Featured Tender: Construction of Mapulaneng Hospital – Bulk Earthworks

Contract Number: PWRT/2316/17/MP – Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport

Description: The Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport invites tenders for the Construction of Mapulaneng Hospital – Bulk Earthworks in Ehlanzeni District, Bushbuckridge.

Industry Sector: Healthcare

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Mpumalanga

Site Inspection: A Compulsory Briefing Session will be held on 27 June 2017 at 10:00 at Mapulaneng Hospital – Bushbuckridge Local Municipality.

Closing Date: 13 July 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: No late submissions will be accepted. CIDB Grading: 9CE (8CEPE is allowed).

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Featured Tender: Weenen-Ezitendeni Sanitation Project: Mechanical and Electrical Installations

Contract Number: 01/2017-MEU – uThukela District Municipality

Description: Bids are hereby invited for the Weenen-Ezitendeni Sanitation Project: Mechanical and Electrical Installations of a 1500m3 / day sewage treatment plant for the town of Weenen / Ezitendeni in KwaZulu- Natal. The sewage plant comprise a biological nutrient removal plant.

Industry Sector: Institutional + Water

Industry: Electrical & Instrument + Plant & Machinery + Mechanical

Region: KwaZulu-Natal

Site Inspection: A compulsory Site Inspection will be held on site on Tuesday, 09 June 2017 at 10:00. Failure to obtain a Tender document or non attendance at the site inspection will result in the immediate disqualification of your tender. Tenderers are required to meet at uThukela District Municipality, 36 Lyell Street, Ladysmith from where tenderers will travel in convoy to site close to Weenen (approximately 60km from Ladysmith).

Closing Date: 04 July 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: CIDB Grading Requirement: 6 CE. Tenderers must score a minimum 70 points on Functionality for the tender to be considered further. Sealed tenders endorsed with the Tender no. and Description of the Tender. It will be the tenderer’s responsibility to check the document on receipt for completeness and to notify the employer of any discrepancies or omissions. It is the tenderer’s responsibility to provide all the data and information requested completely and in the form required, failure to do so may be regarded by the employer as a non-responsive tender. Tenderers are also to note that they will be required to support local business enterprises through prescribed Contract Participation Goal commitments in line with current supply chain management policy. uThukela District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any of the tenders and reserves the right to accept the whole part or part of the tender.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Roxanne Mustard

My Name is Roxanne Mustard and I started working at Leads 2 Business in September 2016. My role in the Leads 2 Business team is as a Regional Content researcher in the Projects Department.

Featured Tender: uMshwathi Secondary Bulk Water Scheme Phase 2

Contract Number: 09/2017 – uMgungundlovu District Municipality

Description:Tenders are hereby invited from experienced and suitably qualified service providers for the construction of the uMshwathi Secondary Bulk Water Scheme – Phase 2, located in the uMgungundlovu District Municipality of KwaZulu-Natal. The project comprises of approximately 31km of uPVC and Klambon Steel pipeline, ranging in diameter from 100mm to 315mm and includes the construction of 3No 1M reinforced concrete reservoirs, 1No 150K Reinforced Concrete Break Pressure Tank, 1No 50K Reinforced Concrete Break Pressure Tank and associated valves, chambers and fittings. Tenderers must be ISO 9001 accredited.

Industry Sector: Renovations + Water

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: KwaZulu-Natal

Site Inspection: A compulsory site visit and clarification meeting will be conducted by the Engineer on Thursday, 08 June 2017, meeting at 10:00 at the Efaye Community Hall (29° 17’ 2.11”S; 30° 48’ 1.79”E) located off Road D348.

Closing Date: 06 July 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: Only tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are capable of being registered prior to the close of this tender, in a Contractor grading equal to or higher than 9CE will be eligible to tender.uMgungundlovu District Municipality. Failure to submit the Tender Document and non-attendance at the compulsory clarification meeting will render any tender submission invalid. All queries are to be directed via e-mail to Mr S Delomoney at durban@mna-sa.co.za. Tenders submitted on the official Tender Document that you have purchased, are to be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked: “TENDER No 09/2017: CONSTRUCTION OF UMSHWATHI SECONDARY BULK WATER SCHEME – PHASE 2” and must be deposited in the tender box situated on the ground floor of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality, 242 Langalibalele (Longmarket) Street, Pietermaritzburg, on or before the Closing Time of 12:00 on Thursday, 06 July,where tenders will be opened in public. Late Tenders or Tenders received by way of facsimile or email will under no circumstances be considered. The 90/10 Preference Points system will be applicable, with 90 points for price a nd 10 points for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. Tenderers must be a minimum level 3 or higher B-BBEE status contributor in order to be eligible to tender. Tenderers will be evaluated in terms of functionality as part of the minimum requirements before evaluated on price based on the following criteria: Evaluation Criteria – Weight: Experience applicable to the past 5 years: 50. Financial Resources: 20. Experience of Key Personnel: 16. Previous Performance of Similar Projects: 14. Total = 100. A bidder/s that scores less than 60 points out of 100 in respect of functionality will be regarded as submitting a non-responsive bid and will be disqualified. Thereafter the 90/10 Preference Points system will be applicable, with 90 points for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. Tenderers should ensure that the minimum 30% of the contract is sub-contracted as per Section 9(1) and (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017. The project is EPWP complaint, while providing infrastructure it aims to increase the focus on the creation of temporary work opportunities that provide income to the poor and the unemployed. The EPWP as a primary vehicle for creation of work opportunities, jobs for poor and unemployed people in South Africa so as to contribute to halving unemployment, through the delivery of public and community services. Only tenderers who employ staff which satisfy EPWP requirements are eligible to submit tender offers. All service providers intending to submit a tender are required to be registered on the Central Supplier Database. Tenderers shall take note of the following Tender Conditions: uMgungundlovu District Municipality’s procurement policy will apply; uMgungundlovu District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or any other tender and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender; A Performance Guarantee of 10% of the Contract Value will be required on this contract; The Single Envelope System shall apply; Tenders submitted are to be valid for a period of 120 days from the closing date for submission of tenders.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About George Harris

I started my incredible journey at Leads 2 Business in 2006. I am the Content Director, custodian of an amazing research team responsible for unearthing hidden gems of information.

Featured Tender: Periodic Maintenance of MR 27 – Stellenbosch to Klapmuts

Contract Number: C1087 Tender No S019/17 – Department of Transport and Public Works

Description: Department of Transport and Public Works Supply Chain Management Western Cape invites tenders for C1087: Periodic Maintenance of MR 27 – Stellenbosch to Klapmuts.

Industry Sector: Road

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Western Cape

Site Inspection: A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Warwick Wine Estate On The R44 Towards Klapmuts on 01 June 2017 starting at 10:00.

Closing Date: 22 June 2017 at 11:00

Restrictions: It is estimated that tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading of 8CE. Preferences are offered to tenderers who is a B-BBEE Status Level Contributor Telephonic, Telegraphic, Telex, Facsimile, Emailed and Late Tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivering, opening and assessment of Tenders are stated in the Tender Data

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Featured Tender: Rehabilitation of road P175/1 from Potchefstroom to Vanderbijlpark road (Gauteng Border) approximately (12) kilometres

Contract Number: PWR85/13 – Department of Public Works and Roads

Description: Tenders are invited for: Rehabilitation of road P175/1 from Potchefstroom to Vanderbijlpark road (Gauteng Border) approximately (12) kilometres. Name of institution: Department of Public Works and Roads. Place where goods, works or services are required: Potchefstroom to Vanderbijlpark.

Industry Sector: Road + Institutional

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: North West

Site Inspection: A compulsory briefing session will be held on: Date: 25 May 2017 at Time: 10:00. Venue: Willows Garden Hotel, No. 82 Goven Mbeki Avenue, Potchefstroom.

Closing Date: 09 June 2017 at 11:00

Restrictions: Department Of Public Works & Roads, Mmabatho, Gate House. Documents will be available from 15th May 2017 at a non-refundable fee of R300.00 payable at department offices or at Bank Name: Absa, Account Name: Nw-Department Of Public Works & Roads, Account No.: 4085956856, Branch Code: 634540, Ref No.: Company Name And Project No.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Roxanne Mustard

My Name is Roxanne Mustard and I started working at Leads 2 Business in September 2016. My role in the Leads 2 Business team is as a Regional Content researcher in the Projects Department.

Featured Tender: Upgrading from Gravel to Surface Standard of Road 479 from Khunotswana Village Towards N4 at Tweefontein

Contract Number: PWR127/14 – Department of Public Works and Roads

Description: Department of Public Works and Roads Mmabatho invites tenders for Upgrading from Gravel to Surface Standard of Road 479 from Khunotswana Village Towards N4 at Tweefontein approximately Six (06) Kilometres.

Industry Sector: Road

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: North West

Site Inspection: A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Khunotswana Tribal Hall on 18 May 2017 starting at 10:00.

Closing Date: 02 June 2017 at 11:00

Restrictions: It is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading of 7CE. Preferences are offered to tenderers who 7CE or higher. Telephonic, Telegraphic, Telex, Facsimile, Emailed and Late Tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivering, opening and assessment of Tenders are stated in the Tender Data.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to find more details about Upgrading from Gravel to Surface Standard of Road 479 from Khunotswana Village Towards N4 at Tweefontein

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Featured Tender: Burbreeze Reservoir: Construction of 3.3 km of DN 300 Continuously Welded Steel Rising Mains, 5Ml Reinforced Concrete Reservoir, Pumpstation Auxilliary Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Plant

Contract Number: WS-6991 – Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality

Description: Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality invites tenders for Burbreeze Reservoir: Construction of 3.3 km of DN 300 Continuously Welded Steel Rising Mains, 5Ml Reinforced Concrete Reservoir, Pumpstation Auxilliary Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Plant.

Industry Sector: Water

Industry: Infrastructure + Electrical and Instrument + Plant & Machinery + Mechanical

Region: KwaZulu-Natal

Site Inspection: A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at In Room 301, 3rd Floor, Ethekwini Water & Sanitation Building, 3 Prior Road, Durban on 09 May 2017 starting at 10:00.

Closing Date: 02 June 2017 at 11:00

Restrictions: It is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading of 8CE. Preferences are offered to tenderers who are registered with CIDB Only tenderers who are Grading 8 CE /higher are eligible to submit tenders. Telephonic, Telegraphic, Telex, Facsimile, Emailed and Late Tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivering, opening and assessment of Tenders are stated in the Tender Data

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to find more details about Burbreeze Reservoir: Construction of 3.3 km of DN 300 Continuously Welded Steel Rising Mains, 5Ml Reinforced Concrete Reservoir, Pumpstation Auxilliary Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Plant

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

Featured Tender: Construction of smaller buildings and civil engineering structures and infrastructural works

Contract Number: BIDR3/1 – BIDR

Description: Invitation to Tender: Construction of smaller buildings and civil engineering structures and infrastructural works for the new BAIC project to be constructed zone 1 of the COEGA IDZ. New Basic Vehicle Manufacturing Plant To Be Constructed at COEGA Industrial Development Zone For Basic Automobile SA Proprietary Limited. Works include : Test Track; 1ML reinforces contrite reservoir, 2 No 250kl and 1 No 100kl steel tanks for water storage, 2 No storm water detention ponds; roads and hardstands; paving for parking areas; bus bay; signage and road signage, water reticulation and main water connection, firewater reticulation, sewer reticulation, water reticulation and main water connection, firewater reticulation, sewer reticulation, Oil separator, water harvesting tanks, sewer tunnel, storm water pipe and channel system, traffic controls, cable ducts, landscaping.

Industry Sector: Renovations + Institutional

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Eastern Cape

Site Inspection: A compulsory briefing session on 26 April 2017 at 10:00. Raddison Blu Hotel, Marine, Port Elizabeth. Representatives from the BIDR will meet prospective Bidders in meeting room at first floor of the Raddison Blu Hotel, Marine Drive, Port Elizabeth.

Closing Date: 05 May 2017 at 12:00

Restrictions: Conditions: Tenders shall be registered with the construction industry development and should have a CIDB contractor grading of 9CE or higher. However 8 CE PE can also submit. respondents who comply who comply with the BIDR procurement policy and Procedure. Preferential procurement policy framework Act (PPPFA) principals shall apply, whereby submission will be evaluated according to the provision of the act and the public finance management act (PFMA) section 36 and 49. Bidders must submit a valid BBBEE verification Certificate from SANAS accredited verification Agency or from a registered auditor approved by independant Regulatory board. The following scores will be applied: Price 90; B-BBEE Status 10. Failure to provide any of the mandatory information required in this Bid will result in the submissions being deemed null and void and shall be considered non-responsive. Respondents must include a valid and original SARS Tax Compliance Certificate in their submissions in order to be considered. Telegraphic, telexed, facsimiled or e-mailed submissions will not be accepted. No telephonic or any other form of communication with any other BIDR member of staff, other than the named individual below, relating to this request for Bid will be permitted. Only one original completed bid document shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked: BIDR – Tender No 3/1; Construction of Smaller Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures and Infrastructural Works For The New Basic Project To Be Constructed Zone 1 Of The Coega IDZ. No late proposals will be considered. Greyvensteins telephone number is +27 41 501 5500

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to find more details about Construction of smaller buildings and civil engineering structures and infrastructural works?

About Nonkazi Zondi

I started at Leads 2 Business in September 2016 as a Content Researcher in the Daily Tenders South Africa Department.

Featured Tender: Transhex Housing Project : Phase 1

Contract Number: HSC01/2017/2018 – Department of Human Settlements

Description: Department of Human Settlements Cape Town invites tenders for the Construction of a Stormwater Canal, Channels and the Internal Civil Engineering Services for 2546 Erven for Phase 1 of the Transhex Housing Project, located in Worcester. This Contract is the First Phase of a Multi-Phased Project. No Tenderer will be awarded more than One Phase to Construct. The Contract comprises the Development and Construction of the following: Construction of Internal Civil Engineering Services for 2546 Erven. Construction of a Stormwater Canal and Channels. Transhex Housing Project: Phase 1.

Industry Sector: Institutional + Water + Residential

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: Western Cape

Site Inspection: A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Committee Room, 1st Floor, Breede Valley Municipality, c/o Baring and High Streets, Worcester, GPS Coordinates: 33°38’41.14” S 19°26’43.20” E on 13 April 2017 starting at 10:00. An additional compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Transhex Site, alongside the R60, Worcester. GPS Coordinates: 33°39’2.05” S 19°28’44.65” E on 13 April 2017 starting at 11:00.

Closing Date: 22 May 2017 at 11:00

Restrictions: It is estimated that tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading of 9CE. Preferences are offered to tenderers who Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017. Only tenderers who are registered and verified on the Western Cape Supplier Database and the Central Supplier Database (National Treasury). Tenderers who are not registered and verified on the above databases are not precluded from submitting tenders and quotations, but must be registered and verified before the closing date of the tender. Contracts will not be concluded with bidders who are not registered and verified on the Western Cape Supplier Database and the Central Supplier Database (National Treasury) at the time of closing date of the tender. are eligible to submit tenders. Telephonic, Telegraphic, Telex, Facsimile, Emailed and Late Tenders will not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivering, opening and assessment of Tenders are stated in the Tender Data.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to find more details about Transhex Housing Project: Phase 1

About George Harris

I started my incredible journey at Leads 2 Business in 2006. I am the Content Director, custodian of an amazing research team responsible for unearthing hidden gems of information.

Featured Tender: Periodic Maintenance of National Route R22 section 4 from Mseleni River (km 0.0) to Phelendaba Circle (km 31.2)

Contract Number: NRAR.022-040-2017/2 – SANRAL

Description: For the Periodic Maintenance of National Route R22 section 4 from Mseleni River (km 0.0) to Phelendaba Circle (km 31.2). The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the Periodic Maintenance of National Route R22 Section 4 from Mseleni River (km 0.0) to Phelendaba Circle (km 31.2). This project is in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal and in the district municipality of uMkhanyakude. The approximate duration is four (4) months.

Industry Sector: Road

Industry: Infrastructure

Region: KwaZulu-Natal

Site Inspection: A compulsory tender clarification meeting with representatives of SANRAL will take place at Mbazwana Inn, Mbazwana (behind Superspar) on 11 April 2017 starting at 11:00. Late arrivals will not be allowed to participate in the meeting and their submissions shall be declared non-responsive.

Closing Date: 27 April 2017 at 14:00

Restrictions: Tenderers are eligible to tender if they have access to a suitably qualified and experienced Contracts Manager, who shall be the single point of accountability and responsibility for the management of the construction works, and who is registered with SACPCMP as PrCM or with ECSA as PrEng or PrTechEng. Tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading designation of 7 CE or higher. However, tenderers attention is drawn to sub-sub-clause 4.1.1 of the Tender Data when submitting their tender. Tenders from tenderers with a CIDB contractor grading designation of 6 CEPE or lower will not be accepted. The primary criterion in selection, apart from the qualification and experience of the Contracts Manager, CIDB grading and costs, will be the degree to which the tenderer can demonstrate appropriate knowledge and expertise. Only locally produced or locally manufactured products and components for construction with a stipulated minimum threshold for local content and production as stated in the Tender Data will be considered. Preferences are therefore offered to tenderers who comply with the criteria stated in the Tender Data. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, email, facsimile, late tenders and submissions from tenderers who arrived late at the tender clarification meeting shall not be accepted. Tenders may only be submitted in the format as stated in the Tender Data. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivery, opening and assessment of tenders are stated in the Tender Data.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to find more details about Periodic Maintenance of National Route R22 section 4 from Mseleni River (km 0.0) to Phelendaba Circle (km 31.2)  

About Claire Donaldson

I started working at Leads 2 Business in February 2005, and have served as Head of Department of Daily Tenders from 2007 until the present. I oversee both the Daily Tenders South Africa and Africa Departments.

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