Featured Tender: Appointment of three(3) Qualified Electrical Contractors for Emergency Work

Appointment of three(3) Qualified Electrical Contractors for Emergency Work on the KSDLM Overhead and Underground Electrical Network at Various Locations within KSDLM

Qualified Electrical Contractors

Contract Number:

SCM:002/2018/19 – king Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality


Appointment of three(3) Qualified Electrical Contractors for Emergency Work on the KSDLM Overhead and Underground Electrical Network at Various Locations within KSDLM


Category Industry
Electrical & Instrumentation Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Eastern Cape 2018-07-20 10:30 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
15 August 2018 at 12:00 No Details



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About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

Building relationships to grow your business

posted in: General 2

Building relationships to grow your business

Today is the kind of day where I wish inspiration came out of my shower. I’m no business owner and I don’t have any sort of marketing degree behind my name.

I can tell you however, that a business is only as good as the client it serves, and no business gets far after losing the clients it had.

I promise you that not all of my thoughts come from the shower.
I do think out of the box too.

The key to success is building relationships that go beyond one-time projects and provides value to these clients on a consistent, ongoing basis. You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.

Building business relationships are not like any other relationship with a partner, No. It is much more than that.

Money can’t buy one of the most important things you need to build your business, Clients. You can’t have a million dollar dream with minimum work ethic.

How do customer relationships drive your business? It is all about finding people who believe in your product or service. How are you going to do this? You develop relationships with people who don’t just understand your particular expertise, product or service but who are excited and buzzing about what you do.

Relationships have a short shelf life. “There is nothing i can’t do, except reach the top shelf. I can’t do that.” Don’t be that guy! For crying in a bucket, get the ladder and reach the top. One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they come home from networking events and fail to follow up. Make the connection immediately, It’s easier to keep a connection warm than to warm it up again once the trail goes cold.

I would now like to share my knowledge on how to build client relationships:


When you make the right connections you’re much more likely to be a success. E-mail marketing keeps a work relationship strong on a shoestring budget.
Build a reputation by giving away free insight. Come on who doesn’t love free things?

Make the E-mail interesting and worth the read, most important make connection with the same people that shares the same interests and goals as you.




Reward loyal customers and they will reward you, for example the CEO at Leads 2 Business will host a lovely golf day for all our clients. Make them feel special and appreciated.
Once you show them, that appreciation they will be around for a very long time.


The saying, “Give and you shall receive” goes a very long way when it comes to this.




Own it, this may be the most difficult skill to master because it hits home morally and shows your human side. When something goes wrong you may have to take the bullet even if it wasn’t your fault or the company’s fault.

If it was you or the company that was in the wrong being respectful and honest shows vulnerability and the ability to take criticism that goes with being wrong.

Step in without being asked, it is easy to help when you are asked. Most people will. People who build client relationships pay close attention so that they can tell when others are struggling.

Offer to help, not just to build a good relationship with your client base, but because you care.

With all this said I would like to remind you to be authentic.

Be genuine. Be real.


Here is a quote for the day:

By being remarkable, being genuine, you can be worth connecting with. And you don’t have to have it all figured out perfectly the first time – you can adjust.

~ Seth Godin ~

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About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

Featured Tender: Manufacturing, Factory High Frequency Transformers for Lethabo Power Station

Manufacturing, Factory High Frequency Transformers for Lethabo Power Station

Nduli Nature Reserve

Contract Number:

MPPPSC001070R – Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd – Readvertisement


Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd invites tenders for the Engineering Design, Manufacturing, Factory Acceptance Testing, Site Delivery, Installation, Commissioning, Optimization and Performance Testing of High Frequency Transformers (HFT) for Lethabo Power Station.


Category Industries
Electrical & Instrument Power Grid
Region Site Inspection
Free State 2018-05-25 10:00 AM
Closing Date Restrictions
12 June 2018 at 10:00 The tender data makes several references to the Eskom Standard Conditions of Tender which can be obtained on www.eskom.co.za. Only bids can be submitted that complies with the Eligibility criteria stated in the Tender data. Tenderers are deemed ineligible to submit a tender if they have the nationality of a country on any international sanctions list, conflict of interest. Tenderers must be registered on the Central Supplier Database. A tender must meet all pre-qualifying criteria. Ineligible tenders will be disqualified. Tender must be valid for 12 weeks after closing date. No late tenders will be accepted. It is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading of 9EP or 9EB or higher. 8EP or 8EB Potentially Emerging Enterprises who satisfy criteria stated in the Tender Data may submit Tender offers. Preferences are offered to tenderers who N/A Only tenderers who Technical Mandatory Tender Returnables Supplier of equipment to provide proof of documentation that the equipment operates at or greater than 20 kHz HFPS rating to be at least that of the existing rectifier transformers. 70kV, 1700mA List of reference units where HFT technology is installed on Coal Fired Boiler Provide minimum 12 month warranty from commissioning on the product Tenderers who do not submit mandatory tender returnables as at stipulated deadlines will be disqualified. Pre-Qualification Criteria The following mandatory pre-qualification criteria applicable The tender shall sub-contracting at least minimum of 30% of the scope to the following designated groups that are at least 51% owned by Black individual in the following categories: An EME or QSE with at least 51% black owned (BO); An EME or QSE with at least 51% youth black owned BYO); An EME or QSE with at least 51% black women owned (BWO); An EME or QSE with at least 51% owned by black people living with disability (BPLwD);and An EME or QSE with at least 51% owned by black people in rural or underdeveloped areas or townships A cooperative which is at least 51% owned by black people; and An EME or QSE which at least 51% owned by black people who are military veterans. Tenderer who do not meet the minimum pre-qualification criteria, will be deemed unacceptable and be disqualified for further evaluation. To comply with the above, it is mandatory for the tenderer to sign and accept attached Annexure K forms are eligible to submit tenders.


If you are a valued Tender subscriber, you can find more details about this Tender here
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.
To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.
To view more articles, please visit our blog.


About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

Featured Tender: Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategy

Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategy
Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategy

Contract Number:

SK8/3/1-33/2017/18 – Sekhukhune District Municipality


Sekhukhune District Municipality invites bids from suitably qualified service providers to supply and deliver the following: Request for Proposals for Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategy.







Site Inspection:

Groblersdal, Fire Station on 12 February 2018 at 12:00

Closing Date:

20 February 2018 at 11:00


Duly completed Bid documents must be deposited In the bid box available at Groblersdal Fire Station, Groblersdal. The district municipality Is not obliged to appoint the tenderer with the lowest price and reserves the right not to make an appointment. Please note: Late bids, telegraphic bids or faxed bids will not be considered. Attachment of Valid Tax Clearance Certificate is compulsory. Certified Copies of Company Registration Documents are compulsory. Certified copy of BBBEE Verification Certificate.


If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click here for more information on this Tender.

If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit our website.

To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit our Wiki site.

To view more articles, please visit our blog.

About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

Featured Tender: Construction of 56 Housing Units and Associated Infrastructure Works and Amenities on Undeveloped Land on Existing NHDC Housing Estates


Contract Number: NHDC/0413/LOT10 – National Housing Development Co. Ltd

Description: Construction of 56 Housing Units and Associated Infrastructure Works and Amenities on Undeveloped Land on Existing NHDC Housing Estates

Category: Building

Industries: Institutional

Region: Mauritius

Site Inspection: A pre-bid site visit/meeting will be held as follows: Date: Thursday 30 November 2017, Time: 10:30, Place: On Site Calebasses at main entrance.

Closing Date: 18 December 2017 at 14:00 (Local Time)

Restrictions: Bids received after the specified date and time will be returned unopened. Bids will be opened on the same day as from 14:30 (local time) in the Board Room, at the above address in the presence of representatives of the bidders who may choose to attend. The NHDC reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to any bidder.

If you are a valued Tender subscriber, Click to here for more information

About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

L2B Blog: Consulting Work in Africa

I hope that my blog doesn’t bore you too much. I like to talk – to the point where I am consciously aware that I am bothering the people around me… and yet I continue. As a mitigating consideration, (fingers crossed) I don’t think I’m boring. The fact that I think I might have the gift of the gab is probably one of the main reasons why I shouldn’t run out of things to talk about. 😉


I will be discussing consultants, who are they and what do they do?


To be honest, the very first time I heard the word “consultants”, I immediately thought of doctors, I don’t know why… probably because I’m Afrikaans. I lie awake at night sometimes worrying that my words, phrases, and punctuation will end up in court. Why? To be sentenced, of course.


A consultant is a person who provides professional or expert advice in a particular field of business to either an organisation or individual. There are various different types of consultants. Consultants are professionals, typically appointed by the client to perform expert tasks on a project.


The members of the Consultant team that are likely to be required on most projects are:

*Quantity surveyors


In this regard, I’m going to focus on Architects.


Giving people an exceptional experience, and turning what appears to be nothing, into a space of breathtaking beauty.


That is the art of being an Architect. #WeLoveOurArchitects

#SiyawathandaAmaArchitectsAseAfrica #OnsWaardeerArgitekte



What is an Architect?


An Architect is someone who plans, designs and reviews the construction of developments. The architect is acquainted with the tender procedures and building contracts.


It’s amazing how opportunities in Africa became extraordinary. With the rapid economic growth, masses migrated into the cities, (which is quite distressing) how would you plan for expansion of these cities which were built for only a limited few? Well, with the right political agency and the right construction environment you can transform an empty space into a breathtaking sight, Exciting right!! I like to think that Architects develop the world, after all they create the foundation which our shopping malls, hospitals, schools and so much more are built on.


Please click here to view a project in Swaziland on our site














Image Source



Enough harping on about how much I love architects. If you think about it for a second, throughout Africa there is a great need for mixed use developments. It’s an important aspect and this is the reason why I feel that Architecture plays a big role just as much in Africa as everywhere else.


The continued population growth across Africa has resulted in increased demand for infrastructure development. This has in return driven a significant rise in the number of investors seeking opportunities. There are companies whose main goal it is to provide exceptional services from conceptual to completion in developing new structures for the prosperity of Africa.


A long time ago there was no such thing as big flashy buildings or proper roofing with foundations and pretty things for the eyes. It was simple, traditional architecture. You had a choice of a wooden or a mud house. On the southern coast of Benin in West Africa, for example, there is an entire city built on stilts. These range from churches to banks and even hospitals. I read something once that caught my eye: “I asked him why he wanted a metal roof, and he said, because then I would be somebody.


Image Source


If you think about it, this way architects have the power to make developments in Africa a source of income for the majority of locals who happen to be young people and are most likely unemployed. If Architects build sturdy structures they are automatically creating employment. By pushing innovation in local materials with skills and craftsmanship based on African heritage, they can actually end up with a mix of development that can benefit the population. Yes, we value our Architects in Africa. If African countries keep growing, it’ll continue to be an exciting place to work as an architect. Just remember, whatever good things we build ends up building us. #ValueOurArchitects


I would just like to place emphasis on the importance of proper architecture in the construction industry, after all architecture is the art and science of designing and building large structures. I would like to let you in on a terrible incident that took place in Kenya due to poor consultancy service and planning. In this case Kenya’s lab got a D on their report for this “science project”.


In April this year a building collapsed in Nairobi, leaving at least 12 people dead and others injured. The underlying cause and I quote “is poor construction, a problem reflected across the city and many other parts of Kenya”. In Nairobi alone only 42% of the cities buildings are considered safe for inhabitants, according to the 2015 audit by Kenya’s National Construction Authority, the Daily Nation reported and I quote again “developers are bypassing construction rules and regulations in order to meet the demand” said architecture professor Alfred Omenya in an interview after two buildings collapsed last year.


So… Consultancy in Africa…..yes, we need you and we don’t want any more buildings collapsing in Africa.


Please click on the link to read more about the article of the collapsing buildings in Kenya.


Finishing off, I would like to encourage you to check our website at www.l2b.co.za for amazing leads and business opportunities on consultancy. You can also sign up for a free trial to see what we are all about.


Until we meet again:)


“The road to success is always under construction”


















About Sonet van Wygaard

I started working at Leads 2 Business in 2014. I was part of the Tenders Africa team and moved to Projects in 2019. I love every second of it!

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