So we are over the half way mark, and how are you feeling?
For most, you have now reached that time in the year where all your New Years resolutions have failed and long gone, even the guilt has started to fade and you are back to being the smoking, drinking, fast-food eating, non-gyming, gym contract owner….. yip! You know who you are!
Obviously there are the chosen few who are super humans, you are the ones who have given up all your vices and are looking and feeling amazing, and all I can say to you is, well done! You are awesome! Teach me! Teach me!
Nevertheless the middle of the year for all of us can take its toll, the excitement of our promises to ourselves has past, our goals not quite reached seem even further away now as we have less time in the year to reach them.
Summer has long forgotten us, we wake up when its dark and get home from work when its dark… Gosh!! I’m depressing myself, this was not the purpose of this blog!!!
“Motivation wherefore art thou??”
Well here it is:)
The amazing thing about this time of year is, the best is on its way, we are less than a month away from Spring people!!!
I’ve thought long and hard about how I will see the rest of this year, and I’ve decided, instead of seeing it as a downward spiral to “year end madness” with no real time to start or finish anything, instead I have set new resolutions of change and set new goals. A challenge if you will.
This, along with spring cleaning is bound to give me a new lease on life!
We all know the old wedding bridal tradition of “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue”?
Well I’ve devised my own!
It’s titled: Something for my Heart, Something for my Soul & Something for my Health!

For My heart I have pledged to give up some of my time and devote it to my kids who have developed a strong love for board games, and I’ve decided to cultivate this before it turns to evenings of “Charades”!!! ‘cos once that happens , I’m out! And I will need to find a new place to devote my time, I’m thinking watching paint dry sounds fun!

For My Soul I have committed myself to a life change, this change, many may regard as me giving up something, where I truly see it as gaining a whole lot more. I will be giving up one of my vices, and I’m totally excited for the change:)
And last but not least, my health.

For my health I have joined my local gym – Yes I know its August! Don’t judge me! Lol!
The way I see it, I’m giving myself a head start on the New Years Resolutioners!
And by the end of December when all my passion and drive for change has started to loose its appeal…. guess what? It’s New Year again and I will be ready to recommit myself to a better me all over again! It’s a win, win, it’s a fool proof plan to remain motivated all 12 months of the year:)
When you feel better, you do better and it will show, at home and at work and it will even start rubbing off on the people around you. I urge and challenge you all to do the same – find a goal or better still, a few goals, these should inspire you and give you something to see you through the next 6 months of this year:).
For your mid year goals – dig deep! Take yourself out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself, don’t celebrate mediocrity!! If you expect your best, you will give your best – it’s a fact I promise:) I have chosen 3 things to change, all of which will take a great lot of effort to master, but once I have them down I will be a way better person for it, and isn’t that what goal setting is all about? Being better? And let me tell you, I can already feel it, I know I can get through the rest of this year with the same excitement I started it with!
However if you feel you just not up to any life changing challenges, how about doing a few small ones, some more fun than challenging….
- Once a month offer someone a cup of coffee that you don’t usually make for.
- Find someone new to complement every day.
- Call someone you haven’t spoken to in months and find out how they are.
- Give away something you haven’t used in the past 8 months.
- Find a children’s story book and read it out loud with passion and expression.
- Give up all social media for 3 days.
- Compete wholeheartedly for something.
- Say yes as often as possible.
And last but never least – Smile Smile Smile!
……And because I always like to leave you all with something to think about when I end my blog, here it is:
There are only 21 Fridays left until Christmas!!!
“Yip! You’re welcome!!” 😉
About Sherina Shawe
I am a strong believer in "What you put in , is what you will get out" and this drives me every day, whether it's at home with my gorgeous family or at work where I get to fuel my competitive spirit. I love who I am and who I'm becoming. I love where I am , but more importantly where I'm going.... #EternalOptimist #Aspire2Inspire