Fundamental Building Blocks to Building an Empire

Fundamental Building Blocks to Building an Empire

Building an Empire

So, when I hear empire, the first word that comes to mind is SUCCESS. Starting something successful from the ground up. I’ll list but a few steps on how to achieve this, but the power starts with YOU!

1. PLAN. You’ve had this revolutionary business concept in the back of your mind for 2 years, what do you do? You make it a reality! But now comes the tricky part, where do I start? Research and just a little more research, how many concepts are there like mine? Do I have any restrictions? What will be the biggest competition? Ask yourself all those questions. Weigh out the pros and cons. Create a detailed plan so that you know exactly what you need to do to achieve this empire.

Building an Empire

2. WHY? If you don’t have a purpose or belief in yourself when you decide to start a business, then you should ask yourself, why you are really doing this? Your mind is a powerful thing and any great success story starts with somebody believing they can and also believing that what they are about to do, will make an impact or difference no matter how small.

3. BUILD. Now we all know so much can go wrong in a business due to way too many factors, but if you make a provision for the “what if” moments you might save yourself a lot of energy and disappointment. The aim is to build on top of the capital you already have for those moments, and yes it’s not easy, but make sure that you save on all the necessary things. Set a realistic budget in place and remember to start small. The greatest things are achieved from the smallest concepts.

4. BALANCE. We need to understand everything has to have a balance, between work and personal. Make sure to focus equally on both. We so easily lose focus on our personal lives because we are determined to come out on top, but what happens when you do face those difficult battles? You will have to face them on your own because you would have lost your support system. Regardless of who they are, they will be there when you feel you’ve got nowhere left to turn.

5. NEVER GIVE UP! Even when you feel like nothing has worked out according to plan and it might start failing. Think back to why you started this venture in the first place. An offer may come along that sounds appealing and would rescue you, but are you prepared to give up what you worked so hard to achieve?


Always remember to keep those values and reasons as to why you started this journey.





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L2B Blog: Waste Water Management

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According to statistics recorded from August 2008 to July 2009, South Africa has 852 wastewater management plants. The question is though how many of those plants are still fully functional and how many work efficiently and fulfill their vital process? Below I will describe what the wastewater management process is as well as discuss some of the challenges faced.


What is waste water management?

Wastewater management is an extremely important process that removes all the harmful components that may cause diseases from ‘sewage’ (as most South Africans would call it) water, in order to reproduce usable water again

  • Alarming fact: Around 289,000 children under the age of five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That’s almost 800 children per day, or one child every two minutes.


Steps to Wastewater Treatment:

1. Collection

  • This is the first step whereby the municipality collects water through the collection system in place so that it all comes to and from a central point. (Drainage systems) Thereafter the wastewater is directed to the treatment plant.


2. Odor Control

  • This is an extremely important step due to wastewater having many substances in that cause a stench over time and if not controlled it can affect the surrounding areas. Chemicals are used to reduce the smell.


3. Screening

  • This is where all large objects are removed, such as nappies, sanitary towels, face wipes or earbuds as this may damage the equipment. This waste is transported to landfills once removed.


4. Primary Treatment

  • This is where the macrobiotic (larger particles to be broken down) solid matter is removed. Wastewater is then transferred into tanks where the ‘sludge’ then settles on the surface in order to be removed by scrappers, moved to the centre and then extracted for further treatment


5. Secondary Treatment

  • In this process, air is added to activated sludge (sewage containing micro-organisms) in order to further break down the particles. Air is pumped into tanks and mixed with the sludge. The oxygen consumes the remaining particles which cause the large particles to settle at the bottom of the tank. Wastewater passes through for a period of 3-6 hours


6. Bio-Solids Handling

  • The solid matter gets directed to digesters which are heated to room temperature and treated for a month. Methane gases are produced which form nutrient rich bio-solids, this methane can be recycled and be used as a source of energy.


7. Tertiary treatment

  • This stage has the ability to remove 99% of the impurities and is able to produce water at the standard of drinking but is extremely expensive and requires high skill and equipment as well as steady electrical supply, which we know is not readily available at this point.


8. Disinfection

  • The water needs to be treated for at least 20-25 minutes in chlorine and sodium hypo chloride to remove the last bit of disease causing organisms. This is an integral part, hereafter the water is released for use.


Now that we have that long process out of the way, phew! We look at the fact that our water is not up to standard.


In a report, the DWS stated that there are extremely high levels of sewer pollution in our water due to the fact that we have dysfunctional treatment plants. How does this happen? I mean, I feel exhausted just reading that process, but it is pointed out how important each step is! Well… the following factors come into consideration: Plants are being poorly maintained, communities are growing at a rapid rate and infrastructure falling behind so these plants are operating above their capacity causing them to be overloaded.


Carte Blanche also recently did a program on the state of the treatment plants where they were following up on previous discussions they had had and most of these plants had failed because either nothing was done, or a facade was put up for a few months and then the plant returned back to normal or even worse than before.


Now my question is, how does this get resolved? Number one priority, in my opinion, is for these plants to firstly have some major upgrades done on them but obviously, that’s easy to say if you take the financial aspect out of it. Where should this money come from…

There are definitively some organisations trying to make a positive change and implement strategies and projects in order to succumb these challenges so feel free to check out the links for a positive change.



The Process:


The sad Truth:


Let’s bring back Positive change!