L2B Opportunities unearthed in the last 30 days – January 2025

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Leads 2 Business Opportunities we have unearthed in the last 30 Days: for more information check out our Pricing Page.

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About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

L2B Opportunities unearthed in the last 30 Days – October 2024

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We put new business prospect leads within your reach.

Opportunities are researched throughout South Africa and Africa.

Find construction Tenders and Projects within the building, infrastructure, mining, and industrial sectors and more.

Our comprehensive, online, resource platform delivers daily leads to help you make informed business decisions.

Leads 2 Business Opportunities we have unearthed in the last 30 Days: for more information check out our Pricing Page.


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About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

L2B Opportunities unearthed in the last 30 Days – September 2024

We put new business prospect leads within your reach.

Opportunities are researched throughout South Africa and Africa.

Find construction Tenders and Projects within the building, infrastructure, mining, and industrial sectors and more.

Our comprehensive, online, resource platform delivers daily leads to help you make informed business decisions.

Leads 2 Business Opportunities we have unearthed in the last 30 Days: for more information check out our Pricing Page.


To view more Articles, please visit our Leads 2 Business Blog.
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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

L2B Opportunities unearthed in the last 30 Days – August 2024

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We put new business prospect leads within your reach.

Opportunities are researched throughout South Africa and Africa.

Find construction Tenders and Projects within the building, infrastructure, mining, and industrial sectors and more.

Our comprehensive, online, resource platform delivers daily leads to help you make informed business decisions.

Leads 2 Business Opportunities we have unearthed in the last 30 Days: for more information check out our Pricing Page.



To view more Articles, please visit our Leads 2 Business Blog.
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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

Featured Project: Linton Corner Retail Development

Gauteng – PPA 29394

Construction of the 24 000m² Linton Corner Retail Development, on the corner of Lynwood and Solomon Mahlangu Roads, Equestria, Pretoria, Gauteng. The exact GPS Coordinates are 25°46’40.3″S & 28°20’39.1″E
Status Region
Underway Pretoria, Gauteng
Category Value
Building Unknown At This Stage
Industry Timing
Retail December 2022 – April 2024 (16 Months)
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated
Linton Corner Retail Development – Building

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details about this Featured Project here.
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To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

Featured Project: Parkdene Boulevard

Gauteng – PPA 25573

Upgrades and renovations of the existing Parkdene Junction Retail Precinct situated along Rondebult Road also known as the Parkdene Boulevard Redevelopment , Parkdene, Boksburg, Gauteng. Construction is to be done over 4 phases. Construction of phase 1 GLA 20 567m² includes the expansion of Checkers, construction of 9 000m² new retail, 1 filling station and 3 stand alone drive thru’s and will be 32,000 square meters of contemporary retail space. The total GLA after expansion is approximately 44 000m². GPS : 26°13’36.2″S 28°14’44.9″E
Status Region
Awarded Boksburg, Gauteng
Category Value
Building R 61 Million – R 200 Million
Industry Timing
Renovations, Retail October 2023 – October 2024 (12 Months)
Sector Class
Private Invited / Negotiated

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details about this Featured Project here.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

Featured Project: Aberdeen Wind Facility 1

Eastern Cape – PPA 17678

Construction of the Aberdeen Wind Facility – 1 within Beaufort West in the Eastern Cape Province. Proposed for a cluster of 41 wind turbines with a hub height of up to 200m and the rotor height up to 300m. Located approximately 20km west of Aberdeen, 32°29’48.1″S 23°58’39.4″E


Status Region
Procedural Aberdeen
Category Value
Infrastructure Unknown At This Stage
Industry Timing
Power Grid 2023 onwards (24 months)
Sector Class
Commercialised State Open Tender / Possible Pre-Qualification

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details about this Featured Project here.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

What can you do with Google other than Googling?

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What can you can do with Google other than googling?

Below are a few fun things you can do with Google, other than just searching.

First off, it might not be a Google App, but thought it needs an honourable mention. You know that one friend that is all was asking you how to do things and you keep telling them to google it, well there is LMGTFY – short for Let Me Google That For You, for this. Yes, It’s as the name says, except it will teach them how to google as well.

The next one is elgooG. This one is also not part of Google, but has a lot of the Easter Eggs Google has removed. This website is dedicated to keeping all the “killed” Easter Eggs by Google ‘Just for fun’ as it has been put on the website.

Need to find what you need quicker? This is more along the lines of how to search with Google.

  • site: l2b.co.za – add ‘site:’ and then the website URL with what you are looking for into the Google search bar and Google will only search the content for that site. l2b.co.za was used here as an example, but this would only search l2b.co.za for whatever it is that you are searching for.
  • “” – When you put inverted commas around one or more words in the search bar, Google will make sure it only, at a minimum, finds things that match exactly what’s between the inverted commas, for example, The “cow jumped” over the moon, Google will make sure that your search results will at least have “cow jumped” somewhere on the web page.
  • -(dash, minus, hyphen, whatever you would like to call it) – you put this in front of words that you don’t want to be included in your search results. Like ‘South African Rugby -Zealand’ would make it so that you don’t have to read about our recent loss to them.
  • ~(Tilde) – This will also search for related words, like ~higher education will include university in the search.
  • .. (double full stop) – put this between years and it will only find things that were created that year. For example ‘2010..2020’ would find all content created between 2010 and 2020.

So that next time you are battling to find what you need try adding one or more of these little helpers to get what you are searching for.

Did you know Google has some ‘extra’ languages that you can use other than the normal English? There are 5 fun ones:

  • Klingon – This is a very nerdy one and is a language from Start Trek
  • Bork, bork, bork! – This is one from Sesame Street
  • Pirate – Shiver me timbers, I’m sure you can guess what this one is
  • Elmer Fudd – for anyone who grew up with loony toons, you will know this one
  • Pig Latin – If you don’t know this one, then I don’t know what you were doing in school
  • Hacker – The Last one is a bit more modern and one I have been having a bit of fun with lately, just be warned, I’m still trying to decipher some of these words.

These will change the language settings for google, it will not affect the language of the websites you visit, and you can find them in the language setting for your google account. The links here will just give you some help choosing which one you might want.

Want to play a board game but someone has lost the Die? not to worry, Google has you covered. Google ‘roll dice’ and you will have what you need. You can roll one or more different types of die and the family board game evening has been saved.

Feeling really stressed, don’t know where to start, need to take a breather? Don’t worry Google has something for you too. Google “breathing exercise” and Google will help with a 1-minute breathing exercise so that you are in a nice calm place before you send out all those lmgtfy’s.

Do you ever miss your DVD player screensaver? Well Google can help you to fill that void. Search ‘DVD screensaver’, wait a few seconds and your void will be filled. The Google logo in the left-hand corner will become your DVD screensaver.

Are you really jonesing for that Pacman fix? Google ‘pacman’, click play and away you go, playing Pacman around the Google logo, fixing your withdrawal symptoms outside of company working hours.

Want to watch google do the Cha Cha Slide? Search ‘Cha Cha Slide’ click the mic and then keep clicking and watch Google shake it.

Got a very important decision to make, but just can’t find the coin you need, and trust me crypto coins don’t work. Google ‘Flip a coin’ and now you and Two-Face can carry on doing what you need to do.

Lastly, an awesome one to do with Google Maps. You can see a time-lapse of the earth from 1984 until now. There are a few different types of time lapses, changing forests and warming of the planet to name a few. This will show you changes to the earth over time.

There are a lot more fun things to do on Google. Comment your favourite below.

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About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.

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About Shanelle Suresh

I started at Leads 2 Business in 2023. I worked in the Projects Department as a content researcher for the Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and the Gauteng region. I've experienced many great opportunities for growth and learning in this time. I am now IT Admin Support and I am loving the new ways of contributing to the company's success. My colleagues are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise.