CIDB Tender Value Limits Increase

posted in: General 12

The revised tender value ranges across all CIDB grades come into effect on 07 October 2019 and will display as such on Leads 2 Business from that date.

Please see the below press release for detailed information.
Regulation Amendment Notification 15 August 2019

Source: CIDB

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

At which point in the Project Life Cycle can your business find Value?

At which point in the Project Life Cycle can your business find Value?



At which point in the Project Life Cycle can your business find Value?


To answer the above lets break it down.


  1. What is the Project Life Cycle?

One of the services we offer at Leads 2 Business is Projects and the various phases within these Projects are known as the Project Life Cycle. The Stages in a Project Life Cycle are Conceptual, Procedural, Design, Tender, Awarded & Underway, Complete and Postponed.

To learn more about each Life Cycle you can check out How Projects Work


  1. What is Value?

According to the Business Dictionary value is described as, “The extent to which a good or service is perceived by its customer to meet his or her needs or wants, measured by customer’s willingness to pay for it. It commonly depends more on the customer’s perception of the worth of the product than on its intrinsic value.”


In short the answer to the question, “At which point in the Project life cycle can your business find value?” is simple: you can find value in every point in the Project Life, depending on what your business does.


You may be asking, “How?”


Here are a few examples:

Professionals like Architects, Engineers and Quantity Surveyors can contact the Client/Developer directly at the Conceptual/Procedural stage to be appointed as part of the Professional team.

Project Managers can contact the Client/Developer directly at Conceptual/Procedural/Design Stage to get involved. They can also contact other Professionals appointed on a Project to market and build relationships.

Subcontractors like plumbers, electricians and painters can contact Companies at Tender/Awarded Stage to provide quotes.

Vendors, Suppliers, Manufacturers and Fabricators can contact the Architect/QS during Design Stage if they have a product that can be specified on the BoQ and supplied later.

Property Managers can contact the Client at Conceptual Stage and start building a relationship while the project is still being developed in order to be appointed once Complete. They can also contact the anchor tenant at Completed Stage to get involved.

IT, Security and Cleaning Services can get involved at Tender/Awarded Stage to provide quotes and offer subcontracting services to Contractors that may be awarded the Project.

Landscapers can contact the Landscape Architect or Architect during Design Stage or contact the Client directly at Underway Stage to offer their services. They can also look at completed projects and offer services in the future as a marketing tool.

All of the above can benefit from the Postponed Stage so they are aware when the Project is going ahead in order to manage their work flow efficiently.

Finding Value in the Project Life Cycle couldn’t be easier with Leads 2 Business.

Want to know more about Projects or any of the other Services we offer? Contact me on

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Where do you find value?

Where do you find Value?



This is a very tricky question. Where you find value is going to depend on what you value. Different people value different things.


Those who value saving, will find value in all sales. They will scour the newspapers, internet, shops etc., for any discount. This might not mean that they are actually buying an item they need, it might just be that because they will be saving, they will buy it now instead of waiting until they actually need it.


Everyone wants value for their money. If it’s an item you have purchased or a service. And because you have paid, you want the most out of it. Sometimes, you are amazed by the value you receive for your money, but a few times you are so very disappointed and this is when comments and reviews are published on websites like Hello Peter.


Others value family and friends. They understand that each minute you spend with someone you love is to be valued, as you don’t know if you will have the next minute.


I recently found a quote from Mother Theresa: “In the West we have a tendency to be profit-oriented, where everything is measured according to the results and we get caught up in being more and more active to generate results. In the East – especially in India – I find that people are more content to just be, to just sit around under a banyan tree for half a day chatting to each other. We Westerners would probably call that wasting time. But there is value to it. Being with someone, listening without a clock and without anticipation of results, teaches us about love. The success of love is in the loving – it is not in the result of loving.”


At the end of the day, we are all different, will value different things and therefore, we will all find value in different places. I think the best would be a balance between everything we value and how / where we find that value. Remember to find value in the smaller things in life. It is oft times, the smile you give a stranger, that uplifts them on a bad day, the small kindnesses you do for others, without expecting anything in return. These small things leave a lasting legacy and give value to others’ lives.



About Cecile Van Deventer

I joined the L2Q Team in 2006, as a L2Q Support Assistant and have been the HOD since 2010. I supervise L2Q Bills, Daily Tender Bills, Control Lists and Directory.