Did You Know #DYK: We have Architects on our Directory? (Guided Search)

We have Architects on our Directory? (Guided Search)

The definition of an Architect:

1. A person who engages in the profession of architecture.

2. A person professionally engaged in the design of certain large constructions other than buildings and the like: landscape architect; naval architect.

3. The deviser, maker, or creator of anything: the architects of the Constitution of the United States, Verb (used with object)

4. To plan, organise, or structure as an architect: The house is well architected.

Reference: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/architect


So now that we know what an Architect is/does – let’s find them on Leads 2 Business’ Directory:

There are a few ways of finding Architects on our Directory, namely by keyword, then under Professional Type and also Trades. We are going to go through the different ways:

Firstly, we are going to search by keyword: this search looks in the description & name fields. So any company, division, branch, contact with the word Architect(s) in the name or description field will be found.

Login in with your username and password.

On your Dashboard – click on “All” and select Directory – in the Search box type “Architect/s” – click the magnifying glass.


The search results will show all the Architects on our Directory, you may filter your results by using the toolbar on the left of the screen. By clicking on Region, you are able to search for Architect/s in a specific Region, etc. You are able to view the details by clicking either the contact, Branch, Division or Company level.

Secondly, we are able to search for Architects on our Directory by searching with Professional Type (under the toolbar): Looks for all contacts with the contact type of Architect & companies/division/branches with one contact with the architect type.

On the Directory search page, the Toolbar on the left – select Professional Type – Scroll to and then click in the box next to Architects

Once again, to view the details of the Architect – click on the Contact, Branch, Division or Company level.

Then lastly, search for Architect/s by Trades (under Toolbar): This will search Branches with that trade selected as Architect/s. On the Directory search page, the Toolbar on the left – select Trades – scroll to and then click in the box next to “Consulting – Architect”:

You are able to view the details by clicking the contact, Branch, Division or Company level.

And that’s how easy it is.

For any assistance, never fear when L2B is near, we love hearing from you…. so contact us if you get stuck.

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