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Building Business Relationships!

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Building Business Relationships!

Yes, yes we have all heard the above statement before. I am sure everyone within a business setting has had this drilled into their heads over and over.

So could we actually learn anything new??

Yes, of course we can……..


Let me start off by giving you a little insight into something I found recently.
As you know Facebook has become a great way of communication and branding worldwide and we all have close friends and colleagues that utilise this social tool to express their opinions and of course achievements.
One of my friends on Facebook had done exactly that with regards to a big sale he had closed and it caught my eye, especially being within a business environment any success story intrigues me.

He had expressed the fact that after a year of prospecting a potential client, with endless amounts of meetings, drinking coffee and sitting through conversations that had absolutely nothing to do with what he had to offer………



Wow, could you see yourself prospecting a client for a year?

This is when I knew building a relationship with a client does not start once you get your first order or sale, but it starts from the time you walk into that door to meet your potential client.


PEOPLE LIKE PEOPLE – Meeting a potential client for the first time should be the most important introduction you have going forward, people like what they see and how they interact with you. Being yourself and showing how intrigued you are with their business and what they have to say is the first step in building that business relationship you want.


TIME IS CRITICAL – I know in the business world the quicker you close the deal the better, but there are some of those potential clients that you know you need to just give a little extra attention to. Use that to your advantage by spending that small amount of time you have on making sure your business relationship gets stronger by each meeting. Ultimately once you get that first order your relationship is already there.


POSITIVITY – Although some conversations might end up side tracked from your initial intent of getting down to business, always try to make a positive statement back to your company and or product/service that you want them to hear. Positivity will continually sit in the back of the mind of the customer and they will then start to understand how great you are and how beneficial your product or service is for them.


EQUAL SUCCESS – Vital point in building that strong relationship, even though your customer is important to you and you want to continue ensuring you get business from them, also ensure that they know how important you are to them. Get them to understand that they need you and that they can rely on you at all times to get them what they need. Having that type of mind set will make for a long term business relationship that they nor you would like to see crack.


COMMUNICATION – Keeping all lines of communication open between you and a customer always brings a sense of security to the relationship, if these lines are crossed it could put pressure and strain on your relationship and ultimately put you in a situation where you might not be able to build up that relationship again or even take you a longer time. Clients like honestly and always ensure that you are straight forward to them, them being secure will ultimately make you and them happy.


RESPECT – Respecting one another in all aspects, personal and business is an important point that should always be considered, never step onto client’s feet that might cause tension between you two. Know your boundaries with a client either before or once a deal has been closed.


OFFERING – Although you are building this relationship to ensure future business, always offer your potential or existing clients some help where needed. Your knowledge into a sector of the industry that they might be battling with can always strengthen your partnership within the relationship. They know you have their back and only want them to succeed.


From reading the above, you should have gathered a better understanding that building a business relationship comes from the very beginning but does not stop.

Always find ways to strengthen this relationship as it can always grow and become stronger, but always keep in mind the boundaries and where you stand.

As it has always been said . . . .”IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO” , make sure you the first one that initiates this business relationship, it will only build up for a great future.





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About Ashlee Hennessy

I am Ashlee Kelly and I have been with Leads 2 Business for a year and 3 months. Although new to the Company I have been in the construction industry for 4 Years. My passion is working with clients and ensuring that they grow their business in the right direction by getting involved in projects and tenders we can offer. I am a very out-going person with many characteristics, and love to help when a client needs any assistance.

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