Home » Featured Tender » Featured Tender: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Design for water and sanitation systems on the Eastern Corridor Road

Featured Tender: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Design for water and sanitation systems on the Eastern Corridor Road


Contract Number:

GHA/AfDB/ECRDP/QCBS/SERV/08/2020 – (Expression of Interest) – Ghana Highway Authority


The Government of the Republic of Ghana has received financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) towards the cost of the implementation of the Eastern Corridor Road Development Programme, Phase 1 (ECRDP-1), and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this loan to payments under the contract for the Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Design for water and sanitation systems on the Eastern Corridor road. The Components included under the ECRDP-1 are; Road Construction Works (Dufour Adidome – Asikuma Junction (39.2km) and Asutuare – Aveyime (23.9km) including Interchanges at Dufour Adidome and Asikuma Junction); Consultancy Services; Project Management & Institutional support; Community Support; Trade & Regional Integration.

Category Industry
Consultants Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Ghana No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
10 September 2021 at 17:00 (Local Time) No Details

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