A decrease in water pressure is an early warning sign of issues with your plumbing. Leaky pipes do not have a lot of warning signs.
If you notice a decrease in your water pressure, the first thing you should check is whether your water heater is still in good condition. Slow water pressure can happen when your water heater malfunctions. However, a change in water pressure can also indicate a leaky pipe. Old pipes can also be a problem because rust builds up over time and clogs the pipes. Leaking pipes are sometimes hard to pick up as they are hidden pipes but one can see if there is a damp spot on walls or ceilings.
Faucets should also be repaired or replaced. Replacing faucets is a very budget-friendly way to improve your plumbing and it saves on water.
Discoloured water is a huge red flag. The colour of the water can tell you what the issue is. Orange, red or yellow indicates that it is rusty pipes. Eventually over time corrosion will cause holes in the pipes. Blue or green water indicates brass or copper in the fittings. When your water is black it could well possibly be growth and that can be dangerous.
A clogged drain can end up being a serious problem. Slow-moving or clogged drains can be poor venting in the pipes. You would need a professional to inspect the problem and repair them.
Two types of pipes play a role in how long the pipes in your home will last. Drain pipes and water supply pipes. Supply pipes are under a lot more pressure than other pipes and can cause more damage if they leak. They would be brass, copper or galvanized steel. The upside is, that they do last longer, from 80 to 100 years. Drain pipes are usually made of PVC and only last from 25 to 40 years. It’s important to know what types of pipes you have and to keep track of their age.
You can avoid a big mess and save a lot of money in the long run by knowing more about the plumbing. Knowledge is key!
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My journey with L2B started in November 2021 as an Account Coordinator(AC). My main role is to schedule appointments for the Account Executives(AE). I mainly focus on quality appointments rather than quantity.