Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies
Contract Number: SCM17-21/S – Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
Description: Tenders are invited for the following: Tri-Annual Contract for Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation Using Trenchless Technologies.
Category: Infrastructure
Industries: Institutional
Region: Eastern Cape
Site Inspection: Compulsory Briefing Meeting: 01 December 2017 at 11:00; Venue: Aurecon, Lion Roars Office Park, Corner of Heugh Road and 3rd Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth. Tenderers arriving 10 minutes late will not be allowed for a clarification meeting.
Closing Date: 11 January 2018 at 11:00
Restrictions: CIBD Grading: 5 CE or Higher. All tenderers must be registered on the Municipality’s supplier’s database through NMBM database. The Municipality reserves the right not to consider the tenders of tenderers not registered on the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s supplier’s database. Please phone NMBM database to register, If not yet registered.Submission of Opening and Opening of Tenders: Tenders must reach the Municipality by not later than the closing date and time.The tenders in sealed envelopes, clearly stating the contract number and description, Tenders will be publicly opened simultaneously in the boardroom, Supply Chain Management Office, Harrower Road, North End, Port Elizabeth and the Conference Room, first floor. Municipal Offices. Market Street. Uitenhage, Thursday, 11 January 2018 at 11:00 on the application.The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tenders and late tenders will not be accepted.The Council promotes the use of previously disadvantaged small and medium contractors. Details of the preference formula appear in the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Municipality and can be obtained from the Director: Supply Chain Management, Harrower Road, North End, Port Elizabeth. Bid Validity Period: 180 days.
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About Lauren Davids
I am a Content Researcher for the Western Cape Region in the Daily Tenders Department.