National Route N6 Section 2 from Stutterheim to Cathcart, under Contract NRA N.006-020-2017/1.

Industry Sector: Road + Institutional

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Eastern Cape

Site Inspection: A compulsory information briefing meeting will take place on 13 September 2017 at 11:00 at the Stutterheim Library Hall, Stutterheim. Applicants must be represented by a representative who must be the Applicant himself or an authorized person in the direct employ of the Applicant.

Closing Date: 22 September 2017 at 14:00

Restrictions: Contractors with the following active CIDB contractor grading designation within the following targeted areas will be included into the submission of the pre-qualification application on 22nd September 2017. CIDB contractor grading designation: Grade 1 and 2 CE PE / SK – From within Amahlathi Local Municipality. Grade 3,4, and 5 CE PE / SK – From within Amathole District Municipality. Grade 6 and 7 CE PE / SK – From within the Eastern Cape Province. Queries relating to issues arising from this document may be addressed to: Mr Stephan Van Der Walt of Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

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About Lauren Davids

I am a Content Researcher for the Western Cape Region in the Daily Tenders Department.

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