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Simple Tips that will improve Vendor Responses


As the main contractor, your daily schedule involves plenty of organizing, planning, and meticulous work. In a busy world with a busy schedule, it is very easy to lose track of time and lose your objective for the day, even if it is just slight details or information that you need to obtain.
When you tender on a project (or a few), the stressful work can get a bit much, but never fear, as Leads 2 Business is here with a solution.

By using our L2Q Pricing Platform, life has become a little simpler in obtaining prices from various Vendors in just a few clicks.

Once a Bill of Quantities has been added onto your pricing platform profile, you can send Request for Quotes (RFQ’s) to various vendors to obtain prices for specific trades that you require.

Our dedicated Control List team will meticulously follow up on these RFQ’s to assist in obtaining the necessary responses.

By using the following tips, the responses you receive from vendors could be improved:

  • Provide vendors with drawings and/or specifications of the project.
  • Should a vendor contact you with regards to the quotation, assist as much as you are able to at the time.
  • Confirm that you are sending the RFQ to the correct vendor i.e read the description of the company, which will give you the necessary insight on their scope of works.
  • Keep an open line of communication, as good communication will assist with dealing with the same vendor in the future. For example; if the tender has been awarded, notify the vendor if you have been awarded the tender or not. This will let the vendor know that he/she is not pricing in vain.
  • Give the vendors sufficient time to respond to the RFQ (at least 5 – 7 days).

Hopefully, using these few tips, it will assist in an even smoother process to obtain your responses from various vendors, without being bombarded by unnecessary responses that you don’t need.

Feel free to give us a call if you require more information about our Leads 2 Quotes package on +27(0)860 836 337.


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About Nadine Vermeulen

I started working at Leads 2 Business in October 2014 in the Leads 2 Quotes Department. I managed all the Daily Tender Bill Requests and followed up on BoQ's for our Daily Tender Subscribers. In 2017, I was promoted to L2Q Assistant and now work with Bill of Quantities for Contractors. 🙂

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