Register on the Leads 2 Business Directory for Free

posted in: General 13

To register on the Leads 2 Business Directory for FREE and gain exposure for your business complete the below info ⬇️

(Give details of your Trades/Scope of works & detail the services/products
Example: 400 Road, Office Park, City, Province, Code, RSA
Example: 400 Road, Office Park, City, Province, Code, RSA
Select from the drop-down
Select from the drop-down
Central Supplier Database Number if not registered please state: Not Registered
Please state whether you supply material and/or labour or if only consulting
Which regions do you operate in
Aerial Survey & Mapping Fencing – Wire Fencing & Products Pipes & Fittings – HDPe
Access Control & Security Systems Fencing & Gates – Electrical Pipes & Fittings – Steel
Access Flooring Fibreglass Pipes & Fittings – uPVC & mPVC
Acoustic & Noise Control Fire Equipment & Services Pipes & Fittings Other
Agricultural Machinery Fireplaces Plasterwork & Screeding
Agricultural Services Fireproof Doors & Safes Plastic & Foam
Air-conditioning & Ventilation Fleet Management & Maintenance Plastic Sheeting & Liners
Alterations & Maintenance Formwork Plumbing & Sanitary
Anti-Corrosion & Acid Protection Fuels & Lubricants Power & Energy
Awnings, Blinds, Canopies & Sun Control Gabions, Geosynthetics & Subsoil Materials Prefabricated concrete flooring/roofing
Bolts, Fasteners & Cast in Items Glazing & Mirrors systems
Boreholes & Dewatering Granite & Marble Prefabricated Portal & Pipe Culverts
Builders Merchants & Hardware Guardrails & Barriers Pre-Stressing/Post Tensioning
Building Contractors Heavy Plant Pumps
Building Management Systems (BMS) Hygiene Products & Services Raft Foundation
Building Signage, Hoarding & Advertising Industrial Catering Appliances Railway Contractors
Building Small Works Instrumentation Rainwater Goods
Carpentry Joinery & Cabinet Making Instruments Refrigeration
Carpets, Floor Liners & Synthetic Surfaces Insulation Retaining Walls & Systems
Cathodic Protection Ironmongery Rock Breaking/Blasting
Ceilings, Partitions, Bulkheads & Drywalling Jointing Road Markings
Cement Kerbing – Extruded & Cast In situ Road Signs
Channelling Cast Insitu Kerbing & Ancillaries – Precast Roofing & Trusses
Chemicals and Gases Kitchen Cupboards & Vanities Safety & Protective Clothing
Civil Contracting Laboratory Sandblast & Gunite
Cleaning & Catering Landscaping, Grassing & Horticulture Scaffolding
Computer Hardware, Software & Leakage & Service Detection Shelving & Shopfitting – Aluminium
Networking Lifting Equipment Shelving & Shopfitting – Other
Concrete & Asphalt Cutting Lighting Shorthaul Transport & Lowbeds
Concrete Sub-contractors Lightning Protection Shower & Shower Doors
Concrete Supply & Placing Lime Skylights
Construction Chemicalss Long haul Transport & Logistics Small Plant & Tools
Crushed Stone, Gravel & Sand Manholes – Precast Concrete Stainless Steel Fabrication
Crushing & Screening Manholes – Premanufactured Other Steel Fabrication, Engineering & Manufacture
Dam Liners Materials Steel Handrails etc & Cast in Items
Dayworks Rates Marine Construction services Steel Manufacture
Demolition Masonry Blockwork Steel Reinforcing & Dowel Bars
Domestic Kitchen Appliances Masonry Brickwork Street & Highmast lighting
Door & Window Frame Pressed Metal Masonry Stonework Structural Steelwork Erection
Door & Window Frames Aluminium Materials Handling & Surfacing Asphalt Surfacing & Milling
Door & Window Frames uPVC Dock Levelling Surfacing Bitumen or Prime Supply &
Door & Window Frames Wooden Mats & Matwell frames Distribution
Doors Roller Shutter Mechanical Spares & Repairs Surfacing Chipping Sealing or Slurry
Drain & Pipe Cleaning Medical Equipment Surfacing Road Crack Sealing &
Dynamic Compaction Metalwork Patching
Earthworks & Excavations Mining, Mining Supplies Swimming Pools
Electrical Installation & Processing Synthetic Sport Surfaces & Tracks
Electrical Materials Mobile Office & Toilets Telecommunications
Electrical Reticulation Mouldings Tiling
Elevators Escalators & Lifts Office Automation Timber Supplies
Engineering, Boilermaking & Manufacture Office Furniture & Seating Underfloor Heating
Epoxy Flooring & Coatings Ornamental Precast Concrete or Cladding Valve Chambers
Erosion Protection & Pitching Painting Valves & Meters
Expansion Joint, Bridge Bearings & Concrete Paper Hanging Wall Lining
Repair Paving Walling
External or Site Works Pest Control & Poisoning Waste Disposal
External Plumbing Piling – Jacking, Drilling, Grouting & Water Purification
Fencing – Gates, Doors & Automation Anchoring Water Tanks & Reservoirs
Fencing – Palisade Piling – Slope Stabilisation & Geotechnical Waterproofing, Membranes & Sealing
Fencing – Precast Walling & Concrete Piling & Underpinning Weighbridge & Scales
Palisade Pipes & Fittings – Cast Iron, Gratings & Covers Wooden & Laminate Flooring


The Leads 2 Business Terms and Conditions of use are in accordance with our Privacy Policy which includes references to the POPI Act. By completing/submitting this form, you are consenting to the inclusion of your details on our site.

More about Leads 2 Business in 60 seconds on YouTube.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

The Affects of the Rise of Digital Privacy

posted in: General 0

How did I pay for the internet? Apparently, with my personal information. Who knew?!

When researching these blog articles, I invariably end up down some rabbit hole, marvelling at my own ignorance. Googling definitions left, right and centre. There’s a thick layer of technical and jargon-ny terms that serve as a deterrent when trying to learn anything about the internet. Obviously, why would anyone want to learn beyond “What’s the wifi password?” and “Reset the router”. As all-encompassing as the internet is now, and it’s quickly, if not already, becoming a “human right” (thanks COVID); there is an aversion to learning how it works and why it works.

Don’t ask me, I still don’t know.

However, digital privacy has been identified as a major player in the game. Or the severe lack of digital privacy. Back in the day, when personal computers and a dial-up connection became more widely available; no one thought when sitting at their PC to the soundtrack of “Skaweeerureeweeart” that they had to worry about privacy if they were home alone and the curtains were drawn. How wrong they were.

Practically every aspect of your activity and use of the internet, through whichever device (PC, tablet or smartphone), is being tracked in some way. Now “tracked” is a very emotive term. Brings to mind a hunter and prey scenario. Which is accurate, unfortunately. Who’s the prey? You. Or more accurately your wallet. Who’s the hunter? Any organisation trying to sell you something or get you to do something (with your money). Ever notice how those ads that show up, no matter which website you’re on, all show the same thing? How do they know you have a penchant for bobblehead toys and camo undies?

When on the internet, you generate data. The types of searches you do, the websites you visit, the emails you write, the ads you click on, as well as the information you plug into any online portal of any sort; generate data. This data has value. Traditionally, this data has paid for the internet. It got bundled up and sold to the highest bidder. And it can enviably identify you in some capacity. This is a problem. Especially when you are not aware that you can be identified, and you don’t know who has your information or who they’ve sold it onto.

Once this potential omission or neglect or just blatant abuse, was identified; then laws had to be made to protect individuals. Europe has the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and South Africa has the Protection of Personal Information Act No 4 of 2013 (POPIA). This has resulted in fundamental changes to how organisations do business on the internet. Organisations have to declare if they gather personal information and how they do it. This is usually explained in a Privacy Policy.

Specifically, these changes have implications for advertising. Advertising pays for the internet. Organisations, of any size, rely on advertising to garner more interest, more business and more engagement. If the entire population of the world, says a collective “Nope” to allowing their data to be gathered; then your potential pool of customers, clients and buyers dry up. Organisations need to supplement this loss of income somehow, and so there’s probably going to be an increase in fees, costs and previously free services being converted into paying services.

Are you helpless in the face of such intrusion? Of course not. Education is the first starting point. With knowing how valuable your data is, there are a variety of ways to protect your information. You can ensure that your passwords are strong and change often. You can use ad blockers and other plugins and extensions to prevent your activities from being tracked. Cookies are the most commonly used trackers on any website. These perform necessary functions like session management, personalisation and tracking (I know). But you have to be told now, that cookies are being used. You can choose not to allow cookies. This is a double-edged sword. The functionality will be affected in some way.

Data transparency is on the rise and should be encouraged. No one can really argue against privacy. So any innovation and developments that support the protection of individual privacy, while allowing businesses to get their brands, products and services out there; should be encouraged.

In Man
Today Headline
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NY Times
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NY Times

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About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

A Day in the Life of the Directory Department

The Directory Department is most definitely the centre point of the company and is crucial for a systematic workflow

Working in the Directory Department consists of the following:

1. Adding new companies and updating existing companies
2. Confirming companies and all the relevant contact details
3. Updating subscription forms
4. Assisting clients and staff with directory queries
5. Registration of various vendors
6. Assisting clients with failed searches
7. Monthly directory audits
8. Checking if there are any unnecessary duplication
9. Monitoring failed emails
10. Opt-out queries due to Privacy Policy Act

The information on our Directory needs to be accurate at all times. With the new Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act), information is much more challenging to obtain which makes information on our platform much more valuable.

To register on the Leads 2 Business Directory for FREE and gain exposure for your business contact the Directory Department Team today on with the below info ⬇️

Full Contacts Name:
Contacts Designation:

Full Company Name:
FULL Company Description (Give details of your Trades/Scope of works & detail the services/products): 

Reg No:
Branch Name:
E-mail Address:
Website Address:
Postal Address:
Physical Address:
BBBEE Level:
BBBEE Class – Exempt Micro Enterprises (EME), Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE), or Generic Enterprises (GEN):
CIDB Ratings & Class:
Capacity (Material &/or Labour):
Serviceable Regions (Africa & RSA):

Please Select from the Available Trades:

Aerial Survey & Mapping Fencing – Wire Fencing & Products Pipes & Fittings – HDPe
Access Control & Security Systems Fencing & Gates – Electrical Pipes & Fittings – Steel
Access Flooring Fibreglass Pipes & Fittings – uPVC & mPVC
Acoustic & Noise Control Fire Equipment & Services Pipes & Fittings Other
Agricultural Machinery Fireplaces Plasterwork & Screeding
Agricultural Services Fireproof Doors & Safes Plastic & Foam
Air-conditioning & Ventilation Fleet Management & Maintenance Plastic Sheeting & Liners
Alterations & Maintenance Formwork Plumbing & Sanitary
Anti-Corrosion & Acid Protection Fuels & Lubricants Power & Energy
Awnings, Blinds, Canopies & Sun Control Gabions, Geosynthetics & Subsoil Materials Prefabricated concrete flooring/roofing
Bolts, Fasteners & Cast in Items Glazing & Mirrors systems
Boreholes & Dewatering Granite & Marble Prefabricated Portal & Pipe Culverts
Builders Merchants & Hardware Guardrails & Barriers Pre-Stressing/Post Tensioning
Building Contractors Heavy Plant Pumps
Building Management Systems (BMS) Hygiene Products & Services Raft Foundation
Building Signage, Hoarding & Advertising Industrial Catering Appliances Railway Contractors
Building Small Works Instrumentation Rainwater Goods
Carpentry Joinery & Cabinet Making Instruments Refrigeration
Carpets, Floor Liners & Synthetic Surfaces Insulation Retaining Walls & Systems
Cathodic Protection Ironmongery Rock Breaking/Blasting
Ceilings, Partitions, Bulkheads & Drywalling Jointing Road Markings
Cement Kerbing – Extruded & Cast In situ Road Signs
Channelling Cast Insitu Kerbing & Ancillaries – Precast Roofing & Trusses
Chemicals and Gases Kitchen Cupboards & Vanities Safety & Protective Clothing
Civil Contracting Laboratory Sandblast & Gunite
Cleaning & Catering Landscaping, Grassing & Horticulture Scaffolding
Computer Hardware, Software & Leakage & Service Detection Shelving & Shopfitting – Aluminium
Networking Lifting Equipment Shelving & Shopfitting – Other
Concrete & Asphalt Cutting Lighting Shorthaul Transport & Lowbeds
Concrete Sub-contractors Lightning Protection Shower & Shower Doors
Concrete Supply & Placing Lime Skylights
Construction Chemicalss Long haul Transport & Logistics Small Plant & Tools
Crushed Stone, Gravel & Sand Manholes – Precast Concrete Stainless Steel Fabrication
Crushing & Screening Manholes – Premanufactured Other Steel Fabrication, Engineering & Manufacture
Dam Liners Materials Steel Handrails etc & Cast in Items
Dayworks Rates Marine Construction services Steel Manufacture
Demolition Masonry Blockwork Steel Reinforcing & Dowel Bars
Domestic Kitchen Appliances Masonry Brickwork Street & Highmast lighting
Door & Window Frame Pressed Metal Masonry Stonework Structural Steelwork Erection
Door & Window Frames Aluminium Materials Handling & Surfacing Asphalt Surfacing & Milling
Door & Window Frames uPVC Dock Levelling Surfacing Bitumen or Prime Supply &
Door & Window Frames Wooden Mats & Matwell frames Distribution
Doors Roller Shutter Mechanical Spares & Repairs Surfacing Chipping Sealing or Slurry
Drain & Pipe Cleaning Medical Equipment Surfacing Road Crack Sealing &
Dynamic Compaction Metalwork Patching
Earthworks & Excavations Mining, Mining Supplies Swimming Pools
Electrical Installation & Processing Synthetic Sport Surfaces & Tracks
Electrical Materials Mobile Office & Toilets Telecommunications
Electrical Reticulation Mouldings Tiling
Elevators Escalators & Lifts Office Automation Timber Supplies
Engineering, Boilermaking & Manufacture Office Furniture & Seating Underfloor Heating
Epoxy Flooring & Coatings Ornamental Precast Concrete or Cladding Valve Chambers
Erosion Protection & Pitching Painting Valves & Meters
Expansion Joint, Bridge Bearings & Concrete Paper Hanging Wall Lining
Repair Paving Walling
External or Site Works Pest Control & Poisoning Waste Disposal
External Plumbing Piling – Jacking, Drilling, Grouting & Water Purification
Fencing – Gates, Doors & Automation Anchoring Water Tanks & Reservoirs
Fencing – Palisade Piling – Slope Stabilisation & Geotechnical Waterproofing, Membranes & Sealing
Fencing – Precast Walling & Concrete Piling & Underpinning Weighbridge & Scales
Palisade Pipes & Fittings – Cast Iron, Gratings & Covers Wooden & Laminate Flooring


To view more Articles, please visit our Leads 2 Business Blog.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit Leads 2 Business.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Nirasha Rampersad

I started working for Leads to Business June 2017 as Support Assistance in L2Q.

The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)

posted in: General 1

All public and private bodies will have to be POPIA compliant by 01 July 2021.

The purpose of The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act 4 of 2013) is to –

(a) give effect to the constitutional right to privacy, by safeguarding personal information when processed by a responsible party, subject to justifiable limitations that are aimed at –

(i) balancing the right to privacy against other rights, particularly the right of access to information (The Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act 2 of 2000) The Promotion of Access to Information Amendment Act, 2002 (Act 54 of 2002)); and

(ii) protecting important interests, including the free flow of information within the Republic and across international borders;

(b) regulate the manner in which personal information may be processed, by establishing conditions, in harmony with international standards, that prescribe the minimum threshold requirements for the lawful processing of personal information;

(c) provide persons with rights and remedies to protect their personal information from processing that is not in accordance with this Act; and

(d) establish voluntary and compulsory measures, including the establishment of an Information Regulator, to ensure respect for and to promote, enforce and fulfill the rights protected by this Act.

Information Regulator

The Information Regulator (South Africa) is an independent body established in terms of Section 39 of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. it is subject only to the law and the constitution and it is accountable to the National Assembly.

The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA Act) aims to promote the protection of personal information processed by public and private bodies by, among others, introducing certain conditions for the lawful processing of personal information so as to establish minimum requirements for the processing of such information.

The Information Regulator (South Africa) is, among others, empowered to monitor and enforce compliance by public and private bodies with the provisions of the POPIA Act.

10 Definitions as per the Protection of Personal Information Act No 4 of 2013:

Consent – means any voluntary, specific, and informed expression of will in terms of which permission is given for the processing of personal information;

Data subject – means the person to whom the personal information relates;

Information matching program – means the comparison, whether manually or by means of any electronic or other devices, of any document that contains personal information about ten or more data subjects with one or more documents that contain personal information of ten or more data subjects, for the purpose of producing or verifying information that may be used for the purpose of taking any action in regard to an identifiable data subject;

Information officer – of, or in relation to, a –

(a) public body means an information officer or deputy information officer as contemplated in terms of section 1 or 17; or

(b) private body means the head of a private body as contemplated in section 1, of the Promotion of Access to Information Act;

Application forms, and Guidance Notes, for Information Officers, are available at JusticeGov Registration opens 01 May 2021.

Personal information – means information relating to an identifiable, living, natural person, and where it is applicable and identifiable, existing juristic person, including, but not limited to –

(a) information relating to the race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, national, ethnic or social origin, color, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental health, well-being, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language, and the birth of the person;

(b) information relating to the education or the medical, financial, criminal, or employment history of the person;

(c) any identifying number, symbol, e-mail address, physical address, telephone number, location information, online identifier, or other particular assignments to the person;

(d) the biometric information of the person;

(e) the personal opinions, views, or preferences of the person;

(f) correspondence sent by the person that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature or further correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence;

(g) the views or opinions of another individual about the person; and

(h) the name of the person if it appears with other personal information relating to the person or if the disclosure of the name itself would reveal information about the person;

Processing – means any operation or activity or any set of operations, whether or not by automatic means, concerning personal information, including –

(a) the collection, receipt, recording, organization, collation, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, alteration, consultation or use;

(b) dissemination by means of transmission, distribution or making available in any other form; or

(c) merging, linking, as well as restriction, degradation, erasure, or destruction of information;

Promotion of Access to Information Act – means the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000)

Public Record – means a record that is accessible in the public domain and which is in the possession of or under the control of a public body, whether or not it was created by that public body;

Record – means any recorded information –

(a) regardless of form or medium, including any of the following:

(i) Writing on any material;

(ii) information produced, recorded or stored by means of any tape-recorder, computer equipment, whether hardware or software or both, or other devices, and any material subsequently derived from information so produced, recorded or stored;

(iii) label, marking or other writing that identifies or describes anything of which it forms part, or to which it is attached by any means;

(iv) book, map, plan, graph, or drawing;

(v) photograph, film, negative, tape, or other devices in which one or more visual images are embodied so as to be capable, with or without the aid of some other equipment, of being reproduced;

(b) in the possession or under the control of a responsible party;

(c) whether or not it was created by a responsible party;

(d) regardless of when it came into existence;

Regulator – means the Information Regulator established in terms of section 39;

8 Conditions of lawful processing of personal information:

  1. Accountability: where the responsible party must ensure compliance with the conditions for lawful processing
  2. Processing limitation: Personal information must be processed lawfully and in a reasonable manner that does not infringe the privacy of a data subject. Consent, justification, and objection; collection directly from a data subject
  3. Purpose specification: Personal information must be collected for a specific explicitly defined and lawful purpose related to a function or activity of the responsible party
  4. Further processing limitation: Further processing must be compatible with the purpose of collection, failing which consent must be obtained.
  5. Information Quality: Personal information must be complete, accurate, not misleading, and updated.
  6. Openness: The responsible party must maintain records and notify data subjects when collecting personal information
  7. Security Safeguards: A responsible party must secure the integrity and confidentiality of personal information
  8. Subject Participation: Data subjects must have access to personal information. Correction or deletion of personal information may take place if incorrect, irrelevant, outdated, excessive, incomplete, misleading or unlawfully obtained.

All Documents and updates are available here.


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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.