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Featured Project: Rossing Uranium Mine Upgrade, Namibia

Namibia – PPA 33754


Rössing Uranium Ltd is focused on extending the life of the Rossing Uranium Mine in Namibia beyond 2036. The project requires deeper mining of the same SJ ore-body through a north-eastern extension of the current pit (Phase 4 pushback) to supply the existing process plant with sufficient ore until the end of 2036. The Rössing infrastructure and processing plant are also being upgraded, including the construction of a 15 MWe photovoltaic solar power plant, as well as expansion of the tailings storage facility.
Status Region
Underway Namibia
Category Value
Infrastructure R200 million+
Industry Timing
Mining 13 years (2024 – 2036)
Sector Class
Private Invited


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About Melanie Miles

One girl who would rather wear boots than high heels...

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